Today, I watched Teal’s soul-igniting, heartfelt video, “School Shooters (Understanding School Shooters and What To Do To Prevent School Shootings),” and left her a comment that she definitely deserves (toward end of this post).
While scanning and skimming through some of the comments of this video, I came upon one that I was immediately drawn to, since I was able to deeply relate to it.
Note: Image on right found next to link => Tumblrย (thank you)
I shared some knowledge and wisdom with Harry (one of the viewers who left a comment) that I had collected from other spiritual teachers (mostly Teal), as well as my own personal experiences (experiential knowledge/wisdom).
I was then inspired to create a post from our consolidated messages since it would more than likely be helpful to interconnected others. Note: I will update this post with any additional, helpful information (personal and/or from others) whenever it comes to mind
The following is Harry’s comment, followed by my reply comment to him:
ls28harry 1 day ago: I feel very similar to these shooters, so isolated from the world, full of hate and anger.
ls28harry: Thank you for sharing your courage (to speak your truth), and Being transparently honest.
I can relate to how you feel, because I, too, have experienced phases of isolation, anger, hatred, and even hopelessness throughout my life.
Various conventional, healing methods and outlets (e.g., breaking things like plates when super angry, which I don’t enjoy cleaning up afterwards) have been somewhat helpful, but what I found to be the most helpful were unconventional, and the following are what I can think of at this moment (but not all-inclusive):
– embracing all emotions without judgment (but not necessarily acting on them without discernment, like punching someone in the face or balls)
– honoring all of my feelings—despite others not caring or being oblivious to them—to include weeping, crying, and even bawling whenever i feel like it (which is a form of releasing the once repressed and/or suppressed hurt, transmuting lower/denser energies, and deeply healing)
– being my own best friend—despite not having a true friend outside of self at the time—to include treating self to what I like and love Being and doing
– being authentic (to the best of my ability at the moment), to include confidently OWNING my likes, dislikes, and preferences when it comes to what I wear, how I do my hair, what I eat, where I shop, what I do, etc., and not needing to fit into an earthly box or labeled category, or even hop on some outdated bandwagon.
– inner-child work (sometimes, I imagine traveling to the so-called past—though the past, present, and future are all occurring simultaneously from a Multidimensional perspective—and visualize hugging my childhood version of self who wasn’t happy for whatever reason. I’ve also been visualizing, at times, spending quality time with and gifting/giving to my inner-child her heart’s desires)
– shadow work (when we build the courage to face our darkest fears from within, we discover that we can not only overcome them, but that we no longer fear these “dark”/unknown aspects of ourselves since they were merely lost within the so-called dark valley. And we, as a more aware version of ourselves with expanding consciousness (aka Higher Self/Soul/Spirit/Source within) are like the hawk that sees above the dark valley with its expanded, bird’s-eye view, and give the lost aspects of self Light, Unconditional True/Love, and guidance; hence, True Love starts from within)
– journaling, or other ways of being creative and having FUN! ^_^
– incorporating mind-opening, expanded perspectives to self (to see the bigger picture,) that causes one to feel better (raising one’s vibrational frequency: a state of attraction for like energies)
– doing only what I need, like, love, or desire to do, and NOT doing things just because someone else (or general society) thinks I should do it (for their own selfish reasons)
– Unconditionally forgiving self and interconnected others (NOT conditional forgiveness which only forgives in order to convince self that one is right and/or good, to be accepted and approved by others, to be loved by a biblical god, to obtain a ticket to a place called heaven, to avoid going to a place called hell, etc.)
– and last but not least….the practice of unconditionally accepting, embracing, and even deeply loving more and more aspects of Multidimensional self (physical self/selves)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within), until practice is no longer needed because it becomes second nature.
As you may already know, Teal shares her wisdom for these very helpful topics in her videos, and I found her to be very empowering.
