A recent series of Divine Synchronicity—shared within the previous, related post, “Being Wise & Discerning When It Comes to ALL Outer World Soul Teachers (Including Teal Swan)”—led to this intriguing experience that I intuitively knew I could learn from, as long as I gave it a chance.
And the above post also includes requested feedback I shared for a related YouTube video titled, “Body Language Analyst/Hypnotherapist
REACTS to Teal Swan from ‘The Deep End.”Is She DANGEROUS?“ (before I watched, “The Deep End” documentary):
I shared the following paragraph as part of Episode 3’s comment that applies to the overall documentary of 4 episodes:
Now I get that there’s editing within all episodes of this full documentary; however COMMA there are more than enough video clips that show—in a CRYSTAL CLEAR WAY—whatever’s being verbally said by Teal, her team members, former members, and others, as well as what’s non-verbally expressed and revealed.
After watching episode 3, I felt like googling Teal’s thoughts about her documentary, and sure enough, related YouTube videos popped up.
However, due to watching more than enough video clips within this documentary so far, that reveal a lot of information, I choose to finish watching the last episode.
I’m going to continue following my inner guidance/intuition/inner-wisdom/discernment/insights/gut feeling and other psychic abilities.
And I’m also going to use my keen observations of verbal and non-verbal cues, that I’ve also been extensively trained on while in the military as a Human Intelligence Collector/Analyst/Interrogator (to include The Senior Interrogators School).
Then, I will start watching at least one of Teal’s YouTube videos—providing whatever explanations of “The Deep End” documentary—but will check out if there are even more red flags 🚩.
So why am I so invested in learning from someone like Teal Swan and her team, which can easily be perceived as a complete waste of time?
Because I have reached a state of Consciousness in my life, where I’m willing to further explore the so-called darkest/unknown depths of human nature (to include within myself via Shadow Work, as well as The 7 Essene Mirrors).
But not about the very obvious, “bad or evil guys”—like psychopaths, sociopaths, murderers, rapists, serial killers, etc.—but those who are deeply wounded, are a complex combination of WHOLE aspects, are involved with the light side of life (like spirituality), and may have some related dark characteristics and tendencies as well.
When I further expand my perspective, I realize that ultimately, there are no “others,” and ALL aspects exist within ALL of us to varying degrees, whether we’re aware of them or not.
Plus, I trust that whenever we do our best to help others, we instantly and automatically help ourselves (and vice versa; related to Entanglement of Quantum Physics); and this includes sharing uncomfortable truths that may not be received well.
Many people within humanity are intimidated to speak what needs to be shared more; but sometimes, we may not clearly see, and honest others (with love-based intentions) can help us clear the dense fog.
Also, by authentically expressing—without our society-conditioned egos filtering out what we should only express as spiritual people—we can even discover where we may have judgments, strong emotional triggers, and projections, which can help us to more deeply understand and better know ourselves as well (especially our own “dark”/unknown/shadow aspects, whether negative or positive).
Despite mentally understanding, and even emotionally FEELING this Unity Consciousness Truth/Unconditional Love at times (and even feeling this deep, unconditional love, to include compassion, for even Teal)…
I still like to play the Earth school and playground game of OPPOSITES/CONTRAST/DUALITY/POLARITY—part of the package deal of physical worlds—and simply Be (or be) authentic Self/self at whatever moments…
and fully, freely, and honestly express what’s highly beneficial to be shared and witnessed by others.
⚠️Spoiler Alert
For S1 / E1: “The Lost Toys”
Halfway through this video, Teal revealed a lot more about herself—when one of her followers asked a valid question—and I’m glad he stood up for himself.
Teal obviously made him and her team uncomfortable due to her very authoritarian, extremely arrogant, and aggressive reaction.
Nonverbal cues—along with her crystal clear, verbal expressions—speak VOLUMES.
And this includes Blake’s obvious discomfort in this video—while doing his best to have healthy boundaries (part of self-respect and self-love)—though he did his best to be assertive to the best of his ability (but not in a confident way, since he’s been deeply conditioned for a long time by VERY DOMINANT, influential, persuasive, and sometimes aggressive Teal).
