For this phase of my Soul’s journey, I’ve learned some invaluable Life lessons that have further confirmed what I had intuitively and strongly sensed for years, and even personally experienced many times as a witness for Spirit within.
Image by Michael Ross from Pixabay
We all have parts of our physical energy bodies that will continue to exist as part of WHOLE selves/Selves for the rest of our lives.
So why not embrace and integrate our other energy bodies, especially the “unacceptable”/negative aspects within our mental and emotional ones that can often be shunned by fear-based society?
As long as we exist within a physical world that includes duality/polarity, our egos will co-exist to varying degrees.
So rather than continue to expend way too much energy to judge it, resist it, deny it, criticize it, ridicule it, blame it, and condemn it, why not guide it, TEACH it, transmute it, and transform it to its highest version of itself, since ALL forms of energy have their highest, exalted state?
After all, the ego is ultimately a less experienced, immature, younger male energy lost within separation consciousness, as opposed to its exalted state—the ancient, experienced, mature, older male energy of The Divine Masculine God essence.
In one of the songs by Maroon 5, “Moves Like Jagger,” I respect and admire that Adam BOLDLY and confidently embraced his kid-like nature and his big ego, something that society frowns upon, hence, why many humans feel so guilty or ashamed to be associated with it.
Not that it’s healthy to habitually have a BIG ego, but if it pops its head up once in a blue moon—without taking over the entire ship (aka WHOLE self/Self)—why not allow it play, like other aspects?
Even Lady Gaga, via her song, “Applause” (that I enJOY dancing to) fully and unapologetically embraces the part of our WHOLE selves/Selves who yearn to experience being in the spotLIGHT, and being celebrated by others for sharing our gifts.
There’s a difference between having the awareness that there’s more than enough spotLIGHT for all (and feeling happy for the success of others as well: a form of abundance mentality/Prosperity Consciousness), and only wanting the spotlight for oneself (and feeling jealous of others who seem to take it away at whatever times: a form of lack mentality/poverty consciousness).
So lately, more than ever before, I’m learning to further embrace and integrate our individual and Collective egos, that can show up and play at times, but doesn’t need to take over the entire ship, since Spirit is meant to Be the Captain of our WHOLE self/Self (and the more evolved version of the ego is meant to be like an Earth Adviser).
The nature of masculine energy (less mature ego through The Divine God essence)—within the effective and very helpful duality/polarity of physical worlds—separates, organizes, compares, analyzes, calculates, reasons, etc. in order to explore, experience, learn, understand, grow, enjoy, evolve via Life.
And the mature version of The Divine Masculine energy/Higher Mind has the ability to go above and beyond with these characteristics—to include but not limited to: discerning (rather than judging), lovingly supporting, generously giving, protecting, etc.—by merging with The Divine Feminine energy/Higher Heart/Divine Mother Goddess essence, and allowing the more ancient One to lead the way.
So as shared in three different posts—within subtitle, “Excerpts from Related Posts Within This Blog” further below—there is no escaping the so-called opposites of Life while on planet Earth; so we might as well flow with it in a wise manner.
As I’ve shared before, it’s great to learn from other Souls within outer world—with a discerning open mind, and open heart with healthy boundaries—but I have no doubt that it’s highly beneficial to follow our inner guidance/Heart/Spirit/inner-wisdom/and like love-based energies FIRST AND FOREMOST.
I came upon a spiritual teacher who initially seemed very impressive, because one of his poster quotes that captured my attention was to Be Living Wisdom rather than merely talk the talk—which reminded me of Jesus’ ancient, love-based teachings that I highly respect and admire, though I’ve let go of this world’s limiting religions since 2001.
So I noticed the Divine synchronicities—which informed me that I was on the “right”/light feeling path that’s in alignment with Spirit within—and chose to explore this spiritual teacher to see what I can learn from him.
We can learn from one another via many aspects/MIRRORS who we prefer to Be (or NOT be), what we prefer to think (or NOT think), what we prefer to feel (or NOT feel), what we prefer to believe (or NOT believe), how we prefer to behave (or NOT behave), what we prefer to do (or NOT do), what we prefer to drink (or NOT drink), what we prefer to eat (or NOT eat), what we prefer to wear (or NOT wear), what we prefer in relationships (or NOT), etc.
And via the Divine gift of contrasts/so-called opposites—ultimately two sides of the same cosmic coin—we can better KNOW ourselves, like the famous quote, “Know Thyself.”
