A very wise, Old Soul helped me today, whose inner and outer world Self (Spiritual Self)/self (physical self) reminded me of a merge between Ryan Reynolds & Ben Affleck in a Parallel 🎼 (&) Alternate Reality.
Image by Chil Charlchil from Pixabay
I’m not a follower of any Hollywoods stars, but I do enJOY watching highly creative movies, to include the ones starring Ryan and Ben (favorites like Good Will Hunting and Armageddon, as well as Ryan’s great sense of humor, intelligence, talents, wittiness, and many hilarious moments within some of his movies).
And no, this E.T. being image above is not meant to be a symbolic representation of the wise, Old Soul (Clark), or Ryan and Ben, but it could be one of many, otherworldly versions of them (and self/Self) ☺️.
While checking out images, I was energetically drawn to this unknown, never-before-seen, E.T., for whatever reason.
I definitely like the creativity, strong presence, soulful eyes, and vivid colors, part of color therapy involving our chakras.
From a mostly left brain-centered, logical, human perspective, it may be perceived as fictional and/or “just artwork.”
But from an expanded, Multidimensional perspective, Spirit—within interconnected Life of this world and beyond—can inspire all Souls if we’re receptive with an open mind and heart. 11:11
So there’s a high probability that the creator of the artwork tuned into this otherworldly frequency.
And therefore, the energetic attraction (not related to sex) stems from resonating with an additional star system that I don’t recall yet (though I’ve seen and interacted with various E.T. and alien beings within dreams).
If you’re like me, you might relate.
I’m a starseeded Soul—aka Starseed from a combination of star systems—who also has many other earthly and otherworldly labels (like Mystic, Army Veteran, Sage, Shaman, etc.), but ultimately and simply…
I AM whatever neutral aspects of WHOLE Self/self I choose to Be/be, at whatever Fully PRESENT moments of NOW—of discerning open Mind and Unconditionally Loving, open Heart with healthy boundaries. 12:12
But when I’m dwelling in the past (different from reflecting) or worried about the future (different from wise planning), for extended amounts of time, then fear-based aspects can take over the WHOLE ship, where I become lost 🤯😵💫😨within the so-called darkness ⬛️ of physical worlds.
111 🦎🙏🏼👋🏼🍂 & 🙏🏼🙋🏻♀️🌱
Until…I BOUNCE BACK as usual, with the assistance of Cosmic Teams of many earthly and otherworldly Beings, to include the Angelic 😇 Realm 444 & Ascended Masters 🧙🏻♀️🧙♂️🧝🏽♀️🧝♂️🦹🏽♀️🦹🏻♂️🦸🏾♀️🦸🏼🧜🏿♀️🧜🏽🧞♀️🧞♂️333.
By the way, Clark Kegley is the wise, Old Soul I mentioned at the beginning of this post, who’s also magnetic.
He’s the one who helped me today 222, and whose vibes (inside and out) reminded me of a cross between Ryan & Ben (explanation later).
After watching his very unique, thought-provoking, empowering, and helpful video (link further below), I’ve been diving further within, and pondering related themes.
And this includes what still triggers me 😒😖😵😨🤨🧐😡🤬😤 this new year, so that I can better understand, heal, and know self (like the famous and profoundly wise saying, “Know Thyself”).
555 🐍🪲🐛🦋
And the more deeply we understand and know ourselves, the more deeply we can understand and know others (and vice versa).
And some examples are as follows that others may relate to as well:
I noticed that it bothered me when some YouTubers would use clickbait titles; I was judgy about that 😄.
For instance, I got all excited when I thought I was going to watch some animals interact in a mind-blowing, incredible way, only to discover that thumbnail image wasn’t even in the video. 🤨
I wanted like 10 minutes of my life back because it felt like a waste of my time. I was like, “This is some 🐂💩!”
Well, I chose to use a clickbait title for this post, to embrace that I can be this way too (the trickster aspect, which I’m embracing and integrating into WHOLE Self/self).
This trickster aspect—that exists within ALL of us, and that we’re aware of to varying degrees (or not at all = shadow aspect)—has been represented by various Beings throughout human history.
And despite them being known by this “trickster” label, they also represent many other strengths and qualities that are encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, and Consciousness expanding.
And these include, but are not limited to: Goddess Innana and Hermes/God Thoth—whom I’ve had dreams and visions of in the past, and shared within this blog—Kokopelli, Loki, etc.
