Recently, I received an e-mail from Neale Donald Walsch and his team regarding, “The Evolution for Revolution.” I thought, “What an interesting idea!” and clicked on the link to further explore, “1000 Words that Would Change the World.”
While reading along with much anticipation, and enjoying the loving words of wisdom, I came upon the following bullet that caught me by surprise:
“* Your life has nothing to do with you. It is about everyone whose life you touch, and the way in which you touch it.”
It instantaneously reminded me of one of Eckhart Tolle’s teaching in his book, A New Earth. In a recent post, “A BIG Hug to Inner Child—Ego Self/Shadow Self—as Divine Presence Within,” I wrote the following:
While reading Eckhart’s book, A New Earth, I noticed that he had made the personal lives of humans meaningless, since it’s apparently all of the ego self.
I wondered, if one were to find one’s own life meaningless and/or not interesting, would one project that belief onto others—especially if they had the power to influence a large population within society—convincing them that their lives are also meaningless as well?
So before deciding to commit to anything, I wanted to receive clarification about Neale’s teaching, “* Your life has nothing to do with you. It is about everyone whose life you touch, and the way in which you touch it.” Afterall, I had read some of his books in the past, and considered him one of my favorite spiritual teachers.
I went to “Join the Evolution Revolution: I will communicate with you personally here…” page to ask Neale this question that I was deeply yearning to receive an answer for.
However, I noticed that in order to leave a question for Neale, one had to register to, “Join the Evolution Revolution,” which I didn’t mind doing at first, until I noticed what I named, “Humanity’s Team to do list” paragraph within a bright red box that didn’t quite feel so good. Note: Click on title link right above to view the “to do list”
The subtle, yet, very present energies from what I named, “to do list,” reminded me of the words/phrases: “subtle pressure,” “manipulation,” “similar to church work” “recruitment,” and ultimately “another form of subtle control.”
At first, I didn’t understand why one couldn’t just participate in the forum, without registering to a cause and fully committing to some checklist, but then I realized it was similar to anything else in this material world that had a catch to it—Ex. “Hey folks! Looky here! You can be a part of this great, shiny opportunity/event/cause…but wait one sec, read the agreement first in the BIG, red box, and register/COMMIT yourself!”
Initially, I was going to immediately just step away from that which doesn’t resonate with me, because I didn’t care to deal with subtle manipulation, which seems to be the most deceptive form of manipulation.
Lately, more than ever before, I don’t like being told what to do, let alone manipulated into doing things. If I wished to continue that lifestyle, I would’ve remained in the good old Army life where manipulation and control is abundant, among many other things that stem from fear energy.
I trust that no longer being attracted to “to do” lists, among many other earthly things, has very much to do with being more and more connected to my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within me, who is in essence Freedom itself, among countless other things.
I thought, “I don’t have to agree to any of this,” and I didn’t want my act of registering to imply that I do agree with all of its message.
However, I felt an intense impulse from within that I was very familiar with, and that I’ve come to trust throughout the years; and that strong impulse was Spirit within me desiring to fully express itself within me, as me, and through me.
So then my thought was, “You know what, I’m gonna go ahead and initially register for this cause just so I can have an opportunity to Ask Neale a question about one of his bullets. And regardless of what “Humanity’s Team to do list” paragraph states (within the bright red box), I don’t have to agree/commit to anything, and I don’t agree with all that’s in the message, “1000 Words that Would Change the World.”
So I registered under the name “Babara” (left on r in Barbara), and left my first comment (to include my question) on February 16, 2015 at 12:09 pm. The following is the posted comment:
Hello Neale,
First of all, thank you for all that you loving do, and all that you lovingly are. You are simply an amazing Being.
I read your message, “1,000 WORDS THAT WOULD CHANGE THE WORLD” today, and I’m grateful that you shared with all of us your usual, profound words of wisdom of Unconditional Acceptance and Love/Unity Consciousness that can transform anyone’s life, when we are willing to fully open our integrated Mind/Heart, which will help us to see and experience Heaven on Earth.
The only part that doesn’t resonate with me is, “* Your life has nothing to do with you. It is about everyone whose life you touch, and the way in which you touch it.”
That statement seems to conflict with what was said about all of us being the all of us—body, mind and Spirit—and that God makes no mistakes.
If we are in essence God within us, and God is in all of Life, then our life has everything to do with us and much more.
You mentioned in at least one of your books that the words, “God” and “Life” are interchangeable; if that’s so, and we replace the word “life” with “God” in that sentence, it would be: “Your God has nothing to do with you,” which isn’t true.
To say that our life has nothing to do with us is like saying that life involving the self is meaningless. Granted, God is much more than the individual self; however, that would be like stating, “Your lungs have nothing to do with your body.”