And the more we re-member the already integrated version of ALL aspects of our Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE selves (physical selves)/Selves (Higher Selves: Spirit/Higher Heart/Unconditional Love/Goddess & Soul/Higher Mind/Light/God within), the more our sacred, inner cup can effortlessly overflow to interconnected Life of this world and beyond, and the more we can co-create our own version of Heaven on Earth to grow from and enJOY.
Like many other spiritual teachers of this world, he had some very helpful knowledge and wisdom to share, along with other abilities, skills, and talents, which I deeply appreciated.
This includes a high level of creativity and a great sense of humor while speaking (i.e., being witty in a FUN way, though other times he can use humor in a very judgmental and unloving way).
And like many other spiritual teachers of this world, he also shared what didn’t FEEL light/true to my Heart, but rather, felt a bit HEAVY (i.e., wouldn’t be beneficial for humanity)—that I’ve been doing my best to observe (plus record and share) from a neutral perspective (as a witness of Spirit).
By the way, while on my first, sacred Egypt trip this past December, our retreat group was introduced to a Master Alchemist named Gamel—who seemed to radiate the Full Presence of the Divine Masculine, and also has a business for ancient Egyptian oils that stems from the “recipes” on the temple walls.
I bought a total of 22 bottles, to include some of the powerful oils of the Neteru/Egyptian Gods & Goddesses, an investment for WHOLE self/Self; and so far, I’ve already witnessed beneficial results.
Gamel shared profound wisdom in such a powerful, confident, humorous, and graceful way, that I felt like I could listen to him for hours.
At one point, he mentioned the importance of not being stuck in unhealthy and unfulfilling relationships for like 30 years or so, but to be willing to give another some time within a relationship, to help another to become conscious of what they’re not conscious of (what Mystics like Carl Jung and Alan Watts taught so gracefully as well).
I’ve learned starting middle school through adulthood (especially while in the Army), that having the courage to speak up—even during seemingly awkward and uncomfortable moments—and doing our best to communicate and share what we intuitively know in our Hearts is highly beneficial for self/others (in a tactful manner), we can initiate change, whether they’re tiny ripples, all the way through MEGA TSUNAMI WAVES.
And it’s true, it’s so much easier to just leave a non-family, non-friend, or any other non-close relationship, when so-called others habitually trigger us, mistreat us, or don’t resonate with us.
However, I’ve been noticing subtle, slow, gradual, steady, quick, to even rapid changes even within my own marriage (second one), and other close relationships.
The more I change in both inner and outer worlds, the more the outer world MIRRORS those changes (like The 7 Essence Mirrors that Gregg Braden teaches beautifully).
Some of the RED FLAGS—that I can embrace and integrate these shadow aspects into WHOLE self/Self (i.e., SEE the Light within the “darkness”)—includes the following:
- Seemingly obsessed with talking about the ego in a mostly judgmental, criticizing, ridiculing, and blaming way (that’s part of fear-based separation consciousness rather than love-based unity consciousness that he preaches; and is also a sign of hating one’s own ego, rather than teaching one’s ego), hence, the projection (that he also ironically teaches)
- Examples of what seems to be HIS OWN EGO that he may not be aware of (which are understandable when we acknowledge, without judgment, that we can be the ways of the ego at times):
- Using a very outdated photo of himself that appears to be about two decades old for his website, posters, and marketing
- Rather than being fully present with, and actively listening to an audience member’s personal story that’s serious in nature, immediately replying with a joke about himself to be the funny guy, back into the spotlight again that’s mostly about him
- Preaching about honesty and integrity, but then exaggerating on recorded video how many people were attending his service, though there was only 10 or so
- And when one of the female chaplains informed him that she didn’t feel comfortable with what she observed (his “Do as I say, not as I do” action), he basically minimized her reasonable concern, stating that the other chaplains didn’t see it that way.
- One day, he stated that negative emotions are all about the ego (in a judgmental tone), so I raised my hand at the end and shared, “Love, in the form of compassion, can encourage and uplift sadness and anger”; but he basically changed the subject.
- Another day, he stated and demonstrated in a very dramatic way that there’s basically no such thing as shadow work—placing his hand out, while creating a shadow in the light, and then immediately placing his hand down and saying there’s no more shadow, which he followed with, “And no offense to shadow workers!” in a sarcastic tone.
- Out of curiosity, and to clarify doubts, I looked up the deeper meanings of why one may say, “No offense, but…” and none of them stemmed from Unconditional Love (which he often preaches about).
