I recently started organizing my old Google account—to include deleting old stuff that I no longer need, and saving stuff to transfer—due to not wanting to carry on the heavy, outdated energies into the upcoming, new year of 2021.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => xdesktopwallpapers.com
And while doing so, I started feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of saved materials that contain: journals, notes, reminders, letters, reviews (Google, Amazon, other sites), comments (for blogs, websites, YouTube videos), home-made cards, analysis of dream states, records of synchronicity (to include number synchronicity), courses, posters of inspirational quotes, short-term and long-term goals, documents related to earth jobs, resumes, images, photos, artwork, poems, drafts for books, a collection of sets for open-mic comedy, inner-child work, shadow work, etc.
From a limited, physical, 3D, human perspective, I wondered why I had wasted so much time and energy into all of this all these years, when I still continue to witness, from the mirroring of my outer world, that this Life in general is seemingly becoming worse than ever before.
I felt this intense surge of anger and frustration spewing out thoughts and emotions like, “Why do you insist on caring so damn much, and investing so much of your precious time and energy about this life and this world, especially hopeless humans?! Can you not clearly see that it’s all rapidly spiraling down?”
I realized that the expressions shared in the above paragraphs—feeling overwhelmed (from too many records of details) and the letting go of strong feelings—-relates to three of the dream interpretations that I resonate with (by Spiritanimal.info/Elena Harris, Spirit-animals.com and Auntyflo.com), from the previous post, “Dream of Touching Circling Whale“:
A whaleโs immense size can also be symbolic of feeling overwhelmed. Maybe you have taken on too much at work, in your personal life or social obligations. It may be time to cut back some.
In this case, Whale symbolism is reminding you that you cannot know or understand everything. There are things that you must accept through the heart, senses, and intuition without the knowledge and understanding of why. In other words, Whale meaning is asking you to have trust and faith in your heartโs desires and in spirit. In so doing, allow it to lead you to your destiny.
To be near the sea is connected to our emotions, the beach is the place where the emotions (connected with the water) plus the material world (symbolic of the sand) meet up, together. This dream shows that you are keeping strong feelings inside and not letting them out […]
I desired to embrace this exhausted and hopeless aspect of self, because it’s completely understandable why I would feel this way.
I intend to embrace and integrate this exhausted from caring so much aspect into whole self by:
- acknowledging this extreme version that resurfaced from within, in order to be noticed (in an obvious way) and to be unconditionally accepted for what it is
- realizing that I can use the beneficial, higher version of this aspect by being less concerned (with all the excessive details of Life, to include distractions), and more carefree when it comes to my daily life
- learning from the extreme version that it just desires to simply Beย enough in Life, and has reached exhaustion from the busy inner and outer world often trying to determine who we need to be and what all we need to do in order to exist, Be, live and enjoy Life.
I understand that this exhausted aspect has been especially tired of its extreme opposite aspect (overly ambitious) within us, that’s been showing up in different forms (to include my husband), which seems to represent the energizer bunny on crack.
I’d like to trust that even other outer beings, like CEO Vishen Lakhiani (co-creator of Mindvalley), are well meaning humans being and doing their best, especially with supporting beneficial soul teachers like Marissa Peer (the last course that I plan on taking with Mindvalley).
However, I’ve been noticing a pattern that him and his team—and even some others within the spiritual community—have a tendency to be excessively pushy, with very aggressive sales tactics, when it comes to persuading others to buy his courses back to back to back, which could backfire if not wise and careful.
This way of being is more than likely due to his (and like others’) own beliefs that he’s never enough, and that he (and everyone else around him) needs to constantly absorb more and more information until they finally reach enlightenment.
However, I feel that it’s more about life experiences (experiential knowledge/profound wisdom) and living the wisdom, than it is about going overboard with universities, schools, online courses, books, lectures, gathering knowledge, memorizing information, regurgitating data, etc..
I can understand companies wanting to reach out to as many people as possible, in order to be a positive influence.
But perhaps a graceful approach would be more effective in keeping a potential, loyal customer; otherwise, the excessive pushiness can be a major turn off, and actually push people away.
I intend to embrace and integrate this overly ambitious aspect into whole self by:
- acknowledging this extreme version that resurfaced from within, in order to be noticed (in an obvious way) and to be unconditionally accepted for what it is
- realizing that I can use the beneficial, higher version of this aspect by being ambitious and more focused when it comes to my own dormant projects (without going overboard and exhausting self)
- learning from the extreme version what not to do to others (since it hasn’t been pleasant experiences for me)
From an expanded, multidimensional, higher perspective, this super ambitious aspect within us/others is doing its best to love self more (which helps us to fully and truly love interconnected Life), to deeply heal on all levels, to be more whole, to be more positive, to grow, to learn, to expand its consciousness, to succeed, and to better contribute to this world and beyond.
But yes…it can become exhausting when continuously going overboard.
In addition, from the bigger picture perspective, interconnected Life is improving, despite temporary outer circumstances, especially when it comes to the expansion of our individual and collective Consciousness.
And the uplifting abundance is continuing to show up in various forms (and non-forms like profound wisdom), though like my husband reminded me today, we can easily forget to be grateful for them at times, especially when we’re feeling down (our vibrational frequency is low).
So self, let’s simplify life, and always remember to only be who we want to be, and only do what we want to do at ANY given moment.
If we feel like exploring whatever in Life—to include reading, watching, learning, meditating, eating new foods, etc.—than do so, but let’s NOT feel pressured by society.
Let’s no longer care so much about the excessive noise of the outer world.
Let’s just allow it (especially humanity) to be and do whatever it wants, and not feel consumed by its neutral existence—ultimately not good or bad, right or wrong, light or dark, etc…but just IS.
Let’s fully embrace and integrate all aspects of the whole self, to include the most recent aspects—overly ambitious and exhausted from caring so much.
Let’s fully let go of the need or desire to judge self/interconnected Life, Be FULLY Free, and just enjoy the remaining ride to the best of our ability. It can be that simple.
Additional reminders from the whale spirit guide from the previous post, “Dream of Touching Circling Whale“:
By Spirit-animals.com: People with Whale totem have a deeper awareness of the world around them. They also have a profound connection to the cosmic consciousness.
Folks with this spirit animal recognize that what they see is not necessarily the reality of what is. Thus they are easily able to bridge these differences and integrate all things into the truth of what is.
By Dreamchrist.com: If in a dream that you see a whale swimming, it shows that you are now experiencing a moment of freedom, and you are enjoying it to the best of your ability. It means that you feel truly free to be yourself, and there is no liberty better than this.
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