Intro: I shared this gratitude comment for => Image by Pexels from Pixabay: Thank you for sharing this image that reminded me of the spiritual and mystical symbolism of LIGHT(Known) MERGING with DARKNESS (Unknown).
Some other earthly labels for: Light is Sun/Yang/Fire/Hot/Soul/God/Higher Mind, and for Darkness is Moon/Yin/Water/Cold/Spirit/Goddess/Higher Heart/Cave/Cosmic Womb/Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities.
And the center point is where The Divine Masculine Energy Essence has REUNITED with The Divine Feminine Energy Essence and INTEGRATED as THE ONE (2 sides of the same Cosmic Coin).
And THE HEART—like the GREEN Heart Chakra and the GREEN vegetation in this photo—is where LIFE can FLOURISH with great potential, backed by an Unconditioanally LOVING (for self/interconnected Life), profoundly WISE, immensely POWERFUL and unbelievably UNSTOPPABLE, harmonious, inner SOLID FOUNDATION (like the boulder in this photo). I used it for post: [this one]
Some of the contents of this post is a section from yesterday’s post, “Integrating: Trust in Ultimate Teacher Within, Authenticity, Gaslighting, Living Wisdom, Human, Flaws, Humor, Racism, Significance, Humbleness, Arrogance, etc..” that I added additional insights to after last night’s and this morning’s vivid dream messages.
And I have no doubt that it can be highly beneficial as its own post since the above mentioned post is super long.
You’ve often brought up (in your videos and audios) the importance of personal experiences that basically lets others know one’s not just repeating, non-relatable, textbook knowledge.
And I agree that experiential knowledge, especially for traumatic ones for a combination of energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical (to include sexual), and spiritual—basically helps us to have more compassion for self/others, and allows us to deeply empathize with others from our Hearts, rather than merely sympathize with our logical minds (due to NOT being able to relate to and actually FEEL whatever situations).
I’ve noticed a pattern within a decade—from some people who don’t have a wide-range of Life experiences to share—that they have a tendency to MINIMIZE everyone’s else’s invaluable experiences, rather than learning from those who have.
And this includes the psychological ABUSE of subtle to extreme versions of GASLIGHTING (i.e., what you SAW you didn’t see, what you HEARD you didn’t hear, what you FELT you didn’t feel, what you EXPERIENCED you didn’t experience, etc. [learned from Teal Swan]).
For instance, it’s like someone who grew up in a middle to rich class environment with an overall, healthy, loving and supportive family—hence, unable to relate to those who had completely opposite experiences (mostly negative and/or traumatic)—saying something to the effect of:
“Awe, that’s too bad. BUT, you can move on from this since it’s ALL in your head sweetheart, TRUST me, I’m a professional. You more than likely IMAGINED most of what you experienced throughout childhood and adulthood. But no worries! We’re going to see if you check off the blocks for any mental illnesses, and then FIX that right up for you with various depression pills, because we care.”
[UPDATE for this blue font section only, inserted on 1/30/2022, after receiving insights from vivid dreams (messages from Spirit/Heart/Goddess within via images and feelings, the language of the Subconscious):
I’m adding this update that includeS:
- taking care of emotional energy body as well as other energy bodies
- embracing emotions (inner compass revealing our authentic state at any given moment) while processing and healing them in healthy ways
- honoring true feelings
- trusting razor-sharp intuition
- being cognizant of certain toxic influences within an environment (home or online, whether relationships or even “negative” aspects within self/others, or false teachings within beneficial teachings)
The above example was something similar to what I had experienced from one of the most insensitive and very logical therapists during the last two years of receiving professional therapy while in the Army, that I shared a detailed story of within this blog, probably in post titled “Beauty Behind the Walls of the Mentally Ill.”
Throughout our conversation, she was resting her side of the face on her fist that implied boredom in an obvious, insensitive, and rude way (even though I was talking about rape that I had experienced).
I later realized that she, like many within humanity, was only being, saying and doing the best she knew how from her lower, fear-based level of consciousness (which wasn’t an open mind and open heart). But that’s perfectly okay since all Souls are journeying on their own paths at their own pace.
Granted, I also experienced a few, deeply understanding, compassionate, highly intelligent (mentally and emotionally), wise, and helpful therapists as well.
So the former experience served as a perfect CONTRAST, a blessing in disguise; CONTRASTS/duality/polarity are Divine gifts that allow us to deeply appreciate the opposite experiences in Life.
Anyhoo, the intro paragraph above regarding GASLIGHTING, also relates to one of the quotes that Peter shares (below) in this module that still doesn’t FEEL light/true to my Heart, though I do get this one-sided perspective (i.e., this teaching can be true to a certain degree, but NOT completely true):
“The past is a present time memory of a perceived previous event with the brain and imagination filling in most of the blanks and all of the meaning.”
Now this is one of MANY examples, but if your were to say this very logical and seemingly non-empathetic phrase to someone who had been SEXUALLY ABUSED by their biological father starting at a very young age during childhood, AND throughout early adulthood—and I’ve personally known two STRONG and BRAVE women (from the past who have experienced this unimaginable form of TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCES—that will more than likely ADD FUEL TO THE ALREADY EXISTING, UNHEALED TRAUMA.
