April 26-29, 2016 (post published on 26th, and inserting additional insights throughout the days)
This month has been pretty intense on all levels of my being—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—and I have no doubt that many interconnected others had similar experiences as well.
I knew that it had to do with cosmic energies, from prior experiences, though my logical mind didn’t understand the how.
This morning, I had an urge to checkout a reading/link within an email I had received, from a website that I occasional read whenever I’m drawn to it.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => lisagawlas.wordpress.com (thank you)
Like with all readings that I come upon in Divine perfect timing and order, I only extract what most highly resonates with me, and disregard whatever doesn’t.
Therefore, it’s been some time now that I haven’t considered outer information (i.e., websites, blogs, books, TV shows, movies, etc.), in moderation, “good” or “bad” since I’ve been developing a trust that we can always obtain helpful information, knowledge and/or wisdom (Light and Love) from everything we encounter—to include overall “positive” and “negative” people, and everyone in-between.
After reading, “POWERFUL SPIRITUAL ENERGY FOR SOULMATES AND TWINFLAMES” and contemplating on the parts that I could comprehend—the technicalities of astrology is like a foreign language to me—I had an urge to leave a comment for wonderful Ann (toward bottom of this post).
Once I reviewed what I had shared with Ann, I realized that the combination of her reading and my comments can be further shared with others by creating a new post within my own blog.
I forgot to mention this experience to Ann, but I also noticed that some others—whom I’ve crossed paths with lately—have mirrored back to me my own old, hidden beliefs, that I wasn’t aware of holding onto, but would highly benefit me to let go of in order to be open for all the amazing new entering my life.
For instance, for the first time, I met my little sister’s second husband. I was so happy for her because 1) she seemed peaceful and happy, and 2) he seemed like a very laid-back, refreshingly honest, thoughtful, and smart guy.
Side Note: My little sister is technically my step sister from my adoptive father’s mistress while he was married to my mother (his second wife), and who my mother raised for three years, but my dad took her back to his mistress when he and my mom got into one too many arguments (because he was still seeing his mistress), which devastated my mom. My sister’s mother later turned into my dad’s fourth marriage/third wife since my parents married and divorced twice. My sister and I have seen each other sporadically over our lives, and the last time I saw her was at my dad’s funeral in 2011.
Right before my sister and her husband left our home (after lunch), since they had plans to explore the area, he shared a very brief story in the hallway that I was able to relate to from the depths of my being.
He mentioned that he wasn’t close to his parents because his mother only contacted him whenever she wanted money, and his father wasn’t around most of his life, but had the nerve to pull a, “I’m your father, listen to me” demand which he didn’t tolerate.
I simply replied to him that I, too, had similar experiences with my own biological parents, though deep down, I wished we had more time to share other details…perhaps details that would seem bizarre, but would surely heal our interconnected souls.
However, I embraced that it wasn’t meant to be at that moment. On the other hand, when I expand my perspective, I realize that ultimately, as I heal, others heal…and as others heal, I heal, since we are all interconnected One.
As soon as my new brother-in-law shared his heart-felt story, the old me would’ve thought it was an interesting coincidence that we had that in common; however, the spiritually/mystically evolving me no longer believes in coincidences—just Divine synchronicities.
At that soul-touching moment, I instantly and intuitively knew that he was reflecting back to me my old, unconscious beliefs about my own biological parents.
Just when I had convinced myself that I was done healing from so-called “mommy and daddy issues”—because it seemed like I had completely forgiven them and unconditionally accepted them for who they are—a soul brother shows up and mirrors back to me what I need to re-examine.
This is understandable because complete healing of the soul can be a very, very, very long process—often times taking many lifetimes to achieve—if (and this is the key phrase) one believes this to be true.
Since I had believed this belief, it became true for me; however, it doesn’t have to be for you. You can experience rapid healing now.
I know this because I’ve experienced versions of it myself (e.g., recently, my major, inner ear ache healed overnight after I made an intention statement).