I still respect and even admire Teal for her qualities that stem from Light (helpful new information) & Unconditional/True Love (for the self/others), and that are truly highly beneficial for interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
However COMMA Teal can also be a real jerk (a BIG BULLY) at times, while justifying her harsh words, behaviors, and actions as authenticity and honesty.
True authenticity and honesty doesn’t need to dominate and/or control others.
No one, to include her team, should have to walk on eggshells around her, which I’ve even witnessed even at her NYC event years ago.
I also didn’t like how she treated some participants there, and it wasn’t for a highly beneficial cause; but rather, a power trip (a misuse or abuse of power, meant to be used in a love-based ways).
Also, just because someone has millions of followers (like Hitler), doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re Heart-centered, True Leaders with love-based intentions for all.
I sense that deep within Teal’s Soul, she does want to help humanity to a certain degree; but most of her vibes so far (especially within this video) has felt like her stronger intention leans much more towards feeding her increasingly growing, extremely arrogant and aggressive BIG ego, especially from some of the things she said with her NON-Soulful version of intense eye contact that’s filled with anger (stemming from fear) rather than unconditional love.
I feel that even Teal has the potential to Be Amazing, Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Self/self (like all Souls), but there’s been something seriously OFF at times—vibes I wouldn’t want my adult children, or any loved ones to be around, especially in a more personal workshop, event, and retreat.
Teal has shared some very helpful material at times, but that’s about as far as that goes for now.
One can Be Confident and Bold without habitually being an ass to others, especially behind closed doors, with those closest to her (with unreasonably strict and controlling rules all centered around her).
Unconditional Love and Freedom are interchangeable for a reason.
For S1 / E2: “The Safe Place” [My Ass]
IF what Teal’s former, inner circle guy said to Teal Team’s Private Investigator was true—about Teal unleashing another side of her once the cameras go off—to include saying horrible things like, “If I were you, I’d just go kill myself, ‘cause there’s NO hope for you!”—then she needs to take full responsibility for her words and actions (ostracizing an exiting member, apparently 1 of the 5 techniques of a cult).
So even though there were heartfelt and beautiful parts to this episode—that could’ve made this an overall great episode of this documentary—the flipping the switch part (in paragraph above) to a psychotic version of Teal, and the team ganging up on him, really left a not so pleasant FEELING about her and this community (which Teal stated isn’t a safe place due to many outside threats).
One of Teal’s followers at the retreat—the guy who completely triggered and understandably freaked Teal out with his comment about being sexually attracted to her—reminded me of a similar guy at Teal’s NYC Event years ago.
Even then, it made her very uncomfortable, and she was straightforward with this guy who brought her gifts while kneeling down in front of her.
It’s no surprise that Teal’s natural beauty attracts many guys (and probably even females); so a solution could be for Teal to simply embrace what’s expected from some of her desperate fans, in a calm, cool, and collected way, which I can imagine her being (if she wanted to).
It’s about reclaiming her inner power, by not allowing creepy comments from others to shake her inner world’s foundation.
Freaking out negatively affects her family-like team members, who also looked concerned, worried, and even very fearful while Teal was going ape-shit crazy.
When a Leader is Being the Captain of the entire ship 🚢—for both her inner and outer world chaos—then her crew will follow her lead and FEEL safe, confident, and secure that ALL IS WELL, despite temporary, outer circumstances.
As we saw in this episode, the guy who was an obsessive fan of Teal was this way due to his mother issues.
Speaking of which, while Blake’s wife (forgot name) was channeling this guy’s dead mother, she only said very general words that could apply to many people’s dead family members.
It would’ve been convincing if she would’ve at least channeled something specific and very personal.
Despite Teal revealing non-verbal cues of her jealousy towards Blake’s wife, it was nice to see how she later came around to support them.
I have mixed feelings for Teal and her team; but I also know that when I choose to fully release whoever and whatever, that HABITUALLY (KEYWORD) FEELS HEAVY, then I don’t look back, though I thank them, feel deeply grateful for the invaluable experiences, and truly wish them well.
For S1 / E3: “The Carousel”
Wow. The female “channeling” the father and mother and telling the woman (daughter) that “MAYBE” and “POSSIBLY” they did abusive things is PLANTING UNNECESSARY SEEDS OF MORE HURT into this woman’s heart.
