I shared this comment for the creator of this image on right (Image by Schmidsi from Pixabay):
Thank you for sharing this perfect, soul-igniting and heartfelt image that intuitively and instantly reminded me of 1) the ancient Lemurian, 8 point star symbol of the Divine Feminine Goddess essence—that I often drew throughout childhood and adulthood, before I found out the symbolism—and as well 2) the white dove that often represents the Holy Spirit by the Catholic Church and other Christian religions, though not acknowledged, publicly honored, and revealed as the symbolism for the pure essence of the Divine Mother Goddess/Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Monad/Alpha & Omega/I AM: I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence.ย I used it for post: [this one]
UPDATE added soon after downloading this image. It doesn’t show up in my post unless you click on the image, then it opens in another window where you can view it. I wonder why this is (perhaps too powerful of an image). If you know, I would appreciate you share the reason.
I shared the following comment for the most helpful YouTube video I’ve watched so far, “Gregg Braden – Ancient Teachings of the Essenes โฆ Seven Mirrors of Relationships Series“:
Mulantis Reuniting All
0 seconds ago
Thank you so much Gregg for sharing this well-created, soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt video message, the most helpful YouTube video I’ve watched so far.
Thanks to this sharing, I’m able to further unconditionally embrace and integrate more NEUTRAL aspects of full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves, to include human)/Self (Source/Universe/Exalted Self/Spiraling Consciousness/Star of David Frequency/MerKaBa: Spirit & Soul within—aka Heart & Mind/Yin & Yang/Moon & Sun/Dark (Unknown) & Light (Known)/Goddess & God/Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Energies/Water & Fire/Cold & Hot, etc.
You’ve also helped me to better understand the patterns I’ve experienced with a total of 9 jobs within Sedona, AZ, that felt like I had stepped into The Twilight Zone of the most intense, unbelievable, challenging, and seemingly CRAzy@$$ Life experiences I’ve ever had when it comes to coworkers within human relationships; and I’ve worked with some “difficult” people within the joint military, as well as the civilian life.
And you brought up a great point, these so-called extreme “negative” aspects that showed up from the timeframe of October 2017 – May 2021, weren’t unfamiliar, since I mostly experienced them with my mother, my adoptive father, and even my bio father (whom I reunited with in my mid-thirties, after he left my mother and I when I was 6 months old).
I realized that I had not fully embraced, integrated, and deeply healed these “unacceptable” aspects that I still judged—though ego managed to convince myself that I had forgiven my 4 parents (to include my step-mother)—though the forgiveness was from the logical mind rather than from the feeling Heart.
So when I suppressed these “dark” aspects, they didn’t go away—the way when we suppress our negative emotions (they don’t go away)—but rather, they seemed to communicate (what you basically shared in a more gentle loving way) something to the effect of, “One day, you WILL see us (with CLARITY).ย But since you’re not noticing the subtle mirrors that are showing up in your reality, we will show up as “others” AMPLIFIED to the MAX, where you have no choice but to SEE us.”
The recent pattern that’s been showing up is a growing number of Christians that’s joining a peer group that I joined (Peter Sage’s Elite Mentorship Forum/EMF) that includes a 6 month course that’s meant to expand one on all energetic levels—mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and even financially. I actually chose to go for the paid EMT program (Elite Mentorship Trainer), which includes the EMF (for free) since they provide the business foundation and marketing aspects that I’m not interested in creating from scratch.
Anyhoo, I found this happening intriguing, and I intuitively and strongly sensed—as a highly sensitive (and even ultra sensitive) empath aspect of WHOLE self/Self—like you said in the video, that something big was going on that I could learn, grown, evolve, and even enjoy from IF I’m willing to further open my mind and heart, and be open to this particular opportunity, rather than run away from it the way I did with the past 9 Sedona jobs.
Perhaps this is one of the Cosmic Rodeo Rides of my life, that can highly benefit self/others/interconnected Life within this world and beyond via expanding my individual and Collective Consciousness.
