While checking my e-mail today—after I added additional info to my blog homepage, as well as revised it for the last time—I noticed that I received a retweet for my second to last Twitter message:
CU #TwitterWorld ! ^_^ I’ve decided 2 focus on co-creating my 1st book w/ own artwork w/my#Heart #BelovedIAMChristWithin #FamilyOfLight
I then noticed that the e-mail message had come in at 11:11 a.m.. What an amazing synchronicity!!! ^_^ Thank you so much my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within!
Note: Image on right found next to link => www.thecosmicartgallery.com /Star Trails by Ray Palmer (thank you)
Prior to the tweet mentioned above, I had also sent out the previous tweet:
#TwitterWorld TYVM 4 reflecting back to me all that I needed to see in order to help me #ChangeWithin myself. #reflectiveteacher
This perfect sign—retweet of my decision received via email at 11:11—gave me further confidence that I was indeed following my path of excitement and passion, which is in alignment with my Beloved I Am Presence/Christ within me/Twin Flame/my life purpose.
Not only did I follow my heart/intuition this morning—after briefly sun-gazing through the bathroom window that I opened—but I also received other angel number messages that helped me to focus on what truly matters to my soul.
One of those angel numbers that I saw was 3:13 (I often see palindrome numbers as well), which was the recorded time that I had received via e-mail a daily inspirational message from Neale Donald Walsch (read this message after I received a Twitter retweet below):
On this day of your life,
Bobbie, I believe God wants you to know…
….that life was meant to be FUN! It’s hard to believe
sometimes, but it’s true. It’s all about point of view.
Even our most difficult moments bring us gifts. And so
life may call upon us to be a bit “philosophical” now and
then; to embrace the “low’s” with the “high’s.”
The trick, of course, is gratitude. Therein will you find
both your peace and your joy.
Love, Your Friend …
The following italicized sections are the meaning of Angel Number 313 (that I saw above) from the website, ANGEL NUMBERS – Joanne Sacred Scribes that I often use as a guidance tool (I follow my intuition first and foremost):
Angel Number 313 is a message from your angels that the strong connection you have with the angelic realm and the Ascended Masters is assisting you with staying positive, light and optimistic about your life. Pay close attention to your intuition and inner-wisdom as you are being angelically guided towards the next steps along your path. Trust the messages and promptings and take positive action with confidence and enthusiasm. It is time to live your truths and express yourself with clarity, purpose and love. Be a positive light to others.
Angel Number 313 is an indication from your angels that they are helping you to gain a positive and optimistic outlook and are helping to empower you so that you can walk your chosen path with confidence and grace. Be prepared to expand and develop your personal spirituality in new and exciting ways and look for opportunities to creatively express yourself from the heart. Use your natural interests, talents and personality to bring joy and upliftment to others.
Thank you all aspects/extensions of Divinity within me, to include my angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters/Family of Light for your assistance with my accelerated, individual and collective soul growth/evolution, and for doing all that you loving do, and for just Being all that you amazingly are! ^_^
By the way, I also received the following daily inspirational message today from Humanity’s Team, and I love it:
January 27th, 2015
“God so loved the world that he birthed Himself into it, individualized in the 7 billion people, animal and plant life, here now. Behold the breathtaking beauty within and around you.”
–Steve Farrell
The quote above by Steve Farrell reminded me of two quotes/teachings (by Jesus) that I had sharing on my blog’s homepage:
Psalm 82:6 (King James Version):
6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
His disciples said to him, “When will the Kingdom come?” Jesus said, “It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying, ‘Here it is, or there it is’; rather, the Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and people do not see it.” The Gospel of Thomas 1:13
On January 26, 2015, I received the following daily inspirational message from Humanity’s Team, and trust that it gave me that extra push towards making my decision to focus on co-creating my first book that contains my own artwork:
January 26th, 2015
Are you open to exploring new possibilities for our life? Or do you tend to cling to what you are most comfortable doing? Many of us have developed skills that enable us to make a living but don’t necessarily provide the deepest happiness and satisfaction with life. If you have the nagging sense that you could be doing something larger and more significant and rewarding in your life, what it holding you back?