One day, I look forward to remembering my instant manifestation abilities (that we all have deep within us) when I’m able to better maintain the vibrational frequency of who I truly am; hence, not being out of control.
Anyway, since I had chosen to take full responsibility for all that shows up in my life—trusting that our soul/Spirit within always sends us what’s highly beneficial for our spiritual evolution—I will re-examine what I’ve co-created: my past thoughts, beliefs and emotions having created this version of reality I’m experiencing.
Since many human issues stems from the core of it all—parents (the “foundation”)—it’s helpful to get to the root of everything (to include healing the root chakra/the foundation, among others).
I used to get slightly irritated when people (often, certain comedians) would ridicule such healing matters, calling them “mommy and daddy issues” or just minimizing others’ sufferings.
However, now I’ve embraced that adding humor to life—even in a seemingly “negative” or unthinkable manner (COUGH: TOSH!)—has helped heal individual and collective humanity throughout the ages (and will continue to do so) since joy (especially smiles and laughter) is a very high vibrational frequency.
But rather, it’s about waking our asses UP (e.g., 11:11 phenomenon), Being self-aware (not always busy chasing and trying to figure out others), paying attention (not constantly distracted by a plethora of unhelpful shiny objects; COUGH: iphone! Video games!), noticing (especially the subtle stuff, like inner and outer energies), truly seeing (not “I’m only gonna see what my ego self wants to see”), clearly recognizing (the “Is that what I strongly sense/intuitively know it is?” moment), re-examining (without judgment/seeing the bigger picture), acknowledging (i.e., “Yyyeah, that seems about right”), owning (“Yeah, that’s totally spot on”), transmuting (raising lower frequencies to its core essence with positive thoughts, intentions, emotions, beliefs, words, and actions), and healing (with the Power of Cosmic Love within) the lower, conditioned, fear-based energies within us…
so that we can be our full-potential selves.
Side Note (4/29/2016): Right after typing the above, I noticed a fruit fly in my mug. My conditioned way of being, like most people, was to react with annoyance or disgust (especially if it landed in my drink or food).
However COMMA…to be continued in soon-to-be published post, “To Fleas and Fruit Flies: What Message You Got?”
Now back to re-examining my mom and pops “issues” for final healing (i.e. blessings in disguise):
Since 2012, I believed that my mother started being noticeably distant with me ever since I discontinued sending her money. I used to give her money (in person), but that was when I was stationed in Korea or whenever I visited her there annually.
Though I had explained to her that I wasn’t able to send her money anymore due to medically retiring from the Army (i.e., no longer making E-7 pay), she made it clear that she wasn’t pleased with me getting out as well.
I later realized that her dissatisfaction with my decision was due to her personal needs not being met, which explained why she had no interest in finding out why I chose to end my fast-tracking military career.
To this day, I haven’t told her what happened while I was in the Army, which was one of the major factors as to why I chose to leave the overall, corrupt organization that’s patriotically shiny on the outside.
But I trust that everything will continue to fall into place, to include truths being revealed in Divine perfect timing and order.
Ever since I was a child, she often reminded me how much I ruined her life and how she sacrificed so much for me. So it became clear to me—subconsciously during childhood and consciously in my late thirties—that in her mind…I owed her BIG time.
Of course, this was never true—only a false belief that I had been conditioned to own. I’ve learned that when we’re hurting inside—and we haven’t healed from it—we can easily fall into participating in the blame game.
Although I’ve noticed that I’m getting better at not playing this dense game, there are still times that slip into forgetfulness, and that’s ok. What matters is persistence and trust in self, which are the golden key that will open many doors.
Throughout childhood and most of my adulthood, I used to feel so unloved from the habitual abusive from my mother—physical, verbal, psychological: mental and emotional, and sexual.
Looking back, the verbal and emotional abuse was the most painful (e.g. Comments like, “You’re nothing but a cold-hearted Jap!” and blatant, non-verbal cues that seemed to convey disapproval and hatred).