- I also shared within a workshop forum that we can honor our own beliefs while respecting others; and that SHADOW (for shadow work) simply means UNKNOWN, which can be positive (known as Golden Shadows), or negative aspects, though shadow work is often associated with negative aspects
- Recently, when I submitted a prayer for him, he chose not to read it, though he read everyone else’s prayers in public; and he didn’t even acknowledge that I submitted it.
- One of his chaplains later apologized to me, and thanked me for sharing an important point that needs to be addressed (i.e., him habitually playing the blame game towards the ego—that causes further separation rather than unity within our WHOLE selves/others—though he ironically talks about ending the blame game as well).
- She also stated that I should return since they need more Lightworkers there. I didn’t share this part with her—since she was one her way out of the restroom—but if I were to choose a related label, it would be Worker of Oneness, rather than the duality of Lightworker vs Darkworker, another ongoing conflict, battle, and/or war within the duality/polarity of physical worlds.
- Examples of what seems to be HIS OWN EGO that he may not be aware of (which are understandable when we acknowledge, without judgment, that we can be the ways of the ego at times):
I continued to attend every Sunday out of curiosity, with the hopes that he would shift and expand his consciousness, and to even experience any helpful, love-based perspectives.
So far, each week, he seems to lessen his judgments towards the individual and Collective Ego little by little, but continues to rant about it at times.
However, though today’s message had its beneficial moments, I realized that I prefer NOT being around those who habitually focus on all the negativity of the individual and Collective Ego.
Sometimes, he says the “right” words, but they don’t FEEL “right”/light/true to the Heart; and I can tell by the non-verbal expressions of some others that they, too, didn’t resonate with what he shared at times.
For instance, today, he made another sarcastic statement that can make people doubt expressing their inspirations, basically saying that some of us are not meant to write a book, though we may want to believe that God inspired us; because God may only want us to process our issues via writing, via a journal, blog, website, etc., but that’s it.
Apparently, this doesn’t apply to him, since he seems to consider himself a pure channel who wrote and published books inspired by God.
But yet, he’s often been contradicting some important topics he’s shared in his books, by NOT Being a Living Example.
Granted, perfection is not expected, but there needs to be some consistency; otherwise, the perception can easily be, “Do as I [habitually] say, NOT as I [habitually] do” type of leadership.
According to his books so far, he’s aware that Divine Love is includes (not excludes) ALL aspects of Life…
he’s aware of projection, he’s aware of judgment vs embrace, he’s aware of the benefits of unconditional forgiveness, and more; but perhaps he needs to review his books more often.
There’s a difference between confidence and arrogance, and he’s been more of the latter than the former, and I wonder if any of his chaplains have had the courage to tell him what he needs to hear for his highest benefit.
For today’s service at this center (not church), there seemed to be about half the people who showed up from last Sunday.
There can be various factors as to why, but I wondered if more and more Souls will end up drifting away from this place if he continues to be the way he habitually is, though he (like all other Souls) he has his wonderful qualities as well.
I was going to check out his YouTube channel recently, but when I noticed a video titled, “The Dumb Things Spiritual People Say,” I lost interest, since he has said some “dumb” things as well (as a spiritual person), but probably doesn’t believe he ever does.
Granted, this morning, I further searched for a deeper meaning of hair loss, since I’ve noticed some in an area that had more hair.
I came upon a reading titled, “Grey Hair: Emotional & Spiritual Meaning,” within the blog titled, Knowing Ourselves, which matches one of the main themes within this post.
And it states that gray hair plus hair loss on the crown area of our heads—paraphrasing here since unable to copy and paste—express our integration of maturity and detachment, plus the rejection of other ways of thinking, other beliefs, ideologies, etc., which is great reminder to Be more aware, and embrace these differences.
I came upon a comment shared within an online forum for skeptics, and one guy mentioned something to the effect that it was very suspicious that this spiritual teacher’s history is super cloudy, and wanted to know why the data is so scant (his adjectives).
He also wondered who was truly behind the public persona (aka ego) who obviously wanted to look like Jesus, and stated that he’s a snake oil salesman and a magician (the negative connotation version) who’s a patter (had to look up this unfamiliar word, which means in slang: someone who uses fast talk especially to attract attention or to entertain people, and/or to persuade people to buy or do something).
I don’t know what degree of truth there is in his statement, but all perceptions and perspective are valid, though they may not be completely accurate.