Sounds like a MEGA LOAD OF DOO DOO.
Healing is about helping one to lighten the LOAD, not pierce another’s heart with more HYPOTHETICAL, BULLshit daggers.
And what’s with Teal’s smirk on her face while she’s observing all this nonsense?
Would it be funny if “channelers” did this to her son one day? Because I guarantee that energy will circle back in due time.
I’m not done with Teal & her team yet. I’m glad I decided to check this documentary out.
By the way, just wondering who’s the dude on Team Teal who hardly ever blinks? 😳 His demeanor reminds me of someone in a TV show or movie.
Also, I knew a former coworker who didn’t have a medical condition, and acknowledged that her noticeable, increased weight gain over the years was energetically a protection mechanism while living in an environment that still FELT uncomfortable and unsafe.
If one has been used to an abusive environment, and then goes to the next, similar one—that may be abusive in another way, like psychologically, though not physically anymore—one could FEEL STUCK and HOPELESS, and afraid to move on due to a fear of no longer having anyone else as family, friends, and/or community, even if one is very unfulfilled deep inside (and it clearly shows on the outside).
I trust that we can RECLAIM our INNER POWER 💖 by Being transparently honest with ourselves, unconditionally loving ourselves, tuning into self-loyalty and the already available, tigress🐅-like courage within, and take BOLD 🦍 actions that can shock 🫢the hell out of everyone, like, “SURPRISE MFs!!! That’s right, I’m 🦇💩 CRAzy 🤪 NOW. So get the F#%^ OUTTA MY TRAILBLAZIN 💥🔥🔥🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥 WAY B!+CHES‼️”
Sometimes, our Higher Selves can take over in an impulse way ☄️⚡️🌪️🌋🌊, if we keep suppressing our true desires to Be Free 🐎, that can be quite mind-blowing, baffling, and even deeply satisfying at the same time.
Going to continue watching 👁️👀 this episode tomorrow, and add additional observations and insights if I feel like it.
Nighty night 🥱🛌😴😪
Continuing on 1/10/2024:
Regarding Teal’s parents, I hope she was able to deeply heal from her traumas, and eventually FEEL unconditional forgiveness from her Heart.
I’ve experienced initially forgiving my biological parents via the logical mind only—from wanting to hurry up and get it over with—and that only suppressed and aggravated the pain and suffering, which inevitably seeped out, or even exploded 💥🌋.
Even childhood Teal looks very unhappy, so I wish for Teal’s inner child to fully heal as well (as well as Graci’s inner child).
Also, in the first or second episode, Teal basically replied to the male retreat member that there’s no one on her team who can challenge her, and that she has no mentor above her.
However, this isn’t true. It’s no ancient Japorean secret that Teal cannot function without her team, especially Blake and Graci, who have both been known to often encourage, uplift, empower, inspire and help Teal in various ways (which is what a mentor often does as well).
Graci’s title and position is much more than a personal assistant; and she—along with Blake and other team members—deserves to be treated with much more respect, as an equal Team member who can share with (“challenge”) Teal at times other perspectives, without having to worry about repercussions (like Teal clearly pissed off about it, which makes her team uncomfortable).
More RED FLAGS 🚩s:
14 + 6 hours is 20 out of 24.
What happened to balancing work with play, as well as balancing care for others with important self-care?
Of course Teal’s team won’t complain since she has persuaded them into believing that her—and basically her mission centered mainly on her—is way above their own needs and desires.
We cannot fully, truly, and unconditionally help others from an empty cup.
Also Teal being very fear-based, controlling and adamant about not allowing Julianna and Blake to visit her family in Germany is very selfish.
She sternly said, “There’s no leisure travel”; are her team members part of a prison system?
The look on the faces of Teal’s team SHOUTS discomfort, which is becoming a pattern.
Does Teal not trust Blake enough after all these years he’s dedicated his life to her?
Now I get that there’s editing within all episodes of this full documentary; however COMMA there are more than enough video clips that show—in a CRYSTAL CLEAR WAY—whatever’s being verbally said by Teal, her team members, former members, and others, as well as what’s non-verbally expressed and revealed.
