The following is a comment that I shared with the creators of the video, “Who & What are the Starseeds? Why are they so Important?,“—that happened to be right after another video that I was watching, “Merging with Our Higher Self” by Suzanne Lie—which I turned into a post after following my intuition:
Aquarius Son and I think Orion Son (camera teammate), thank you for sharing your helpful video of information/light, as well as your loving energies. I trust that you have mirrored back to me some important information that I needed to remember as a soul.
Before I started watching your video, I asked my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within me/Twin Flame within me to help me to Be open-minded/open-hearted and Discernment; hence, embracing all that you say with no judgment, but only taking with me what most highly resonates with my Higher Heart/core essence—basically teachings that stem from Unconditional Love energy/Christ Consciousness/Unity Consciousness .
Since you all have been generous enough to share with us all your Light and Love, I too, would like to share with you mine, which ultimately comes from the same Source/All That Is. ๐
Since all aspects and forms of fear energy is ultimately from within that we—as spiritual beings having a physical human being experience—project outward in order to experience the duality of 3D Earth schoolhouse, then in essence, so-called “enemies/demons/”evil” forces/”bad others” are merely illusions, and are ultimately dark/shadow/unknown aspects and extensions of Multidimensional SELF disguised as the opposite of Light and Love in order to teach us many life lessons/profound wisdom that could not be experienced from the spiritual realm.
Therefore, there is no need for “protection”. Who are we protecting ourselves from? Perhaps the enemy from within—the dark aspects and extensions of SELF who has forgotten its true, core essence?
When we choose to see beyond outer appearances with the ancient eyes of Christ within (our Beloved I AM Presence), we remember and realize that ALL of Life is interconnected by the invisible cosmic bonding force of Unconditional Love energy, and whatever part of the whole SELF that appears—to our limited physical eyes—as “dark” (ignorant of its true essence) and/or fearful (merely dropped its vibratory frequency), we can then Be to those fearful aspects or extensions of SELF: deep understanding, deep empathy, pure compassion, unconditional forgiveness, embrace, and unconditional acceptance/love, since what they truly are is ultimately a part of All That Is…basically made from the same cloth.
So whenever we happen to come upon “dark” beings of whatever realm, we can, with the Divine Love, Divine Wisdom and Divine Power from within, use tools such as the Violet Fire to embrace, heal, and transmute them, setting them free to who they truly are at the core of their being.
The word “weapons” has developed a negative connotation throughout history, and come with many “negative” memories where countless souls have experienced much inner and outer deep wounds. Weapons are not necessary since the ultimate power tool is Unconditional Love energy (i.e., the Violet Fire).
Whatever we focus our attention on temporarily becomes our reality; hence, when we continually focus on matters related to fear energy (e.g., needing “protection” from “negative” forces “out there” or even battling them)…that becomes our reality.
However, when we habitually focus on matters related to light and love energy, we then tune into the parallel reality that matches that very high vibrational frequency…like a Heaven on Earth. ^_^
We can learn much from EVERYTHING that shows up in our physical reality when we’re willing to be open to All That Is, which will help us to see the bigger picture. Afterall, Spirit within us all makes no mistakes, and has created everything in our realities to most highly benefit our interconnected and accelerated, individual and collective soul growth/evolution.
Whether we play the role of Starseeds, Divine HUmans, Lightworkes, Darkworkers, Workers of Oneness, Walk-Ins, Indigo Children and Adults, Crystal or Rainbow Children, Rainbow Warriors, messengers, Avatars, Ascended Masters, etc. they are all 3D earthly labels (that seem to separate everyone) to help us to better understand the myriad forms of the higher realms manifested into physical form.
Ultimately, we are all on the same team of The One/All That Is/Prime Creator/Infinite Creator helping to bring about order out of chaos (e.g., earthly dramas), helping to bring integration, balance and harmony of the male and female energies from within all of us (unconditionally accepting/loving ALL aspects of self and others), helping Mother Earth to Be her full potential SELF by honoring her as a planet (Earth) and as well as her consciousness (Gaia), as well as helping humanity, other worlds and beyond to heal and merge as One.
Continue Being a gift/blessing to humanity and beyond.
Added July 27, 2015
Some very helpful short videos, and the comments I had shared on Google + (as Bobbie D) after watching them:
- Bashar on Jesus Yeshuaย :ย Clarity of Jesus’ teachings. Let us live and Be like Jesus who led The Way, was Christ Consciousness, and intended to co-create with Spirit within more leaders, not followers.
- Bashar :: “Living an Extraordinary Life” highlightsย : Let us remember and intend at every moment to always embrace EVERYTHING that shows up in our lives, whether they come with earthly labels such as “good” or bad,” trusting that they—people, places, things, events, etc.—are either obvious blessings from our Universe within that our soul/SPirit has sent us, or blessings in disguise. ^_^
- Bashar Letting Go of Fear Embracing Self Loveย : Let us dare to unconditionally accept/love ALL aspects of self and others.
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