Years before moving to Sedona, Arizona, I’ve been strongly drawn to this mysterious place.
A few thoughts crossed my mind as to why this was so; perhaps I was curious about the so-called “mecca of spirituality,” which this place is known for, perhaps I was eager to find a community where I felt a sense of belonging, or perhaps it was a Soul Calling; I’m leaning towards all of the above.
In one of the posts about Sedona, I shared a detailed experience about my journey here. In a nutshell, I started having doubts, though my husband, pet cat (Shadow), and I were ready to literally move out.
However, throughout the trip to Sedona, I experienced a series of Divine synchronicity (to include number synchronicity), which reassured me that all is well in my life, and that I was on the “right”/light path that’s in alignment with Spirit within.
One of the signs from the Universe was the numbers on license plate of our bright yellow, moving truck, which was 777.
Though I was initially excited to see this familiar number sequence again—like many others that started with 11:11 back in the summer of 2011—it was short-lived, as the doubts that stemmed from fear started creeping up again.
By the way, I often used the website ANGEL NUMBERS ~ Joanne Sacred Scribes to read the angel number meanings; but I also use other interpretations depending on how I feel at the moment.
I like to follow my own inner guidance, and only extract what sounds true for self, and discard the rest, since we all have our conditioned filters.
While on one of the highways, either 10 or 17, I wondered if I had made a mistake of choosing to move to Sedona.
As I sensed to look up to my right—in Divine perfect timing and order—we quickly passed by a green sign that displayed three, vertical numbers (next to three names of places that I don’t recall).
A part of me couldn’t believe what I had just witnessed; it seemed eerie, yet, exciting, at the same time.
Another part of me intuitively knew that it was another confirmation that I was heading in a highly beneficial direction.
Why? Because those three, vertical numbers were my birth month, birth day, and the last two digits of my birth year (in that order).
I wanted to do a U-turn and take a picture of the sign, as a powerful reminder, but that wasn’t an option. And apparently, my husband didn’t notice the sign, but that’s understandable since he was driving.
When we arrived in Sedona, we were impressed by its surrounding nature—breathtaking red rocks of reddish brown, beige, and peachy orange, and vibrant, green trees merged as one.
Near the entrance of The Village of Oak Creek, we thought it’d be fun to explore a huge gift shop that invited us with its display of colorful and playful artwork that represented various animals, cacti, and flowers.
Like a kid in a candy store, I flowed through this space with much excitement and curiosity.
I then came upon a lengthy stack of Arizona licence plates, and felt the urge to randomly go through them to see if anything caught my eye; and sure enough, as I was rapidly flipping through them, I came upon one that jumped out at me like a blinking neon sign.
It had my first, middle, and last initials on it, followed by 0144 (0 reminds me of the God Force, and 144 is a number sequence that I often noticed, which eventually reminded me of Soul Families).
At this very moment, where it seemed like time had slowed down again, I had that same feeling I did when I noticed the sign on the highway (with my birth month, birth day, and birth year).
And if those signs weren’t obvious enough, while in the Uptown part of Sedona, a sports car that was in front of us had the license plate 3333 (and 333 usually reminds me of the loving and supportive presence of the Ascended Masters).
As we were leaving Sedona, and driving up towards Flagstaff—where we initially lived, from the fall of 2017-2019—another car drove past us (to my right) that also had the number 3333 on its license plate.
I excitedly shouted to my husband, “Look! It’s 3333 again!!!”; and we both couldn’t believe that we saw two, different cars in the same day with the same licence plate numbers. What are the odds of that?!
Since that day, I’ve experienced many other series of heavenly synchronicity in Sedona (while working at different jobs), that reminded me of Spirit’s unconditional love, full presence, and generous support.
However, the deeply ingrained seeds of doubts continued to sporadically resurface into my realities—to include dream state parallel realities and alternate realities—due to psychological (mental and emotional), hell-like experiences within Sedona as well.
In the section of this blog titled, Earthly and otherworldly Puzzle Pieces, I’ve shared various posts that includes detailed stories of my so-called “good” and “bad” experiences of Sedona—that I referred to as heaven and hell on earth—and everything in-between.
Sometimes I wonder if the Universe/Soul/Spirit within wonders at times, and communicates to me, “How many signs does it take for you to trust me/you? Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions? Trillions? (from other past/present/future earthly and otherworldly lifetimes as well).”
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