My adult son joined a Christian community years ago—who he became very close with—and then married one of the members who was a hard-core Christian.
So I’ve chosen to unconditionally love both of them, while maintaining healthy boundaries, to include honestly, assertively, and tactfully expressing to them that my husband and I prefer that they don’t continually preach the bible to us whenever we interact via phone calls, text messages, and in person, since we prefer simply sharing Unconditional Love (for self/others), that Jesus was about, since actions speaks volumes, rather than pushing our beliefs onto others; and they agreed.
Related example post, “The Cosmic Dance of Our Intuitive Heart & Logical Mind.“
What’s also intriguing to me is that this past summer (at their wedding), my new daughter-in-law shared with me her stories, to include her being the bride of Jesus, which I actively listened to and simply acknowledged. [See 12/12/2021 UPDATE about this at the very bottom of this post]
On our flight back home, my husband shared something that added another puzzle piece to her story; he said that my son told him—by the way, my husband is not his father, my first/ex-husband is—that he (my son) is preparing his wife for her next relationship, which is Jesus.
From a limited, human perspective, this can be perceived as an extremely odd, and even cult-like thing for both of them to say, even if it’s symbolic in nature; but from an expanded perspective, I sensed there was something much greater going on that was beyond belief, and it involved The 7 Essence [correction, Essene] Mirrors that you (Gregg) gracefully and eloquently teach to humanity and beyond.
From one perspective, I understand that it’s one thing to unconditionally love a family member whose lifestyle may not resonate, but it’s like a whole other ballgame to do the same for a so-called stranger; UNLESS, we shift our perspective—expand it to include others and the highest perspective—and not let it matter whether the relationship is familial, earthly, and/or otherworldly, since ultimately, ALL Souls of The One are energetically interconnected.
So despite the current peer group not truly FEELING like Home/Soul Family, I wonder if the outer world will eventually transform as I change within my inner world—merging all the “different” aspects within the WHOLE/The One.
I’m going to take this challenge and SEE where it takes me. I’m actually tired of excitedly starting something, giving it my all, and then leaving it to repeat the similar cycle all over again.
I noticed that I still get triggered by various, “unpleasant” mirrors of my outer reality, which informs me that there still exists deep healing that’s needed for my individual and Collective’s highest benefit.
But I strongly sense that one seemingly magical moment, I won’t be triggered by anything—like the vivid dream I had a while back that seemed to be symbolic of both heaven (saw cupid-like angel banging on window and making sounds) & hell (saw many falling meteors) on earth, and I felt neutral—and THAT’s when I’ll KNOW that I’ve MASTERED my inner world within physical realities.
Though I’ve been aware of this truth for years, thanks to you Gregg, I now confidently KNOW what it FEELS like to already BE this NEUTRAL state of BEING.
Because I’ve had otherworldly dreams within a decade, of BEING higher versions of myself, to include but not limited to:
– possibly a God: 1) flying through a wormhole excitedly shouting in a male voice, “I’m coming to see you Goddess!” 2) reading the Emerald Tablets: Thoth The Atlantean book, and noticing that my inner voice changed to a deep, ancient-sounding, poetic, soul-soothing, comfortable, male voice (probably channeling)
– more than likely a Goddess: 1) walking on a bright green lawn with two lions, 2) probably a Priestess toning in ancient Egypt, and 3) even within a cave transmuting a “dark” monster-like being into someone who looked like a Middle-Easter Jesus just intently staring at me, and to whom I said, “Merge with me and become One” (something I would not have said to a so-called monster-like being almost a decade ago; by the way, this dream was initiated by choosing to wear a moldavite necklace that I was attracted to a the time, though I didn’t know what it was, but then read before I had this dream that it could cause nightmares, but I said what the hell, I’m going to go for it, and I’m glad I did).
I’ve also experienced during meditation once (while lying down in bed) seeing a vivid eye—inside moving squares within squares (like a wormhole of fractals)—looking back at me, and it initially startled me, but I was also in awe; this happened the moment after I decided to let go of needing to SEE something while meditating.
