Note: This is a continuation post from the previous ones titled 1) “Messages from Lone Black Wolf and Pack of Coyotes” 2) “The Wealth of Profound Wisdom Within“, followed by 4) “Actual LIVING of Profound Spiritual Concepts is TRUE WISDOM“; but can be read on its own
I AM Mostly Dark, Negative Energy, and therefore, this particular lifetime, and many Earth and otherworldly parallel realities (and alternate realities), have mirrored this to me for over 44 years.
I now embrace it, along with all the Light, positive aspects; ultimately, all neutral—neither good or bad, right or wrong, dark or light.
Yesterday, I bought my last, large set of carefully selected crystals to add to my collection for home and work in Sedona.
I have no doubt that they’ve been very helpful, spiritual tools for almost a decade, though at times, I took a break from them, simply following my inner guidance as to whether or not I felt like working with them.
I’m grateful that I’ve been given the opportunities to be a witness to the seemingly snail-like, gradual, and even rapid, uplifting changes during this phase in my life on all levels—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—despite the so-called chaos at times within my outer circumstances.
I will share these stories another time when they fully come into fruition.
Recently, during a staff meeting at the spiritual company that I work for, our founder, and a well-respected, humorous Master Practitioner (one of many), talked about how everything vibrates, and other related topics.
They also introduced us to a fascinating video that I had never seen before, and it instantly reminded me of my coworkers and I, as well as our star player manager (who seemed to represent the last metronome, within the video below, that eventually synced with the rest of the group).
The title of this video is, “32 Metronome Synchronization“; and it was literally a light at the end of the pitch, dark tunnel.
When I expand my perspective, to a multidimensional one—rather than the limited, narrow, 3D, physical mind perspective—I’m reminded that, ultimately,ย there is no “other” since we’re all parts of the whole.
So whatever applies to one, applies to interconnected others, whatever harms one, harms interconnected others, and whatever highly benefits one, highly benefits interconnected others, and vice versa.
From a narrow perspective, I may think that my manager is the one who needs to change; but from a broader perspective, she is merely mirroring all the negative aspects within me that are wanting to be embraced and integrated into whole self.
I AM Mostly Dark, Negative Energy, and I could highly benefit from syncing with the mostly positive aspects of the collective, as well as integrating and Being whole self/interconnected Life.
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