And despite this perspective, I have been a witness to the “positive” aspects of this spiritual teacher as well; hence, I choose to continue observing both sides of the same coin—the so-called right and wrong, good and bad, light and dark, etc.—while also appreciating what I can learn from the effective “negative” contrasts.
Speaking of those whose history is very cloudy, I have wondered how people who hardly share any personal stories write books about what humanity should and/or shouldn’t do in order to heal, obtain wisdom, raise one’s consciousness, become a better version of oneself, grow, evolve, and experience what many yearn for, to include Unconditional Love (for self/others), peace, freedom, joy, prosperity, abundance, etc..
Because if they didn’t obtain these many gems of wisdom from experiential knowledge/wisdom, then where did they get the information from?
Some probable answers include: from books, various types of videos, audios, from other people’s life experiences that has been publicly and freely shared (where credit may not have been given), channeling (the true versions), etc.
As I’ve shared before, I’ve noticed that those with the least amount of interesting stories to share are often ANTI-STORIES in a very defensive and revealing way.
However, sharing stories SHOW how we can have led by example (or not) the wisdom we’ve gained from many life experiences, and not just be able to regurgitate information, quotes and stories from other well-known people.
I also find it interesting when someone often talks about, teaches, and even preaches about Unconditional Love (or Divine Love), but yet, don’t even seem warm, kind and approachable while interacting in person, let alone loving.
But yet, in front of a live audience—and while being recorded live for available videos—it’s SHOW TIME…all fun and games, smiles and laughter, and sharing of much wisdom.
It’s WAY TOO EASY to only talk the talk, and even perform for an audience; but it’s a whole other ballgame to also walk the talk, to include Being fully present and unconditionally kind to people in person, and not act as though you’re above them.
I have no doubt that there are better ways to go about embracing and integrating “unacceptable” aspects of society, because I’ve been personally experiencing the benefits of shadow work (that I’m continuing to learn about).
It is possible that we can be UNaware of our own ego—by continuing to judge, deny, reject, and suppress it—which then becomes an UNKNOWN/DARK/SHADOW aspect buried deep within our unconscious.
I just further realized the repeating pattern—something I’ve been noticing more often during this phase of my life (in its various forms).
Rather than continue to leave: a relationship, an energetic space (like online) and/or a place, that I don’t resonate , perhaps I it would be beneficial to stay for at least a season.
After all, throughout the years, I’ve developed a growing belief, that I trust will turn into a solid conviction—in Divine perfect timing and order—that rather than move on, we can teach our individual and Collective Ego by continually introducing expanded perspectives, releasing society-conditioned, outdated beliefs, and co-creating NEW and beneficial beliefs.
But then again, we can also embrace what is, and still choose to leave what no longer consistently matches our state of consciousness.
I asked Spirit within (and thanked ahead of time) for 3 crystal clear signs of synchronicity, as to whether or not it’s highly beneficial for self/others to continue attending this place.
And last but not least…SHOW UP and Lead by Example first and foremost.
Since last month, I’ve bounced back to performing open mic comedy in Sedona weekly, that will continue at other locations as well (Calif and then Las Vegas this month, then Flagstaff, Phoenix, and other locations after).
And to my great surprise, as I naturally and authentically connected with so-called others, I’ve been gradually forming new acquaintances and friends with more like-minded and like-hearted Souls, though there’s always a mix of people with various consciousness states as well (that I don’t mind now).
I realized that I’m starting to experience what it’s like to be part of such supportive communities. I even felt grateful for getting to meet a few kind, younger, homeless guys—two who live in their vehicles, and who are impressively wise beyond their age—and all three who often attend the events.
I enjoy helping them in ways that I can (while maintaining healthy boundaries), to include: giving a cash tip for a tarot card reading at the event (where I simply pick a card, read profound wisdom from an anonymous book shared by an authentic shaman, and the we talk about it), actively listening to whatever stories they feel like sharing, sharing expanded perspectives with them that could encourage, uplift, empower, and inspire—to include who they are within rather than their earthy labels and material possessions—bringing them home-cooked meals whenever I feel like it, buying a warm hat set that includes gloves, socks, and scarf, etc.
One of these courageous, homeless Souls shared stories of his adventures to various locations within the U.S, to include paradise-like places like the Big Island and Kauai.
He’s been practicing to flow with the Cosmic River of Life, trusting that he will be provided for by the Universe whatever he needs at any given moment.
He’ll work temporary, odd jobs, and stay at hostels that provide free shelter and meals in exchange for helping out with whatever.
I told him how incredibly brave and bold he is, and that he inspires me to also Be more free-spirited and trusting of Life.
