Earlier today, I read a new email message from Entertainers Worldwide, since I had created an account with them about six months ago (related details in this blog’s category page, “A NEW Kind of Open-Mic Comedian: Multidimensional, Japorean Goddess”).
Within a month ago or so, I decided to deactivate my profile since I had applied for various opportunities during this timeframe, but never heard back from anyone. 😬🤭
Plus I left for Korea the last week of July, since my mother (who’s in her mid 80’s) wasn’t doing well (related stories, Life lessons, insights,and wisdom gained in recent post series).
I’ve read many email opportunities since I activated my profile—and even after deactivating it—and though there were a handful that were inviting, none of them hit home like the email that contained this opportunity below (click on screenshot below to see a much larger image in another window):
I would love to participate in this event, just in case it can be highly beneficial for Self (Spirit & Soul within)/self (physical self)/interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
So I re-activated my account today—via the 10% Commission Membership (a new option, see below)—and a message popped up (below) stating that I will be notified within 5 days after they basically re-approve my account (since it was approved 6 months ago):
This email message reminded me of what had happened perhaps 3-4 months ago while working at one of the two, sister Fine Art Galleries in Sedona.
I shared these connected, amazing, seemingly magical and miraculous experiences I had with two different customers one day after another.
In a nutshell, an older lady stopped by our larger gallery on Mother’s Day, who appeared to be in her late 50s early 60s.
She had shared new information that I wasn’t aware of, to include the existence of human trafficking near Sedona, Arizona 😳, which didn’t exactly match the main vibe that Sedona is known for (as the “Mecca of Spirituality”).
As I’ve shared within this blog, whenever I listen to, read, and/or watch outer world communications, I like to follow my own inner guidance/Heart/Spirit/Intuition/Inner Wisdom/Insights/and other love-based energies FIRST AND FOREMOST.
Therefore, I’ve been practicing to only take on board what FEELS light/true to my Heart, and disregard the rest that may feel a bit too heavy and fear-based.
Since I prefer to be a discerning open mind merged with an open Heart with healthy boundaries, I chose to embrace this possibility, probability, or even fact about human trafficking near Sedona.
However COMMA I also chose NOT to spiral deep down a negative version of a rabbit hole, by overly focusing on the worst (the way this nice, yet, overly anxious lady was).
Since it was Mother’s Day—just in case this lady was lonely and/or sad this day—I chose to Be fully present while actively listening to her for almost an hour and a half.
At the hour mark, I slowly walked towards the door of the gallery—and she followed my lead—but she continued talking at the door, at a very rapid pace, for another half hour.
I understood that she was very concerned about the many negative events within Sedona, surrounding Sedona, and within this world.
But I’m still learning that worrying helps no one, though trusting that everything will work out after Being and doing our best works like magic.
This lady apparently has a website where she shares all that she’s been doing to help with negative occurrences and events of our world.
I think it’s wonderful to do such things; but I’ve been at a place in my life for a while, where I have chosen to let go of the obsessive and very anxious way of needing to help humanity.
Because I have learned on my journey—been there and done that—that this is similar to the blind leading the blind.
This is similar to many people—especially within rigid, religious communities—who are running around trying to save or rescue everyone and their mamas and grandmammas (and aggressively RECRUIT).
But the one they really need to save or rescue—deeply heal on all energetic levels: mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually—is themselves.
We cannot truly and fully benefit others if we’re habitually (key word) in a disharmonious state ourselves.
Anyhoo, after this lady finally left the gallery, I felt VERY DRAINED—a crystal clear sign of being around someone who is overly negative and fear-based; hence, it simply FELT HEAVY.
I also learned that next time I experience something similar to this—regardless of whether it’s a sensitive holiday or not—I will maintain stronger, healthier boundaries, by politely excusing myself, because I have work tasks to complete.
I shared this story with the owner, and she agreed that I do this from now on.
Throughout my life, I’ve seen the “No Loitering” sign found on the windows or walls of many stores; however, I never really gave it much thought.
It wasn’t until I started working at this gallery, that I truly learned the meaning of this much needed sign.
Because I’ve experienced a couple of other visitors, locals of Sedona, who swing by often just to do a 1 way CHAT 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️, but thankfully, not as excessively as the above mentioned experience.
