The following is a comment I shared for the video, “What is the Best Type of Personality to Have? | Sadhguru Answers PV Sindhu“:
Image by Vishwam Heckert from Pixabay
I understand, respect, and appreciate Sadhguru’s expanded perspective as usual; he made some helpful points (though I always choose to follow my inner guidance first and foremost with any outer, soul teacher).
Regarding PV Sindhu’s comment and question about how to interact with others in a way that you’re not disrespecting them, offending them, or even hurting their feelings:
I feel that it’s important to be AUTHENTIC with ourselves first and foremost, otherwise, we can’t be authentic with others; and those who are sensitive to energies can sense when another isn’t being real/true (which includes dishonesty and/or a fake smile, among other things).
From personal experiences, I noticed a pattern that when I’m honest with others in a tactful manner (rather than be brutally honest), and express my inner truths, the so-called other is often very receptive to this sharing.
Because whenever we choose to be authentic, many (not all) others feel comfortable in our sincere, full presence that FEELS trustworthy; and there’s no mask showing a false self who just wants to please others in a dishonest way.
Granted, I’ve also experienced NOT being honest with self and others—in order to please others, to avoid discomfort, to prevent assumed consequences, etc.—and every single time, it didn’t FEEL right/light/true to my Heart (a sign that we’re not in alignment with our inner truth).
If PV Sindhu was referring to a male who wanted to date her, but she wasn’t interested, perhaps she could share with him a wonderful quality(ies) that she noticed about him, but also let him know (in a genuinely kind way) that she’s not interested in dating at the time.
I’ve learned that we can only do our best to share our inner truths with others (hopefully stemming from love-based intentions); but we are not responsible whether or not they choose to receive it well.
Here’s an exaggerated example to prove a point:
Let’s say 10 guys ask a female out, but she’s not interested in any of them, because though they each have their own positive qualities, they seem really immature (more like younger brothers to her).
Plus, she’s been striving to UNconditionally embrace/love more and more neutral aspects of her full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (physical human self)/Self (Soul & Spirit within)—healing and transforming the male and female energies within to their exalted state versions: Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine energies, aka God & Goddess within.
So she deeply desires to meet a boyfriend who is like-minded and like-hearted, who is also working towards Being WHOLE (integrated Mind/Heart).
So what to do? Well, she could be a “my ‘no’ means ‘yes'” people pleaser persona, and try to secretly date all of them (so she doesn’t hurt their feelings); but she will only end up stressing herself out, and become imprisoned by her own guilt, and other forms of chaos that she created herself.
She can simply, honestly, and tactfully share with them her inner truth; and if they turn against her, then she can be grateful that she had the opportunity to see their true colors, and didn’t end up dating them in the first place.
I’ve learned that guys (and even gals) who are only nice when they want something from you (a date, a party friend, a one night stand, etc.), are about CONDITIONAL kindness rather than UNconditional kindness; and it’s best not to be in such non-beneficial, unhealthy relationships.
Those who come from the Heart—to include TRUE friends and family members who love UNconditionally—won’t turn against you just because you shared your inner truth(s) and/or preference(s).
Also, if we habitually “share” an insincere, half smile, and say and do things we don’t really mean, then we can become trapped within this type of persona as well, and we can not only become disappointed with ourselves, but we can also become known as fake to others.
So why not liberate and empower ourselves by simply Being authentic at every moment (from our Heart)—to the best of our ability—while being whatever personality that’s needed for any given situation, event, job, career, etc.; but NOT allowing any particular personality to take over the WHOLE ship (full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self, or True Self).
For example, when it comes to a customer service job or career:
One can go to work every day pretending to be nice and helpful to others (mask/personality/persona ONLY), while resenting self[/others] (due to victim mentality), hating the job, and feeling miserable.
One can go to work every day simply Being genuine/unconditional kindness, and providing helpful service to others, while enjoying the job and feeling grateful for the opportunity to serve humanity in some way (personality led by Spirit within), though the job or career may be temporary.
Even when it comes to sports, players usually have to be whatever degree of aggressive during a game (i.e., a persona), and understandably so.
But there are those who remain habitually aggressive—competitive about everything in Life in an unhealthy way, with a negative attitude and poor sportsmanship (lost in “the game” persona).
And there are those (who are the opposite) who return to their core True Selves realizing that “the game” doesn’t define their WHOLE self/Self; so they have a healthy level of competition, with a positive attitude and great sportsmanship.
And of course, there are those who are a mix of everything in-between this broad, rainbow spectrum of Life.
The personality self/persona/mask—aka ego self, or ego aspect of self—has built up a bad rap.
However, I trust that our individual and Collective Ego continues to do its best to help us to survive (and even thrive) in this physical world; hence it’s not the enemy, the way certain people within the Spiritual community (or even outside of it) make it to be.
Whenever we make ANY aspect within the WHOLE self/Self wrong, bad, or even evil—that’s ultimately neutral in the EYE of Spirit—without realizing the bigger picture that EVERYTHING has a Divine Purpose, then we can fall into, become lost within, and even spiral down into separation consciousness, further exasperating the BLAME GAME and VICTIM MENTALITY (rather than remembering the Unity Consciousness that we fully are, which includes separation consciousness, just as the ego is part of Multidimensional Self).
And last but not least, whenever we frown upon some part of us, we won’t be able to fully and truly love ourselves UNconditionally, which then limits our ability to fully and truly love others UNconditionally.
Because what we judge in ourselves, we will judge in another, and vice versa.
But when our inner cup (Heart) is full, it can effortlessly overflow to interconnected Life within this world and way beyond; and we will be able to generously give this true love (to self/others), as well as gracefully receive it.
So I have no doubt that even the ego (that’s often looked down upon) can remember and transform itself into its exalted, full-potential, expanded vibrational frequency state; and it can then work with Spirit (as a harmonious team), and Be an amazing, Earth Advisor.
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