And even the Raven Animal Spirit Guide who usually shows up when I’m in the process of deep diving into The Unknown, and its strengths are meant to assist me in navigating the abyss that can be very challenging at times (but definitely fulfilling).
Plus, the Coyote Animal Spirit Guide shows up whenever I could incorporate much humor to lighten up from a very challenging situation.
An example is like when a family friend of 20 years came to an end almost two years ago.
During this timeframe, two coyotes showed up in this particular physical reality, and were relaxing in front of our apartment (that my husband and I were living at; will share YouTube video one day; UPDATE video: “Coyote Couple Spirit Guide Message”).
Anyhoo, the difference between the typical clickbait that you may have experienced, and this one, is that I guarantee you won’t be wasting your invaluable focus, time, energy and efforts reading this entire post (or even bits and pieces that you’re energetically drawn to).
Because when you read with a discerning, open mind—and an open heart with healthy boundaries—this can be A LEAP 🦗🦘IN CONSCIOUSNESS that will change your life on ALL energetic levels—mentally, emotionally, physically (via further DNA 🧬 activation), spiritually, and even financially.
Image by Peter Lomas from Pixabay
My intention for using this clickbait—that’s also related to one of the themes of this post—is to attract Souls who are usually focused on wonderful aspects of celebrities, that they have forgotten exists within their own amazing Souls (their positive version of shadow parts, Golden Shadow aspects).
Forgetting (as Souls) our own greatness can cause us to place others—e.g., religious leaders, spiritual leaders, gurus, famous celebrities, etc.—on an unnecessary pedestal (i.e., basically saying 🐑 to the other, “You’re way above me, you’re better than me, you’re more worthy than me, CAN I PLEASE KISS YOUR ASS!!!” etc.).
Just because a human’s net worth is $____ (to include 6, 7, 8 + figures), doesn’t necessarily define who we are as Souls.
Humanity has witnessed more than enough rich or wealthy, extremely arrogant, narcissistic, major assholes (regardless of gender).
And in real life, this has showed up as more than enough (but not all) left-brain dominant (barely connected to Heart) CEOs, and other people who are ONLY financially successful, but not successful on other energetic levels.
And in movies that include various truths, like “The Big Short,” there’s the major asshole guy who doesn’t care about hurting many within humanity with his business corruption, and ONLY brags about his wealth and net worth.
But that doesn’t mean that everyone who’s rich or wealthy are this way (a narrow-minded way of thinking, and a closed hearted way of feeling).
No matter what category of people, or Life in general, there’s a very wide, rainbow 🌈 spectrum and beyond of Souls, humans, E.T., animals, aliens, etc.
As I basically shared within the previous post series:
It’s known that SUCCESS, FAME, RICHES & WEALTH, simply AMPLIFY who we already are within.
So an asshole (regardless of gender) will become a greater asshole, an unconditionally loving person (with healthy boundaries) will become even more amazing, and everything in-between.
My husband and I have met some rich people who are the opposite of how many poor people perceive people with money to be.
Not all, but most were very authentic, honest, kind, confident (yet humble), highly intelligent, wise, and much more.
Plus, being judgmental towards those with money can cause us to be stuck in a state of disempowering, poverty consciousness, that repels our ability to attract neutral money (that can be used for “good” or “bad” depending on the user; like a hammer, another neutral tool).
The most highly evolved Souls are known to Be Masters of Prosperity Consciousness, despite whatever material world stuff they currently have or don’t have.
Highly evolved Souls—that everyone has a version of, and can connect and align with—ARE invaluable and priceless WEALTH WITHIN.
And these profoundly wise Souls may or may not choose to manifest whatever amounts of OUTER WEALTH in a physical world, depending on their Life Purpose(s) and Soul Mission(s).
But choosing not to manifest whatever amounts of outer wealth doesn’t take away from our Divine worth within this Universe, Multiverse and/or Omniverse (that doesn’t need a price tag).
Personally, I embrace either or now, though before this new year, I was leaning more towards strongly needing to manifest this and that of this material world.
Spirit that exists within interconnected 🕸️ Life 🌳 is like a hawk flying over the valley (Earth 🌏🌎🌍) below, able to SEE 👁️👀 with CLARITY the BIGGER picture.
So I choose to fully trust that whatever’s for the highest benefit of Self (Spiritual Self)/self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/”others”/Life of many worlds, will manifest in Divine perfect timing and order.
