Intro: I shared the comment below with this Creator => Image by Yukimi Yokoyama from Pixabay:ย Thank you Yukimi for sharing this highly creative, profoundly symbolic (the POWER of 3’s), colorful, vibrant, gorgeous, EYE-catching, fractal artwork that reminded me of how EVERYTHING (to include Souls) within interconnected Life of this world is a smaller part containing the WHOLE of a much greater part of an already merged version of worlds, Galaxies, Universe, Multiverse, Omniverse, and way beyond, like trillions of cells within a single, human body from a smaller scale.ย
I FELT like looking up the meaning of your name—since I do so whenever I FEEL guided from within—and I’m grateful that I followed my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/insights/inner-wisdom, since I came upon these uplifting interpretations from
From Japanese ๅนธ (yuki) meaning “happiness“, ้ช (yuki) meaning “snow“, ้ฝ (yuki) meaning “light, sun, male” or ไพ (yuki) meaning “help, assist, repay kindness” combined with ็พ (mi) meaning “beautiful“. Other kanji combinations are also possible. By the way, I used your soul-igniting image for post: [this ONE; shared link]
^^^^^^ end of intro ^^^^^^
I shared the following comment for the helpful video, “Leo ‘Why Settle When You Can Have It All?’ May 9th – 15th“:
LOVE the dolphin card—whatever we believe is going to be true, IS the TRUTH—which makes perfect sense since beliefs are very POWERFUL; so we might as well create highly beneficial beliefs while releasing the old, outdated, non-beneficial ones.
So you’re SPOT ON Chris, IF we have a strong, society-conditioned belief that, for example, all men are cheaters—due to one or both of our caregivers repeating these words during our childhood (since repetition of thoughts creates beliefs)—they we will experience these types of relationships UNTIL we SNAP OUT OF IT, and realize that we don’t have to adopt non-beneficial beliefs since NOT ALL men are cheaters.
The dolphin spirit guides reminds me to Be Joy, and not about getting it OUT THERE since we can attract JOYful experiences much faster by first and foremost FEELING this way; and this applies to all other states of Being.
The DEGREE to which we Unconditionally Love ourselves (OR NOT) is what will be MIRRORED to us by outer world relationships (regardless of the type). I KNOW this, because I’ve personally experienced and observed the changes.
Ex. The more I choose to develop and maintain healthy boundaries, the more others respect me as well. And the more I truly love love self/Self (at whatever present moments), the more I noticed others show their love in various ways.
Perfect question Chris: “What do YOU want?” It’s not about what our outer world tells us to be, say, or do, though outer world guidance can mirror inner world’s Heart guidance as well.
The “king of stinkin’ thinkin'”?! Lol I like that! You crack me up Chris! ^_^
I can completely relate, and I still go through moments where I lower my vibrational frequency (and that’s just part of being human), but I’ve been doing my best to not only FEEL more grateful about the various forms of uplifting abundance in my life during the present moments, but like you, to also CHANGE FROM WITHIN,
which is THE MOST POWERFUL, to include our BELIEFS. And you’re absolutely right, it doesn’t matter what’s happening within outer world, we all have the POTENTIAL to not only survive, but THRIVE despite temporary, outer circumstances.
I’ve personally experienced a MAJOR SHIFT in my life as well, starting this year, though for a little over a decade, there seems to have been a lot “gloomy” experiences (blessings in disguise when we gain wisdom from the Life lessons) that outweigh the sunny ones (obvious blessings).
I feel that “HARD WORK” is a very old, outdated, and fear-based belief that stems from POVERTY CONSCIOUSNESS—poor people’s LACK mentality of not having enough of whatever (that we all can experience)—that’s been passed down for so many generations throughout the ages.
And as human history has proven, MANY PEOPLE HAVE WORKED THEIR @$$ES OFF, but the majority have either lived within poverty, or via barely making ends meet.
One day, while living in San Antonio, TX, I did something unusual, which was a major sign that I was about to SHIFT in Consciousness.
Rather than choosing a Korean restaurant that was closer and cheaper, I strongly sensed (intuition) to choose the further one from our house, and whose menu prices were more for the same dishes.
Looking back, this was Spirit’s way of presenting a golden opportunity to move further away from poverty consciousness and closer to Prosperity Consciousness.
And after enjoying a meal there, I connected with this one older Korean lady—the owner/manager/server/accountant/cook/supplier/deliverer/dishwasher/etc.—and she sat at our table and started sharing her story, to include her frustrations.
