In January of this year, I let go of my eighth job in Sedona, all within a little over two years.
To the individual and collective, logical (and often times judgmental) mind, there are many negative adjectives that can define this experience; and I’ve learned to embrace them all.
Because at the end of the day, despite outer temporary circumstances, I trust Spirit within that everything happens in Divine perfect timing and order, for the highest benefit of interconnected Life.ย
Like all the previous Sedona jobs, the 8th one came with its own set of crazy-ass, earthly dramas, mind boggling moments, heartaches, and seemingly miraculous, amazing moments that were soul-igniting and deeply heartfelt—all mirroring the neutral, rainbow spectrum of vibrations within the Light/Love Frequency of whole, full-potential, Multidimensional self/Soul/Spirit.ย
Just when I got into my comfort zone of mostly embracing and enjoying the ebb and flow of life—which I also shared in post, “Falling Deeply in Love with Interconnected Life“—-the Universe within decided to shake things up a bit.
Ironically, the owner of the spiritual company that i worked for, had mentioned Goddess Kali—“Destroyer” of all that which no longer serves humanity and beyond—in the last staff meeting that I attended, stating something to the effect that things were being shaken up (i.e., all the drama that was happening at our office).
And to my great surprise, the owner owned it (took responsibility) by saying that she’s been doing (and being) all those negative things that’s been ongoing throughout the years in the office, and that she needs to lead by example.
The office meeting was unlike any other, because we also decided to dive deep into interesting topics like shadow work, and share refreshingly transparent info.
Unfortunately, that meeting, like other staff meetings—and even several, one on one conversations between the owner and the manager—didn’t improve matters.
After each staff meeting, the manager would continue to make fun of, and talk bad about:
- the owner (whom she referred to as: just a scared little girl who’s afraid to face her own issues, and should read her own book, so that she doesn’t show up miserable to the office every day [very valid point, pretty spot on])
- the owner’s husband (whom she referred to as: a narcissist [very valid point, pretty spot on] and con artist [not sure if this is true, but I, too, sense something’s off])
- and the rest of the employees (whom she often talked crap about behind their backs [valid as well, but not always spot on], with the exception of whoever was present that day).
If I recall correctly, the moment I felt as though I had stepped into The Twilight Zone, was on January 10, 2019, a Friday night of the Full Wolf Moon (the latter of which I didn’t realize until later).
Once my other coworkers left for the day—since they got off an hour earlier—it was only my manager and I.
Like many other days, she went off on her usual rants (i.e., venting, complaining, judging herself and others, gossiping, bitching).
Though I had become overall decent (over the months) at unconditionally accepting what is—by deeply understanding at times what the rants ultimately stemmed from (society-conditioned fears)—I wasn’t able to block out the loud chatter this time.
In fact, for a very brief moment, her ranting suddenly became amplified, to the degree that I heard her voice as though she was talking very loudly right into my right ear. This was the third time that I recall experiencing acute hearing.
This was followed by a clear and calm voice within that asked, “Do you want more of this?”
And this was the second time in my entire life that I experienced actually hearing a voice (other than my own) speak to me.
I shared stories of these bizarre experiences somewhere within this blog. In a nutshell, the first time was around 2013 or so.
I was at my annual VA appointment, and though the doctor was sitting at least 12 feet away from me while asking various questions at her desk, at one point, I heard her as though she was speaking very loudly into my right ear, followed by an extended beep sound in my left ear.
It initially startled me, though I felt excited afterwards. Days later, while reading the book, We The Arcturians—that I was drawn to before reading books about the Pleiadians by Barbara Marciniak—I came upon a topic that was new and intriguing to me, and felt like home.
It mentioned acute hearing, something I had never heard of before, and I immediately had a flashback of my VA appointment.
Right before the appointment, I silently communicated to the Arcturians that I wondered what would be the best way to share truth with my doctor while also being discerning.
I trust that I received my answer in Divine perfect timing and order; because I had an unusual experience at one of my later VA appointments, with another doctor (since the previous one moved away).
He looked at me, and innocently said with a somewhat uncomfortable smile and shaky voice, “I feel like you’re looking into my soul,” and made a side body gesture that revealed he wanted to hide his face with his hands (perhaps due to some unnecessary guilt and/or shame).
I was looking at him the way I make eye contact with any other person, but I guess it was too much.
I just smiled and gently told him that it was okay. I have been told by a few others in the past that I have strong eye contact, but I don’t mean it to come off as intimidating.
I trust that there’s usually some level of comfort since I noticed that doctors, nurses, therapists, etc. (those in professions that help others), and even strangers, often share their personal challenges with me, which I embrace.
The second time I had the acute hearing experience was before 2015 (at my old house in San Antonio, TX). I was sitting on the loveseat across from my husband who was sitting on the longer couch.
While listening to him, I suddenly heard him as though he was speaking loudly into my right ear, followed by the extended beep in my left ear.
Since then, I don’t recall having this experience, until my last day at my 8th job in Sedona.ย
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