What I intuitively and confidently know, is that when I do manifest outer wealth as well in whatever parallel Earth realities, it’s going to be an AMAZING, MAJOR GAME CHANGER for Self/self/humanity/interconnected Life within this world and way beyond.
I’ve already done my best throughout my life (last lifetime on this planet)— especially the past few decades, and more so within 13 years of deep, inner work — to share with humanity what Inner Wealth FEELS like.
This especially includes the merged 💖Light 🕯️ Frequency & Unconditional Love Frequency 💗 (of inner and outer world)— aka Soul/God essence/Higher Mind/Divine Masculine Energies/etc. & other half of Cosmic Coin: Spirit/Goddess essence/Cosmic Heart/Divine Feminine Energies/etc. — BOTH of Many Names, but Ultimately, The Nameless; and a Cosmic Team OF THE ONE.
I will further show humanity THIS is how to truly use both inner AND outer forms of WEALTH to highly benefit interconnected Life.
Thank you very much 🙏🏼 to the already prosperous within, merged Heart/Mind Souls who have been using their various forms of abundance in very loving, wise , and generous ways, to assist in the expansion of our individual and Collective Consciousness.
This clickbait title post is meant to be an invitation to unexplored, earthly and otherworldly, expanded perspectives, New Information/Light Frequency, Unconditional Love Frequency, Shadow Work, The 7 Essene Mirrors, and more.
Another set of recent triggers was reacting to the way Teal Swan often treated her team members within the controversial documentary “The Deep End.”
It bothered me, because they deserved a better leader, and they—especially Blake and Graci (her main team members of many years)—seemed like gentle and passive Souls (though Blake left at the end).
It reminded me of the infamous “empath and narcissist energy” dynamic that many in this world experience and suffer from, whether we’re aware of it or not (an expanded perspective on that further down to help us release judgement towards these aspects).
I realized that the above is Essene Mirror #2 of Judgment (of The 7 Essene Mirrors for Relationships, eloquently and graciously taught by Gregg Braden).
There are other examples, but that’s enough for now. Below I share why it’s highly beneficial to explore ALL aspects of WHOLE Self (Non-physical Self)/self (physical self):
I LOVE, deeply appreciate, and definitely prefer mostly being within a safe, clean, peaceful, loving, supportive and beautiful environment—with lots of greenery, and somewhat near a large body of water—with authentic, honest, mostly positively focused, wise, and genuinely kind people.
Why? Because I’ve experienced an abundance of the opposite from early childhood throughout adulthood in this particular Earth reality (though my very strict mother kept every house immaculately clean).
I also experienced more than enough other Earth (parallel and alternate) realities in dream state; and the mostly gray environments of what seems like similar challenges with different, unknown people at different locations have NOT been that exciting 😒🥱😴😪.
You think you’ve got problems in this world, imagine hardly ever getting a break from challenges of many earthly and otherworldly realities. 😅
Sometimes, I wake up so exhausted—especially from doing what seems like CRAzy@$$ 😳 obstacle courses with small groups of Beings (probably Cosmic Team Members)—that I allow myself to simply rest, relax, and enJOY whatever next thing that seems exciting, even to the slightest degree (as Bashar—channeled by Darry Anka—has been teaching for decades regarding following our path of excitement).
So despite this mostly left brain-centered, logical world constantly telling us to be in DO DO DO mode, and being non-stop productive—otherwise you’re lazy, unmotivated, uninspired, procrasting, a non-contributing member of society, etc.—I’m here to say that it’s time to further expand our individual and Collective Consciousness, since it’s not all black and white, but many shades of grays and colors.
Can the above logical thoughts and beliefs like “non-contributing person” apply to us at times? Definitely.
But does it always apply? No; and a wise person will recognize this balanced truth.
Humans cannot comprehend and measure the VAST amounts of contributions that highly evolved Souls (especially starseeds) are doing for humanity and beyond.
It’s often a thankless job of assisting the individual and Collective Soul growth and spiritual evolution of this world/Galaxy/Universe/Multiverse/Omnivers, often behind closed doors.
But much gratitude and appreciation has been shared with one another from those who are increasingly awakening and aware.
And just as a mature and wise adult wouldn’t expect a thank you for helping a baby or child, highly evolved Souls don’t need or expect humans to show gratitude and appreciation (though if freely and genuinely shared, it’s heartfelt and very much appreciated).
