Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay: Thank you so much highly creative and generous Gerd for sharing, yet, another soul-igniting and heartfelt image. I used if for post: [this one]
I shared the above comment for the creator of the image on right, and the following comment for the video, “The Simulation Hypothesis” within Module 1 of Peter Sage’s Elite Mentorship Forum course:
I’m not your typical, math-excelling, Asian female, so it has fascinated me since childhood how some people can be so great at math, and even be so enthusiastic about it due to their passion for anything related to numbers (like my Algebra teacher from high school whose eyes would light up—whenever he talked about math—ready to POP out of their sockets).
However COMMA when I first came upon new, uplifting information (Light) such as the Double Slit Experiment, as well as quantum physics Entanglement, I became intrigued, and desired to learn more about them, though such teachings seemed out of reach.
I felt so grateful for Entanglement, because it reminded me of the interconnectedness of Life within this world and beyond, as well as the Butterfly Effect, and how what we do for one another (and not just human to human)—to include generously sharing Unconditional Love (for self/others)—we ultimately do for ourselves (which applies to the Golden Rule of Life); and what we lovingly do for ourselves, we ultimately share the benefits with so-called others since the individual and Collective Cosmic Heart is part of Unity Consciousness.
And Entanglement seemed to beautifully and perfectly merge spirituality with science—like the Rainbow Bridge of the spiritual and physical worlds that we, too, can Be as well, as our full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves, to include human being)/SELF (Source/Universe: Spirit & Soul within—aka integrated Heart & Mind, Goddess/God, Yin & Yang, Moon & Sun, Dark (Unknown) & Light (Known), Water & Fire, etc.).
Anyhoo, I looked up a simplified version of these complex teachings, and came upon some short, YouTube videos of Dr. Quantum—a very animated, magnetic, highly intelligent, wise, and interesting elderly cartoon character who wasn’t monotone and boring—that were apparently clips from the movie, “What the Bleep! Down the Rabbit Hole” (which I plan on fully watching one day).
My inner-child was excited to learn in this way since I loved cartoons during childhood. So just in case anyone else would like to better comprehend difficult to understand concepts and theories, I’m sharing this here.
Also, I had a vivid dream once of lying on the floor practicing levitation—before dreams of flight on planet Earth and other worlds—and I looked next to me and noticed what looked exactly like the moving, matrix-like image starting at 5:08 of this video (but more red). I recall staring at this in awe, and not knowing what it was.
I’m also reminded from within that it is the nature of our individual and Collective Mind (The Divine Masculine/God essence/Light Frequency/Electric Energy) within physical realties to dissect, separate, compare, organize, analyze, calculate and understand Life, since opposites/contrasts/duality/polarity is a very effective spiritual tool (Divine Gift) to experience in physical worlds.
However, I also trust that there are seemingly countless aspects and extensions of earthly and otherworldly Life within the Universe, Multiverse and Omniverse that may always remain “DARK”/UNKNOWN/MYSTERIOUS (The Divine Feminine/Goddess essence/Unconditional Love Frequency/Magnetic Energy); and that’s perfectly ok.
Because even Unconditional Love (for self/interconnected Life) was not meant to be calculated via the logical mind, but rather, experienced (experiential knowledge/profound wisdom) and deeply FELT from our hearts; and it cannot be fully measured, though Heart/Math science has shared that our heart’s magnetic field is like 5000 times stronger than our brain’s, which seems to further reveal that our powerful FEELING state is our vibrational frequency (our core essence) that radiates out to interconnected Life (and circles back).
I’m going to continue watching this and will add additional updates if there are any. Just wanted to share these insights while they were fresh on my mind; and since I’m typing way faster than usual, I trust my inner guidance to share.
I wonder if the result of the Delayed Choice experiment had to do with the Consciousness of 4D and above that’s a Multidimensional, unlimited, and expanded perspective (i.e., waves/The Field of Possibilities) where past, present, and future are simultaneously happening in the moment of NOW, alongside the consciousness from a 3D, physical human, limited, linear perspective of past, present, and future.
The Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser experiment lost me soon after it started. All I heard was blah blah blah that sounded like a foreign language, and saw red and blue lines moving around. I’m pretty sure watching this part of the video again, or even 20 times, will not help with better understanding this; but who know, miracles do happen.
If itโs accurate that the waves within The Field of unlimited possibilities contain the codes/data 0 and 1, I wonder if the 0 represents the magnetic energy (Divine Feminine energy since the zero or circle are often symbolic of wholeness and completion) and the 1 represents the electric energy (Divine Masculine energy since the 1 is often symbolic of individual/ego, the God essence that was birthed from the Divine Mother Goddess, the 1 being the very first separation—separation consciousness/duality/polarity/Collective Ego—from the Zero Point/Source/Monad/Circle/Sphere/Divine Mother Goddess/Unity Consciousness). Together, they are electromagnetic energy—merged Light (God) & Unconditional Love Frequency (Goddess)—that exists within interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
I love the clip of very wise Yoda within this video, stating, “there is no different, only different from the mind [key word]” which is from his high frequency, Multidimensional perspective of Unity Consciousness (integrated Cosmic Heart/Mind).
But from a state of separation consciousness (Collective ego mind)—that many within humanity, and other physical world beings operate from—there is such thing as different; as that’s imperfectly, yet, perfectly okay since that’s VALID as well, what also makes Life interesting, and is part of Divine Wisdom (i.e., that from a BIGGER PICTURE perspective, EVERYTHING is happening perfectly for our highest benefit; hence, ALL IS WELL).
A great question was asked within this video, “Why won’t He [the Creator] reveal himself to us?”
But what IF S/he already has since the beginning of time via seemingly countless mirror-like reflections (like The 7 Essene Mirrors) of SO MANY different relationships of many kinds (humans, plants, animals, Mother Nature, planet Earth, things, ideas, intuition, insights, dream messages, Divine Synchronicity, other worlds, angelic realm, spiritual realms to include Ascended Masters like Jesus, Mary and Buddha and more, E.T.s, aliens, ETC.).
Two AMAZING examples of this:
1) As the Gospel of Thomas basically states, “The people were asking Jesus ‘when will the kingdom come, this kingdom of heaven you are talking about?’ and Jesus replied ‘the kingdom of Heaven is spread upon the earth but men do not see it.'”
2) The Thunder, Perfect Mind, an encouraging, uplifting, empowering, liberating, inspiring, and Consciousness expanding poem discovered among the Gnostic manuscripts in the Nag Hammadi library in 1945 (that I intuitively and strongly trust is a message by the Divine Mother Goddess, though it may not have been 100% completely and purely channeled to whoever co-created/wrote this poem, since physical beings have our own filters conditioned by societies). See parts within this blog’s category page, “Am I : I AM.”
Angel Number Message Confirmation
After sharing the above paragraph (about the Delayed Choice experiment), noticed in slow motion 33:11—time of this video, where Luke starts talking to Obi Wan Kenobi about The Force within one of the Star Wars movie—so read the following message:
Angel Number 3311 brings a message that your angels and the Ascended Masters surround you, encouraging positive energies in your life. Look to ways to use your natural communication skills and joyful disposition to uplift others, and have the courage to live your truths and express yourself with love, truth and optimism.
Angel Number 3311 reminds you that Divine support and guidance come in many and varied ways, often in the form of intuitive knowing, insight, visions, gut instincts and feelings of simply knowing. Each of us is unique, so practice listening to your feelings and inner-knowing. Signs, messages and synchronicities appear in our lives all the time and it is beneficial to pay attention to what is happening around us. At times, messages and signs can be discreet and mysterious, and at other times, obvious and clear. When you are open and aware you are able to tap into your own intuition.
The more present you are, the more meaningful your day to day life becomes.
Number 3311 relates to number 8 (3+3+1+1=8) and Angel Number 8.
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