While following Spirit’s inner guidance, I came upon an interesting reading, which I have no doubt was part of today’s series of Divine synchronicity unfolding.
Note: Image on right found next to link => Fiveprime
The article’s titled, “Twin Flames” by Tillie Walden.” I usually don’t read The New York Times, but I was curious what the they had to say about a topic that’s very dear to my heart.
Whenever I come upon any reading, I ‘ve been in the habit of asking Spirit within to help me to Be wise and discerning, and to see with much clarity—from a multidimensional, love-based perspective of unity consciousness, that also includes the physical mind’s 3D, fear-based perspective of separation consciousness (which helps us to deeply empathize with our human aspect of self and interconnected humanity).
After reading the creative cartoon (from the article/link above)—a summarized version of an actual story in article, “A Manhattan Fortuneteller Cost Him Fortune After Fortune” (that I may fully read later if I feel like it)—I first acknowledged and honored the frustrated, angry and sad feelings within me.
It never feels good when lost souls are manipulated by the corrupt. It also doesn’t feel good when the whole truth isn’t told, and when the often used tactic of ridicule—by the ignorant and/or corrupt without the intention of simply being humorous—exaggerates and/or misrepresents a truth (e.g., not all aliens, extraterrestrials, UFO’s, USO’s, etc. are bad or evil).
Note: Images right above and right below found next to links => The New York Times
The main character of this story—that may or may not be fully or partially true—was basically deceived and used for his vulnerability, gullibility and abundance of money.
Though he believed that the false physic woman was helping him to be in a “Twin Flame” relationship with the so-called love of his life, he wasn’t even aware of what it means to truly Be a Twin Flame.
His obsession and desperation (like many within humanity) stemmed from much fear, which is not the very high, vibratory frequency (core essence/Unconditional Love) of a Twin Flame, though the low vibration of fear is present within all souls just as the colors red through violet (compassion) is present within white.
I trust that Twin Flames are Masters of Frequencies, Master Alchemists, Master Teachers, and much more; hence, they can manage energies (i.e., able to use the energy of fear in a beneficial way, like being cautious, and effortlessly transmute—raise the vibratory frequency of—fear energy).
It’s understandable why the man was deeply yearning for true love, since it’s natural for humans to seek unconditional love.
However, throughout human history, we have been conditioned (by those running general society) to believe that this true love is only outside of us.
Therefore, humans have overly romanticized the idea of true love, soul mate, and even Twin Flame, believing that it’s only about having a guaranteed loving partner to spend the rest of one’s life with, falling madly in love, lust, meaningless or somewhat meaningful sex, candle-light dinners, Valentine’s Day, starting a “happy life” with a family that includes kids and/or pets (the way society advertises), frequent Facebook postings (for all to see and to uplift one’s fearful and fragile ego self), and/or conditional love (that only likes what’s likable and loves what’s lovable, which is too easy to do for anyone).
However, I trust that the true, Twin Flame relationship is ultimately Unconditional Love at its finest; and when both halves of a soul integrate and balance their male and female energies within, the soul will merge with Holy Spirit (Prime Creator/Source/Divine Mother Goddess) to birth the Divine Human, and Be Trinity.
As one is Soul/Spirit—aka God/Goddess, Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine, Sun/Moon, Yang/Yin, Mind/Heart—-within a physical/Light body (God if in a male body, and Goddess if in a female body), one can attract to him/her another who is a mirror of all that they are (full-potential, Multidimensional Self).
So by falling in love with ourselves first and foremost (gradually, at whatever moments, or instantaneously)—unconditionally embracing and loving all aspects of ourselves inside and out—we can attract to us our perfect match (LOA/Law of Attraction: like energies attract to one another).
When a Twin Flame(s) is manifested in physical reality, I trust that they will not only Be Amazing, but will accomplish together on all levels—to include mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually—the so-called impossible for humanity, Mother Earth, merging worlds, and beyond.
They will be unstoppable as well, blazing through all that is corrupt in this world with the most powerful natural force within them—-Unconditional, Pure, True Love/Holy Spirit/Source/Prime Creator/Divine Mother Goddess/I (God/Light) AM (Goddess/Love) Presence.
The lower/dense energies can choose to be transmuted by the very high, Cosmic frequencies—by opening their hearts and integrating heart with mind—or they can continue to be stuck within the illusions of the dark valley of death (i.e., transformation of energy state, like solid/dense/slow vibrating ice that melts and can then turn into faster vibrating steam).
Side Note: Speaking of unstoppable above, I love Sia’s song, “UnStoppable” (<= click on link to open in another window), along with some of her other songs.
Now back to the ongoing search for true love outside of us. Now if we don’t even embrace and love all aspects of self unconditionally, how can we do this for others?
We wouldn’t even know what unconditional love is from our personal experience (experiential knowledge/actual wisdom).
If we don’t even know what something looks like and/or feels like, how can we find it out there? By following what others say about true love, who have never even experienced it themselves? That would truly be the blind leading the blind.