Like they say (whoever they are), bruises heal much quicker. In addition, I believed my mother’s hurtful words, behavior, and actions.
Ironically, the sexual abuse was the least painful. Examples: Having to watch German sex torture videos with my mother as a kid, or getting the slip of the tongue from her while she was drunk (during a “good night kiss”).
I know why I was able to unconditionally forgive my mother for the latter experience, because I understood as an adult that she was very lonely and drunk.
And her pain and suffering was due to my adoptive father being a major, pain in the ass—having a long-term affair (over a decade), being a compulsive liar, being absent a lot, having used her to raise his baby from his mistress, etc., all of which, I have no doubt, can be extremely draining to the soul.
But I just wondered why those “unthinkable” video experiences had the least impact on me as well. I even caught myself about to be judgmental towards self (remnants of old habit) with the conditioned question, “What’s wrong with you?”
I was then reminded from within (4:44) that from a kid’s perspective, such an unknown/dark experience (as horrific as it may seem) is viewed from a neutral standpoint (with mere curiosity).
I suppose I would’ve had a fearful reaction back when I was a kid, while watching sex/torture videos, had I not already been exposed to various, “inappropriate” rated R movies at a younger age—to include movies like: Friday the 13th (original), Dawn of the Dead (1978 version), Basket Case (’82), The Thing (’82), The Beastmaster (’82), etc.
Side Note => This is one reason why I love blogging (insights gained): I noticed 4:44 before continuing this post this morning (4/29/2016), which often reminds me of assistance from the angelic realm within/angel selves/higher selves of Multidimensional Self within, though I leave room for other meanings as well, that I may not recall yet.
The earthly labels of “good” vs “bad” doesn’t apply until a kid learns that its one way or another. That’s why babies and children are so pure, until their minds are contaminated by lost society (i.e., lost souls). Example: A child learns from the corrupt within society to become racist and/or sexist.
This child-like pure way of being is the way of soul/Spirit within ALL of Life throughout the universe, multiverse and omniverse (All That Is).
It’s neutral, balanced and harmonious—unconditionally allowing/accepting/loving ALL of Life to simply exist and Be without the 3D physical duality labels of “good vs bad,” “right vs. wrong,” “up vs. down,” etc.
Why? Because everything has a Divine purpose that is a teacher to all aspects and extensions of the greatest Self; and without anything to compare with (i.e., “bad” or “evil”), wonderful concepts like good and love would not have profound meaning.
This explains why I didn’t really consider my uncle molesting me as a child as traumatizing, though I intuitively knew something was off (i.e., hidden, secretive, not truthful), and definitely felt awkward around him during the day (had to put on “Let’s act like nothing weird happened” mask). Note: This short story is in old post titled, “Awkward” (one of the posts when I started blogging back in 2010.
And I was fearful that if I had told my mother, she would kill both my uncle and I with her mega temper—way beyond the typical “Korean temper,” which I have within me as well, and only comes out to play on rare, necessary occasions. 😉
Telling my adoptive dad about the secret was out of the question as well, since he was hardly ever around; and I didn’t trust him.
However, I’ve learned (as human form)/remembered (as soul/Spirit within) that before conception on Earth, I (as soul/Spirit within) chose to have these invaluable experiences, as ludicrous as that might sound.
Why? So that I can actually experience, on physical Earth, unconditionally forgiving and unconditionally loving others from the very “dark side” so to speak; otherwise, they would only be shiny concepts in the spirit world.
But why did it have to be so dark/dense and dramatic?
Because unconditionally forgiving and unconditionally loving others for minor offenses wouldn’t be as challenging for the ever evolving soul/Spirit within.
Side Note => Examples of conditional forgiveness: “I will forgive you: if you apologize, so that I can look like a good person to self and/or others, and/or so that I can end up in a placed called Heaven.” Examples of conditional love: “I will love you if you: love me back, give me_____, believe____do____. be____, etc.
