When you think of the word, MAGIC, what pops into your mind? Perhaps some old school magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat, or a modern magician like Shin Lim?
But what if there was a very profound, ancient meaning of MAGIC?
Image by Игорь Левченко from Pixabay
I typed the following, non-consecutive quote (that FEELS light/true to my Heart) from a screenshot I had taken a while back from one of the books I was reading, either a Lyran or Arcturian channeled one (both our ancient, Galactic and Universal Soul Families, among other spiritually evolved E.T. Beings and Celestial Beings); I will insert title when I recall another time:
“The archetype of Merlin has often been labeled a bridge. When two polarities attempt a unification, there must be a common ground they both stand on before the merging occurs. Merlin is thus a bridge between the explosive Orion and the healing Arcturus […] Magic is the spark created from the friction between polarities that ignites transformation.“
Image by Brigitte Werner from Pixabay
A few years ago, after performing open-mic in Tempe, and having one too many beers—4 I think from being very nervous due to the emcee suddenly announcing the change of time we had (10 to 5 minutes)—I ended up drunk and venting to the emcee and owner of the club afterwards (which I shared a detailed story within this blog, don’t recall post title at the moment).
Anyhoo, because the owner had long, white hair that was tied in a ponytail, and a white mustache and beard, I called him Merlin, as if my Soul rapidly went through the energetic rolodex of many Soul lifetimes, and then concluded, “Oh, I knew you looked familiar! You’re Merlin from back in the day!”
My husband shared that the emcee (also a comedian) jokingly said, “I was thinking more Gandalf (the wizard from The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit),” which was pretty witty.
I ended up vomiting at the hotel—since we were visiting the Phoenix are from Sedona—and emailing them an apology the next morning.
I was grateful that the emcee replied in an understanding and humorous manner, which was a huge relief.
But I still held onto the remnants of guilt for a while—which is NOT beneficial, since regret, guilt, and shame are very low, fear-based vibrations—and didn’t return there; but I intend to go back within this Spring.
Looking back, I have no doubt that the name, Merlin, was mirroring to me the Merlin aspect (or archetype) within, that exists within all of us, like all other, ultimately NUETRAL aspects—not right or wrong, good or bad, light or dark of duality/polarity—within our Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self.
So how can we use this aspect for the highest benefit of self/others/humanity/interconnected Life within this world and beyond?
I have no doubt that an increasingly growing number of us are meant to Be a Rainbow Bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds via creative ways.
And for me, personally, this includes interacting with others in person and online, as well as sharing via art, poetry, blogging, YouTube videos, and open-mic comedy.
Since the beginning of March of this year—soon after performing open-mic comedy in Las Vegas (while on a trip for various reasons, to include visiting the Goddess temple and meeting new family members)—I noticed that the tarot card, “Merlin” has been showing up a lot; and I have no doubt that this puzzle piece has been another perfect part of recent series of Divine synchronicity.
The following is a comment I shared [yesterday, on 4/4th] for the very helpful video, “Leo ‘I Would Watch This If I Were You Leo!’ April 4th – 10th Pt. 2“ (by the way, I had to delete the beginning section below in yellow font since I wasn’t able to submit the comment because it was too long, Lol)
The white snake card and the white dove card reminded me of two related dreams I had in the past. Within a decade ago, I had a vivid dream of a huge, upright white snake that was in front of me, staring at me in a gentle and curious way with its head slightly tilted; it was within a pitch black background.
I also had a similar dream of a green dragon within a large body of water also in front of me, and staring at me in the same manner.
I noticed that I wasn’t afraid of them, the way I’m usually not afraid of many different earthly and otherworldly beings or Beings in dream state (though sometimes I am fearful, and I guess it depends on what vibrational frequency state I’m in during those moments).
It wasn’t until later that I realized that these Beings were related to the Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Holy Spirit (WHOLEy Spirit)/Divine Mother Goddess Sekhmet/Hathor; though ultimately, S/He is EVERYTHING.
And in January of this new year of 2022, I had a bizarre, yet amazing dream of an aircraft that was in a perfect shape of a white dove that was flying in the air on a sunny day, and I was floating next to it observing; it gracefully landed on a tiny green island, and upon waking up, I intuitively sensed that Spirit within was communicating for me to either spend some solitude time, and/or travel to some island.
I thanked Spirit within (Highest Self) ahead of time for clarity regarding an exact location perhaps, so I trust that the answer will come to my awareness in Divine perfect timing and order.
However COMMA I also realize that I don’t necessarily need to wait for an answer, and that I can follow my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/inner-wisdom as usual to what path—within various paths of my mystical journey—excites me the most.