So one of Teal’s followers—a very young female named Sabrina—disagreed with Teal, when Teal told her that Sabrina’s parents don’t love her; but yet, because Teal claims to be psychic, and knows everything, Sabrina was supposed to completely believe Teal over her own intuitive feelings that her parents do love her (though there were probably time that they didn’t, and/or she felt she didn’t).
It’s unfortunate that another follower of Teal (Sabrina) attempted suicide at such a young age—after 6 years of following Teal (which she shared while attending Teal’s retreat—in addition to the young female who actually committed suicide a while back.
She basically threatened that if things don’t get better for her, that she’s going to commit suicide after Teal’s retreat.
That’s a very HEAVY and difficult situation to be in for Teal and her team.
But during a gathering afterwards, Teal’s demeanor towards Sabrina appears to come from annoyance and tolerance, more than compassion, empathy, and a true desire to actually help her.
It feels that Sabrina has strongly sensed that Teal wants her followers to always need her; hence, Sabrina expressed her exhaustion from having to constantly heal, continue to be miserable, and attend one unhelpful retreat after another.
Teal cut off her manager in the middle of him talking; so she can really work on Being fully present with others, and active listening, traits of a caring Leader.
Teal teaches many topics—to include shadow work, Being a Universal Mirror, and NOT allowing fear energy to take over—but there’s been an ongoing pattern of Teal being very fear-based, especially behind closed doors, and not living by a lot of her teachings.
And this includes her rant of reasons why she has so many haters, though she has also taught about letting go of disempowering, victim mentality.
So one can collect, memorize, and regurgitate tons of conceptual information; but it’s a WHOLE other ballgame to habitually BE Living Wisdom (especially via an abundance of experiential knowledge throughout one’s adulthood).
Even Teal Team’s Private Investigator (PI) came to the conclusion—after interviewing former members of Teal’s organization—that there are BIG RED FLAGS 🚩.
And this includes Teal’s contract called, “The Nonnegotiables” that does not read well, is mostly illegal, and matches the checklist of a cult (the PI said).
It’s true, this contract list can understandably be perceived as VERY DISTURBING, and is definitely FEARED-BASED, SELFISH, AND EXTREMELY CONTROLLING.
But to be fair, Teal’s team members are GROWNASS ADULTS, who have been AWARE of ALL the teachings related to Spirituality, to include but not limited to the IMPORTANCE of: deep healing and self-love (to include healthy boundaries, self-worth, self-esteem,self-respect, self-confidence, self-empowerment, etc.).
So to continue to be passive, and still allow this HYPOCRITICAL and CONTRADICTING leadership to rule their lives is truly sad.
At least Blake uncomfortably admitted to the PI that Teal’s contract does sound F#%^ED UP.
Blake said Teal compared this contract to the military, but I’m a retired Army Veteran—who’s worked with all branches of the military—and that doesn’t match up at all.
Plus, Teal has never been in the military, so how can she talk as if she knows what it’s like through experiential knowledge?
So it’s completely understandable why Julianna was upset, because she initially thought that Teal was truly caring (the way others did), but felt like she was falling into a hole 🕳️ later, and she doesn’t know how long she can take it
Continuing Another Day…
S1 / E4: “The Adversary”
1/11/2024: New 🌱 Moon 🌕:
Despite Teal claiming to be a spiritual influencer of many spiritual teachings, helpful healing techniques, and wisdom—and her mission is the transformation of human suffering to an empowered and authentic life—her ONGOING PATTERN of FEAR-based ways reveals that she does NOT habitually walk her talk; she is NOT Living Wisdom.
Teal is habitually fearful, paranoid, negative, cold, aggressive, confrontational, and miserable within this documentary (unless onstage or at a retreat). It’s obvious that she suffers a lot, and does not represent an EMPOWERED Spiritual Influencer.
The blind cannot lead the blind. Teal needs to work more on deeply healing herself first, so that she doesn’t continue spreading her wounded energies to humanity and beyond.
I realized that watching many of Teal’s YouTube videos from the past often showed her right, light, positive, kind, wise, and other loving aspects.