I can now confidently say more than ever before—after hearing many related stories from others as well—that most adult children would not stay in touch with (let alone financially help out) a parent who was abusive throughout childhood, and then continued to be verbally and psychologically abusive throughout adulthood.
I’ve learned the lessons I chose. I unconditionally forgave and loved my mother many times—despite her unloving ways—and I still miss and love the seemingly small, yet, loving aspects of her, and wish her the very best on her soul journey.
I did more than enough, I’ve always been enough (though I wasn’t aware of it), and I AM enough at every moment.
That magical day was a blessing in disguise because another truth was revealed, and I was finally able to embrace the fact that my mother’s love for me was conditional.
I haven’t contacted my mother ever since she disowned me for the second time over the phone. It was because I had asked her to stop being verbally and emotionally abusive, and that almost 40 years of that was enough.
However, I gradually felt more peace as I started unconditionally accepting/loving myself, and it felt like a huge load was taken off.
If it’s for our highest benefit, I have no doubt that we will reunite again; if not, I’m at peace with that too.
My biological father—whom I first reunited with in my mid-thirties (after he left when I was a baby) thanks to my husband finding him—also pulled a, “I’m your father, listen to me” demand (in an aggressive tone) shortly after his visit with us at our home (the way my brother-in-law’s father did to him).
I immediately and assertively stomped it with something to the effect of, “Anyone can procreate, but that doesn’t necessarily make them a parent. You can’t show up after 39 years and make demands.” He backed off, and even changed his tone to a soft one.
I wasn’t surprised, because from past experiences, I’ve learned how to effectively deal with verbally aggressive people.
My mother was the most challenging to overcome, since 1) she was physically abusive as well (throughout childhood), and 2) she’s my earthly mother.
However, even with her—whenever she became aggressive in tone and/or words—I’ve learned with several experiences that firmly standing my ground caused her to back off as well. Otherwise, her manipulation and control tactics would escalate.
Gentle kindness—that some spiritual teachings suggest to always be—doesn’t cut it, because it’s a communication style that aggressive folks aren’t used to (like a foreign language); hence, assertiveness with a touch of aggressive energy (aggressiveness being very familiar to them) works wonders, and I’ve shared other example stories within this blog.
I ended up letting go of the unhealthy relationship with my biological father, and I felt much peace afterwards. Note: Reasons in series of posts that include, “My First Encounter with a Narcissist.”
I’ve unconditionally accepted the ways of my biological parents—and deeply understand why they are the way they are—but I no longer feel the need to be in relationships that habitually bring me down, because I chose to unconditionally love myself.
If it’s for our highest benefit, I have no doubt that we will reunite again; if not, I’m at peace with that too.
Despite outer, earthly appearances—not having biological parents who love me unconditionally—I can transform these seemingly “negative” past experiences into a positive outcome.
When I fully open my heart and expand my perspective, I’m able to see my parents through the ancient eyes of Christ within/Beloved I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence.
I’ve learned that when humans believe they weren’t loved by others (especially their parents/the root foundation)—the way my parents didn’t believe they were loved by theirs—they may not be able to completely express the unknown unconditional love to themselves and others.
Therefore, I unconditionally forgive them, others like them, and ultimately self, from the depths of my heart.
When I expand my perspective even further, I intuitively trust that my parents’ interconnected and integrated souls/Spirit within knowingly and willing participated in this particular, dark, Earth drama (due to our soul contract) though not knowingly as ego selves (ego self: wounded inner-child/aspect of soul that has forgotten its true essence).
Why? So that I could have the opportunity to learn the most invaluable, major life lesson of unconditionally loving self, despite conditions that weren’t a supporting foundation—to include having had overall, unloving and/or unavailable parents; having experienced much darkness, fear, and suffering in this last, Earth lifetime; and having had the unbalanced need to often focus on loving (and even “rescuing”) others, while neglecting self (the feminine side is much stronger than the masculine side). Note: <= Click on link for an in-depth reading, “Overview of the Masculine-Feminine Polarity”
As I mentioned on my homepage, one of the keys to Being Balance and Harmony—balancing our male and female energies within (regardless of gender)—is discernment.
