I experienced a series of Divine synchronicity today that led me to some military-related information that I wasn’t aware of before.
I wondered why I hadn’t come upon such helpful information years ago, and the answer I received from within was that it was highly beneficial for me to go through the process of clearly seeing the bigger picture (the expanded, Multidimensional perspective).
Note: Image on right found next to link => My Little Magic Shop
Otherwise, I would continue to be stuck within separation consciousness (to include victim mentality), unable to deeply heal and realize, that ultimately (at the soul and Spirit level), everything that happens, happens for us, though they may show up as either obvious blessings, or blessings in disguise.
Note: Image on left found next to link => Holy Smokes
When we re-member (at the soul level) that there’s a much greater force behind all the earthly happenings and human dramas of Life—the most powerful, natural force within this Universe and beyond—we become empowered (i.e., we reconnect with our inner power).
Note: Image on right found next to link => bf-astro.com
I’ve noticed for a while now that whenever I share my personal stories from the past as a reference, I no longer feel wounded by them, which I trust is a major sign that I’ve been able to detach myself from them emotionally by perceiving negative events (especially traumas) as neutral.
Note: Image on left found next to link => Universe Of Light
Granted, before this happened, I allowed myself to freely think and deeply feel various, negative thoughts and negative emotions that resurfaced in order to be authentic and fully present with all of my pain; inner-child work and shadow work has helped immensely.
Note: Image on right found next to link => Harvard Business Review
Within a few months to a year, the combined teachings of Teal Swan, the website lonerwolf, and Abraham-Hicks has helped me the most—where I only take in knowledge and wisdom that highly resonates with me, and disregard whatever doesn’t feel right or good; I love to follow my inner guidance first and foremost (i.e., Wisdom/Inner-Peace/Unconditional Love/Freedom/Joy).
Note: Image on left found next to link => GIFER
I have no doubt that this integration process has helped me to deeply heal and to unconditionally accept, embrace, and even love more and more aspects of my Multidimensional self (physical self)/Self (Soul/Spirit within)—the contrast/duality/polarity of the so-called good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark, etc.
I trust that the more we love our whole self/Self unconditionally, the more can do so for interconnected Life within this world and beyond; True Love starts from within.
Note: Images above found next to links => 1) Rebloggy and 2) IMDb
I shared the following comment in the My Duty to Speak blog:
Thank you all for your courage, inner strength, honesty, integrity, sharing of your inner-truths/stories, and for making a difference in this world.
Today, I experienced a trail of breadcrumbs (aka Divine synchronicity) that led me to this space. The following videos were very informative, deeply heartfelt, encouraging, uplifting, helpful, empowering, and/or inspiring:
– Asia Argento’s Powerful Speech At The European Parliament
– Sexual Assault Survivors Are Pushing The Military To Have Its #MeToo Moment
– Sexual Harassment is Not Limited to Hollywood – #MeToo – The Military – Remember Tailhook?
– #MeToo: Weinstein arrested for rape
– Panayiota’s Story of Surviving Military Sexual Assault
A while back, I shared my own personal stories in posts, “Manipulation” (rape within military) and “Outer Angels and Demons Reflecting All the Inner Ones” (further insights from rape and other Army-related stories).
I also came upon the website, Protect Our Defenders for the first time.
I shared the following comment for the video, “Bill Burr – #MeToo Movement Is Bullying“:
I’ve enjoyed three of Bill Burr’s hilarious Netflix specials, as well as one of the other guy’s Netflix special recently, so I checked this video out because I was interested in Bill’s perspective on the #metoo movement.
I’m a veteran who was raped while in the Army (at first unit), but my platoon sergeant at the time got away with it due to my self-blame at the time (i.e., I was celebrating at my promotion party and had some drinks) and lack of courage to speak up at the time (i.e., he was very popular among the higher ups, and it would be a lower-enlisted soldier’s word against a staff sergeant).
Granted, I did inform my squad leader (my direct supervisor) the next day—which was the right thing to do—but we both didn’t take the needed action due to fear of what would happen to both of us.
I also confronted my platoon sergeant (my squad leader’s direct supervisor) as to why he lied to me, misled me, and then raped me, but he shrugged his shoulders and said with a smirk, “I was just trying to have some fun!”
My former platoon sergeant is still in the Army climbing the ranks—according to a CID investigation that came to the conclusion that there wasn’t enough evidence (though they interviewed my squad leader who confirmed the story).
I’ve shared my story via a blog a while back—yes a BLOG Bill—and via the “My Duty to Speak” website that I didn’t know about until today. I also came upon the “Protect Our Defenders” website for the first time as well.
Because we’re all energetically connected to one another, I trust that when we hurt others in such a way, we ultimately hurt ourselves, though that wound(s) may not manifest until a later time; and it’s not about some punishment from a higher power, but rather, life lessons to be learned, so that we, as souls, can obtain the wisdom that wounding others/self doesn’t FEEL good.
I have no doubt that the #metoo movement has its benefits, and I’m grateful for its existence; it’s time for the old and outdated sexual assaults and abuse occurring around the world to come to an end.
Unfortunately, no matter where we are in this world, there seems to exist some form of corruption—even within such movements that are meant to be positive and highly beneficial—where some people probably lie (but not all); but it’s about integrity, honesty, and discernment.
Throughout this video, they all brought up some valid points; but then the blonde woman made a comment towards the end that made me want to ask her, “Do you have a daughter(s), cousin(s), or niece(s)? And if so, how would you feel if Louis C.K. asked her/them if he could masturbate in front of them during a job interview? And if you don’t think it’s such a big deal, how would you feel if your female family member or friend developed trust issues since then, and further perceived this world as corrupt and unsafe; hence, negatively affecting everything else in her life?”
Another related question: How would Louis C.K.—or anyone else who thinks he should JUST get “shamed”—feel about some jack@$$ doing to his two, young daughters what he did to other females?
We all make mistakes, but there’s a difference between dropping the ball and being very aware of what you’re HABITUALLY doing, but only regretting the actions due to being BUSTED.
Even Louis C.K. deserves to start a new life at any given point, but perhaps stand-up comedy would no longer be beneficial for him and interconnected others; unless he’s cool with making jokes about other guys doing disrespectful things to his two daughters. Something to think about.
I shared the following related quote from post, “The Gift of Wisdom from the Experience of: Comfort Food Lover“:
Until I personally experience walking in another’s shoes, I can only, at best, sympathize (with ego self’s logical mind) rather than deeply empathize (with integrated wise Mind/feeling Heart). Mulantis/Barbara
Note: Image on right found next to link => Pope Alice; images below found next to links => 1) GIFER 2) Pinterest 3) giphy.com 4) etsy.com/listing/518759501/large-rose-quartz-sphere-madagasca 5) Pinterest /”According to Quantum math, there is a mathematical explanation behind why the counterclockwise formation of a galaxy looks very similar to the whirlpool …”6) pantip.com 7) Goddess Inspired – WordPress.com/”Hathor and Sekhmet are two sides of the same Goddess …” 8) insidetheperimeter.ca 9)
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