Once, I listened to a close to local, elderly man for about a half an hour, which may not seem that long BUT…
because he went into the mechanical details of what he does—with a monotone voice and facial expression of the drops for dry eyes commercial from back in the day—I found myself zoning out at moments 🥱😴😪 (though Being fully present with others has been my forte since childhood).
By the way, I don’t even like reading manuals, so this experience was making me feel 😵.
Since he had mentioned that he didn’t get a chance to really check out our galleries due crowds from super busy seasons, I kindly and gently mentioned to him, that I would like to give him the opportunity to fully explore while it’s not busy.
I don’t think he liked that I suggested that, but oh well. 🤷🏻♀️A sister’s gotta breathe too. 😮💨
I usually love being fully present for others—and to even have compassion for those who seem lonely—but I’ve learned (the hard way) to be discerning about that as well.
Otherwise, it’s apparently human nature—whether intentionally or unintentionally (I think more of the latter)—to take advantage when others don’t have healthy boundaries (a blessing in disguise).
He had come by four times within a week to our galleries, not to truly connect, check out, or even buy anything.
And I quickly learned the difference between visitors—regardless if they purchase or not—who are truly interested in connecting with others, and/or sharing helpful information, and those who just want to do logical DATA DUMPS (1 way, very left-brain centered, non-heartfelt conversations).
One of my coworkers—the most experienced, very wise and loving elderly lady—calls this data dump, that even she has experienced before….“diarrhea of the mouth 🤢🤮.” 🤣
From another perspective, I trust that many people just want someone to listen to them. And this is completely understandable, but I’ve learned that compassion, is not only for others, but for Self/self as well.
Like a growing number of souls—who have a strong, empath aspect—are familiar with providing very generous, active, listening ears to others.
This is a great quality, but it can also be misused or abused by others; once again, whether it’s intentionally or unintentionally, it happens.
It’s WAY TOO EASY for people who live in positive, peaceful, uplifting and supportive environments—to include quiet temples within nature—to often teach humanity to always be compassionate toward others.
But as I’ve shared before within this blog, I wonder if they’ve ever been in a relationship (let alone relationshipS) where someone can HABITUALLY talk for several hours nonstop.
This can become extremely draining, especially if this becomes ongoing; hence, why it’s so important to develop and maintain healthy boundaries.
Walking the talk is a WHOLE other ballgame.
I digressed, back to the story of the very passionate, yet, very anxious and worried lady.
During our conversation, I shared some wisdom with this lady regarding worry vs trust—while Being and doing our best—but I don’t think she was receptive to it.
But I realized that it wasn’t my business whether she integrated the information or not, since I did my best to share.
I chose to let go of the need to even be concerned about all the negative happenings that she had shared (which was A LOT).
Because the best that I could help with all of the negativity of this world from where I was at during those moments, was to simply Be in alignment with the Divine within, to include Being Inner Peace and Divine Wisdom (the intuitive trust that ALL IS WELL despite outer, temporary circumstances).
And sure enough, the next day, I was able to tune into a polar opposite, highly beneficial, higher vibrational frequency channel.
A very kind male visitor of the same, large gallery—who appeared to be in his mid-50s to early 60s —approached me and casually shared his business card (which I will find one day, take a photo of it, and add to this post).
To my great surprise, he’s a philanthropist/owner of a business that hires ex-Special Forces guys to rescue those involved in human trafficking.
I thanked him for his service, and I thanked the Universe for this Divine perfect gift. 🥰
This is just one of many so-called magical miracles that I’ve experienced throughout my life (many of which I’ve shared about); and I continue to deeply appreciate them.
Speaking of magic—ultimately, energetic transformation from within: from fear to love, disempowering to empowering, heavy to light, shrinking to expanding, etc.—and miracles, I trust that if it’s for the highest benefit of all for me to perform at this open mic comedy event, then it is already done from a multidimensional perspective. 🙂
I choose to gracefully embrace whatever happens, since I choose to trust in Spirit’s vast perspective, like a hawk flying above the valley and seeing the BIGGER picture.
Plus, there will be other Life opportunities as well, since we exist within the Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities/The Cosmic Womb of The Mother Goddess/WHOLEy or Holy Spirit.
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