Note: Continuing from previous post, “Dream of Black Bull, Related Personal Experiences & Self-Empowerment“:
In addition, I’ve learned recently—that incorporates Peter Sage’s teachings regarding creating wealth and effective goals (within his Elite Mentorship Forum/EMF online course)—that true success, to include tuning into various material (and non-material) forms of abundance, stems from, not only Being Wealth within FIRST AND FOREMOST (details in previous post), but from a Heart-centered desire to serve interconnected self AND others, and not JUST self or JUST others.
Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay
Because when we choose to be transparently honest with ourselves FIRST AND FOREMOST, we can then be transparently honest with others.
When we state that we’re only doing things to serve and contribute to others (but not self as well), that isn’t completely true, because there’s always a reason to benefit the self too.
This is something I’ve learned from Teal Swan a while back (that I’m very grateful for), when I used to watch her videos with discernment, while always following my inner guidance first and foremost.
Why? Because, she, and like everyone else (to include myself), have our own, society-conditioned filters that may altar (to varying degrees) the purity of what’s being channeled from the individual and Collective Divine Heart within inner and outer worlds.
Examples of benefiting BOTH self/others:
A non-profit organization being able to experience a “righteous” “good” and/or genuine, unconditionally loving FEELING state through such giving actions.
If we happen to donate money to a homeless person or a charity, if it FELT really bad, negative, and especially physically painful to do so (in an INTENSE way), we more than likely would choose NOT to do it.
So a business that has a main goal of claiming to only serve others, but YET, also makes PROFIT, is in turn, benfiting the individual selves as well.
Because neutral money helps a lot in this physical world to meet one’s needs, wants and Heart’s desires, though there’s no need to go APE-$H!+ CRAzy, become a super GREEDY@$$, and HOARD it more and more without end, since material wealth in our grave won’t benefit us.
Peter Sage’s main goal is raising Global Consciousness, but he also teaches about the importance of self-love and self-growth in order to better contribute to the wolrd.
Plus, the mentality of “self vs others” is part of separation consciousness—a limited state of awareness stemming from old, outdated, and false beliefs that we (within Life) are all separate from one another.
Ultimately though—from the BIGGER picture: unlimited, expanded, Multidimensional (Soul & Spirit level) perspective-–there’s only self/others/interconnected Life within this world and way beyond.
And this is continuing to be backed by various fields of science—hence, science merging with spirituality as unified ONE—which includes Entanglement within Quantum Physics, that proves and supports that our Universe is energtically connected; and what affects one subatomic particle, affects another, regardless of distance (i.e., like the other side of the Unvierse).
So in a nutshell, this means that what we do (don’t do) for self, we automatically do (don’t do) for another, and vice versa (wisely shared by Mystic NDW, author of well-known CWG trilogy books and others).
I further realized how true it is, that when we’re in alignment with our already merged (into WHOLE self/Self) version of heart and mind within—aka integrated Heart/Mind, where Heart leads Mind or Mind follows Heart—then an increasing amount of seemingly magical and miraculous things SHOW UP in our realities.
Though my husband doesn’t actively seek spiritual teachings (and never really has in the past), he started spending more time in nature (walking, jogging, hiking, and/or running), communicating with his Higher Self in his own way, as well as meditating not too long ago—also known to help us to connect and commune with our Sacred Self within (even helped famous people like Steve Jobs to tune into super successful ideas).
And he’s also been very receptive to bits and pieces of mystical teachings that I’ve shared with him from my personal experiences, as well as from spiritual teachings that I’ve learned from outer world Souls within this world and others.
Beause of this, he’s been able to recognize words like Consciousness, when it was brought up by another within his network of online interactions related to real estate, marketing, business, investments, communication, etc.
This, of course, suddenly piqued his interest, though when I shared, it seemed that he mostly zoned out, disconnected eye contact, yawned, nodded off, or even fell asleep, with drool dripping from the corner of his mouth.
It reminded me of when sarcastically funny Clare—from the highly creative and hilarious TV show we used to watch years ago, Modern Family—confronted her goofy and lovable husband, Phil, about a similar situation.
I’m just playing, most of the time, he actually seems genuinely interested in such profound conversations.
Anyhoo, though my husband’s been going above and beyond for his clients since he started as a Realtor, I trust that he’s tuning into a sudden increase of opportunities lately because he’s been taking his Heart connection to a whole other level, as I’ve been sharing the importance of all of us doing so (not that I’ve mastered this ability yet).