Despite the many tiring experiences during dream state, I’ve also had many otherworldly, breathtaking, awe-inspiring, peaceful, adventurous, FUN, deeply heartfelt, and amazing 😲😃🤩🥰 dreams as well (though not the majority of dreams), and I definitely prefer them.
Plus, I continue to deeply appreciate soul-igniting and heartfelt moments where I’ve been teaching many people—who are unknown in this reality, but I know them in those realities—what I’ve learned in this particular Earth reality.
That’s why I’ve shared within this blog before that I trust that our Souls are helping each other in many realities, even though we may not remember yet to whatever degrees.
Granted, this new year of 2024, I’ve been having a break from remembering other earth dreams, which I’m very grateful for.
I trust that my Spiritual half of self deeply understands, and is compassionate about the fact that I’m in the process of MAJOR life changes (another Dark Night of the Soul 🙏🏼).
And this includes having filed for a harmonious divorce the beginning of this month—where I told my husband he can have everything, and I will only take 2 suitcases—initiating paperwork for a full name change (and not to my previous first, Middle and maiden name), and preparing myself for The Unknown.
So I have more than enough on my plate, and don’t need to recall other world challenges as well.
However, I continue to experience other forms of daily, Divine Synchronicity (other than dreams)—that’s been noticeably occurring since 2001 (initiation recorded in post, “Dreams of Jesus [& Holy Spirit/Mother Goddess]”), and then daily since 2011 (almost 13 years)—that reminds me of the Presence of Beloved Spiritual Self/Universe.
And these signs and experiences include number synchronicity, animal spirit guide messages, insights, opportunities showing up, Soul connections, and exciting and creative ideas.
And more puzzle 🧩 pieces have been coming together over the years, to include the creation of (nevermind 🙅🏻♀️, ancient Japorean secret 😉).
Anyhoo, despite deeply appreciating wonderful moments in Life, I’ve learned on my journey so far…
1) New realization added 1/13/2024: I used to believe that one can only flourish (not just grow) in a positive environment (like the one I described above as my personal preference).
But now I fully understand that we can even flourish in temporary, negative environments, though it’s not beneficial to remain there for long periods.
2) In order to further REALIZE our Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Self (Non-Physical Self of whatever earthly names)/self (physical selves), it benefits us to step outside our safe bubble, comfort zone at times.
And this can include taking the already existing, merged Heart/Mind within us—aka Light Frequency (New Information/Knowledge/Wisdom) and Unconditional Love Frequency—and diving DEEP into the “DARK” Cosmic Rabbit 🐇 Hole 🕳️.
This MYSTERIOUS Cosmic Hole 🕳️ —like The Cosmic Womb of Mother Goddess/The Great Void/The Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities—is where there are many UNKNOWN, yet EXCITING, blessings in disguise 🥸(and even obvious blessings 🙌🏼)
And here we’ll have the opportunities to further explore, experience, learn, face and overcome fears and challenges, grow, and evolve on any combination of energetic levels—emotionally, physically (via further DNA 🧬 activation), and spiritually.
Today, a gift 💝 from the Universe showed up in Divine perfect timing and order.
Because recently, an opportunity showed up in my awareness, so I was at a crossroads.
I had a free-will choice to either Be very comfortable in my peaceful, personal space for both inner and outer worlds…
It occurred to me, that when I’m alone and feeling 1 of the top 2 most peaceful states—the other is within Mother Nature—I don’t get triggered by anything.
But then my husband comes home. 😆 I’m just playin’, it’s only sometimes he’s a pain in my @$$ (and vice versa).
Granted, we’ve been getting along even better after we filed for a harmonious divorce earlier this new year month (which shows that legal paperwork doesn’t necessarily guarantee a happy marriage).
It’s WAY TOO EASY to NOT get triggered when we’re avoiding 🫣 negative energies.
So, when this opportunity to grow 🌱🌿🌲🌳 showed up as someone I had let go of years ago, I intuitively knew it did so in order to be embraced and integrated for this particular Cosmic Rodeo.
My logical mind convinced me that I had made peace with someone whose overall vibes increasingly FELT HEAVY 🪨😮💨.
However, a way of knowing whether or not we have mastered whatever energies, is to put it to the test.
And when those familiar, fear-based energies—since ultimately, it’s not about the people—showed up again in outer world…
let’s just say I didn’t exactly breeze through these experiences with flying colors.