He also shared that many “hippies” simply go with the flow, buy cheap plane tickets to wherever their Hearts guide them, and dive into the unknown.
I shared with him that I’m so grateful that we crossed paths, and that’s he’s truly a very wise, Old Soul.
We’ve been able to talk about practically any topic, while sharing profound wisdom we gained from personal Life experiences.
And this includes exchanging ways we’ve been able to manifest at different rates, even within 5 minutes, though that’s very rare.
I reminded him that we will tune into more and more uplifting forms of abundance as we do our best to Be Fully Present in Life with integrated Heart/Mind, and to often feel grateful for even the seemingly small stuff of Life; and he agreed.
When we were talking about animal spirit guides—a subject we’ve been frequently re-visiting due to being passionate about it—I shared a seemingly miraculous story of what happened in Helotes, TX (the outskirts of San Antonio) about eight years ago or so (that I had shared within a questionnaire while taking Sadhguru’s Inner Engineering online course years ago, and I think within this blog as well).
While my husband briefly stopped by his office to drop off some paperwork, I waited in the car. I rolled down the windows so that I could enjoy the fresh air and the presence of a large tree to my right.
At one point, four or five mosquitos flew in like a squad of fighter jet planes; and like many humans, I initially reacted from fear, and started shooing them.
However COMMA it was as if they were dancing to MC Hammer’s “Can’t Touch This!”
At another point, I felt this deep peace within me, and to my great surprise, I calmly said to the mosquitos, “Take what you need.”
And to my great surprise, they all flew out gracefully.
The homeless guy I shared this story with—won’t mention his name for privacy reasons—looked at me with enlarged, excited eyes, and shared that this ability was guru level; and though I had never thought of it that way, it did make sense for at least those brief moments.
Thanks to him sharing this positive and helpful feedback, I realized that I had become ONE with the mosquitoes, at least for those moments (which I shard with him); hence, I was willing to give to them what they might have needed (blood to feed their babies), since I could easily spare some drops.
It’s like the time I set aside a little chunk of BBQ meat for a few flies, and they surprisingly left us alone, and dined on top of this shared meal. [Shared in post, “Lessons of Compassion and Power with Unwelcomed Flies and Roaches“ or “To Fleas and Fruit Flies: What Message You Got?“]
Granted, if there were dozens of mosquitos, I’d choose to have healthy boundaries by telepathically communicating to them that I’m NOT a Japorean buffet, and that their tiny asses need to fly to Vegas for that meal (Oooh, I’m SO going to use this bit as part of an open-mic comedy set! ^_^).
I also reminded this Old Soul that we all have the ability to tune into the meditative, Full Presence state, aka Higher Self or 5D state, the latter not necessarily a physical location, but a state of Being (that I also shared as part of my open-mic comedy set that night with many others).
And I’m glad that I did, because afterward, this stranger guy approached me at Lacuna Kava Bar—where the owner and staff is so wonderful—and thanked me for sharing the message, because he had read that we (humanity) had missed one of the opened gates of 5D; hence, he believed he had missed this once in a blue moon opportunity energetic train.
I shared that beliefs are very powerful, but that we can reclaim our inner power by only creating or adopting beliefs that are highly beneficial for self/others, rather than disempowering ones.
And that a helpful starting point is to always follow our Heart’s inner guidance whenever we read, watch, or listen to anything or anybody, and only take onboard what FEELS light to our Hearts; he seemed relieved to hear an expanded perspective.
That night, I intuitively and strongly sensed to do something suddenly different. I actually shared what I trusted the be highly beneficial for the audience, that was interestingly more like a TEDx Talk.
And it worked out perfectly, because multiple audience members—to include the stranger I mentioned above, and other strangers I’ve never seen before—approached me afterwards and shared their generous compliments, to include how thankful they were for the helpful message (from a older lady with white, curly hair).
One young female shared how awesome my message was, and that she was so glad that I brought up the fact that the number 13 (that she likes) is not an unlucky number.
I also added in the set that the number 13—like the words bitch, witch (ancient meaning, The Wise One), and the number 666 (the strongest female energy)—has been misused or abused by humanity due to the conditioning of outdated, patriarchal religions.
And that they are all related to the ancient, Divine Mother Goddess. [Related post within this blog, “Ancient, True Meanings of: Bitch, The Devil, Beast, 666, Serpent, Witch & God“]
Last week, a young, Caucasian, female open-mic comedian basically said within her set that 666 is not exactly an angel number, since a group of Mexicans with this tattoo had shot her dad in the back, which is why she hates all Mexicans.
