The following is a reply feedback that I shared with the creator of the Cosmic Consciousness Ascension Deck, and author of the book, Opening to Light Language: Humanity’s Evolution Into Multidimensional Communication, which I intuitively knew would turn into a post that needs to be further shared (as soon as I started typing unusually fast again):
Hi Jamye,
Thank you for following up with me (and like others) regarding your Cosmic Consciousness Ascension Deck cards, and requesting for feedback (as experiences and stories) to share with others.
Before I share my experiences, I’d like to thank you for the generous gift that you included in my order (card holder), which has been helpful.
I place the card that I chose that day, on the card holder, and look over at it as a reminder throughout the day.
I also wished for my husband to benefit from it whenever he happened to glance at it.
I also appreciate the very prompt delivery, which was a delightful surprise. By the way, I moved to another apartment complex nearby, shortly after receiving your package.
As soon as I took out the deck and your book out of the box, and held them in my hands, I felt intense, inner and outer body vibrations.
I’ve experienced this before in the past many times, but this time, I noticed that my legs were shaking the most, which I found fascinating as usual.
I still don’t know why this happened; perhaps it’s related to my root chakra, helping me to ground these seemingly new energies? Or perhaps it’s soul and/or cellular memory.
Whenever these intense inner and outer body vibrations happened whenever I was in public—like the time I was sitting down at one of the seminars at the Wholistic Festival back in San Antonio, TX—I intuitively knew Spirit wanted me to raise my hand and speak up, though a small part of me still resisted at first due to the fear of being judged for asking unwanted or awkward questions, or making unconventional comments.
I would also feel intense energy within my heart and throat chakra areas as well, which was another sign to communicate and share.
Granted, this intriguing experience of very noticeable, inner and outer body vibrations happened mostly at home, especially while lying in bed.
So I instantly and confidently knew that this was another sign from the Universe that it’s highly beneficial for me/interconnected Life, to use your card deck and read your book that I was excited about before ordering (first sign).
The first card I chose was Multidimensionality on 6/17/20.
I started recording the following in a doc journal, and then updated it:
On 6/17/20 (Wed), while reading Cosmic Consciousness deck booklet by Jamye Price, pg. 10 about Orion and the mention of vessel, instantly reminded me of seeing a license plate in Sedona about a week prior to this date—that my husband and I pulled up to at a parking lot—that read vssel or vessl (part of this particular series of Divine synchronicity).
It also reminded me of a dream I had years ago (in San Antonio, TX), of seeing a white truck within a pitch black background, that had the label Thoth on the front.
And I’ve had other related Thoth dreams as well, ever since I read the emerald tablets book, most of which I wasn’t able to clearly comprehend, though I enjoyed some of its profound wisdom, pure observations, poetic flow, and ancient sounding, deep, male voice that was silently reading the book, instead of my usual female voice.
While reading this book, I started experiencing astral travel—flying through dark space at a rapid rate with rays of light passing by; and I sensed there was a correlation.
Since then, I was able to do this many nights (though I initially felt fear and then excitement about it); then, I was able to do this at will, as soon as I closed my eyes during the day.
But I then went through a phase where I wasn’t able to, perhaps because I lost interest—due to my ignorance, and it not seeming to be practical—and discontinued practicing for a while.
Also, the sections of the deck booklet about Sirian initiation after Lyran influence, instantly reminded me of my one week experience with invisible Jesus dreams (not the one depicted in religion), that I recorded from 2001.
In one of the dreams, I shouted, “Jesus!!!” three times while walking around terrified in pitch darkness, and I then felt a strong, invisible presence in front of me. I had a similar dream within an old house the next time (all of which I had recorded and shared a while back).
In another dream, during daylight, some calm and gentle male voice told me to fly into a cave—that appeared to be in the Grand Canyon—and though there was a huge cliff in between me and the cave, I surprisingly trusted him (though I had major trust issues with humans), and believed that I could (despite having an immense fear of heights in this physical reality); and I flew for the first time in dream state, that I recall, and it felt so light, free, and joyful.