But that’s “imperfectly” yet perfectly okay, since we can BOUNCE BACK, and do our best to learn the next round.
After all, it can take many lifetimes for a Soul to even tune into this frequency channel, and also be interested in this deep level of spiritual work and growth.
I was drawn to a Soul-Igniting 💥 and deeply Heartfelt ❤️🔥YouTube video, “The BRUTAL Truth about YOUR ‘SHADOW WORK’ No One Will Tell You,” that also showed up in Divine perfect timing and order.
Because I can apply the knowledge and wisdom to what I’ve been focusing on and learning from lately, recorded in the recent posts, “Being Wise & Discerning When It Comes to ALL Outer World Soul Teachers (Including Teal Swan)“ and “Keen Observations, Insights & Comments Shared for Teal Swan’s Documentary, ‘The Deep End’.”
The following is a comment I shared for the above mentioned video:
Thank you so much Clark, for this very helpful and heartfelt video that deeply moved me. I paused this video many times to reflect on and ponder the invaluable knowledge and wisdom you shared.
I really appreciate your neutral 👁️👀, expanded perspectives that I trust stems from your merged Heart/Mind 💖 channeling state.
You provided some encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, and Consciousness expanding, New 🌱Information (aka Light 🕯️) I had not heard of before, though I’m familiar with shadow work.
I’m also grateful that wonderful Chris—creator of Minnow Pond Tarot—recommended you, and I felt like checking out your videos.
The way you authentically, honestly, freely, and fully express yourself, in your own, unique way is magnetic, captivating, and impressive.
Congratulations 🤝🤜✨🤛🏻 for believing in yourself all these blossoming 🪷 years, and Leading By Example to help others like me further believe in myself as well.
You probably heard of this before, or a similar observation, but your inner self reminds me of a free-spirited, open-minded, open-hearted, highly creative, highly intelligent, very wise, funny, Old Soul.
And your outer self reminds me of…🤔
Oh yeah! If Ryan Reynolds and Ben Affleck had a baby—if they were gay (in a parallel reality) and men could birth babies (in an alternate reality)—you would be the co-creation! 🤭
I only share this since you have a great sense of humor. 😁
Anyhoo, continue to
SHINE 🌟⭐️ BRIGHT 🌅 with 🫵🏼
Authentic 🐈⬛🐈/WHOLE 🌝🌚🌗☯️✡️💖, TRAILBLAZIN’ 💥🔥🔥🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥BAD@💰💰Self/selves (remember, your Divine Self is The Captain of Your Ship 🛳️ . 😉).
Soul brother, you further lightened 🪶my day!
🙏🏼 & 👋🏼 ➡️🪨➡️ 😮💨 🥰
Wishing 🎐 🫵🏼 & your loved ones A Very Happy 🐸 New 🐣 Year 🎆🎇 of 2024 🌳🐲 & beyond 🌌🌠♾️, to include an abundance of uplifting blessings 💝 in various forms!!!
Until next time ⌛️…
Update Insights
(Plus added some more insights within the post above)
I trust that as we continue to open our pineal gland and pituitary gland, we will have more access to our unconditionally loving, profoundly wise, and immensely powerful, spiritual half of ourselves (to include our dreams of other versions of ourselves).
I recently noticed a YouTube ad, that I’ve often been skipping for months, due to being tired of being misled by some people (who I now see as people who were doing their best to survive or thrive from whatever state of consciousness they were in).
This particular ad was about the series, “Rewired” by Dr. Joe Dispenza, within Gaia TV, and includes a teaching about our pineal gland (that they did a captivating job in the intro, with excellent visuals).
Though I didn’t watch the whole ad, I saved a screenshot to remind me to see it, since I’m currently a member of Gaia TV, though I tuned out for a while for various reasons (despite enjoying some of the content).
I understand that Joe Dispenza is famous within the Spirituality communities, but for at least a couple of years, I didn’t feel energetically drawn to him, despite his amazing story of self-healing.
It was because of at least two, main reasons.
First, his presence, demeanor, verbal and nonverbal cues, and overall vibrational frequency FELT much more left brain centered, more mind focused, rather than merged Heart/Mind focused.
Second, someone I was learning from years ago (but let go of)—a business entrepreneur named Peter Sage—was a huge fan of Dr. Joe Dispenza; and he ensured everyone and their mamas and grandmamas knew about it.