Afterwards, since she was standing next to me, I jokingly told her that I trust that she’s really joking about hating ALL Mexicans, since I know some very loving ones as well; and she smiled and agreed.
And thanks to a few open-mic comedians changing their minds at the last minute—though some of us enthusiastically cheered for them to perform—I had an opportunity to perform an actual open-mic comedy set at the end, due to extra time.
As I continued to follow my breadcrumbs of joy, take discerning actions, and notice the series of Divine synchronicity, I tuned into a delightful opportunity.
I submitted an open mic comedy video, and was selected to perform at the talent show this coming Saturday, 2/11th, within the Conscious Life Expo 2023 event at L.A. in Cali.
Related to this, I also recently met another open-mic comedian from Sedona who felt like Soul Family.
He used to do radio talk shows, which explains why he has great stage presence, and why he seems to be effortlessly articulate, highly creative, and witty.
He currently has a fairly new business with his team that also includes spirituality, creativity, and incorporating a radio talk show, which he suggested I would be a great addition to, which was sweet of him to share.
We exist within the Quantum Field of unlimited possibilities and seemingly countless probabilities, so I trust that whatever’s co-created with intentions stemming from a state of Unconditional Love, has the potential to flourish in Divine perfect timing and order.
Anyhoo, we complimented one another’s performances last week and weekend, which led to additional conversations that felt heart-centered, light and fun.
He even invited me to a potluck at his home—that 30 or so people were attending—but I told him that my husband and I had plans, so we may or may not go, to which he agreed next time.
Since I found out that he, too, is attending the expo event in Cai, I asked if he knew about the talent show.
Since he didn’t, but was very excited about it, I explained the details, and then contacted Dr. Sarah the next day—one of the producers of the team—to see if he could submit a video as well.
Even Dr. Sarah is part of this particular series of Divine synchronicity. I didn’t realize it while we talked via phone call, or even via text, but as soon as I saw her email photo, I immediately recognized her.
A couple months ago, soon after returning from my first, sacred Egypt trip, one of the facilitators, Juliet, had sent me Dr. Sarah’s website link since she shares helpful information about ancient Egyptian oils.
Since I had invested in some as well—directly from the source, a Master Alchemist named Gamel in Egypt—I was interested in the additional information.
So I felt like doing a quick, online search, and came upon a YouTube video where Dr. Sarah interviewed Gamel. After enjoying the video, I shared a comment with her, which I informed her in a recent email.
An extra puzzle piece to this series of synchronicity is that within her website, she recommended a link to the spiritual teacher I mentioned towards the beginning of this post.
The interconnectedness of Life continues to AMAZE me.
Anyhoo, I shared with Dr. Sarah (that she prefers to be called) that he’s probably the best open-mic comedian I’ve seen out of all the locations I’ve been at from various states and cities (which I shared with him soon after), and that he’s funny and seems like a very nice guy.
He called me the next evening super excited that he was selected, and thanked me while sharing a generously rare kind of compliment for me, “You’re an absolute angel!” and “I’m so grateful for you dear one.”
I was so happy for him, who sounded like a joyful kid on Christmas morning, right before opening gifts; those moments were so pure/whole/authentic and free-spirited, just like children (before they’re conditioned by society).
I even appreciated how we encouraged one another to do our best in the creative process (to include sharing helpful tips), not to be too nervous or worry (especially about the contest part of the talent show, to which I added was just a bonus), and to have FUN first and foremost.
Apparently, he didn’t even have to submit a video since he was told that my strong recommendation of him was suffice, which I was grateful for, and it was a great compliment as well.
Speaking of compliments, I just realized that I’ve been showered with them lately by at least a dozen people, to include new friends, acquaintances, and even strangers (mostly from open mic comedy places).
Even one of the homeless guys shared the other day that he really appreciates the strength and presence of my Soul, and that I must be a saint.
I told him that I only cook when I feel like it, and not out of some obligation (to include goodwill), and we both agreed that food tastes best when it’s made from a state of love, and laughed.
I chose to receive all these invaluable compliment gifts with much gratitude, since they are all forms of uplifting abundance that I’m not used to in this quantity, but welcome them, since I deeply appreciate other Souls mirroring to me the Light & Love within my Spirit & Soul.