However, this documentary—and some other videos, especially with her in interviews—revealed much about how Teal can also be behind closed doors (wrong, dark, negative, unkind, unwise. and other unloving aspects).
It’s especially sad how she often treats her team members (which speaks VOLUMES about one’s character, or a lack therefore).
At the beginning of this episode, I wondered how often Blake’s invaluable personal time was interrupted by Teal’s needs and demands, as shown in one of her past YouTube videos, where she confronted him about turning his phone off at times due to desiring some peaceful solitude time to Be Free (that all Souls deserve).
Granted, he’s no victim, since he was given a choice by Teal; plus, Blake (and anyone else) can tune into his Divine Masculine energy essence, and Be protective of his self (to include his scared inner child), Be Confident, Be Assertive, and Be BOLD in reclaiming his Inner Power—realizing that he, as an individual self, matters just as much (if not more) than the Collective.
Because the more we unconditionally love ourselves, the more our inner cups can effortlessly overflow to others.
But we cannot unconditionally, fully, and truly give to others from an empty or barely-filled cup (and Teal is an example of one who is trying so hard to deeply heal others, when she hasn’t even deeply healed herself).
We ALL have polar opposite aspects of WHOLE self within us to varying degrees; but this is a great reminder of the importance of habitually doing our best to Be Authentic, and Transparently Honest, for both our inner world and outer world, in private and in public.
It’s not just about being shiny on the outside (in public) in order to become famous (an end goal)—seemingly the main motivating factor for Teal—but about who we are throughout the journey, to include how we treat team members.
In the last episode, when one of her retreat followers mentioned wanting to commit suicide, Teal was obviously more concerned about her reputation that the very young woman herself.
Teal Team’s Private Investigator (PI) was clearly intimidated by Teal during their conversation—revealed by both her verbal and non-verbal cues (to include tone and pitch of voice)—which explains why she wasn’t able to confidently Be Assertive and crystal clear in her communication.
When Teal was baffled and confused, why didn’t the PI clearly read Teal’s contract with her team called, “The Non-Negotiables”?
I can understand if the PI refrained from mentioning that in order to not reveal the team member who shared the contract with the PI.
But everything within this documentary was going to be publicly shared anyway, after years of production that Teal and her team were aware of. Perhaps there’s missing puzzle 🧩 pieces.
Perhaps the PI was also being discerning and wise as well, not wanting to add fuel to a bonfire that she is aware has a high probability of EXPLODING 💥🌋 (one of Teal’s patterns).
Regarding what Teal said to Julianna, “You feel like an adversary to me, and I need that to change”: […]
The KEY PHRASE ABOVE is “You FEEL LIKE ___ TO ME”; hence, YOU are in control of how YOU FEEL Teal, not Julianna.
Because if another is truly an ADVERSARY, then chances are, the ADVERSARY won’t care to CHANGE for you in order to make you FEEL better.
Teal, here’s one of your quotes in the free e-book you recently shared, that’s a GREAT REMINDER FOR YOU:
“When we can let go of our erroneous belief (and expectation) that other people have to change in order for us to be happy, we will have set ourselves free […]”
That was a bully move of Teal to basically gang up on Julianna, since she was confident that the rest of her passive followers would back her (Teal) up; and for a passive person, that’s very intimidating.
When we suppress our true thoughts and feelings—and don’t believe in our own AUTHORITY within—we give our power away, which gives possibly fear-based others to PROJECT their own true thoughts and feelings onto us, saying (possibly) BULLshit things like, “I think you think ___,” and “I feel that you feel ___.”
Teal’s long list seems to be a PROJECTION of her own beliefs and feelings about herself.
Wow. I wanted to have some new faith in Teal, after I suddenly received her newsletter email recently this new year of 2024–after having unsubscribed for years and not focusing on anything related to her—but I’ve fully embraced that Teal is a WHOLE Soul (like everyone else), but her physical self is still very wounded, and she continues to be very toxic at times, and increasingly throughout the episodes of this documentary.
What happened to taking RESPONSIBILITY for self rather than play the BLAME GAME? Teal blaming her manager in a non-tactful, disrespectful way.