To diminish that value of a part is diminishing the value of the whole, and if I recall correctly, a very wise and loving man shared that wonderful teaching (you?) with humanity. Everything has its great purpose.
I trust that the life of the so-called ego self/wounded inner-child/unhealed masculine energy/consciousness (individual, personality self) and shadow self (rejected and/or unknown aspects of self) are all aspects of God since God is ultimately EVERYTHING/All That Is.
Our life, which includes loving of others AND self, helps us to better define ourselves (like you taught)—through many life experiences/lessons/wisdom/outer world reflecting inner world—while in this physical reality.
Unconditional love (to include placing value upon) for the life of the individual self is just as valid as unconditional love for others.
I understand that we can only give what we already have (e.g., unconditional love); however, many of us need to work on unconditionally loving self first and foremost, so that we can fully do it for others as well. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be giving and loving to others.
It’s about the Balance of self-love (Divine Masculine) and love for others (Divine Feminine)…being able to receive as well as give.
I’ve known too many people, to include myself, who gave, gave and gave to others (an excess of feminine energies) while neglecting love for self (a lack of masculine energies); and that not only becomes exhausting at some point, but it’s not highly beneficial for any soul.
Without healthy boundaries of self-love, one’s generosity can be taken advantage of by those who only care to receive more and more while having no desire to give as well (i.e., tangible or intangible).
When we believe that we need to only be concerned about ‘giving’ love to others—while neglecting to unconditionally love ourselves as well—then we fail to truly and deeply love.
And again, to state that our lives has nothing to do with us seems to be devaluing it, which in turn, devalues existence of self.
Thank you for clarity on this matter. Thank you for being a gift to humanity and beyond. <3<3<3 Bobbie
I had a strong feeling that I wouldn’t receive a reply from Neale, despite the title of that page of the blog, “I will communicate with you personally here…” which deserved a more honest and accurate title.
I noticed that he didn’t answer a lot of people’s question which made me wonder why he even chose that page title in the first place.
I understand that he’s a very busy man, and there’s nothing wrong with that; but then don’t give false hope to others, and only reply to those who seem to be great candidates for purchasing more Neale Donald Walsch books, or spreading the word.
To my great surprise, someone else—a lady named Marion who goes by “OneLove”—replied to my question to Neale, and we exchanged a couple of passionate messages. The short period of interactions taught me several important lessons.
Through my inner reality (inner-wisdom, intuition/inner-knowing, the messages I typed to Neale and Marion) as well as reflections from my outer reality (the “1000 Words that Would Change the World” message and the messages I received from Marion) I’ve learned/remembered the following:
- I—as my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within—already answered my own question to Neale in detail within the question/comment I had shared on the blog, since what I choose to trust and know within me is my inner-truth, and nothing else matters
- Like I shared with Marion in my last message to her, there’s nothing that we have to do: As Neale mentioned in one of his books, “requirement” is only an illusion. Just as God doesn’t need anything from anyone, God also doesn’t require anyone to do anything. Therefore, rather than VERY busily run around like Marion (and probably many others) trying to rapidly spread Neale’s “1000 word” message to as many people as possible using a “to do list,” I can just continue to follow my heart—my path of excitement and passion (that informs me that I’m in alignment with Spirit within)—which is what I basically shared with Marion in my first reply to her: I decided to continue doing and Being what I do and Be best, and that’s…not about trying to busily “save the world” by constantly recruiting others with manipulative words—which is similar to how the religious church operates—but rather, just living and Being in every present Moment of Now with much gratitude and appreciation for all of interconnected Life, and unconditionally loving myself and others to the best of my ability…even if that’s just a few people at a time, naturally crossing paths with one another and sharing much unconditional love.I’d much rather naturally and deeply touch the hearts of a few, than do so on the surface (like a check off the list) with pressuring words of recruitment (that can be felt by the way), and running around like a chicken with its head cut off while not enjoying the flow and precious moments of Life.
- According to some of the following teachings within the main message, “1000 Words that Would Change the World,” there’s no need to do “Humanity’s Team to do list”:
- * There’s nothing you have to do. There is much you will do, but nothing you are required to do. Our God is a loving God who needs nothing, demands nothing, commands nothing, and punishes nothing
- There are no victims (summarized): Hence, no one needs to be “saved,” and it isn’t necessary to rapidly spread the message, “1000 Words that Would Change the World” using a to do list. Assuming that the world needs to be rescued is not only conflicting with the teaching that there are no victims, but it also parallels the religious Christian belief that there are “others” out there that need to be informed, recruited and saved from their own ignorance. Fanatic recruiters, like aggressive salesmen, often drive people away with their pushiness and manipulative ways, which explains why many people don’t like it when people randomly show up to their doorstep trying to convince them and/or sell an idea, belief or item. The energies from pushy recruiters (in whatever form) often feel desperate and uncomfortable because the anxiety ultimately stems from low, fear energy.
