The following is a comment I shared for the video, “5 Things You Should Know About The NEW Moon (April 5th, 2019)” (Note: Image on right found next to link => PicDove):
Victor, as a reminder, your vibrational frequency radiates such intense, yet, gentle energies of open mind and open heart (integrated Mind/Heart), authenticity, transparent honesty, vulnerability (an empowering strength), non-arrogant bad@$$ confidence, BOLDness, soulful eye contact, heartfelt connection, deep understanding, genuine empathy, pure compassion, profound wisdom, powerful intuition and other psychic abilities, a great sense of humor, discernment, playfulness, adventurous free-spirit, high intelligence, (mental and emotional), captivating animated gestures, comfortable full presence, creative essence, and I have no doubt so much more.
You and Pattie mirror one another as Amazing Beings. Both of you continue to BE the merged, Multidimensional, Cosmic Light & Unconditional Love (The One) that you ARE, which includes the Divine gift of contrast/duality/polarity of the so-called light and dark, fear and love, right and wrong, up and down, etc.—merely 2 sides of the SAME coin, like the interconnected colors of the rainbow, with the color red (or fear energy) being a very low vibration and the color violet (or compassion energy) being a very high vibration within the Light/Love Frequency spectrum, though they appear separate.
I trust that the key is NOT to become lost, drown, or spiral down, within the so-called “negative” energies—and to allow them to take over the whole ship/self in an out of control manner—but to SEE with clarity the Divine purpose of these low-vibration energies, to integrate them, and to use them effectively at the right time, the right place, and for the right reasons to highly benefit interconnected Life.
For instance, the neutral energy of anger can be highly effective at times—hence, not “bad” “wrong” and/or “dark”—when used with love-based intentions, so long as we remember NOT to misuse and abuse it.
I embrace being able to be a gentle black kitty, as well as a fierce black panther, and everything in-between in Divine perfect timing and order; but I have no need or desire to habitually be any of those aspects.
Other extreme examples that aren’t necessary: often being a doormat without healthy boundaries (not aware of powerful True Self) OR a B!+ch 24/7 (which is only a facade), though the latter aspect can also be very powerful when used with discernment.
The energy of sadness have often been labeled as bad, wrong, dark, and even WEAK, throughout human history—-hence repressed and suppressed by so many, causing all kinds of problems—but it’s human to feel sad at times, and it’s more than okay to FEEL/cry/release/deeply heal.
Thank you for the very helpful video.
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