I trust that True Love/Unconditional Love must first be rebirthed from within. Like other spiritual teachers have shared, we must first fall in love with ourselves in order to fully (not half-ass) love others unconditionally.
This doesn’t mean that we need to become selfish and not share love with others in the process, but it’s about Being Balance and Harmony—to include having healthy boundaries in relationships, not allowing others to take advantage of our generous giving and love, as well as learning to take care of ourselves (physical selves/souls/Spirit within).
The most generous and loving beings I’ve ever known also loved themselves unconditionally. It doesn’t mean they were perfect at every moment, but they were on the “right” path—the path of the integrated Mind/Heart, which is universal regardless of earthly labels and boxes like religions and other rigid belief systems and ways of being.
From a 3D perspective, it was unfortunate that the man wasn’t aware and discerning; hence, he was used by the false psychic.
However, from an expanded perspective, he unknowingly (as a human)/knowingly (as soul) did humanity a favor by showing us what’s NOT wise to do.
And the situation had to be in the form of EXTREME EXAMPLE, because other seemingly countless, small examples are easily swept under the GINORMOUS RUG that is society.
Since The New York Times is apparently very popular within this world, it has the potential to reach many readers.
If the readers are intelligent, and I trust that many are, they will Be open-minded and open-hearted about the story—or any story/situation/circumstance—in order to see with clarity.
It’s too easy to perceive the man as the “good” victim and the false psychic as a “bad” villain. However, nobody forced him to make irrational decisions. Allow me to rephrase: In my opinion, spending more than a few hundred dollars on a psychic seems irrational (if your financial situation doesn’t allow it) since there are many probabilities to one’s past and future.
In addition, it may help to use a psychic(s) as a guideline, or for some extra info that may be helpful in one’s life, IF the psychic provides a fair amount of SPOT ON information (that s/he could not have known) prior to a session, and doesn’t give general information like, “I see a romantic partner in your near future” during a session without any specific details.
However, it may not be a good idea to completely believe everything that is said by a psychic. It’s wise to be discerning (have good judgment), because even psychics have their own filters (in various degrees); hence, Spirit’s message (in whatever form within countless extensions) may not be fully and clearly transmitted, translated or interpreted.
I trust that we all have the most perfect way of receiving guidance from Soul/Spirit within—via intuition, gut feeling, ideas, insights, flash images, dream messages, signs, symbols, Divine synchronicity (to include number synchronicity) etc.—-though the outside world can be helpful too.
HOWEVER COMMA spending a total of more than $700,000 on psychic readings (money that was meant for other things)? Ssseriously?? Now that’s what the character Red, from That 70’s Show would shout, “Dumbass!” (and I add…jackass, crazyass, and even lazyass—for not taking the time to create ANY healthy boundaries); and that’s more of a neutral observation than judgment. 😉
At some point, it would’ve behooved him to shout to the false psychic, “OH HEYLL NO!!! Enough with all the BULLshit you greedy motherf#$%er! Now give me back my damn money!” But then again, I think he was a white guy with a lot of money to throw away.
You see, this bitch didn’t just walk all over him like a passive doormat, she freakin’ did back and forth sprints and stomps all up in his space.
And all he did was bend over further each time so that she could go DEEP into his ass, without any form of lubrication (so messed up).
One would think…that at around the halfway point of $700,000+—or even better, wwway before that—he would have a light-bulb moment like, “Wwwait a minute. Man, this doesn’t feel right, it doesn’t feel so good. Maybe, just maybe, this wannbe psychic isn’t for real!” Lesson learned for all who crossed paths with the story (hopefully), to include the man who was merely seeking for true love, despite his method.
On the other hand, there’s nothing “wrong” with spending that amount of money on a psychic, if you 1) can afford it, 2) use the information for helpful and/or entertainment purposes, and/or 3) you don’t have any expectations (hence, preventing any possible disappointments and going into victim mentality mode where you play the blame game if things don’t work out your way).
The false psychic basically saw an opportunity to take advantage of someone (BIG time), and took it, like many fearful, seemingly heartless people would.
It wasn’t her problem that he had no healthy boundaries. Once again, this is one example of why it’s important to love oneself as well, which includes (but is not limited to): self-worth, high self-esteem, self-respect, self-empowerment, self-confidence and self-awareness.
This isn’t to say that the false psychic was a victor; because ultimately, no one wins in situations that stem from the absence of love.
I have no doubt that she starting digging her own grave as soon as she intended to use the man who came to her for help; he trusted her.
It’s wise to keep in mind that even within the huge spirituality community—like everywhere else—there exists corruption (and the opposite of that). Therefore, there are deceptive psychics and those who misrepresent (and even abuse) the use of the topic Twin Flame(s).
On the other hand, I trust that there are also honest psychics and authentic Twin Flames.
Because to throw everything into white or black boxes would be narrow-minded and ignorant. Life is multi-faceted, multidimensional, and very colorful with all its hues, shades and everything inbetween within this Universe and beyond.