I trust that it’s about intuitively and wisely knowing when to generously love others as healed and integrated female energies within (The Divine Feminine/Goddess energy)—loving fully with one’s heart, being assertive (the “I respect you and I respect me” communication style), having compassion for others, etc.
It’s also about knowing when to generously love self as healed and integrated male energies within (The Divine Masculine/God energy)—drawing healthy boundaries in relationships, being assertive (again, the “I respect you and I respect me” communication style), having self-compassion, etc.
Therefore, not often giving, giving, and giving to everyone and their mamas and grandmamas—the way society (e.g., the church, government, military, etc.) demands us to be—while not taking care of self/soul.
Because one now trusts—as healed, integrated and balanced God/Goddess within—to go with the ebb and flow of Life, allowing others to simply Be as is while also giving a helping hand at times without becoming a crutch (dis-empowering them with victim mentality).
I trust this is having faith in the Divine Plan/Divine Wisdom within—that ALL of interconnected Life has its Divine purpose and is existing to most highly benefit the interconnected parts of the whole/All That Is/The One.
In addition, I trust that the soul contract between my earthly parents and I gave them the opportunity to have the rich, Earth experience (within duality) of being unconditionally loved by another despite seemingly being (soul acting in Earth school) one of the most selfish, unlikable, unlovable, and unloving human beings on this planet.
I trust that these intense energies that we’ve all been experiencing—whether knowingly or unknowingly—will highly benefit the interconnected parts of the whole/The One, though it may not always appear so on the outer surface.
I recently saw the movie, Spotlight—#GoViralNow #EndMolestation #BeVoiceForChildren—and previews of movies like, Truth, and felt grateful that many more truths (Light) are emerging from the depths of this world’s darkness (i.e., ignorance/”collective soul amnesia”).
A while back, when the careers of a four-star Army general and the Director of CIA (also a former 4-star general) came crumbling down, I instantly and intuitively knew that it was time…and all that no longer serves humanity, Mother Earth, merging worlds and beyond would come spiraling down.
In addition, example stories like, six newspapers requesting for a once popular governor to resign, was, yet, another neon sign.
And what’s with major, back-to-back, intense thunderstorms across the nation, as well as hail the size of baseballs in certain areas during April (yeah, Spring)?? CRAzy.
I trust that Mother Nature (Earth)/Gaia/Divine Goddess—integrated with the energies of EA (Earth)/Enki/Divine God— is cleansing her/himself as well…as One.
Dark/dense/low vibrating energies of any form or non-form (e.g., HUman, Alien, E.T., lower spirits with unloving intentions, etc.) can now choose to be:
- transmuted, healed and integrated into its true essence; hence, freely Being full-potential Self
- put to an end of its habitual, fear-based ways (e.g., losing its power, money, status, abilities, etc. if abused)
- released back to Source due to the end of its Divine purpose served (even as “bad guy”)—aka final “death”/transformation of energy state/reunion with The One
- transformed and reincarnated into other life forms within various worlds and dimensions—of matching vibrational frequency—throughout however many lifetimes, until all chosen life lessons are learned from, and much wisdom is obtained.
I sometimes recall having dreams of spiritual teachings—whether I’m teaching or being taught by another—and I’m very grateful for them.
I recently had a vivid dream that I (as Multidimensional Self in a parallel reality) was teaching someone (don’t recall who) something to the effect that as the soul awakens and takes over the body, its Light shines through more and more, pushing out all the remnants of darkness outward to be noticed, looked at again, recognized, re-examined, acknowledged, transmuted, healed and released back to Source.