Since then, I didn’t have time to recall dreams since I joined the super hectic life of the Army. After the Army, I continued to have other dreams of having psychic abilities for years.
But ever since I moved to Flagstaff, and then Sedona, most of my dreams seemed to be of Earth parallel or alternate realities, though I’d still have bizarre and/or otherworldly dreams every now and then.
Anyway, this one week of dreams (in 2001) happened about three years after hearing a lion roar intensely loud at a mini zoo, in front of me, while living in Okinawa.
I felt its intense roar vibrations travel throughout my body, and it was nothing like what I’ve heard on TV or in the movies.
I’ve also had many dreams of lions, lionesses, black panthers, tigers, and domestic cats (among many other animals) ever since I left the Army life in 2011; so I later sensed that this cat family theme was related to Lyrans.
I realize this is a long@$$ reply, but I wanted to share additional info with you (in case it helps) since I felt so grateful that you helped me to bring together more puzzle pieces.
And though I’m still not sure what the whole puzzle is attempting to reveal, I’m simply going to trust, embrace, and enjoy the journey to the best of my ability.
The second card I chose was Uniqueness, and that day, I heard a raven make a loud sound right outside my living room window.
I thanked the raven Spirit guide for assisting me with its beneficial abilities, strengths, and magical powers, helping me to better navigate the unknown.
I also started reading your book, which I’m enjoying, and I’m so thankful for.
I’m only sharing the following section with you to show you the interconnectedness of this particular series of Divine Synchronicity:
Along with your book, I’m also reading another book that my recent, former neighbors (very kind, joyful, and wise Sara and Hanan) wrote and gifted me titled, God is With Us, which is about the lost, ancient teachings of the Essenes (which Ascended Master Jesus was), how they honored the Goddess (that I wasn’t aware of), and the powerful healing of authentic shamanism (which I fully trust is all meant to highly self/interconnected Life as well).
I shared with them, that shortly before our conversation, I came upon a YouTube video by Greg Braden who mentioned the lost gospel of Mary Magdala, and Thunder Perfect Mind, that was basically about the Goddess sharing [some information of] ALL that she is as her whole self (All That Is)—within the CONTRAST/DUALITY/POLARITY range of the good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark, etc.
Anyhoo, a while back, around 2015 or 2016—while living in Helotes, TX—I had a vivid dream of looking up at the unusual, multicolored, sparkling sky, and seeing otherworldly symbols.
Upon waking up, I wondered if it was the language of light, since I had come upon a reading that mentioned it, though there was no explanation. I’m pretty sure the reading was about accelerated ascension symptoms from Cedar ______ .
But at that time, though I was somewhat curious, I had no desire to further investigate, probably because I wasn’t ready. I just intuitively knew that I would one day learn about the Language of Light (or Light Language); and VOILA! I crossed paths with your YouTube videos this summer in Divine perfect timing and order.
Anyhoo, this Uniqueness card instantly reminded me to continue performing open-mic comedy, despite having discontinued in the fall of 2018 after an unpleasant experience with an older woman—another open-mic performer who’s been doing it for a couple of decades—who went off on me in front of others because she didn’t like that I hadn’t positioned myself on stage where she usually does.
I later sensed that her fear-based approach was more than likely due to her own insecurities—perhaps she didn’t like what appeared to be a challenge that showed up, which she felt threatened by (though it wasn’t about competition, but sharing).
I realized that I don’t need another’s aggressiveness (that stems from fear) to stop me from pursuing a hobby that I enjoyed multiple times (though I was initially afraid and still nervous right before each performance).
After witnessing one too many female comedians (on TV and in person) joke about: constantly putting themselves down, going overboard about how funny it is to have back to back to back abortions, being overly raunchy, not having healthy boundaries, having low self-esteem, etc., I wished there was a female comedian who could encourage, uplift, empower, and inspire humanity,especially other females, while incorporating much humor, and that I wouldn’t mind my own adult daughter to watch.
