Throughout my life, I’ve jokingly referred to some others as being an old soul, to include my son who: used to make deeply, heart-felt expressions as a toddler, used to say in a very deep voice, “SILENCE!” as a playful tween, doesn’t like foods that many kids like (such as hot dogs), likes Raisin Brand cereal, and enjoys overall, very healthy foods.
However, even though I’ve wondered about myself, I have yet to intuitively and confidently own the truth that I am one.
After reading Old Souls And The Completion Of The Incarnation Cycle, as well as having been reminded by an old friend through a letter a couple of months ago, I realized that I truly am one.
The following quote is an intro to the reading/link right above:
“Those undergoing the fifth and final stage of reincarnation are known as old souls. In this stage of soul evolvement there is a search for balance and completion, and an urge to pass on the torch before the end of reincarnation […].”
It is my intention to fully embrace that I AM an old soul, and this is my last lifetime that I will whole-heartedly enjoy.
By the way, it is aslo my intention to no longer be limited (boxed in) by anything outside of me; hence, I’ve only taken in what most highly resonates with me with the reading/link above.
As of yesterday, 11-10-15, I trust that I have completely released all old and outdated beliefs related to poverty consciousness and lack of self-worth, with the help of Kari Samuels’ “The Soul of Wealth: Clear Your Money Karma” audio class (part I and II) and my angelic and spiritual guides/team from within.
Therefore, I don’t resonate with the teaching—stemming from back in the day religions—that very spiritual people, to include old souls, usually choose to live in poverty.
Money is part of Divine energy, and can be used as a very powerful and effective tool to most highly benefit the interconnected whole on planet Earth and beyond.
I trust that an abundant, prosperous, and wealthy spiritual being of a very high vibrational frequency—who has the ability to use money with Divine Love, Divine Wisdom and Divine Power, and is not attached and overly enamored by the material world-—is much more powerful and influential than a spiritual being of a very high vibrational frequency who is homeless, especially in today’s society where transportation, technology, and communication (among many other gifts from the Universe) can be used in rapid, loving, wise, and powerful ways.
It is my intention to clearly see, through the ancient eyes of Christ within, that I AM already an abundant, prosperous and wealthy old soul on all levels of my being—physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and spiritually—so that I can most highly benefit All That Is to the best of my ability, as well as remind others that they, too, can do the so-called impossible as their Divinity within/Divine HUman, despite what society has conditioned us to believe throughout human history; and so it is.
Note: Images above (in numerical order) found next to the links below (thank you all! ^_^)
- (You Are an Old Soul)
- (Let Us Be Unlimited Freedom—Our Essence)
- (Divine Energy)
- (Cosmic Hand)
Added 11/13/15
The following two paragraphs—with key phrases in bold—are from the very helpful reading, “The Arcturians ~ 8-8-8 Techniques for Creating a New World” that confirmed my feelings and my intuition/inner guidance system that led me to: choose leaving the Paul Mitchell Esthetics School, let go of poverty consciousness and other beliefs that stem from a lack of self-worth, and to Be Prosperity Consciousness and Full-Potential, Exalted, Multidimensional Self:
“The essence of our message is this: trust yourselves. If you do not begin to go with your feelings more and more you will find less and less joy in your lives. Going with your inner knowing is where it’s at. It’s how to live here. It’s important that you know this and begin to notice how much you’re living this way […]
Try to let yourself be in the present and do what feels right to you. There is no better way to be alive and in doing this, you are, in effect, in a constant communication with your Divine Self. It is this channel of life that you want to be flooded with, informed by, connected to and allowing. Through the fullness of your being, you have all that you need for living here freely and fully and the pathway of doing this is to listen to you heart and do what feels right […]”
UPDATE (also added to post, “The Beauty of the So-called Unbeautiful“)
11/13/15: Lately, I’ve noticed a few beetles in and outside of our apartment, which was more than usual, and I was reminded that whatever repeatedly shows up in our outer reality (i.e., person, place, thing, etc.) is like a neon sign that shouts, “Look here! I have a gift for you from the Universe within!”
I recalled writing about my encounter with a beetle in the post/link above, but didn’t think to look up the symbolic meaning of it back then. So I chose to look up some interpretations of the beetle spirit guide this time, to include the one from “Symbolic Beetle Meaning.”
The following is a section of this reading that reminded me of my own physical smallness (4’9″/107 lbs), and how the beetle spirit guide within me is teaching me to no longer believe in small ways—-to include how I don’t contribute much to this world—because I do:
“Although they come in an infinite number of sizes, compared to people or elephants, beetles are mostly tiny creatures. Nevertheless, they are capable of moving mountains in their small worlds […] For such little creatures, beetles carry big messages […] “
Note: Thank you for image on left above.
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