I received some insights this morning about a section from yesterday’s post, “How Releasing a Heavy Belief Gifted Me with Unexpected Joy” that I’m using as an intro to this one; the following is the excerpt (in mostly gray paragraphs only):
Though I’ve built some good memories—practically all of them at my last job—the overall experiences with all jobs in Sedona have left me baffled to the max, as though I had stepped into this mostly dark, Twilight Zone where subtle rays of light would shine through every now and then, but then quickly disappear.
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As shared in various posts under the Sedona section of the About page; this is ironic considering Sedona is known to be the “mecca of Spirituality”; however, I feel that it is, in a sense, when it comes to the surrounding nature—especially the red rocks and their high vibrational vortex energy areas, that even the juniper trees respond to so beautifully.
I also know, from personal experience, that are some kind people (and others) in Sedona as well; and whether they consider themselves spiritual or not, their love-based actions speaks volumes.
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For approximately two weeks prior to leaving my last Sedona job, I experienced what felt like a sudden avalanche of intense negativity from various people at work and home—mostly from a few coworkers, a few members, a few hotel guests, management (who are usually great) and my husband—with people snapping, being passive-aggressive, blaming, excessively complaining, yelling, and even going ape sh!+ crazy.
It was as if my logical mind was like, “What the HELL is going on?! I just got a miraculous promotion (and leap in pay)—only after working at the Bell Rock area for four months—and now THIS bull$h!+?! Sporadic bs I can take, but this explosion of MEGA LOAD OF doo doo is TOO MUCH!!!”
And my Heart was like, “Yyyeah, it’s time to go. Let’s carry on to the happier stuff of life. Mind, I realize that you’re frustrated, worried, and even scared, but everything’s going to be okay; let’s trust us, okay?”
I think my ego self had reached its breaking point with the now crystal clear realization that Spirit/Goddess within is leading the ship—Multidimensional, whole self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within—while the awakening version of physical, human ego self (into Soul/God-Self) is the Advisor of this particular world (not the enemy or captain of the ship).
I realized that all the sudden negativity that resurfaced from within—to be noticed, eventually recognized, embraced, integrated and healed—and mostly showed up, or were mirrored as “others”, was meant to push me towards the challenging decision to further love whole self unconditionally .
Why? To reclaim my long forgotten inner-power.
Because throughout childhood, whenever I experienced negativity in varying degrees from my parents (which happened often)—from mild snapping, criticizing, and arguing (with one another), to severe abuse (verbal, emotional, physical, and even sexual) to include neglect, blame, and gaslighting—I felt so powerless since I always had to be around it (in order to survive), and take it all in without becoming upset and/or crying (since that had its own set of consequences).
So I have no doubt that Spirit within was helping me to heal the remnants of these deep, inner wounds by creating these recent triggers at work and home, all within a two week timeframe.
This was like a rapid and intense transformation phase, which explains why I noticed the following animals show up in my outer reality (snake) and inner reality via dream state (lion cub), before, during, and after this timeframe, both as animal spirit guides:
- Saw an orange and black snake at work six days before I left my last Sedona job (main symbolism: Transformation, Healing and Rebirth): Recorded in post, “A Visit from Orange and Black Snake Self“
- Dream of a lion cub two days before I left my last Sedona job (main symbolism: Courage, Inner Strength, and Loyalty to self/Soul/Spirit within) : Recorded in post, “A Dream of Lion Cub and the Jewels I Discovered“
I have no doubt that the intense energies from the total solar eclipse this past July 2, 2019 was also a strong influence to the major changes. I watched the very helpful video, “5 Things You Should Know About The Eclipse / NEW Moon (July 2nd, 2019)” (and Victor Oddo is often spot on in his messages)
I strongly sensed that the questions from Spirit version of self were:
- “Will you choose to realize that, unlike childhood, you now have the choice to not remain in habitually unhealthy environments and relationships?”
- “Will you realize that you deserve much better in life, even though you’re still clinging onto things like the recently promoted job because you believe that’s the best you can do for now? KNOW that you deserve the very best in life.”
- “Will you remember your Divine worth?”
- “Will you choose to take more steps (and even leaps) in trusting, honoring (intuition/feelings), and unconditionally loving more and more of your multidimensional, whole self self?”
I apparently answered an unenthusiastic, “yes” (or more like, “FINE, I’ll do it!” with attitude) to these questions when I chose to leave the overall unhealthy work environment.
Granted, it came with a phase of resistance, to including kicking myself in the @$$ multiple times on all energetic levels:
- physical (not showering for several days, not moisturizing, eating a lot of junk food, drinking alcohol)
- mental (thinking negative thoughts, and becoming lost within them)
- emotional (not caring about self as much)
- spiritual (not wanting to connect with spiritual aspects of self, to include Angelic and Spiritual realms/Higher Self/Source/God/Goddess/Galactic and Universal families, etc.).
Granted, when I wondered why I was strongly drawn to the above ways of being—signs of spiraling down like a raging whirlpool that could lead to major depression—I received an insight after experiencing several dreams.
There was a familiar pattern that I recognized within these earth parallel reality and alternate reality dreams; and that was the interacting with some of the most challenging people I’ve ever crossed paths with (certain family members, a few relatives, four former coworkers from the last Sedona job, etc.).
However, these dreams were different than the usual dreams of negative others because our interactions were actually positive.
I noticed that whenever I drop my vibrational frequency, my dreams often reflect this state of being, and I end up experiencingย darker probable realities, dimensions, realms, worlds, universes, etc., some of which I change the outcome of prior to waking up.
Sometimes, while being in these “locations,” I’m fearful to whatever degree, and other times, I seem to be completely fearless. Example of latter state in post: โDream of Little Angel Alerting Outside of Window.โ
So I wondered if my logical mind judged self’s ways of being during this phase as strictly negative, lazy, and unproductive, but Spirit within had other plans.
When I expand my perspective (to see the bigger), and remember that EVERYTHING that happens, happens for a reason (since there are no accidents), dropping my vibrational frequency for this phase was part of the Divine Plan.
In addition, I apparently answered “YES!!!” to these questions (from Spirit within) by recently bouncing back to following my inner guidance (especially the breadcrumbs of joy to varying degrees, or at least relief in some form), trusting and honoring my feelings, having an optimistic outlook, unconditionally loving self (to include taking care of self), and taking actions to benefit self/interconnected Life.
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In the next related post titled, “What Eventually Happens to Companies and Corporations Who Make Huge Profit, but Don’t Take Care of Their Employees?” I will post a copy of a review that I shared about my last Sedona job via Glassdoor, which are additional reasons why I left.
UPDATE inserted 7/23/19
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