Why? Because, once again, GASLIGHTING is PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE (that doesn’t FEEL good) PERIOD.
GASLIGHTING intensely aggravating wounds and further hurting another, basically saying in a patronizing way, “It was all in your head sweetheart.”
And if A child attempts to approach a trusting parent and reveal that s/he is being sexually abused, and the parent basically tells him or her that it’s ONLY their IMAGINATION, can you imagine how DEVASTATING that can be to an innocent child, which will more than like negatively affect this child even throughout adulthood (i.e., that all of her perceptions are FALSE). THINK about that for a moment.
And I actually trust that Peter didn’t intend to come off like this at all, but it’s definitely something that he needs to be aware of in order to continue EXPANDING his individual and Collective Consciousness (i.e., further opening his mind and heart).
And I trust he is receptive to this invitation, since his most of his love-based teachings SO FAR are based on Unconditional Love (for self/others/interconnected Life), authenticity, honesty, inner and outer peace, Prosperity Consciousness (Being wealth within FIRST AND FOREMOST), growth, contribution—and other highly beneficial values, subjects and topics—as well as raising Global Consciousness. ]
I’m going to add the above update to video #1 comment that I had shared (within this post) of this module about Authenticity. DONE.
And even within certain groups of the spirituality community (but NOT all), I’ve witnessed those saying something to the effect of “You don’t need ANY HEALING, just LET IT GO, move on, and only have a high vibrational frequency!”
This is a MEGA LOAD of doo doo, because:
1) we’re ALSO HUMAN BEINGS (not JUST Spiritual Beings having a physical experience) that include other parts/energy bodies, who naturally FEEL a colorful, full spectrum of emotions that always reveals to us our AUTHENTIC state within, at any given moment; hence, we can pretend we like someone on the outside, but how we FEEL within is part of our inner-truths (to include preferences: like there’s nothing “wrong” or “bad” with liking sweet strawberries, but not overly sour grapefruit).
And to DENY this IMPORTANT, HUMAN part of ourselves will prevent us from fully and unconditionally loving ourselves as WHOLE self/Self, aka WHOLE self (human)/Self (Soul & Spirit)
2) HEALING on ALL levels is ESSENTIAL, like going through an important process of grieving (but an extended version). It’s also like the lotus flower—that has profound, ancient, mystical symbolism—that doesn’t bloom in an instant.
So it’s NOT about covering a deep, bleeding wound with a tiny@$$, temporary band aid that has a big@$$ smiley face on it (aka unhealthy and non-beneficial SPIRITUAL BYPASSING).
I wondered if those who MINIMIZE others’ traumatic experiences (without compassion) perhaps do so to make themselves feel better (a probability); but I realized that they might also not be AWARE of why they’re saying such insensitive words (hence, UNintentional).
But we can learn, integrate, deeply heal, grow, transform, and gain wisdom (and even profound wisdom) from MANY Life experiences (both “positive” and “negative”).
This is what even Jesus (The Essene from Nazareth, not Mexico) taught about back in the day, along with other Ascended Masters of this world and beyond.
It’s about Living Wisdom/Walking the Talk/Leading by Example/Experiential Knowledge, NOT a TON of conceptual data gathered from only or mostly books, videos, online courses, schools, blogs, websites, etc.—and VICARIOUSLY via other people’s life experiences that they shared—and then REGURGITATED as knowledge and wisdom MASKED with fancy spiritual sayings that are NOT Heart-centered, hence, NOT heartfelt.
Anyhoo, I’ve been doing inner work (still continuing)—to include dream work, inner-child work, shadow work/mirror work (via The 7 Essene Mirrors, etc.)—and have explored various expanded perspectives of my past in order to deeply heal, gain profound wisdom, and transform.
And one of the Life lessons I’ve learned—especially via many earthly and otherworldly dreams—is that our Souls’ seemingly countless lifetimes of experiences, especially the “negative” ones, and definitely for the traumatic ones, don’t just get miraculously FIXED overnight through LOGIC.
But instead, it requires the graceful allowance of deep healing on all energetic levels (with Heart leading Mind), trust in the process, flow with Life, and much Unconditional self-love, which can ONLY overflow (as you teach Peter) to others [interconnected Life] as we reconnect and fill our own inner cup/heart.
Because attempting to fully heal others when we’re NOT EVEN CLOSE to being healed (on ALL energetic levels), IS the blind leading the blind, which is different from simply helping others at times to the best of our ability.
And even Brian Rose from London Real—whom Peter did interviews with (shared in this EMF course)—admitted that HE was doing this, in a YouTube movie that he and his team shared not too long ago.
He was running around trying to save others and the world—an old, outdated, and fear-based “rescue mode” stemming from NOT trusting the Divine Wisdom of Life—when he couldn’t even save himself from all of his personal issues that had NOT been acknowledged, let alone healed; and I highly respected his rare, transparent honesty.
Granted, I trust that Spirit within interconnected Life, as well as various extensions of The Divine, can definitely assist us with RAPID HEALING whenever we’re ready (though the process may not always be all sunshine, flowers, and rainbows, to include the Dark Night of the Soul).
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