However COMMA despite Peter having learned so much from Joe for years—via Dr. Joe’s online course, events, books, retreats, etc.—Joe Dispenza’s teachings didn’t seem to help Peter Sage much (reasons further below).
In a nutshell, I was once part of Peter Sage’s USM, then EMF, and then EMT online courses, and self-business opportunity (though I eventually left that community during EMT, mainly due to Peter and one of his Community Managers feeling increasingly toxic).
Despite a lot of Peter Sage’s helpful teachings, he himself habitually showed up in opposite ways—treating his team members like crap at times, and being hypocritical, dominant, aggressive, arrogant, often judging and ridiculing the Collective Ego (because he hated his own individual ego), etc.
I chose not to leave him a negative review after I left, because he seemed to be helpful to some others, and I didn’t want to negatively affect his business (since he was probably just doing his best from where he’s at).
But because I had suppressed this aspect that wanted to share with the outer world the opposite side of Peter Sage, this energy showed up in another woman—one of my shadow aspects; and she left a 1 star review for Peter Sage’s company stating, “This is NOT for Healers!”
And I was deeply grateful for this outer confirmation to my intuitive knowing.
I just realized, as I’m typing this—which is why journaling can be very helpful and deeply healing—that these “negative” aspects that have triggered me while in Peter Sage’s presence, are the exact same energies that recently triggered me (again) via Teal Swan.
Teal, like Peter Sage, has a lot of great content (especially her YouTube videos); but in person, she was like the polar extreme opposite.
Even Peter was super enthusiastic, friendly, humorous, professional, wise, etc. while recruiting via his USM (“Ultimate Self Mastery”) course, but once you became an EMF (and especially EMT) member (where you pay a lot more money), it was like he jumped into the sewer, and shape-shifted into a dirty, 🐀-bastard.
So despite having invested so much money with his courses and business opportunity, I couldn’t live with myself by representing him and his brand that HABITUALLY didn’t FEEL light/true to my Heart.
After all—and I just realized this as well—if we don’t truly and fully represent our brand (who we truly are and what we stand for), then we are NOT walking our talk, we are NOT Being Living Wisdom.
What I’ve learned from both Peter and Teal is who NOT to be, and what NOT to do, as a Leader of a company, as well as their Soul gifts that they’ve shared with humanity (which I’ve shared with them too).
I’m very grateful how more puzzle pieces 🧩 are coming together to help me to SEE with CLARITY the BIGGER picture.
Clark—the wise, old Soul I mentioned at the start of this post, who helped me with his YouTube video—brought up a great point.
It was an invitation for us to sit with whatever UNKNOWN/SHADOW parts we cannot be present with, that exists both within our inner and outer worlds (and for me currently, this applies to people like Joe Dispenza, and I will check out his “Rewired” series, as much as I feel like it).
HOWEVER COMMA—and I’m going to add these insights as an UPDATE for the comment I shared with Clark (for his YouTube video above)—this “sitting with and learning to love negative aspects,” only applies to aspects within us, and outer world people who are NOT HABITUALLY (KEYWORD) NEGATIVE, TOXIC, ABUSIVE (in various ways), AND DRAINING.
Example: If someone is being habitually abused, then it’s not safe, healthy, and beneficial for that person to continue being the abuser’s daily, PUNCHING BAG.
This is where Unconditional Love for the Self/self comes in, that includes healthy boundaries.
So it’s about discernment, intuitively knowing what temporary or long-term relationships and interactions—for both within us and outside of us—are worth “sitting with” for however long.
Because as I shared with Clark, our Spiritual Self does need to Be The Captain of The Ship (our WHOLE Self/self)—fully present and embracing of ALL aspects and allowing healthy expressions—but NOT being habitually dominated by out of control, fear-based energies.
Because there is such a thing as being EXCESSIVELY: present, deeply understanding, compassionate, empathetic, caring, thoughtful, loving, and unconditionally forgiving OF OTHERS (while habitually neglecting the self/Self), and it’s called the EMPATH aspect that exists within all of us to varying degrees.
And whenever we swing the pendulum to any extreme, polar opposite end, it’s OPPOSITE/CONTRAST energy WILL SHOW UP (ex. NARCISSIST energy, that also exists within all of us to varying degrees) to balance and harmonize to a healthy and beneficial state.
