I shared the following comment for Peter’s Inside Track (audio version of book) Companion Program, Ch. 6 Summary Video 3 (out of 1-3) that includes an intro to Indigo Children (which Peter and I are, among others; and this is just one of many earthly labels of Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self):
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Comment for Video 3 of 3 (Part 1 of 2):
Like many things in life, there are PROS and CONS to whatever, so it’s wise to be cognizant of both sides of things, to include speed reading, and the need to memorize a lot of data (a left-brain need).
I fully trust that as long as we remember to do our best to often APPLY much of the beneficial information, knowledge, and wisdom (and profound wisdom) we’ve learned, we will Be and do just fine (without needing to try so hard, to include “saving” time, which stems from a 3d, linear, physical reality need that includes space and time).
But from an expanded, Multidimensional perspective, EVERYTHING—to include past/present/future—is simultaneously happening in the PRESENT moments of NOW; hence, by simply flowing and enJOYIng who we are (as AUTHENTIC, WHOLE self/Self) and what we TRULY enJOY doing, we can notice that “TIME” seems to effortlessly FLY by (because there is no TIME in 4D plus dimensions).
Plus, within the higher dimensions/higher levels of Consciousness states (that can include the 3D), like David Hawkins taught, we can more often experience daily series of [Divine] SYNCHRONICITY (to include Number Synchronicity).
But whenever we’re around (and/or watch, listen to, and/or read) more left brained-centered: people, conversations, videos, audios, readings, movies, TV shows etc.—and IF we’re highly to ultra sensitive to energies (various vibrational frequencies)—it will FEEL like TIME has SLOWED DOWN, sometimes, drastically, like a short video can feel like hours.
I have no doubt that it’s not about how many times (ex. a few dozen) we quote the same, famous, inspirational people and/or share their success stories, but how we best HONOR their memories by representing them well—i.e., Being Living Wisdom (as Ascended Master/God Jesus taught), habitually Leading by Example, and like Peter teaches, how we habitually SHOW UP IN Life (our LEGACY).
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