Right after checking my email account this morning, I noticed an article title that raised my curiosity, “Why Having an Affair Made Me a Better Mother,” so I started reading it to see if it resonates with me.
I’m grateful that I came upon this reading, because it not only gave me the opportunity to cross paths with the energies of someone so authentic and honest, but it also helped me to realize my own thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about such matters.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => www.facebook.com, and image on left below found next to link => www.blick.ch (thank you)
After briefly skimming through a lot of angry and hateful comments from other readers, I realized that whether it was around 2,000 years ago, or present day, not much has spiritually evolved within general society when it comes to being nonjudgmental and loving toward others, regardless of what Ascended Master Jesus taught within the ineffective Christian religions.
The following is a comment that I shared with the anonymous writer of the article/link above:
Thank you for sharing your story, and being courageous and refreshingly honest enough to be vulnerable within an often “righteous” world that is very quick to point fingers, jump to conclusions (without all the facts), judge, resent, disrespect, dislike, ridicule, mock, hate and even condemn.
It’s too easy to only write about things that are considered acceptable by general society; a monkey can do that.
Vulnerability is often perceived by society as a weakness; however, it’s actually an empowering strength.
Why? Because a willingness to be vulnerable in an often hostile environment takes a lot of courage and inner strength, as well as the integrity to speak the truth.
ANYONE can hide behind a facade that conveys on the outer surface, “I’m such a good person who doesn’t makes mistakes in life.”
Facebook, and other social media, are great examples of this, where many many people often post what they know will be accepted and approved of by society so that they can receive their “like” check off the block and/or supporting comments.
However, Divinity within all of Life throughout the cosmos clearly sees the Truth. When people are quick to throw their stones at others—often times while wearing the earthly label of “Christian” or some other religion or set of beliefs—it makes me wonder about their own skeletons in their pitch dark closets that they keep hidden so well.
When someone has a gun, and you voluntarily provide them with ammo, and then they shoot you, what does that make them?
Powerful? No, because you chose to be vulnerable, and you also realize that your body may die (merely a transformation of energy state), but no one can ever destroy your soul/Spirit within.
Does it make them a coward for using what you provided against you? Definitely.
Until we walk in another’s shoes, we will never truly know all that they’ve been through mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
Whoever your are, it doesn’t matter, since ultimately…all souls are interconnected parts of the whole/The One God/Goddess within us all.
Continue to Be your authentic self, fully trusting your inner guidance system (heart/intuition), and always remember to honor your feelings (the language of your soul), regardless of what “others” may say.
Others don’t define who we truly are, only we do.
By allowing others to manipulate and control how we think, feel, or believe about ourselves, we give our inner power away.
Open-minded people with open hearts will not verbally punish you for being your true self; but rather, will highly respect and/or admire you for being real within a society that often wears a lot of masks.
Our soul/Spirit within us unconditionally accepts/loves ALL aspects of us at every moment, and we just need to remember to always validate self/Self/SELF.
<3<3<3 Barbara
Added 12/11/15: Post, “The Realization that We Encounter in Life All that We Believe“
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