Right after typing the previous sentence, I just remembered why I’ve been having these seemingly crazy-ass experiences lately, as though I’m in the Twilight Zone or something—that I’ve also shared with Anne within the two comments below.
The following are the two comments that I shared with Ann, after reading her message, “POWERFUL SPIRITUAL ENERGY FOR SOULMATES AND TWINFLAMES“:
Lovely Ann,
Thank you for the helpful reading. It’s intriguing how some of the information you shared was spot on in certain areas, to include experiencing intense energies lately, and even feeling very irritable at times.
In addition, I find it interesting that my husband and I have experienced throughout this entire month several family members and a former coworker suddenly contacting and/or visiting us—whom my we haven’t heard from or seen in a long time, and even met for the first time.
Whenever you get a chance, I would appreciate some clarification on your following paragraph because the two sentences seem to contradict one another (could be typo or my misunderstanding?):
“The retrograde is a perfect time to finish all the projects and old ideas, letting go of certain things that are just sitting in your life what stagnant energy. I’d like to get all my old clutter,(plan on a garage sale of course waiting till after the retrograde).”
So is it a good idea to let go of the old during the retrograde or after?
Again, thank you Ann for all the you generously do, and all that you lovingly are, for yourself, humanity, Mother Earth, merging worlds, and beyond. You are a wonderful gift to All That Is.
<3 <3 <3 Barbara
This is Barbara again (last message). I realized that there was other information you shared in this reading that was spot on with my personal experiences, which I have no doubt is important to share with all.
Your paragraph below (in quotes) matches what I’ve experienced lately:
“Revisiting past wounds and negativities sometimes even digging deep into the root of past energies that don’t pertain to anything in your current situation and lifestyle.”
Although I’ve had a peaceful dream of a white and black checkered snake on the night of the 21st or 22nd (exact date in dream journal), I’ve been having some fear-based dreams as well—to include being “wrong” in a classroom setting (actual life experience) and seeing my adoptive father and grandmother again (they passed away a while back).
In addition, I’ve been crossing paths with several “negative” people (i.e., rude, manipulative, selfish, etc.) lately which seemed to be exaggerated and amplified in the energies in order to get my attention.
Revised paragraph with additional insights in yellow font: I trust that this is related to lessons with my shadow self; I need to unconditionally accept that these aspects exist within all of us, learn at what moments they can be beneficial (rather than labeling “bad”), and integrate them into my being (though very challenging). Otherwise, the lessons not learned will keep showing up in my life, just in different forms.
Your paragraph below (in quotes) also matches what I’ve been experiencing lately, especially very noticeable inner body vibrations, louder than usual tones (and not just in usual right ear), and very vivid, real life-like dreams of parallel realities and other worlds as Multidimensional Self:
“This is very powerful energy surge for everyone. This full-moon is a time for healing, re balancing the chakras and recharging your Spirit to enhance your energy.”
Again, thank you Ann for sharing wonderful You and much clarity. Continue Being Light and Love to All That Is.
<3 <3 <3 Barbara”
The following is a section from the soon-to-be published post, “To Fleas and Fruit Flies: What Message You Got?”:
With all that’s been happening lately, mostly this entire month, it was quite challenging on all levels of my being—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual—which I shared in the previous post, “Intriguing Accuracy of Astrology and the Spiraling Down of this World’s Outdated.“
I’m reminded from within that with every dark night, we can trust that the radiating sun will rise the next day, sharing its cosmic rays with All That Is; and even the Earth’s nights have the support of the mysterious, yet, calming moonlight.
The following quote is from the post, “The Ghost of a Flea – Symbolism and Messages to Embody this Mighty Shadow Totem” (mentioned above), and it provided much comfort and peace to my soul, like a soft, warm blanket on a bitter cold, winter’s night:
“I love how we dance with realities, as integrative check-ins when we are in process of major shifts. When a bunch of stuff shows up that seems opposite to you, it’s not a negative thing to react to or worry about, but actually a good indicator of the changes you have made […]”