Soul brother, I wish for you to experience your own version of Heaven on Earth as you fully awaken, remember, and realize your full-potential, Multidimensional self/Self and interconnected Life throughout this Universe and beyond (All That Is). You’re never alone. ๐ <3<3<3
ls28harryย 4 hours ago:
Barbara D Thankyou for your kindness and helpful coments. I am just touching on some of these methods you talk about so I have lots of work to do. I feel old now, like it’s too late to change as I have always been this way. I know it’s a battle with my own mind as it gets to keep me safe, so it’s so hard to see the right path and go against the grain. Peace.
ls28harry: It’s my pleasure to share with you what’s been helpful, and continues to help me. I haven’t mastered these methods yet, but I’ve let go of the need to have some self-inflicted deadline that doesn’t exist, and doesn’t really matter.
I’m glad that you’re touching on some of the methods, but I trust that in Divine perfect timing and order, you will no longer feel the need to ‘do lots of work’—something that society has conditioned humanity to do for so long (that’s part of poverty consciousness).
Seemingly countless people throughout the ages, and to this day, having been working their asses off, but by now, I think enough spiritual teachers have taught us that the whole ‘work hard” BS no longer serves us (benefits us); and we can witness this fact with our own eyes.
Just look at our world today. MANY people still work hard, but the majority are poor or barely making ends meet with sky high debts. It’s time to expand our consciousness, to include igniting and integrating Prosperity Consciousness.
I noticed for me that it takes a HUGE LOAD off when I simply go with the flow within the Cosmic River of Life, and gradually (or even instantly at moments) build trust with self (physical self)/Self (Source/Universe/All That Is: Soul/Spirit within).
Now, I don’t know how old you are, but I sense that you’re young; and if you are, then you have a BIG head start my friend! ๐ Sometimes, I wish someone would’ve taught me much wisdom when I was younger, but I realize that “the teacher appears when the student is ready.”
Plus, if a semi-old fart like me (at 44) is continuing to incorporate major changes on all levels of my being—physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and spiritually—then you can too! ^_^
Let’s choose to Be all that we deeply yearn for and that our Heart desires to experience, to include but not limited to:
– Wisdom (like our intuition, inner-wisdom, insights, personal experiences/experiential knowledge of self and interconnected others)
– Gratitude and Appreciation (especially for the seemingly small things in Life that we may often take for granted, like breathable air, potable water, edible food, livable planet, shelter, general safety, immense creativity and beauty of Mother Nature, heartfelt connections with interconnected Life (to include other souls), etc.
– Inner Peace (the eye within any storm)
– Joy (like contentment, happiness, excitement, humor, smiles, and laughter)
– Freedom (that doesn’t need to be earned since it’s a Divine birthright)
– Abundance (in various forms—material and non-material)
– and last but not least…Cosmic/Unconditional/True Love (that, once again, starts from within). ๐
Have an exciting and relaxing day Harry (?)! ^_^
Comment left for Teal Swan for creating a very helpful video (mentioned above):
Wonderful Teal, you are truly a teacher of teachers—a Master Teacher; and I’m very grateful that you exist in this world, empowering your Multidimensional self (physical self/selves)/Self (Source:Soul/Spirit within), interconnected humanity, Mother Earth, merging worlds, and beyond.
Thank you so much, once again, for creating a video that covers, yet, another very important topic. I have wondered about this theme every now and then, and you have shined bright Light onto darkness.
I recently ordered some of your products from your website that include your vivid, intricate, beautiful, and mesmerizing artwork (and otherworldly and profound interpretations), and like I mentioned in one of the comments I left—you are amazing woman/soul/Spirit/Source, and you have many talents, skills, and gifts to share with worlds.
Thanks to highly evolved, loving Beings like you, I’m continuing to unconditionally accept, embrace, and even deeply love more and more aspects of Multidimensional self/Self on a daily basis—integrating the polarities of good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark, etc.
What’s intriguing to me is that I find myself unconditionally accepting, embracing, and even deeply loving more and more aspects of interconnected Life as well, especially you.
I’ve watched various videos you’re in—to include “Teal Swan Answers To The Allegations Made Against Her (Exposed, Fraud, Fake, Scam)”—and had the golden opportunity to witness many different aspects of you; but overall, I realized that I’m getting closer to truly loving the ALL of you (though I don’t know you personally).
Teal, you are beautiful inside and out, and you’re the strongest and bravest soul I’ve ever seen. Continue to Be an invaluable gift to self/Self/All of Life (and non-life) throughout this Universe and beyond/All That Is. <3<3<3
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