I initially typed a summary of my thoughts and feelings about this topic into my journal. However, I started feeling a slight earache, which I instantly knew was related to a brief imbalance of my throat chakra since I had the experience before.
I knew—intuitively and via experiential knowledge/wisdom— that Spirit within wanted me to fully and freely express my truths, and share them with humanity and beyond (since it’s an important topic).
Plus, the ache was in my left ear, and I trust this was due to the left side of the body correlating with the right hemisphere of the brain (the unbalanced female energy or the balanced, highest vibration of The Divine Feminine energy/Yin/Moon/Goddess). The right side of the body correlates with the left hemisphere of the brain (the unbalanced male energy, or the balanced, highest vibration of The Divine Masculine energy/Yang/Sun/God).
After typing a few paragraphs into this post, my earache went away like a miracle. Such experiences build my confidence when it comes to trusting Spirit’s inner guidance within (which any soul can do with the start of genuine intention from the heart).
In addition, right after reading the two articles mentioned above, and feeling down, I was going to leave a comment stating a summarized version of what was expressed above via my reunitingall@gmail.com account; but I then noticed that the comment section was closed.
Apparently, you have to subscribe to the NYT in order to make a comment, so I did; but when they sent me an email shortly afterwards, I unsubscribed.
I didn’t feel good about all the corruption of this world, and felt powerless again; however, I noticed 3:33 on my laptop.
As usual, I asked my angels (aka angel-selves) and Ascended Masters (Ascended Master selves) within to continue assisting me to Be full-potential, Multidimensional Self—Soul/Spirit, integrated Mind/Heart, God/Goddess, Yang/Yin, Sun/Moon—at every moment effortlessly, to include unconditionally embracing and loving all aspects of self.
I then received an insight: The great news is, the NYT published articles about the topic Twin Flames, which means that they are fearful that one too many people are reading, watching, hearing, and/or learning about them; hence, they feel desperate to put out information that ridicules and misrepresents the Twin Flame phenomenon and completely undermines psychics in general.
I usually use the website ANGEL NUMBERS – Joanne Sacred Scribes as a guidance tool to look up the meanings of sacred number codes (aka angel numbers, truth codes, frequency codes, etc.).
I stated ‘guidance tool’ since I’ve developed a habit of only extracting what highly resonates with me, and releasing any data that doesn’t feel good to my heart.
When I was about to look up the meaning to 955 (a recurring number within each year), the page suddenly switched to an interpretation of 866, which I’ve never looked up before.
Although it was easy to brush the moment off as me accidentally clicking on a number, I strongly sensed that it was meant to happen, like everything else in life. Reminder: There are no coincidences, only Divine intervention known as Divine synchronicity (which includes number synchronicity).
So I looked up the meaning, and the first paragraph states the following:
Angel Number 866 tells you to look into the deeper meanings and messages of any challenges and/or obstacles that you may be currently facing. What are they demonstrating to you, what pattern may be repeating, and now can you find resolution? Allow yourself the time and space to clearly hear and understand the answers. [so I made an intention statement to effortlessly receive answers from within]
Though I highly resonate with the interpretation of angel number 333 within the website ANGEL NUMBERS – Joanne Sacred Scribes, I had a desire to use another tool to look up certain number sequences, and the following paragraph is a reading from the website, International Starseed Network, “Number meanings from time prompt study“ which I trust provides additional info:
333- a balanced 3rd dimension, Christ consciousness, truth, the ability to see things from God’s point of view. compassion. Usually seen when a person has deep thought about something and sees it from the highest perspective. It’s a big yes signal. Same as the sun card in the tarot which often comes up at the same time. It signifies the self as a balanced and healthy ego seeing from truth.
Note: The following intro is part of a section that was later turned into its own post, “Stepping Stones of Success to Being Full-Potential Self“
Before I even left the Army life in 2011, and focused on my spiritual path as a mystic, I often felt that my husband of now 13 years isn’t a perfect match for me.
And by perfect, I don’t mean being perfect in every earthly label way—outer appearance, intelligence, status, position, financial background, educational background, etc.—but in a spiritual way (a deeper connection) [….]
Bobbie says
B (Brooke?), thank you so much for sharing your related story, as well as providing helpful feedback for this post.
I also deeply appreciate you sharing a very important reminder, which is for all of us to unconditionally love ourselves, which helps us to truly and fully do so for interconnected Life.
I’m happy for you that you started to acknowledge the Divine synchronicities of your outer world, connecting you to your inner world, to include number synchronicity.
Continue to Be an invaluable gift to humanity and beyond.
B says
I googled 955 and ended up here. I have seen numbers since I was young and resonate most with 11:11 and 3:33. It wasn’t until the last year that I really started to pay attention. So now I’m learning and doing, and this article was exactly what I needed to read right now. So much gratitude that you followed spirit to post it for others.
I also like using Angel Numbers Joanne Sacred Scribes as a guidance tool and agree that it helps.
What you wrote- it resonates. I’ve had many of these thoughts lately about the love of oneself and what that looks like and have finally, thankfully, started doing what I need to be doing.
Thank you for your contribution to the journey.