It then occurred to me, that instead of just wishing for it to happen one day, I could Be that female comedian who can merge and share highly beneficial, high vibration aspects like humor, consciousness expanding knowledge, personal life experiences (experiential knowledge/wisdom), profound wisdom, and unconditional love (for self/interconnected Life).
Granted, I haven’t felt motivated lately—though I planned on signing up in the Phoenix area (before the current situation spiked up)—so I will simply go with the flow, and use this phase to only do what I feel strongly drawn to do, which includes reading, coloring, and watching certain YouTube videos, deeply heartfelt K-dramas (like Crash Landing on You), and certain movies.
The 3rd card I chose was the Now card, which reminded me to do my best to be fully present, and enjoy life to the best of my ability.
I was reminded to not think about how I found out that the old apt manager was discriminating in a very obvious way, and possibly being racist as well, since she allowed the neighbors (who all happen to be Caucasian) to do what was forbidden, but told my husband and I not to.
I will write a tactful review regarding how certain words and actions can be perceived, once she gets back to us about the status of our deposit (though she was impressed how clean it was, it’s been almost a week since we’ve heard from her).
For the next time, I chose a 3 card spread for fun: left bottom (Orion releasing: victimhood), bottom right (Sirius initiation: authenticity), and top card (Lyra awareness: Love).
The first card of the three reminded me (again) that I probably created the “discrimination and/or racist” experience so that 1) I can contribute to the learning and teaching of a recent racism theme that’s been ongoing in our world, and 2) from an expanded perspective: I won’t have to feel guilty about breaking the lease early and moving, rather than residing in a place that I no longer resonate with.
However, I also realized that I no longer need to create in a roundabout, indirect way that can cause me to fall into the familiar space of victim mentality, the blame game, and separation consciousness, since that’s displacing my inner power.
But rather, I can create my reality with conscious desires and loving intentions in an empowering way.
That night, and a few times afterward, I had dreams that were related to these 3 card themes, which amazed me.
In one dream, I was able to honestly tell my mother what I thought and how I felt, without fear.
In another dream, I was in a large, nice house having happy moments with my mother and Korean relatives, which I don’t have much memories of in this physical reality.
At one point, I was alone, and while facing a plain wall, I intended on shooting energy from my hands; and after a few attempts, I did, and then played around with a ball of energy in my hands. I’ve experienced telekinesis in dream states before, but not like this one.
I then sensed someone behind me, and it was some unknown, tall, skinny, blond, young man who looked like a teenager. I suppose he was observing me—whoever he was; ultimately, representing an aspect(s) and/or extension of multidimensional, whole Self.
I don’t know what’s up with the blond guy theme—since I’m not really into blond men in this physical reality (though I’ve had two different one-night stands long ago with hot blond guys who were also very kind)—but I once had a vivid dream of some tall male being with blond hair slowly descending from the sky.
This was after my stepmother called me in panic mode, telling me that my father had changed, so I rushed over to her old apartment complex.
Once he landed, he started walking really fast towards me in an aggressive manner, and with a serious facial expression, and I started walking backwards.
When he approached me, I strongly felt very intense, somewhat sexual-like energy from him that didn’t feel so comfortable. Then I woke up.
Shortly after, I came upon an image online that immediately caught my attention; and I ended up staring at it for a while. It was an artwork of a tall, blond male being from a long time ago with the name Thoth. Before this moment, I had only seen images of Thoth with an ibis head.
A while back, while living in Flagstaff—between fall of 2017 and fall of 2019— I had a vivid dream of shouting three times, to a calm ibis on top of a restroom stall, who was staring at me with a slightly tilted head and curiosity, “God Thoth, wake up!!!”
I also came upon another artwork a while back of a blond boy next to a huge white snake titled Thoth as well. And I once had a dream of a huge white, calm snake (taller than me) just staring at me in the same manner, while in front of me within a pitch black background.
Another time, a huge, calm, green dragon in a large body of water, at night, was staring at me in the same way.
I usually record most of my dreams, but I didn’t feel like it for a while, so I don’t recall all the details of the recent dreams related to the three card themes.