Meaning…it’s not about 50/50, but Life is an ebb and flow of self and others—NOT just or mostly others (empathetic to deep empath energy aspect), and NOT just or mostly the self (very selfish to narcissist energy aspect).
So whenever we’re too caring of others but not of self, the narcissist—in whatever “other person” form and to whatever degree—will show up to REMIND US to start taking care of self.
We can embrace and integrate some of the selfish (focus on self energy) from the gift of the narcissist energy, and start caring more for self from a place of Unconditional Self-Love, rather than a “F#%^ the rest of the world from now on until I fully love myself” state.
I shared a brief gratitude comment for a recent, Abraham/Ester Hicks video message—for an expanded perspective about being selfish, the version that stems from Unconditional Self-Love.
I’ve also been appreciating some of Ash Ambirge’s newsletter email messages that are also wild, unique, encouraging, uplifting, empowering, and/or inspiring.
She’s the creator of The Middle Finger Project 🤣, and founder of Selfish School 😯(again, like Abraham/Ester Hicks’ recent message about Being Selfish, it’s stemming from a love-based, BOLD and WILD way 😄🥰).
Plus, Ash has many abilities, skills, talents, as well as a great sense of humor.
I have no doubt, that these two, strong women mentioned above—as well as Teal Swan (who also has her own great strengths, despite her own weaknesses), and others mentioned within this post—are all parts (gifts 💝) of this particular series of Divine Synchronicity.
And whether these Light/Dark Soul Families show up as obvious blessings (like Bashar, Carl Jung, Alan Watts, Victor Oddo, Chris Reck, Queen Amun-Ra, Clark Kegley, Jamye Price, Abraham Hicks, Sadhguru, Gregg Braden, etc.) or…
blessings in disguise (many but not all former coworkers from Sedona, Peter Sage, Teal Swan, etc.)…
they are all very valuable nonetheless.
Plus, there’s the 7 Essene Mirrors that we can learn from as well.
It’s definitely very challenging at times to do inner work—inner child work, shadow work, mirror work, etc.—but I’ve been noticing an increase of more AWARENESS with self/others, whether slowly, gradually, quickly, and even RAPIDLY at times (as a LEAP in Consciousness, and the grasshopper spirit animal will show up in this particular physical world to mirror those invaluable moments to me).
By the way, the increase of awareness/consciousness includes our 2 pets cats, Shadow 🐈⬛ & Leo 🐈, who are becoming smarter 😺and more deeply loving 😽.
This includes them figuring out solutions— like opening various types of cabinets, and not just the easy to open ones 😼—and being deeply compassionate 😻.
I’ve experienced both of them (at different times), quietly approach me while I’m crying, and then look deeply into my eyes 😿, followed by reaching their arm out very slowly, and then gently touching my cheek with their tiny, fluffy paw 🫢🥹🥰 (that was probably in digging in their 💩filled litter box seconds ago 😅; oh well 🤷🏻♀️, those moments were definitely worth it).
I trust that at least one of the contributing factors to their increased intelligence, awareness, and further opening of their hearts, stems from giving them purified water 💧 for years—the same water I’ve been drinking for 13 years, to prevent our pineal gland from hardening (due to unnecessary amounts of flouride).
So I also use fluoride-free toothpaste, one of various examples of how to help our physical bodies to better connect and commune with our Spiritual part of WHOLE Self/self.
Image by LoggaWiggler from Pixabay
After adding some final insights to this post, and completing it on 1/14/2024 (Sunday), I heard a raven sound ♒️💝💖💗💓💕that seemed to be flying by.
I thanked 🙋🏻♀️🙏🏼the Raven Spirit Guide for sharing its message and gifts while looking outside the house 🏡.
But I only noticed and felt the stillness of this peaceful, late afternoon 🌄 Sedona neighborhood.
Although I’ve experienced many visits from Raven, and had read many readings about ravens, plus Raven: Spirit Animals, Animal Totems, and Power Animals, I like to look up new messages as well.
Further below, I took a screenshot of a helpful reminder about the Raven Spirit and its ancient symbolism:
The top part of this screenshot that mentions “TRICKSTER” instantly reminded me of what I had shared within this post:
Well, I chose to use a clickbait title for this post, to embrace that I can be this way too (the trickster aspect, which I’m embracing and integrating into WHOLE Self/self).
The only difference is, I guarantee you won’t be wasting your invaluable focus, time, energy and efforts reading this entire post.
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