[deleted beginning since too long, Lol] Chris, your SPOT ON “pure intentions” message regarding the white dove card FEELS light/true to my Heart.
I realized a while back that the profound meaning of PURE is WHOLE, not just humanity’s interpretation of only right, good, positive, and light, which is only half of the same Cosmic Coin within physical world realities.
Thank you for a great reminder to take responsibility for our own happiness, and not rely on other relationships to give it to us.
I agree, it must come from within, and the non-beneficial, famous BLAME GAME won’t help any of us to move forward, but rather, it will keep us stuck in a disempowering, victim mentality.
Plus, Unconditional/True Love—of self/others/interconnected Life within this world and beyond—can be interchangeable with the word Freedom, our Soul’s Divine birthright, and the not the kind that needs to be earned via ongoing, conflicts, battles, and wars; the more we love ourselves and others, the more freedom we GIFT ourselves and others to simply exist, Be and do.
I even shared with my husband of over 15 years, that IF he were to ever cross paths with another whom he highly resonates with (more than me), I would fully support him in his new preference, and all I ask is that he be transparently honest and simply let let me know, so that we can both move on in a peaceful way; after all, being married this long, the least we can do is be respectful and kind to one another while starting a new life.
Yes, we can learn from an abundance of resources that’s available to us, especially this day and age, but with anything that I watch, read, and listen to, I always like to follow my inner guidance/Heart/intuition FIRST AND FOREMOST, only taking onboard what FEELS light/true to my Heart (even if it seems like “negative” news), and disregard the rest (which includes whatever parts of online tarot readings, Lol).
I’ve noticed that the more I practice Being Wealth within FIRST AND FOREMOST (i.e., Prosperity Consciousness)—since we have overflowing riches within, to include but not limited to: Unconditional Love, Light, experiential knowledge/wisdom, beneficial info, Multidimensional abilities, skills, talents, beneficial values, character, etc.—the more I build trust/faith in a friendly and supportive Universe (outer world mirroring inner world) that provides everything I need at any given moment to Be who I need to be and do whatever I need to do for the highest benefit of self/Self/Life (i.e., profoundly wise and entertaining Bashar’s definition of abundance, channeled via Darryl Anka).
I’ve also learned the most powerful and effective form of PRAYER is to thank ahead of time for whatever it is that we prefer to experience in our lives, and to visualize and FEEL as though it’s already DONE (gracefully taught by Gregg Braden from ancient wisdom).
After all, from a Multidimensional perspective, the past/present/future are all simultaneously happening in the NOW.
And I’ve been noticing a pattern that whatever I get excited about whatever I wish to manifest, but then forget about it, it SHOWS UP rather quickly, within a few months, and sometimes even weeks and days, and even within hours (though the latter is rare).
So I further realize the importance of NOT being stuck in lack mentality (i.e., poverty consciousness), to include asking and begging for whatever to be manifested since that communicates to the Universe, “I DON’T have ________ right now, so please give to me.“
We radiate an EMPOWERING energy when we come from a vibrational frequency (FEELING state) of, “I realize I’ve already manifested this (as my Higher Self), so thank you Universe-Self for helping me to TUNE INTO this reality in Divine perfect timing and order for the highest benefit of self/Self/Life.”
The top of the mountain theme reminded me of a vivid dream of rapidly and effortlessly flying up to the top of a snowy mountain with my arms to my side and just looking up; it FELT so liberating and empowering.
I trust that I was a Higher Self version, though I don’t know the details since there were no forms of MIRRORS besides the environment, which can be symbolic of reaching the peak of our greatest version of self.
I’ve experienced levitation and flight in dream state multiple times within a decade—which I trust that we can all tune into, among other psychic abilities, once dormant DNA has been activated in perfect timing—and this is just a glimpse of what’s coming for all of us when we’re ready to Be more of our Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self.
This past week in Phoenix, before it was my turn to perform open-mic comedy, I noticed certain peer comedians who shared their childhood heartaches and/or traumas within their sets in a “joking” manner (deep heart wounds masked with humor, common among comedians).
And during those deeply heartfelt moments, I felt grateful for some of the content that I had included within my set (Light/beneficial information), that when combined with my intent to share Unconditional Love energies as well, would be impactful. I chose to fully trust that it would benefit them in some way, even if it didn’t make them smile or laugh.
And sure enough, during my performance, I noticed certain expressions within the audience—that I initially thought were looks of judgment (an outdated, conditioned reaction from childhood)—that I realized were actually familiar looks that I’ve become very used to while interacting with many people from around the world throughout my late childhood and adult life, especially strangers.
