I shared the following comment for video, “Why Pretending Nothing Is Wrong Can Ruin A Relationship“:
As you often do Teal, you’ve provided some helpful information, so thank you. However COMMA there seems to be a contradiction to what you shared as well (unless I misunderstood you).
Image by Heather Plew from Pixabay
You mentioned that we all have our own VALID perceptions, and that we can even experience parallel realities within each other’s presence (which I resonate with).
So if this is true, then how is one going to a “professional” to seek one’s truth help, if that professional wasn’t in your shoes or the other party’s shoes during those moments?
Also, if the professional has a different state of awareness/consciousness, then their own intelligence, conditioned background, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, feelings, etc. will affect how s/he perceives whoever their helping as well.
I’ve experienced various therapists and psychologists from 2009 – 2011—to include individual and marriage counseling—and even participated in a joint, military women’s PTSD group; and though there have been helpful moments, I realized that that doing inner work after the Army life has helped much more.
And ironically, some of these professionals shared their own personal problems with me, something that I’ve been used to since childhood.
By the way, I’ve experienced what you shared in this video multiple times with my husband throughout our over 15 year marriage—where he’ll explode one minute, and then be super sweet a couple of minutes later while saying things like, “I’m fine” or “nothings wrong” (along with gaslighting); and like you said, it could really make you feel baffled.
I shared some info within this video with him, about the expanded perspectives, and to my great surprise, he seemed somewhat receptive (and he’s been more receptive to such information over the years, though he doesn’t actively seek it).
I’ve been doing my best over the years to incorporate a lot of beneficial teachings, from Spirit within, and from outer, Soul teachers like yourself; but this whole seemingly ongoing, inner battles of SO MANY “fragments” within can become extremely frustrating, overwhelming, confusing, depressing, and even hopeless at times.
This morning is just one of those days that I haven’t looked forward to waking up because of all the inner work that we supposedly need to do for so long, when I’ve been doing so for over a decade.
Even in dream state, there are so many seemingly unpleasant, parallel reality and alternate reality dreams, that ALL realities are getting really old.
I communicated one, last time to ALL aspects within—mainly male and female energies within (to simplify)—that we need to finally Be a team, or just die, because I’m SO exhausted from all the BULL$h!+ of various lives.
In addition, I informed my husband before, that it’s not a matter of IF we go separate ways, but WHEN, so it’s highly beneficial that we prepare ourselves, preferably in a peaceful way.
At this point in my life (almost 50), I feel like I have nothing to lose anymore; though I have adult children, as well as extended family members in Korea—to include my mother who had a stroke a couple of months ago (though she’s still alive and miserable as usual)—I’m actually ready to let everything go (and not necessarily via death); and I fully trust that they (as well as interconnected Life) will ALL be ok.
Since my outer world has habitually mirrored to me much negativity since childhood, especially with relationships (and continues to)—and I’m also tired of our individual and Collective Ego’s blame game—I now fully OWN that it’s me (and I don’t say this in a blaming way, but acknowledging way).
I NOW FULLY EMBRACE that I AM mostly NEGATIVE/COLD/DARK/UNKNOWN energy within; hence, my outer world has often mirrored this to me.
This includes the narcissist and codependent aspects that’s often judged, frowned upon, condemned, and even ridiculed within this world, to include the spiritual community (and by you, Teal, at times, since these aspects, 2 sides of the same coin, exists within you, too)—as well as the Devil/Lucifer/Satan aspects (and other similar, earthly names) that the Christian community (and other fear-based, rigid religions) likes to play the blame game with, since they don’t want to take responsibility for their own selves/Selves.
So perhaps the solution for me is to continue (however long I FEEL like it) to release old beliefs that no longer serve (and create beneficial new ones in order to manifest the realities that I prefer), fully heal, Be WHOLE, exist as ONE, and actually enJOY Life…OR, if that’s not probable or possible, then do self/Self/interconnected humanity and beyond a favor, and get out of the equation.
Same Day
The following is a comment I shared for the video that I watched later in the morning today, “5 Things You Should Know About The FULL Moon (August 22, 2021)” (I hardly slept from the night of 8/21st through the morning of 8/22nd, so I relaxed all day of the Full Moon, and watched this video the day after):
Thank you Victor for this fully present, authentic, profoundly wise, powerful, soul-igniting, and heartfelt message.
And yes, I’m learning more and more that our bodies will, indeed, communicate to us what FEELS right/light/true to our Hearts (and what doesn’t).
This reminds me of a quote that I saw a while back (don’t recall from who), that I combined with a matching image, that reads:
“Remember to check in with body messages, and how you FEEL. Ask yourself, does this
FEEL like:
EXPANSION or contraction
JOY or fear
LIBERATION or suffocation.”
Though this poster has helped at times, I obviously haven’t mastered this spiritual tool yet, since I’m still working on fully trusting and following my inner guidance/Heart/Spirit.
I realized, that the 9 Sedona jobs I had since 2017—but quit the last one in May of this year—stemmed from my ego’s logical mind (understandably due to fear) adamantly insisting that I find a mostly heart-centered, matching job or career within the “mecca of spirituality” that’s known as Sedona.
However COMMA I finally accept that I’ve been looking for what I truly and deeply desire to experience (in the spiritual career field) in the “wrong” places; though, ultimately, they aren’t “wrong” or “bad,” but merely IN YOUR FACE, mostly NEGATIVE CONTRASTS that have gifted me/pushed my mind to let go of this stubborn pursuit.
And instead, move away from what I habitually don’t like (as you said), and actually move towards what I highly resonate with (and simply said, ALL that I PREFER in Life).
You are deeply appreciated Soul brother! ๐
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