These dreams were mostly of my mother and relatives in Korea, to include my Korean grandmother (who had passed away years ago from natural death), and one of my Korean cousins (who committed suicide in 1997). I also dreamt of my adoptive, American father who passed away as well.
I’ve had dozens of dreams of family members who passed away, even my Korean grandfather who passed away before I was born (I was floating above him watching him walk around and interact with someone in a Korean village back in the day).
I just figured these recent dreams were showing me that I was in the process of releasing old energies that are no longer serving me.
If I recall correctly, you mentioned in one of your YouTube videos something about releasing old, ancestral energies that’s no longer needed, and I wondered if that’s what’s going on.
The next card I chose was Truth, and I’ve had this on the card stand for five days so far (just felt like it).
That day, I saw 111—a number sequence that usually reminds me of the Goddess (Egypt and ancient Lemuria), and I’ve been noticing more often lately—along with 444 (that reminds me of the angelic realm), and 6:33 (that reminds me of care for self/others and uplifting abundance, to include monetary abundance).
The next day, I noticed a number sequence that I don’t think I’ve ever looked up an interpretation for within the website ANGEL NUMBERS – Joanne Sacred Scribes, that I often use with discernment (while following my inner guidance first and foremost).
This number, 3030, showed up in the K-drama, Crash Landing on You, which is the best Korean drama I’ve ever seen, out of all the ones I’ve sporadically (and hardly ever) seen in over three decades. [I wrote a review for it under Barbara D. recently sharing the pros and con]
For many years, I’ve been doing my best to pay attention to any signs from Spirit within, without needing to judge the what, where, who, when, and how since ultimately, our physical and spiritual worlds are One (like merged God & Goddess, Yang & Yin, Sun & Moon, Mind & Heart, Soul & Spirit/Ego & Spirit, Light & Dark, Hot & Cold, etc.)..
The following is the encouraging, uplifting, empowering, and inspiring message from the website mentioned above—channeled from the angelic realm and Higher Beings of the spiritual realms (to include the Ascended Masters)—which matches what I’ve shared:
Angel Number 3030 brings a message to tap into your natural creativity and create from a place of love as this helps you to connect to your own passions and makes you notice and celebrate the uplifting things in life that nurture and bring you joy.
Revel in the happiness that your creativity can bring to yourself and others and do not be afraid or hesitant to put your creative ideas into practice.
Angel Number 3030 encourages you to do things that you know you are good at and enjoy doing. Be creative and do something surprising and wonderful.
Use your unique talents and skills to bring joy to your life and allow it to radiate outwards. Have fun and enjoy spending time with those who nurture, love and support you, and spread that happiness everywhere you go.
Angel Number 3030 tells you to commit to something that you truly enjoy and love doing as this allows you to tune-in to the creative energies within you.
Fully express yourself and your truths as personal expression means being true to yourself, doing what you feel you need to, doing what you want to, and showing the world your unique individuality.
Make the most of each and every moment, as it is in the present that you receive your presents.
Number 3030 relates to number 6 (3+0+3+0=6) and Angel Number 6.
Since I chose the Truth card, I continued to experience number synchronicity, as usual, to include noticing 111 at least two more times, 144 (which often reminds me of soul families), 455 (which reminds me of Galactic family support), and 7777 (which often reminds me of miracles on its way, and 777 within it representing mysticism, soul growth, spiritual evolution, and collective Consciousness, among other symbolism).
If you happened to [drooling and sleeping emojis] while reading this, I completely understand; this is a super LLLONG reply. But since I was typing unusually fast, I trust that it was meant to flow.
Thank you Jamye for sharing wonderful YOU , and your very helpful, multidimensional abilities, skills, and talents.
Since this feedback for your deck of cards is long, you can copy and paste parts that you feel will be helpful to others (if any).
Upon completing your book, I will also provide feedback by writing a review for you. I may also participate in one of your future events in Sedona since I live here, and look forward to new experiences with you.
Continue to Be an invaluable gift to humanity and way beyond ♾ .
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