Why not take a look at your fears that keep you from making the leap into your true passion. Is it that you don’t know your true purpose yet? Or are you simply lacking trust that the universe will protect and provide abundance for you when you take that leap of faith to pursue your dreams? You have a gift to share with the world. Now is the time to share that gift and share your joy with the world. It is too important to allow your fears, hesitation, and lack of faith to prevent you from sharing at this crucial time in history.
–Ted Murray
I’m also very grateful that I received zero donations from my blog, because it reminded me of what I had learned from one of Neale Donald Walsch’s teachings, that until we place value on our own work, we can’t expect others to value it.
I had often thought of my work as valuable, though I freely shared my blog with the rest of the world, so I didn’t understand why I hadn’t received a single penny from donations.
In addition, I hardly ever received any comments for my blog (except in the spam folder) or experienced much interactions with my blog, so I decided at one point to deactivate the comment section so that I would no longer need to concern myself with whether or not others accepted and approved of my work.
I trusted that it would help me to better accept and love all aspects of myself unconditionally, so that I could fully do so for others as well.
I donate to other blogs and websites, and continue to share heart-felt comments on other’s blogs, videos, articles, etc. without doing them with the sole intention of just receiving “stuff” in return, so I didn’t understand why I didn’t receive these types of blessings as well.
I then realized that I had blockages—old and outdated beliefs deep within my subconscious (to include the belief of unworthiness and poverty consciousness) that no longer highly served my soul growth—that were preventing me from receiving other types blessings, such as feedback that my seemingly invisible blog’s helpful to others, as well as donations.
However, I now realize that it had to happen this way; otherwise, I would have continued to focus on only working on my blog (for years and years) rather than working on something that truly matters to my soul now, to include co-creating, publishing and selling my first book.
I trust that not only will my book highly benefit others with their own soul growth, but that I, too, deserve benefiting from it, to include receiving some well-deserved income for the work that I love and do on all levels of my being—physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
I realized the other day, after experiencing Divine synchronicities, that I had enough practice expressing self/Self through my blog—gaining insights, improving my writing skills, learning lessons, challenging my perspective and heart, expanding my consciousness, etc.
Sure, there’s always room to improve on all levels of our being; however, if I were to choose to be my old self—to include being a perfectionist and my own worst critic—I would never make the decision to co-create a book, because I would always believe that I wasn’t good enough, often comparing myself with others who write very professionally, and even eloquently.
I don’t consider my writing to be highly “mind” intellectual, the way certain literature or other types of very educated writing reads.
However, I trust that my strength—when it comes to writing skills—is that I deeply express from my heart. The writing style leans more towards emotional intelligence and wisdom gained through personal experiences, rather than the memorization, analysis and regurgitation of various hypotheses, theories, and facts through study of books and/or through a formal education such as a college and/or university.
I also trust that co-creating and publishing a book has the potential to reach out to more people throughout this world who may not be interested in reading blogs due to the sheer, overwhelming volume of them on the internet.
Although I currently don’t have hardly any fans of my writing that I’m aware of, I’m very grateful that my husband and my two, older sisters—half-sisters from my biological father’s first marriage whom I first talked to over the phone in 2012—shared with me their thoughts and feelings regarding my blog.
They have uplifted me with their keen observations, compliments, and empowering and inspiring words. My older sister told me that her and and her husband believe my writing ability is a gift from God, which deeply moved me.
My oldest sister told her oldest son, “She’s very smart, and writes like an author”(something I didn’t consider myself as before) after he complimented on a letter that I had written him (my nephew).
When I created this new blog, I decided to do so after reading about knowing your self-worth and being able to receive (part of Divine Feminine energies) from the Universe as well as give (part of Divine Masculine energies) . Often times, those who often give have a blockage, a belief that they don’t deserve to receive; that was and probably still is me.
