Note: This post is one of the subtitle sections that’s been extracted from the long post, “Spirit’s Answers to Personal Questions Through Dreams,” since it can be read by itself as well.
Speaking of magnificent sounds within dreams, I’m reminded of a personal experience I had while living in Okinawa in the late nineties with my first husband (at the time) and my toddler daughter—before I had my son.
We were visiting the local zoo, which was understandably very small since the island itself is pretty small.
At one point, the three of us were standing right in front of a lion’s cage—unfortunately, a small cage that barely had enough room for the lion to sit or stand up and take a couple of steps.
Like bats suddenly flying out of a cave, the male lion roared, seemingly transferring invisible, tsunami waves of powerful energies.
I felt the very intense vibrations spread throughout my entire body in slow motion like nothing I had ever experienced before. It was a much more amplified sound than the typical lion’s roar I heard on TV or the movies.
My daughter started crying, and understandably so, since I even felt fearful of this seemingly unknown happening; and my first husband at time immediately said in an anxious tone, “Let’s get out of here.”
My baby girl may have been fearful then, but ever since she was four years old, she often expressed herself confidently and with strong eye contact, and even courageously went for what she knew she wanted.
UPDATE added 2/12/2024
Screenshot below matches dream of shouting, “Goddess!!!” and lion transforming into a supportive, gentle, and telepathically communicating one (recorded in post, “The Dream of a Talking Lion & Interconnected Stories”):
Looking back to this past August, I had an experience where I learned more about a belief that I have about my daughter, as well as something for myself.
A new friend of mine, Zilkia—whom I wrote about in the posts, “Starting to See Outer World Reflect Inner Change” and “The Excitement of Losing the Unthinkable! ^_^“—shared with me that she was somewhat concerned (though very proud) that her young, adult daughter was seemingly fearless for such a young age.
She then added that her daughter’s fearlessness reminded her of her own when she was her age, but much more stronger.
Since our outer world mirrors our inner world, I later reflected on what else I could learn from that road trip together.
I then realized that Zilkia had reflected back to me my own belief that my young, adult daughter was seemingly fearless for her young age, though I didn’t really think of myself in that light.
It wasn’t until I realized that what Zilkia had shared perfectly paralleled my own situation that I took an even closer look at myself.
Zilkia—being very self-aware and confident—owned the fact that she had a seemingly fearless personality since she was younger, and she gave me an opportunity to see, yet, another one of my strengths as well.
When my lioness-like daughter was younger, and during a visit with my kids during my Army leave (vacation time), her father (my first/ex-husband) shared with me with a look of awe in his eyes, “She’s fearless.”
Looking back, I wondered if the encounter with the lion’s magnificent roar ignited much courage within her; I’m going to trust that it’s so, not only for her, but for all three of us at the time, to include her father who’s a great parent and courageous person.
I’ll never forget that moment with the lion’s passionate roar, which I’ve later considered miraculous since I had never had such an experience at a zoo, or anything close to it, and I’ve never heard of anyone else have such an amazing experience.
Since that day, I’ve often reminisced about that lion, even wondering what the event meant spiritually.
When I thought about the situation in a literal sense, I felt sad for the lion, a magnificent creature that should not be sitting in a cage all by itself; perhaps it was communicating to us at the time a passionate roar for freedom—a Divine birthright for all of Life.
I’ve often enjoyed going to zoos, ever since I was a kid; however, my adult experiences of them, and the truths (to include the movie Blackfish) that I’ve learned about zoos and places like Sea World, have made me feel sad for them, since they’re unable to fully be their naturally, free selves.
However, I’ve been making intention statements to fully release victim mentality—since I trust that the Divine Spirit is in all of Life—so I no longer need to pity any life form since Spirit within them may have chosen to have certain experiences through them.
Now that I’m developing a habit of reminding myself to be more aware of my outer world mirroring my inner world, and to learn/remember from all the reflections, I’m able to see and even imagine more than ever.
When I thought about the situation symbolically, I wondered if the lion’s transferring of its energies had something to do with triggering my own, ancient lion energies within me, to include having—-like the well-known saying goes—“the heart of a lion.”
I also mentioned “ancient” lion energies because, I once had a dream about rainbow colored lions which I shared in the post, “Dream Messages from My Multidimensional Self,” that include other dreams as well.
The following section (in gold font only) is this dream from the post/link above:
I was at some unusual outdoor market on a sunny day. I vaguely saw beings selling items (to include what appeared to be dried banana chips) in front of them while sitting on these elevated bleachers-like sections.
I went over to my left and noticed about half a dozen male lions (in different, vibrant colors of the rainbow) lying on their sides.
I was a bit scared to go near them at first, especially after hearing them make noises, but I then noticed that their bodies had been cut open (abdominal area) and then sewn back up or something.
The sound one of the lions made with its eyes closed was of exhaustion, suffering, and/or hopelessness. I felt sad for them.
When I turned back around, I noticed three beings (don’t recall what they look like), and I was being cautious as I walked toward them (probably because I sensed they weren’t friendly).
While rereading the above dream, I received new insights. The lions’ abdomen area being sewn up may be symbolic of my solar plexus chakra not being balanced (or even all three of my lower chakras); hence, my old and outdated belief in the lack of self-worth throughout my life.
The rainbow colors of the lions could possibly represent the Lyrians (Beings from Lyra)—another extension of Infinite Creator—who can resonate with all frequencies and even fluctuate in their own frequencies.
They are known to be very free-spirited, highly evolved Beings who are used to total freedom of expression (which highly resonates with me)—“chameleons and independents of the universe” according to the book, We, The Arcturians by Dr. Norma Milanovich.
I now remember that the three beings that I wasn’t able to recall what they looked like were blurred shadow beings, perhaps symbolizing the unknown trinity already existing within me (and all interconnected others) in my Multidimensional 5D and beyond state/in present Moment of Now—where past, present and future exist simultaneously.
When I initially mentioned above, “I was being cautious as I walked toward them (probably because I sensed they weren’t friendly),” it was more than likely due to the fear of the unknown.
Added October 14, 2015
“The Master Within All That Is” Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 14, 2015 (<= click on link to open message in another window): A great reminder for all of us, whether it’s daily, weekly, monthly, etc. Thank you Trinity Esoterics for all that you lovingly do for humanity and beyond, and all that you amazingly are. By the way, the title in quotes is not from the reading, but something that I created.
“The following quoted sections speak to me from the reading, “The Humans” by The Nibiruan Council Galactic Federation:
The Humans are the youngest of the four primary races in our universe. They were first created by the Felines on a planet in the Vega star system of the Lyra constellation.
The Humans are unique among the races due to their DNA coding. The Humans were given the Gene of Compassion as their inheritance from the Felines. They are heirs to the great work which is showing all other races how to achieve compassion through the opening of the heart and the high heart chakra […]
The Human’s creation myth states that they will strive to live in harmony with any and all races occupying a planet that they wish to colonize.
It also states that they, through their living example, will show their fellow races the way to achieve compassion of the heart instead of compassion of the head (mental compassion).
Therefore you will find that Felines and Humans who have open hearts will be assertive, truthful and confrontational in their communications and dealings with others […]”
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