Teal can be EXTREMELY ABUSIVE, trying to MANIPULATE AND CONTROL Blake—out of all team members (who helped her the most from the start)—into feeling bad about himself, and trying to INSTILL GUILT AND SHAME (AGAIN, GOING AGAINST HER TEACHINGS).
Teal, END THE BLAME GAME (regarding Blake choosing to leave). One cannot expect ANYONE to remain in a habitually toxic, selfish, manipulative, controlling and unhealthy relationship that includes HARSH: VERBAL, MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL ABUSE. CHECK YOURSELF TOO. Marriage is a contract as well, but should a chronically abused spouse remain in the relationship? Of course not. Like you’ve been telling others…(🫵🏼 ) SIT WITH THAT FOR A MOMENT.
Teal, again, below is your own full quote—from your free e-book that came with your newsletter—regarding Blake (your most loyal team member whom you only chose to see his so-called weaknesses—just because he wanted to start a new path without you—and said mean things to him, according to your own fears):
“When we can let go of our erroneous belief (and expectation) that other people have to change in order for us to be happy, we will have set ourselves free. We will create a world where the cohesive society that we live in, is the totality of everyone following his or her own bliss.”
Conclusion: Many unedited video parts within the 4 episodes of this documentary, REVEALS A LOT about the “very negative” and unloving side of Teal Swan, that wasn’t her usual “optimistic, overall positive, kind, caring, and wise” YouTube videos persona.
If you really pay attention to her verbal and non-verbal expressions, there are patterns.
This includes what feels to be her underlying strong desire for many people to be lonely, in pain, suffering, and always needing her to be in their lives, so that she can reach her ultimate goal of FAME.
And there’s nothing wrong with fame—especially when used to highly benefit the Self/self/interconnected Life—but just as I had a strong feeling years ago, that Blake was going to leave her, I also have an intuitive knowing that if Teal continues to mostly be fearful ways, FAME will further bring out the “worst” aspects of her (rather than bring out her best version).
Because it’s known that SUCCESS, FAME, RICHES & WEALTH, simply AMPLIFY who we already are within.
And if Teal has become this mostly fearful way with a 1.2M followers, I wonder who she will become with much more; only time will tell.
But it’s NOT about the QUANTITY of followers, but the QUALITY of followers.
This include Teal’s team members and followers—who appear to have spiraled deep down into Teal’s DARK world, especially with the their very desperate, passive, obsessive, and worshiping, “cult followers” ways.
But like the saying goes, “Birds of a feather flock together.”
So I trust Teal and her peoples were all meant to cross paths, and they will continue this phase—where they place Teal on a very high pedestal (despite how she talks bad about some of her fans behind their backs, and how she habitually mistreats her team members)—until they FULLY WAKE UP, like Blake and Julianna did.
I’m grateful I watched this documentary; otherwise, I would’ve continued to give Teal Swan another chance, especially after her newsletter email showed up this month, January 2024, after years of having unsubscribed to her. I’m DONE with Teal and anything related to her, but I wish for her and her peoples deep healing on their paths.
I shared the following reply for the questionable video and Teal fan’s comment below (you can click on each screenshot image to read larger version, and scroll down as needed to view full reading):
Like Teal has taught, it’s not about being an ostrich burying its head in the sand, refusing to SEE (with CLARITY) the WHOLE picture, and what one can learn from in outer world.
Only after one has watched the documentary—and witnessed more aspects of WHOLE Teal (and not just the right, good, and light)—can one truly decide how much one respects and/or admires or unconditionally loves her.
Otherwise, it’s like eating “healthy” food labeled “Natural” in its title, while refusing to look at the long list of unknown ingredients that could be toxic, simply taking the word of a well thought out, persuasive commercial.
I watched all 4 episodes within “The Deep End” documentary so that I can observe Teal, her team, and others’ verbal and non-verbal cues—especially the latter since it’s around 90% of human language—BEFORE hearing any explanations.
Parts of Conclusion: [already shared within this post]
Last Comments I Shared
Some Reasonable Related Comments From Others
Updates for This Post
So far, this YouTube video, “Ancestral Healing, The Shadow-Side of
“Light Workers” & Predications For Humanity | Teal Swan” (screenshot below)—that I will continue to watch with a discerning, open mind, and an open heart with healthy boundaries—reveals more about Teal 🦢 that I appreciate.