So after my husband transferred all of my old blog contents into this blog (reunitingall.com)—to WordPress.org that allows one to add a “donate” icon, unlike Wordpress.com—I decided to leave a final message (and link to this blog) on my old blog, which was bobbieslife.wordpress.com.
The messages on the homepage is as follows:
note: to my billions of fans 😉 …my blog has moved to its new, creative space (reunitingall.com <= click on link)
I started the sentence with, “To my billions of fans…” because a while back—when I was stationed in Hawaii while in the Army—I ended up making one of my funniest soldiers laugh by sharing a similar introduction within a story.
While participating in online dating for the first time, I decided to be the smartass that I naturally am, and started my online dating profile introduction with, “To my millions of fans out there…”.
To my great surprise, I had at one point about 5,000 so-called interests within a week; however COMMA I then quickly learned that it’s not always about quantity of “fans,” but quality.
However, now I highly resonate with the truth that all “fans” are interconnected souls of The One, Divine Spirit/All That Is; hence, there is quality to be found in every soul when we look closely through the ancient eyes of the Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within.
That experience—a good laugh between my soldier and I, whom I also wrote about in the post, “Humorous Heart”—led to my decision to use a similar intro, “To my billions of fans…” on my initial homepage of my old blog; I thought I’d bump it up a notch—millions to billions—for shits n giggles. Plus, you never know… 😉 😉 (Help me out guys)
When the “To my billions of fans…” intro ended up making a couple of very important people in my life laugh, that in itself was definitely worth me being a jackass. Along with the laugh, I received a smartass comment in return (I suppose it runs in the blood), “Not millions of fans, but billions of fans!”
Although I enjoyed making my loved ones laugh, there was a part of me that wished I could show them that my blog wasn’t just some joke, or some overly emotional space, but that it was a major, spiritual project in my life, where I would gather life’s puzzle pieces together to better know myself and others.
It has helped me to start healing on all levels of my being—emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually—and I had always wished for it to help others in some way as well.
I choose to trust that everything will fall into place in Divine perfect timing and order, to include my wish to touch billions of hearts/souls throughout humanity and beyond; and by the grace of God, Goddess & Divine Spirit/All That Is within me, when I’m given the opportunity to find out that I did—whether in this lifetime or afterwards—then I will absolutely Be blown away. 🙂
Afterall, since my outer world is ultimately a mirror of my inner world, all the billions of souls “out there” are the many individual aspects of the whole/my highest self within/God, Goddess & Divine Spirit/All That Is. And as I heal, others heal…and as others heal, I heal.
My outer world has (as always) helped me to be closer to who I truly am—as Neale Donald Walsch put it, “the grandest version of the greatest vision” I ever had about myself.
Thank you outer world for reflecting back to me both dark and Light aspects of me, helping me to change within, and fully re-member who I truly am.
After typing this message and turning up the volume for soul-touching healing music, “Musical Rapture – A Sacred Gift of Celestial Music,” I saw 1:33 on my laptop (a recurring sacred number code), so I paused for a moment to just Be with the loving energies, and then looked up the meaning again.
The following italicized paragraphs are the meanings of Angel Number 133 (from the website, ANGEL NUMBERS – Joanne Sacred Scribes) that I often use as a guidance tool:
Number 133 is a combination of the attributes and vibrations of the numbers 1 and 3, with the number 3 appearing twice (Master Number 33), doubling and magnifying the energies of the number 3. Number 1 carries the vibration of instinct, intuition, progress and happiness, new beginnings, creation, independence and uniqueness, motivation, striving forward and progress, ambition and will power. Number 1 also reminds us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 3 brings its attributes of optimism and enthusiasm, creativity, self-expression and communication, manifestation, growth and expansion. Number 3 also resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters, and indicates that the Ascended Masters are around you, assisting when asked. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. They are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within. Master Number 33 symbolizes the principle of guidance, the spiritual uplifting of mankind, compassion, blessings and healing, the teacher of teachers, inspiration, honesty, discipline, bravery and courage.