She worked daily from morning until night with only 1 day off per month at her own restaurant, and she wore many hats/positions because she wanted to save money by not hiring other people.
My husband and I even created a website for her business for free—in order to try and help her and her family out—since she seemed like a nice lady that could use some assistance.
I even offered to help her wait tables, since I had done so in my late teens and early twenties (while taking college courses part-time on and off).
However, she didn’t want help, though she often complained about everything that wasn’t working, to include more money going out due to various, increasing bills, and about one of the regular customers who came alone daily.
I brought this up to her attention—in the most loving, honest, and tactful way that I could—sharing that it’s more beneficial for her to feel grateful for even 1 customer who shows up often, than complain that he comes alone (a pattern I noticed about a lot of Korean restaurants, though not all are like this).
Because we never know (and this applies to all of Life), that a seemingly unimportant ONE person, could possibly be the CEO of a major corporation, and could end up recommending the restaurant to his huge company.
But MOST IMPORTANTLY, it’s about treating every single Soul just as invaluable as 100 other Souls, because the logical mind is about QUANTITY, but the Heart is about QUALITY.
To my great surprise, she was initially pretty receptive to this sharing as she gently nodded her head, though it didn’t take long to return to her old, non-beneficial habits.
To make a long story shorter, I ended up parting ways with this lady and her husband (though they were a nice couple), because I strongly sensed and intuitively knew that she was not an uplifting, empowering, inspiring, and/or beneficial influence in my life.
But rather, I often felt drained by her habitual, victim mentality, “poor me,” poverty consciousness, fear-based energies. We wished her well, but it was definitely time to move forward, NOT backwards in Soul evolution.
Even to this day, I’m very grateful that I had crossed paths with her in Divine perfect timing and order; because she MIRRORED to me (IN A VERY NEON SIGN-like way) super invaluable Life lessons regarding the choices we all have.
First of all, we cannot truly and fully help those who aren’t willing to help themselves; I’ve learned this the hard way since highly to ultra sensitive empaths have a tendency to want to help everyone and their mamas and grandmamas, while often placing themselves on the back burner.
Second, every Soul is on their own path, AT THEIR OWN PACE, and though we can do our best to share highly beneficial Light & Love, we cannot force or influence others to change IF they’re NOT ready.
And last but not least, like I’ve share before, we cannot truly, fully, and UNconditionally give to others from an empty or barely-filled, inner cup/heart.
ONLY when we fill or refill our inner cup with Unconditional Love & Light, can it effortlessly OVERFLOW to interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
We can either be poverty consciousness, and continue to struggle with our lives, OR choose to develop the highly beneficial habit of developing and maintaining PROSPERITY CONSCIOUSNESS (Being Wealth within FIRST AND FOREMOST), to include doing our best (key phrase) to Unconditionally Love ourselves, and to deeply appreciate ALL that we already have from within:
our Unconditional Love/Heart/Spirit/Goddess essence—and Light (uplifting information/knowledge/wisdom)/Higher Mind/Soul/God essence—that always available to us when we take moments to connect with our inner world, Multidimensional (physical and metaphysical world) abilities, skills, talents, character, experiential knowledge/wisdom gained from personal experiences, strengths, beneficial values, sense of humor, creativity, intuition, insights, ideas, imagination, wonderful qualities, etc.
Whenever we choose to Be Prosperity Consciousness, which we can build, like a muscle with practice, we will notice that whatever work we do will FEEL effortless—NOT like hard work that stems of poverty consciousness—and time will seemingly FLY BY because we’re enJOYing ourselves that much. I haven’t mastered this yet, but I intend to in Divine perfect timing and order.
That’s awesome how you suggested to basically embrace and integrate the ultimately NEUTRAL aggressive energy in a beneficial way (not to be misused or abused), to include being PROACTIVE.
I’ve learned on my journey that I need to further integrate this energy as well; otherwise, if suppressed, it’ll keep showing up through so-called others (often in exaggerated ways), in order to get our full attention TO FINALLY BE INTEGRATED AS ONE/WHOLE self/Self.
Your awesome advice about MULTIPLYING ourselves (our abilities, skills, talents, beneficial beliefs, etc.) perfectly matched what happened yesterday.
I usually AIR OUT my apartment at least once a day to bring fresh air in, but only once in a while a fly will come in, among other insects or bugs.
Well, yesterday, I had a visit from the fly spirit guide, which often reminds me to not only have MULTIPLE perspectives at times—part of expanding perspective/Consciousness—but that some form and/or non-form of uplifting abundance (especially related to MONEY), is about to MULTIPLY.