- The Ten Illusions of Humans are: Need Exists, Failure Exists, Disunity Exists, Insufficiency Exists, Require-ment Exists, Judgment Exists, Condemnation Exists, Conditionality Exists, Superiority Exists, Ignorance Exists. Since Need, Requirement, and Insufficiency are illusions of humans, that means that the belief of needing to rapidly inform (a “committed” requirement) more and more people (because not enough are aware) throughout the world isn’t necessary since souls will naturally cross paths with the message when ready. Since Failure is an illusion of humans, that means that the belief that many people on the planet who aren’t aware of the message, “1000 Words that Would Change the World,” is “missing out” on life (i.e., not going the way it’s supposed to) isn’t necessary since everything is happening in Divine perfect timing and order according to the Divine Plan for every interconnected soul’s highest benefit. Since Disunity is an illusion of humans, that means that the belief that there are those out there who have strayed from unity consciousness (even though they are also part of Divine Spirit/All That Is), and cannot eventually find their way home when they are ready in Divine perfect timing and order according to the Divine Plan isn’t true. Since Superiority is an illusion of humans, that means that the belief that those who are aware (have higher consciousness) of the message, “1000 Words that Would Change the World,” knows what’s best for the rest of the unaware population isn’t true as well.
- I realized, what better way to get a global following to do what one wants them to do (i.e., spread a group’s message) by convincing them of the teaching, “* Your life has nothing to do with you. It is about everyone whose life you touch, and the way in which you touch it.”
- I realized that I no longer need to place anyone on a pedestal, not even my once favorite spiritual teacher/author of “Conversations with God” trilogy series, Neale Donald Walsch. All aspects and extensions of Divinity within me, to include my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within, is the only one who I choose to deeply and fully honor.
- Regardless of how shiny something appears in my outer world, I’ve learned/remembered to always follow my Heart/Soul/Spirit from my inner world first and foremost—my inner guidance, intuition/inner-knowing, and inner-wisdom, unconditional love and beyond.
- This teaching is also within the message, “1000 Words that Would Change the World“which is one of the teachings I resonate with => “* All truth is subjective. Within this framework there are five levels of truth telling. Tell your truth to yourself about yourself. Tell your truth to yourself about another. Tell your truth about yourself to another. Tell your truth about another to another. Tell your truth to everyone about everything.”
I left the following last message for Neale Donald Walsch, who I noticed today—via an e-mail message alert—happened to spare a few seconds of his busy day to reply to another’s message:
I had you all wrong. Thank you for honestly revealing to us all—in your interview with Eckhart Tolle—that even you have (or had) difficulty living your own teachings most of the time (from your various books) due to your busy thoughts within your mind even while spending time with family.
It was refreshing to hear that even Neale, who seemed so flawless, was able to admit that he, too, needs to be able to live and just Be in the present Moment of Now, which is ultimately going with the flow of life, enjoying life, trusting God and seeing God in all of Life.
Afterall, how can one preach to others on how to trust God and live the great life—as well as sell the idea of major, global transformation— when one has difficulty doing so oneself in the privacy of his own life.
I forgive myself for placing you on a pedestal all these years, and believing that you were the number one inspiration of my life—the one who helped me to believe in God again in 2001 with your “Conversations with God: Book 1″ after I had given hope on my search for God.
You are still a good spiritual teacher indeed, who shine some wonderful qualities of God, but I realized—thanks to you and the one whom you referred to as the “living Master” => Eckhart Tolle—that the description “simply amazing” isn’t so much for the personality self Neale, who still judges and reacts from fear at times, but well deserved for my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within me, you and everyone else (aka God) in the realm of every present Moment of Now, which is ultimately Unconditional Acceptance & Love/Unity Consciousness. Thank you for this outer reflection/life lesson/wisdom.
p.s. It’s completely understandable that you’re a very, very busy man living for the future, and highly determined to save the world with your “1000 word” message. Perhaps you many want to consider changing the title of this page, which seems a bit misleading “I will communicate with you personally here…” to something more close to accurate and reliable. That way, most people with high hopes can save their energy from asking you questions (that means a lot to them) that more than likely won’t get answered. Take care Neale, and good luck with your goal to global success!
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UPDATE October 4, 2015
Post, “777 and 888 Inner Guidance Leading to Invaluable Experiences and Wisdom“