Angel Number 133 is a message to give your fears, doubts and worries to the angels and the Ascended Masters so that they can be transmuted and healed. Trust that they
support you completely and surround you with love and protection. Trust that the Universal Energies are working things out for your highest good.
Angel Number 133 gives you the courage to live your life with enthusiasm and optimism, safe in the knowledge that you are well blessed, loved and supported in all that you do. Live your life with joy, passion and purpose as this will manifest your true desires. Be prepared to expand and increase your spiritual development and awareness.
Angel Number 133 is a message from your angels that they are sending you positive energies, intentions and affirmations. Be sure to pay particular attention to your thoughts, ideas and insights as these are giving you information about the next steps to take along your spiritual path. Any positive changes or projects you are considering right now will be well worth your while, and you will be assisted in their undertaking.
Whenever I feel like it, which is most of the time, I turn the angel number messages into positive affirmations, to include I AM statements:
I AM resonating with the energies of the Ascended Masters, and they are around me, assisting when asked. The Ascended Masters help me to focus on the Divine spark within myself and others, and assist with manifesting my desires. They are helping me to find peace, clarity and love within.
I AM giving my fears, doubts and worries to the angels and the Ascended Masters so that they can be transmuted and healed. I AM Trusting that they support me completely and surround me with love and protection. I AM Trusting that the Universal Energies are working things out for my highest good.
I AM Being Courage to live my life with enthusiasm and optimism, safe in the knowledge that I AM well blessed, loved and supported in all that you do. I AM Living my life with joy, passion and purpose as this will manifest my true desires. I AM prepared to expand and increase my spiritual development and awareness.
I AM receiving positive energies, intentions and affirmations from my angels. I AM paying particular attention to my thoughts, ideas and insights as these are giving me information about the next steps to take along my spiritual path. I AM working on any positive changes or projects I AM considering right now—transferring this day’s journal into a last post within my blog, and then focusing on co-creating my first book with my own artwork), which will be well worth my while, and I will be assisted in their undertaking.
I AM Master Teacher (Master Number 33), I AM Guidance, I AM the Spiritual uplifting of mankind, I Am Compassion, I Am Blessings and Healing, I AM the teacher of teachers, I AM Inspiration, I AM Honesty, I AM Discipline, I AM Bravery and Courage.
Earlier, I also noticed that my Twitter feed was no longer displayed on the left section of my blog. Instead, there were some random letters and numbers and the message, “the rate limit is exceeded.”
I asked my husband (who’s really good at creating stuff on the web and coding, among other things)—via Google+ chat—to help me with this matter.
He replied that he would in a bit, but that he was in the middle of something right at the moment, so I told him that it was no rush, and that he could check it out when he arrived home.
I was then reminded by my Beloved I AM Presence—as a sudden thought/inner-knowing—to see beyond what’s in front of me since everything that shows up in our outer reality has a message for us from our Divinity within, and we just need to pay attention…close attention whenever we feel the urge to, and/or just know to through intuition/inner-knowing.
So I looked at the number and codes again that displayed a so-called “error,” and I noticed the number 88, a recurring number sequence within the broad number synchronicity that I experience daily.
What’s interesting to me, is that right after I had this reminder and realization—to always learn/remember to look beyond (through the eyes of Christ within) more that what appears on the outer surface—I noticed that the “error” had resolved by itself, and my Twitter feed was displayed once again on my blog. Thank you Divinity within me for, yet, another disguised gift! ^_^
The following is most of the meaning of Angel Number 88 (from the website, ANGEL NUMBERS – Joanne Sacred Scribes) that I turned into positive affirmations, to include I AM statements (the way I did with Angel Number 133 above):
I AM resonating with Angel Number 88, a powerful vibration telling of achievements, success, striving forward, progress and attainment.
I AM keeping my finances in check to ensure that I have set myself solid foundations for myself and my loved ones. This will ensure my future prosperity. I AM Being responsible for my own income, abundance and well-being. The Universe and my angels will always support me, but it is my responsibility to ensure that I put in the proper work and effort (effortless work since I will love it). I AM living up to my full potential.