Lol, I do wonder why you “jokingly” mentioned needing to hide from Mark. Z, though I have somewhat of an idea why. That non-beneficial, fear-based thought had crossed my mind years ago as well;
however COMMA I then realized that there’s a MUCH GREATER POWER—our individual and Collective Heart/Unconditional Love/Spirit/Goddess essence merged with Higher Mind/Light/Soul/God essence within both inner and outer worlds–that no earthly title, position, financial status, worldly success, fame, etc. can TOUCH.
This section below within brackets [ ] was cut out since the comment was too long:
[ Regardless if someone (who happens to be corrupt) is a multi-millionaire, multi-billionaire, and even trillionaire—and regardless of how many secret, underground facilities, tunnels or space shuttles there are to escape—NO ONE is exempt from THE END OF CORRUPTION from the Cosmic Forces within our Universe and beyond, especially by the “Destroyer” aspect of Prime Creator/The Divine Mother Goddess; such outdated, excessively fear-based energies will meet their downfall in Divine perfect timing and order.
I had a premonition, vivid dream once of what seemed to be Heaven & Hell on Earth combined, where I saw a cupid-like angel alerting me from the outside of a high-rise condo window—and I fully trust that I was my I AM Presence, since I was fearless, NEUTRAL, calm, cool, and collected—as I watched many meteors fall from the sky, to include one piercing through a plane in the sky, which caused it to descend slowly towards the ground.
Post, โDream of Little Angel Alerting Outside of Windowโ:ย I have no doubt that this was just one of many future probabilities and possibilities.
You also brought up a great, SPOT ON point to let go of what no longer serves (or benefits) us.
But I have reached a point along my mystical journey to no longer RUN AWAY from THAT which triggers me—since:
1) I’ve been down that path for too many decades, and regardless of the change in location, relationships, situations, etc., it’s been SAME SHIT DIFFERENT SPACE.
And 2), I’ve embraced that EVERYTHING within my outer world is ultimately MIRRORING to me EVERYTHING within my inner world to varying degrees (like fractals of the Universe).
And until I fully embrace and integrate these seemingly “negative” energies into Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self within self/others, I will continue to experience inner and outer world conflicts, battles, and wars.
Granted, when we’re in abusive relationships—that we aren’t able to handle (key phrase) on any or a combination of energetic levels (mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually)—then we really DO need to move ourselves to a healthier environment where we can deeply heal, flourish, and thrive (and NOT just survive).
But I’ve also realized that when others habitually disrespect us, mistreat us, and even abuse us, it is highly beneficial to be transparently honest with ourselves to SEE (with CLARITY) if we’re disrespecting, mistreating, and even abusing any parts of our WHOLE self/Self.
Because, it’s WAY TOO EASY to play the society-conditioned, individual and Collective Ego’s BLAME GAME, where it’s always someone else’s fault, like the devil’s (the scapegoat, the black sheep).
Granted, IF we have been mistreated, neglected, and/or abused in other ways during childhood—by caregivers who were wounded Souls who hadn’t deeply healed (from one, expanded perspective)—I’ve grown to fully trust that, ultimately, they were mirroring my own Soul’s unhealed wounds from past lives (a deeper, expanded perspective).
Therefore, when I unconditionally forgive them (even if they never apologized), I automatically forgive myself, and vice versa.
And of course, there’s always the greatest perspective of all, and that is, when we realize that we are ultimately ONE (Unity Consciousness) and the same, then forgiveness isn’t even necessary, since we can SEE (with CLARITY) the BIGGER picture.
And that is, we have all played (and continue to) the “good guy,” “bad guy” and everything in-between throughout MANY lifetimes of past, present and future (from a liner, 3D, physical, human perspective)…
but from an expanded, Multidimensional, Higher, 5D+ mystical, spiritual, metaphysical (beyond physical) perspective, everything’s happening perfectly for interconnected Life’s highest benefit, SIMULTANEOUSLY in the past/present/future moments of NOW.ย
It’s TIME—at least for me, since every Soul is on their own path at their own pace (as mentioned above)—to take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for ALL ultimately NEUTRAL aspects of WHOLE self/Self.
Because ONLY then, will I be completely FREE from within, and will be FREE within outer world in Divine perfect timing and order (since it can take time for things to manifest from spiritual to physical worlds). ]
Thank you so much Chris for Being wonderful you/You, and sharing your very helpful videos. Have a great week enJOYing many PRESENT and pleasant moments of NOW! ^_^
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