The following is a comment that I had shared for the video, “Warning Powerful – The Root Chakra – Clean Deep Dark Unconsciousness – Binaural“ that I decided to turn into a post just in case it also benefits another who happens to cross paths with this blog:
When I initially came upon this video, about a week or so ago, I had a feeling that it was perfect for the healing of my root chakra since the image of the tiger reminded me of a vivid dream that I had on June 29, 2015 about my dog leading me to a straight path that had a white cow sitting next to it, as well as a tiger right behind it.
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However, after checking out some of the comments below, that stem from fear energy, my logical mind managed to plant a seed of doubt within me, which caused me to be somewhat fearful of this video, as though it can harm me in some way.
Today, right before enjoying the uplifting, empowering, and inspirational read, “Archangeloi of the ELOHIM – Birthing into the New Earth” I had an urge to revisit this video because I decided to trust the initial feeling I had about it, which was my Heart—not my ego self’s limited logical mind—communicating to me to trust my intuition.
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I’m grateful that I decided to trust my Heart’s guidance, and I asked my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within me to communicate to me via feelings whether or not I highly resonate with this video, and whether or not it would be of my individual and collective soul’s highest benefit to listen to it.
As I listened it, I paid close attention to how I felt, and I felt peaceful, which was a sure sign to continue listening to and enjoying it. Note: There are two spots of brief static, so I simply fast-forwarded it.
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To my great surprise, within 20 minutes or so of listening to this video, I had to—TMI ALERT—go #2 again, although I had already gone this morning.
I then intuitively knew that my body was responding to the powerful sound frequencies within this video, and that it, with the assistance of my root chakra, was able to further release what my body no longer needed.
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After taking care of my business, within 10 minutes or so, I had to go #2 AGAIN, which blew my mind since that’s very unusual.
I also felt excited, and my body’s expression of excitement itself informed me that I was in alignment with my Divinity within…on the “right” path, which is following the path of excitement and passion at every moment, even to the smallest degree (something I had learned from Bashar, channeled through Darryl Anka, as well as the Pleiadians).
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Plus, I had recently treated myself to some comfort food (that my inner child loves) which often prevents me from going #2 the next day. So to be able to go 3 times within [a morning and] an early afternoon is liberating! ^_^
The second and third times I went #2 today was effortless due to its unusual soft texture and small chunks. Usually, after I eat comfort food, it’s a guarantee that my stools will be hard and quite large, which makes passing them somewhat uncomfortable.
I realize some of what I’m sharing is indeed “TMI” squared or cubed; however, I trust that this information will be helpful to whoever is drawn to this comment in Divine perfect timing and order.
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I’m grateful that I was reminded by Spirit within to always TRUST my intuition and feelings first and foremost, by always following Higher Heart, since our physical/logical minds are limited to what it can perceive and know as TRUTH since it’s been conditioned by general society to operate from fear-based belief systems.
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I wish for all of humanity and beyond to clear, heal, transmute, and balance all of our chakras—especially the lower three ones (like the root chakra) that will set a solid foundation for our spiritual growth—our energy bodies, and our male and female energies within (regardless of physical gender) so that we can consistently Be who we truly are at every Moment of Now…our Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within/Twin Flame within/Monad within/Prime Creator within/Infinite Creator within/Trinity within: God, Goddess and Divine Spirit/All That Is.
p.s. Thank you “PowerfulMindSecrets” for generously sharing this video. Thank you Beloved I AM within for this gift to us all.
Have a great week all of All That Is! ^_^
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The following are 3 very helpful readings and a video:
- A very helpful reading by HeartMath Institute that supports the important truth that it’s imperative to heal, transmute and integrate our mind and heart as One => The Energetic Heart Is Unfolding
- A very helpful video => POWERFUL 5 min of BASHAR on IMAGINATION & Higher MIND
- A very helpful reading for the healing of our wounded inner child/fearful ego self/judgmental personality self/unhealed male energy within/left logical brain=> Healing our Inner Child, especially the following section:“The great thing about coming to terms with our relationship with our parents and healing our inner child is that our parents don’t even have to be involved in the process. By becoming the parent we never had or wished we would have had, we can actually address our inner child as if we were that perfect parent that we needed at the time we experienced the emotional hurt. We can then send unconditional love to this child and offer him/her the acceptance and kindness that we may not have gotten at the time […]”
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Added July 27, 2015
On the night I published this post, and perhaps in the middle of the dark morning the next day, I had three, so-called vivid nightmares where I was shown by my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within me—via my sub/unconscious mind—additional fears/old beliefs (that no longer benefits my individual and collective soul growth/evolution) that were still hidden deep within me that I wasn’t aware of, or I was continuing to suppress as aspect of fearful ego self.
I was grateful that they all came up for release, healing, and transmutation to its true vibrational frequency state, which is unconditional love. I trust that the video, “Warning Powerful – The Root Chakra – Clean Deep Dark Unconsciousness – Binaural” mentioned and shared above contributed to this occurrence/blessing in disguise.
The following are some very helpful short videos, and the comments I had shared on Google + (as Bobbie D) after watching them:
- Bashar on Jesus Yeshua : Clarity of Jesus’ teachings. Let us live and Be like Jesus who led The Way, was Christ Consciousness, and intended to co-create with Spirit within more leaders, not followers.
- Bashar :: “Living an Extraordinary Life” highlights : Let us remember and intend at every moment to always embrace EVERYTHING that shows up in our lives, whether they come with earthly labels such as “good” or bad,” trusting that they—people, places, things, events, etc.—are either obvious blessings from our Universe within that our soul/SPirit has sent us, or blessings in disguise. ^_^
- Bashar Letting Go of Fear Embracing Self Love : Let us dare to unconditionally accept/love ALL aspects of self and others.
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