Their soulful eyes felt like they conveyed disbelief, sadness, deep healing, and gratitude); and many have thanked me for listening to them and sharing helpful insights.
So when it comes to what you shared about mimicking or modeling success, what has helped me lately was to simply Be Success within FIRST AND FOREMOST—every stepping stone of Soul & Spirit Success within and without—since (like I’m often reminded by the Magician card), I already have all the physical and spiritual world tools within me, though there’s always room to grow on all energetic levels—mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, and even financially (since the more we have, the more we can generously share with interconnected Life).
I realized from the combo packages of priceless experiences, the type of open-mic comedian that I would love to Be, which is that kind who simply enJOYs sharing helpful life experiences, profound wisdom, humor, and unconditional love (for self/others/Life).
I’ve learned from past, open-mic experiences various contrasts (mirrors of opposites) that have served me well, to include not preferring to get lost within this field (or anything really) that can be (at times): overly competitive, overworked to get from point A to Z (while NOT enjoying the journey), of chasing some possible future success, of becoming bitter if opportunities don’t show up according to the logical mind’s timeline, of being jealous of others, of not celebrating others, of feeling ‘not good enough,’ of not believing in one’s invaluable worth, etc.
One open-mic comedian stated in his set at the beginning, that him and the rest of us were second-class comedians, basically implying that we weren’t as talented as some others; and a part of me wanted to tell him to speak for himself, but I realized that what he said stemmed from his own low, self-esteem.
Were the performances of the more seasoned, main event guy and the owner hilarious? Absolutely! And were other open-mic performers also funny at times? Definitely! But that doesn’t mean that the rest are ‘less than.’
My goal was to SEE (with CLARITY) what unique gifts everyone brought to the table, and to appreciate them (even if they mirrored contrast that I didn’t prefer).
I will be continuing this hobby, performing in Phoenix, Sedona and Flagstaff, but I’m definitely open to other locations as opportunities ARISE.
Thank you again for sharing a very helpful reading that not only provided new information, but also matching ones as well, in addition to giving me the opportunity to share my own experiences and insights with you and whoever else happens to be drawn to this LONG@$$, yet, highly beneficial comment.
Continue SHINING BRIGHT Chris, you ROCK!! I’m so grateful that you, and like others (also Soul Family) are part of my life. Like that song from Fabulous ft. Ne-Yo, you all make me better. ^_^
Continuing From Yesterday…
I’ve been knowingly experiencing many series of Divine synchronicity for a little over a decade, to include number synchronicity, that started with 11:11 (known as The 11:11 Phenomenon), and continued with 11-99, 111-999, 12:12, 2222-9999, palindrome numbers (like 1221), etc.
And though I’ve often noticed 2:22 (or 222) whenever I could use an upliftment—and that I learned also represents the ancient name, Nazareth—it’s been showing up multiple times since April 1st of this month.
Even the day before yesterday, I woke up in the middle of the darkness, stillness and silence, went to the bathroom, checked the thermometer, and saw that it was 2:22 a.m.; and later that afternoon, I saw 222 again two more times!
I intuitively and strongly sensed that something very usual and amazing was happening, and it had to do with my inner world, though it could manifest in my outer world as well, in Divine perfect timing and order.
All number sequences have various interpretations online; however COMMA the sacred number code, 222, has been FEELING like the God energy essence within (its other half of the Cosmic Coin being the Goddess essence/Heart/Intuition/inner-wisdom/and other love-based energies).
The sacred number code, 111, often reminds me of the Goddess, as well as endings and new beginnings, which matches since The Divine Mother Goddess (that contains God) is Alpha & Omega.
The union (reunion) of the so-called opposite polarities are often referred to as The Twin Flame Reunion, though not the overly romanticized version based on the rampantly common, conditional love; and not still wounded beings looking for another to fill their VOID within.
But the true version that stems from Unconditional Love and integration of all neutral aspects within WHOLE self/Self FIRST AND FOREMOST.
Image by Karen Nadine from Pixabay
This allows a WHOLE Being to even reunite with another WHOLE Being in outer world, if it’s meant to highly benefit interconnected Life within this world and beyond for them to work as a Cosmic Team.
And their Unconditional Love for themselves/others (Divine Love), and their Profound Wisdom (Divine Wisdom), will allow them to use their true power that’s not misused or abused (Divine Power) to have a MAJOR IMPACT within this world and beyond.
Granted, that sounds conceptually amazing, but to be transparently honest, I don’t know 100% why I’m having this particular phase of experiences, but I cannot deny the strange, powerful, love-based FEELING that seems familiar.
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