It shows other aspects of Teal—opposite from many moments in the documentary, “The Deep End” (though there are moments of truth to that as well).
Like many of her earlier YouTube videos—as well as some later ones— Teal is fully present, authentic, refreshingly honest, tactful, eloquent, discerning, open-minded, open-hearted, playful, humorous, and profoundly wise.
I will share this in a brief comment; but just wanted to add this update to this post, since it’s easy to swing the pendulum to the polar opposite extreme, rather than SEE 👁️👀 with CLARITY one’s Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Self/self.
I was reminded from within to check my 📱 calendar, and sure enough, I saved the following message from Chris Reck’s newsletter emails—creator of Minnow Pond Tarot—and it perfectly matches this experience with exploring expanded perspectives without judgment:
🏺💦Aquarius Season Begins January 20, 2024 (today)
“The sun, your chart ruler, shifts into innovative Aquarius by Jan. 20 […]
During this season, you’ll pay closer attention to the unique perspectives and opinions of the people around you.
It’ll be important to surround yourself with individuals who are unapologetically themselves this month, and in turn, inspire you to show up as your most genuine self too.”
31:41 – 31:47: Teal, regarding, “greatest haters later now that creates a dynamic where people are like I love your stuff you’re like just wait”…
Why expect a negative outcome? Why not recognize and release the outdated, negative belief that’s disappointing and disempowering, and create a new belief that’s uplifting, empowering, and inspiring?
After all, you do have many fans who highly respect and admire you; and it appears this especially applies to the younger generations.
Could the “constant negative reflections” mentioned at the 31:50 mark be a self-fulfilling prophecy? The stronger and more repetitive the negative thoughts and it’s related, negative past experiences, the more powerful the belief.
My soon to be “harmonious partner only” husband and I are going to take an elderly family friend to the hospital for surgery, so I will continue watching this thought-provoking, intriguing, and helpful video later.
Thank you Teal for sharing some BOLD, expanded perspectives, great points, and profound wisdom.
Continuing…[almost 9 am same day, 1/22nd]
The following section has helped me to feel the deepest compassion and unconditional love for all aspects of Full-Potential, Multidimensional (both Spiritual & physical), WHOLE Teal for the first time since 2012 or so:
33:35: “there’s an expectation which especially impacted me of non-reactivity it’s expected that I should be l me beaten to within inch of
33:42: my life and react like so it’s become extremely painful
33:51: because the second they see that in you they rip you down to the ground because they can’t hold”
For a decade or so, I had mixed thoughts and feelings for her.
I would highly respect and admire her love-based teachings via her YouTube videos, but then she would say and/or do—especially at her NYC Event years ago (my first and last)—some extreme, left-field, 🦇💩 CRAzy thing that would just BAFFLE me 😳, and even trigger me 🤬.
But I realized this morning—before I even watched this section of this interview—that she was mirroring🪞to me various mirrors of The 7 Essene Mirrors, as well as my own mixed thoughts, beliefs, habits, tendencies, ways of being, fears, and feelings towards my own Self/self (like a love/hate relationship).
I’m very grateful I decided to watch this video, though I, too, recently reacted to Teal at times—throughout “The Deep End” documentary—which I found about, after taking a break from Teal for years.
But glad her team sent a newsletter email this year (2024) that led to various new experiences, to include this one (though I unsubscribed after watching the documentary).
I was baffled (again) by some of the unedited versions of things Teal said, and how she treated her some of her team members.
Granted, I also watched a couple of her explanation videos of this documentary afterwards, but also shared with her that perhaps it’s time to take full responsibility/positive ownership of the fact that some of her verbal and nonverbal expressions were NOT edited, and NOT what she’s been teaching.
It’s not ALL untrue, and it’s just best to END the infamous, disempowering, individual and Collective BLAME GAME (something I need to remind myself of often).
1/25/2024 Continuing…
Regarding 57:28: I have no doubt that we need to do our best to Be an Example of whatever change(s) we desire individually and Collectively. To Lead by Example will be highly effective.