I am/AM who I am/AM, and do whatever I FEEL like doing (to include continuing to generously share whatever with others whenever I feel like it)—and not to get something from others, to include acceptance, approval, and even compliments; so I’ve learned to fully embrace unconditional giving and receiving, since Life is about Balance & Harmony.
Excerpts from Related Posts Within This Blog
The following is from “Ironic, Judgmental Teachings About the Ego from Individual & Physical Selves“:
It was, yet, another ironically judgmental “spiritual” teaching about the individual and Collective Ego—as if this only “righteous” “good” and “humble” person doesn’t have an ego (the individual self that is)—seemingly instilling more fear within humanity, and causing more judgments and further separation within people, and all around them.
I shared the following message for the reading, “12 Lessons from Ego is the Enemy“ that included the image of this book on right; and the revealing key words of this book cover, EGO, ENEMY, FIGHT, and OPPONENT are ironically from the overly dominant (rather than balanced and harmonious), aggressive, masculine energy of the ego (the unawakened version of masculine energy) that’s been conditioned by society to only be right, good, and light aspects of WHOLE self/Self, causing the individual and Collective Ego to become extremely judgmental towards everything that’s NOT shiny on the outside/or behind the many masks):
Whenever we make an ENEMY of ANY ultimately NEUTRAL aspect of the WHOLE self/Self, we will continue to add fuel to the fire of conflicts, battles, and wars within inner and outer worlds.
And we will never be able to truly, fully, and unconditionally love WHOLE self/Self=-let alone so-called others/humanity/interconnected Life within this world and beyond—so long as we continue to judge (even in a subtle righteous and superior way) whatever aspects are a part of us.
One of the teachings that’s floating around in this world, is that whenever we say the words, I, me, and my, it’s all about our [society frowned upon] ego.
So I suppose this person—or even group of people who believe this—NEVER use such words? Because being an ego is always inferior without any benefits and Divine Purpose (that ALL of Life has via simple existence)?
And if it’s true that using such words equates to one being the “unacceptable” ego, is this teaching contracting or expanding? Is it disempowering or empowering? Is it exclusive or inclusive? Is it part of separation consciousness or Unity Consciousness? Is it fear-based or love-based? You get the picture.
There are also “spiritual” teachers who teach about ego in judgmental ways—as if they themselves have no ego (individual self)—which is IRONIC considering that the individual and Collective Ego is known to be very judgmental (though the ego is more than this, to include doing its best to help us to survive and even thrive in a very challenging world).
[Edited paragraph]: Perhaps when the fearful ego (younger male energy) is deeply moved by Heart/Spirit/Goddess within us and all around us, it remembers (as a Soul) and learns (as physical self) to release society-conditioned fears and fear-based beliefs, and become its transformed, higher, exalted version of itself as the more mature, spiritually evolved, profoundly wise, and powerful, Divine Masculine Energy/God essence.
It is the natural state of the individual and Collective logical mind to separate, organize, categorize, differentiate, compare, measure, etc. the stull of Life in order to understand.
But as we separate less and less with the FEELING and KNOWING Heart, we realize that there are 2 Cosmic forces at play within the duality/polarity of interconnected Life of physical perspectives and physical worlds, both within us and all around us.
There are many earthly labels such as: Unified Self & Individual Self (aka Ego)/Heart & Mind/Spirit & Soul (Awakened Ego)/Ying & Yang/Moon & Sun/Dark (Unknown: to include Unconditional Love) & Light (Known: to include conditional love)/Water & Fire/Goddess & God/Buddha Consciousness & Christ Consciousness/Devil (Devi/Goddess/Female Christ) & Jesus (Male Christ/Ascended Master)/etc.
However COMMA as we separate even less, we end up with The One/The Whole/Unconditional Love/Divine Mother Goddess essence (that contains Light/God essence)/Unity Consciousness.
There was a [well-intentioned, yet unaware], older man who went around teaching as many people as possible that the mind is evil and the heart is not.
But yet, he was using his mind to think and communicate; so perhaps it’s about the highly beneficial teamwork of the integrated Mind/Heart (with the more ancient, experienced, unconditionally loving, profoundly wise, and powerful Heart leading mind)?
Some related thoughts that we can entertain are:
“Can we get rid of our mind, ego, right arm, emotions, feelings, eyes, etc.?
If not, how can we finally end the inner world conflicts, battles, and wars (FIRST AND FOREMOST, before expecting outer world changes)?
How can we be at peace with such “unacceptable” aspects that we continue to hold a strong judgment towards, even behind the mask of righteousness and goodness?