It happened very briefly, and was amazing. Sometime afterwards, I saw a license plate in my apartment complex parking lot that included WOKEN1 [number 1], and it instantly reminded me of this invaluable experience.
I’ve probably shared too much already, but I wanted to because you’ve generously shared so much Gregg. Your precious existence and invaluable contributions to humanity and beyond are deeply appreciated amazing Soul brother.
I look forward to experiencing one or more of your trips and events, especially for Egypt and Machu Picchu, in the near future. I would be an honor to meet you one day, and if crossing paths is meant to highly benefit interconnected Life, I trust that it will happen in Divine perfect timing and order.
Amazing Update
(Shortly after publishing this post)
WOW. Yesterday, one of the members from my EMF14 forum talked about one of her challenges in her intro fb video, which was fully sharing; and at that moment, I intuitively and instantly knew that I was meant to integrate that piece of important and highly beneficial information.ย
Well, soon after creating and publishing this post, I shared my first personal post (this one) for my Facebook page, that I didn’t feel like doing for a while. I would just check out the postings of a handful family members’ postings and share love.
I then went to the EMF14 fb forum to share a welcome comment for any new member (that I’ve been doing), and I noticed that another EMF member posted this poster (on right) that perfectly matched this post (part of this particular series of Divine synchronicity, no coincidence).
Then, I noticed the total time of a video for one new member, and it was 2:22, that I’ve been seeing for a decade of spiritual, inner work—to include inner-child work and shadow work/mirror work (now including the 7 Essene Mirrors; that Ascended Master Jesus was)—and that often encouraged me during challenging times.
Sometime later within this decade of experiencing accelerated ascension symptoms, many dreams of animals (as shared in this blog), and other earthly and otherworldly dreams and outer reality experiences, I was drawn to new information about the sacred number 222, besides the typical interpretations of angel numbers/activation codes/truth codes/etc.
And this meaning of 222 was Nazarene, which instantly reminded me of Jesus. I also had the same experience with the number sequence 144, which often reminded me of Soul Family, but a later interpretation revealed that it’s also symbolic of Light (aka Uplifting Information/Knowledge/Profound Wisdom/God).
And 111 often reminds me of the Goddess for various reasons that I’ve already shared within this blog, to include within the recent post, “Thank You Goddess Sekhmet/Hathor for End of Corruption & Birth of Unity.”
By the way, for the creator of the 2:22 video above, I shared the gratitude following comment:
_______ , thank you for sharing very pleasant, uplifting and funny You in this video. You made me ๐คฃ with your comment about squeezing the tube and eating ๐ฐ not being a hobby! You made my day. ๐๐โจWelcome to your new Soul family! ๐๐ฌ๐
“Jesus/God/Light/Higher Mind & Female Christ/Goddess/Unconditional Love/Heart” The following is an excerpt from this post (along with the added note within brackets):
[Regarding paragraph mentioned in this post “What’s also intriguing to me is that this past summer (at their wedding), my new daughter-in-law shared with me her stories, to include her being the bride of Jesus, which I actively listened to and simply acknowledged“]:
However, I further realized today that we cannot truly Be THAT which we reject—any neutral aspects of whichever half (or both halves) of the Cosmic Coin; and this is why Unconditional Love for WHOLE self (human self)/Self (Divine God & Goddess energies within), and not just for others,ย is very important and highly beneficial to interconnected Life.
And I fully trust that the Goddess—ultimately, the highest version BEING The Divine Mother Goddess/Holy Spirit/Cosmic Heart/Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Monad/The Unknown/The Great Void/Cosmic Womb/Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities/The One that created 2 (God)/I AM/Universe/Multiverse/Omniverse/Alpha & Omega/Many Names/The Nameless—unconditionally accepts/embraces/loves ALL of Life/All That Is within this world and way beyond.
Image by Kaitlyn Millet from Pixabay
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