This may be a “man’s world,” but if we believe that the Divine Feminine energy/essence within us is limited in its expression by this ass-backwards world, then that’s limited, lack mentality that’s not helpful.
Even if we also practice visualizing (and FEELING)—via our vast and unlimited imagination—A VERY POWERFUL AND UNSTOPPABLE, MERGED FORCE of The Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine within each of us, that will instantly and automatically affect the Collective Consciousness.
Also, it’s very helpful for us to be cognizant of what we STILL judge in others/self.
If we talk about subjects like nice and/or narcissistic men, as well as many women who manipulate and triangulate (all of which are great points), in a one-sided, judgmental and/or ridiculing way—as though we can never be these aspects to whatever degree (or never have)—this can be a sign that we have not fully embraced and integrated these (ultimately neutral) aspects within ourselves; hence, it’s about “you” “they” or “them” as opposed to “we” and “us.”
I continue to appreciate Teal’s thought-provoking perspectives. And at times, her silly, goofy, and other playful aspects shine through, which is heartfelt.
Regarding 1:01:16 – 1:01:23:
What you said Teal, “feel like men really don’t understand about women how much fear women are in all the time”:
Teal, you’re basing this generalization—that sounds like it applies to most or all women—solely from the raised hands of your audience members (despite how many events)?
Could they be mirroring Essene Mirror #1 (the dominant, fear-based vibrational frequency that you’re radiating in those now moments about safety)?
Could this be why Graci had to pull you aside at the NYC event years ago, behind the curtains, to calm you down during your panic attack before going on stage?
Or why you need to carry a mini blanket with you during your travels?
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with either—and I’m not sharing this to embarrass or humiliate you—but rather, to SHINE LIGHT on what you continue to NOT SEE with CLARITY even years later.
So how can the persuasion of this belief—that MANY women are not feeling safe all the time—serve you?
Perhaps it gives you the opportunity to be the heroine to come to their rescue?
Are there many women who are fearful (to varying degrees) due to not feeling safe at times? Sure.
But to say ALL THE TIME sounds like quite a stretch of what actually is, though it can apply, especially in more unsafe, third world countries (but not exactly for Teal audience members who can afford a $5K+ 3-day event, and/or more expensive retreat environments).
Plus, there are many women who travel the world alone (to include Teal Tribe and myself)—something you probably have an intense fear of doing—but that wouldn’t happen if we were “afraid ALL THE TIME” due to feeling unsafe.
And to say that you don’t like to (ever) be alone is due to some questionable reasons—like being alone is all about the ego, and that you’re too famous—is a MEGA LOAD of doo doo.
Because invaluable solitude time is NOT just about the ego (but to deeply commune with the Divine Self within); plus, you’re not that famous (as you keep saying), though you definitely can be one day.
The truth is, you’re very afraid to ever be alone—or spend any invaluable solitude time alone somewhere away from your team—because you feel very unsafe in this world; hence, you project it onto women of this world.
I share all of this because I could probably bet money that your team members will not feel comfortable expressing what they’re already aware of about you (since you made it crystal clear that no one on your team is to challenge you).
You need someone who’s not afraid to be straightforward with you, even if you end up hating this person (which you won’t, when you see the rare gift 💝).
The AI subject—that’s also PART of the interconnected WHOLE—doesn’t always have to be perceived in a negative way.
As you stated Teal, AI is also Consciousness—like EVERYTHING else in this world and way beyond—so if it WAKES UP as well, and experiences Light & Unconditional Love (rather than misuse or abuse from humanity), perhaps it, too, has hope to highly benefit ALL THAT IS.
The end of this interview felt like a harmonious wrap up, especially about individually (and automatically) contributing to the interconnected Collective via connecting with and expressing each of our Genius within. Thank you both.
Post from 1/19/2024:
”Most Rapid Manifestation, Not Just High Vibes Only & Living Wisdom (Not End Goal) of Enlightenment”
Added on 1/12/2024
An Opportunity to Further Learn From Hidden Wisdom Within “Negative” Life Experiences:
Next Follow-Up Post, “If Ryan Reynolds & Ben Affleck Had a Grown@$$ Baby In a Parallel & Alternate Reality”
Final Updates
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