We had a transparently honest conversation a while back about his Heart’s desire to not only do his best to help his clients to have an amazing home-buying (achieve their dream homes), or home-selling experience, but to also help himself (personal growth), his business, and his family.
I’ve witnessed many times him interacting with his clients from his Heart, and going above and beyond, doing his best to ensure that they fully understand real estate language—which to me is like a foreign language, though I’m pretty fluent in Korean (not embassy level), and have taken French and Japanese in the past.
He’s also been ensuring that his clients are overall comfortable throughout the entire process; and many highly respect, admire, and even love him, shared very helpful and positive feedback, and have even returned as continuing clients 1-3 times, and/or recommended others that they know to him.
In addition, since the beginning of his career, he’s been helping many others, collaborating various professions, abilties, skills, and talents.
For instance, while in San Antonio, TX, he often recommended to his clients a certain Gardener—an unconditioanally kind, humble, older gentleman who could use the opportunities––though there were many gardeners to choose from.
My husband has a tendency to be very loyal to those whom he highly respects and admires, regardless of their earthly backgrounds.
He’s also been dong this for lenders, photographers, videographers, home stagers, Realtors and Brokers throughout the nation (playing the referral game that’s beneficial for self/others), etc.; hence, helping others to tune into abundance as well; so it’s like a WIN-WIN situation for everyone.
He’s also been helping many of his coworkers since he’s like the go-to guy when it comes to technology related stuff, creating wesbites, doing coding, using various programs, etc., so much so, that his Broker asked if he could teach classes at times in exchange for free rental space for his office (which worked out perfectly).
Granted, he’s also learned to charge others for extended amounts of assistance, since he values his time, efforts, and energy, and prefers not to spend hours a day literally training another for free.
[Side Note: I’ve been blogging for free for over a decade, because this has been my gift to humanity and beyond—especially to my past/current/future self/Self, my adult children, others who could use freely available knowledge and profound wisdom—and I’ve been receiving various forms of abundance from the supportive Universe within inner and outer worlds (that has been giving freely as well).
There are many out there who teach that giving for free equates to not valuing what you share; but as I’ve shared within this blog not too long ago, so why is it that when we share Unconditional Love (for self/others), we don’t charge them money or for love in return?
Because UNconditional Love is actually FREE, UNLIMITED, and ABUNDANT, unlike conditional love that’s rampant within humanity.
In addition, I’ve appreciated and enjoyed an abundance of various forms of free information online shared by many others.
And I have no doubt, that A LOT of people within this world do benefit from sharing freely with one another.
There are even those who often take others’ information as their own, without ever giving credit, where credit’s due, and even turning around and charging others for information they obtained for free.
However, putting out that kind of fear-based, poverty consciousness, negative energy WILL circle back in Divine perfect timing and order.
So when it comes to freely sharing, I feel that there’s a time and place for this, part of a balanced and harmonious way of Life.
So just because I freely share my blog doesn’t mean that I don’t have healthy boundaries and will allow another to take my stories and insights as their own and publish a book, or that in the future, I can’t charge for whatever additional services I happen to provide—i.e., books, open-mic comedy performances, public speaking gigs, Life coaching, healing sessions, etc.
I have no problem making money from what I share as well, to further assist me with my own life, the lives of my loved ones, our individual and Collective Soul growth, and contributions to humanity, Mother Earth, and beyond; but for now, this is suffice.
Because if I happen to have a heart attack, stroke, or some other unexpected form of sudden death, I would’ve at least shared what I felt was highly beneficial for self/others/Life.]
Continuing about husband…
I have no doubt that my husband’s a HUGE ASSET to many—and even his Broker publicaly recognized him recently (at an office meeting in Sedona RE/MAX) for all the great work he’s done and how he selected him to be 2nd in charge—and even inspired my husband to obtain his Broker’s licence over a month ago.
Like I’ve shared with Angelo, there are many Realtors in this world who more than likely DON’T truly care about their clients, treat them as numbers, are only concerned with making money, and/or definitely DON’T give decent service, let alone go above and beyond, and that I was proud of him.
This is the Divine gift of CONTRASTS/opposites, that helps us to deeply appreciate those who habitually go above and beyond.
And though their planted seeds of efforts may seem like Chinese, bamboo trees at times—that seemingly NOT grow for a while (as if the crickets even checked out)—abundant harvest time is definitely coming in Divine perfect timing and order, just like the these amazing trees that SUDDENLY GROW after 5 years, up to 90 feet tall in just 5 weeks.
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