Perhaps embrace and integrate them into Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self?
I highly resonate with profoundly wise Master Teachers like Carl Jung and Alan Watts, who share with humanity and beyond expanded perspectives of interconnected Life, to include Being and Becoming WHOLE (not just one half side of the Cosmic Coin).
Because as long as we continue to play the old, outdated, limiting, disempowering, fear-based, individual and Collective BLAME GAME—within our inner world and outer world—-we will exasperate separation between all of Life (separation consciousness), rather than unite (Unity Consciousness/Unconditional Love for the self/others/Life).
Mastering something is NOT about having control and power over something perceived as less than, but to realize that the so-called other aspect(s) is a part of the WHOLE self/Self; hence, working together as ONE.
May we all RE-MEMBER our forgotten parts of ourselves/others, so that we can REUNITE, EXPERIENCE (experiential knowledge/wisdom), and FEEL what true BLISS IS, within us and all around us—like our own version of Heaven on Earth that’s overflowing with obvious blessings, and blessings in disguise.
The following is from, “Is Our Ego Ironically Being Unaware of Actually Being Judgmental Ego?“:
A little over two weeks or so, someone who has been referred to as an enlightened entreprenuer by certain others, was ridiculing the ego (in a somewhat mean way).
So I shared a comment within that live call, that talking about the ego in a very judgmental way is ironic, since the individual and Collective Ego is known to be very judgmental.
It’s like religious people witin humanity habitually and conveniently blaming the same aspect with different, man-made names/labels, such as the devil, so that they don’t have to take responsibility for their own “negative” energy aspects within.
In our physical world, the mind is often acknowledged and respected way more than the Heart; but I’ve noticed within a decade that even certain groups within the broad spectrum of Spirituality, the Heart/Divine Feminine Energies/Goddess is chosen over the mind (like this older gentleman on a mission from Sedona).
However, this didn’t FEEL light/true to my Heart, and for a while now, I’ve been intuitively and experientially knowing that it’s TIME to unconditionally embrace and integrate both (and all other opposites)—or from another perspective, tune into the already merged version of Heart leading Mind—rather than further separate within the so-called opposites/contrasts/duality/polarity of physical worlds.
Because even ego vs Higher Self is still part of fear-based, separation consciousness (i.e., one aspect within vs another aspect within, “you vs me”, “us vs them”, etc.).
UNITY Consciousness INcludes (NOT excludes) separation consciousness, just as the merged Light & Love Frequencies includes the interconnected very low/slow/dense vibrational energies of the color red (or fear energy) through the very high vibrational energies of the color violet (or compassion energy). The WHOLE includes the parts.
So whenever we judge the Collective Ego of others—rather than merely observe it from a neutral perspective—it’s because we judge the individual ego within ourselves, and vice versa.
I respect and admire Souls like Eckhart Tolle for his contributions, to include his vast collection of helpful spiritual studies and other people’s quotes who have walked the path (i.e., Mystical Leaders, Sages, Trailblazers, etc.).
But one of his books heavily judged and criticized the Collective Ego (seemingly ¾ of the book), which was an unexpected surprise.
And of course, due to this, there have been those who have asked him if he didn’t have an ego; and he appeared uncomfortable with such questions (sometimes masking his discomfort with humor) since deep down, he intuitively knew the truth.
Being spiritual within doesn’t mean we need to be anti-ego, and/or seem emotionless, since we are also FEELING human beings as well; we are Full-Potential, MUltidimensional, WHOLE self/Self (ultimately, the spiritual and physical are ONE; hence the RAINBOW BRIDGE).
The most judgmental people I’ve known have habitually suppressed, denied, disowned, rejected, criticized, minimized, and even ridiculed the ego/Ego (sometimes in mean ways), AS IF they don’t have an ego, not realizing that they may actually have a BIG ego (that they secretly can’t stand; hence the projection and judgment of others’ egos).
The following is from, “The Irony of Not Accepting Emotional People“:
It’s time to fully embrace all of our connected energy bodies, on an individual and collective level.
We embrace our emotional energy body by unconditionally accepting, embracing, and even deeply loving more and more aspects of ourselves (to include our emotions and feelings)—the polarity (rather than duality) of the so-called good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark, etc.; basically, the opposites sides of the SAME coin.
We embrace our mental energy body by continually introducing our minds to the bigger picture (the hawk’s bird-eye view), expanding our consciousness, having an overall positive outlook while not judging ourselves when we’re not thinking happy thoughts at whatever moments.
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