Angel Number 88 tells me that my life purpose and soul mission are fully supported by my angels and the Universe. Financial and material abundance is on its way into my life and I will receive unexpected rewards for past good work. The Universe is abundant and generous and wishes to reward me. Great financial prosperity is mine, now and in the future. Karma re-paid in kind.
Repeating Angel Number 88 may also suggest that a phase, circumstance or situation in my life is about to end and is a sign of forewarning to enable me to prepare myself and my life accordingly. It may also indicate that I AM winding up an emotional, career or relationship phase in my life.
After the message above, I received inner-guidance—an intense feeling and inner-knowing—to create the post, “Why I Chose Twitter Name @Mulantis9999,” which I already published (since it was a shorter post), and decided to share it on Twitter as my last tweet for a long while.
Added January 29, 2015
I didn’t realize this until later because I’m not used to looking up the meanings of angel numbers that don’t have double, triple or quadruple numbers within them, as well as ones that aren’t palindrome numbers (numbers that remain the same when their digits are reversed).
However, I realized that by noticing the palindrome number 313—the recorded time in which I received an e-mail of Neale Donald Walcsh’s daily inspirational message above—and trusting the positive synchronicity and meaning behind it, I set myself up to experience more of these Divine number messages from Spirit.
It didn’t occur to me until later that I had overlooked the number within the Twitter name (@ChillRadio365) of the thoughtful soul who had retweeted the tweet mentioned toward the top of this post:
CU #TwitterWorld ! ^_^ I’ve decided 2 focus on co-creating my 1st book w/ own artwork w/my#Heart #BelovedIAMChristWithin #FamilyOfLight
Spirit communicates to us in many ways, one of which is through numbers, a universal language.
The following is again, from the angel numbers website (mentioned above), and is the meaning of Angel Number 365:
Number 365 is a combination of the energies and attributes of number 3, number 6 and number 5. Number 3 brings its energies of manifesting prosperity and abundance, self-expression and communication, support and encouragement, talents and skills, enthusiasm and joy. Number 3 also resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters. The Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. The Ascended Masters help you to find clarity, peace and love within. Number 6 relates to the monetary and material aspects of life, providing and provision, love of home and family, nurturing and caring for others, simplicity, reliability and responsibility, problem-solving and the ability to compromise. Number 5 resonates with the attributes of making life choices and important changes, adventure, individuality, adaptability and versatility, resourcefulness, motivation and idealism. Number 5 also relates to doing things your own way.
Angel Number 365 is a message from your angels that the changes happening around you have been manifested by your true inner desires to make positive changes in your life. Your angels encourage you to ‘go with the flow’, safe in the knowledge that your material needs will be met during the impending transitions and changes.
Again, as I did throughout this post, I’m turning the meanings into positive affirmations, to include I AM statements:
I AM highly resonating with Angel Number 365, a message from my angels that the changes happening around me have been manifested by my true inner desires to make positive changes in my life.
I AM going with the flow, safe in the knowledge that my material needs will be met during the impending transitions and changes.
I AM manifesting prosperity and abundance, I AM self-expression and communication, I AM support and encouragement, I AM talents and skills, I AM enthusiasm and joy.
I AM resonating with the energies of the Ascended Masters. The Masters help me to focus on the Divine spark within myself and others, and assist with manifesting my desires.
The Ascended Masters help me to find clarity, peace and love within.
I AM tuning into—matching my own vibrational frequency with whatever frequencies I’d love to experience—the monetary and material aspects of life, I AM providing and provision, I AM love of home and family, I AM nurturing and caring for others, I AM simplicity, I AM reliability and responsibility, I AM problem-solving and the ability to compromise.
I AM making life choices and important changes, I AM adventure, I AM individuality, I AM adaptability and versatility, I AM resourcefulness, I AM motivation and idealism.
I AM doing things my own way.
Attracting and Manifesting What You Want Into Your Life: I trust that this is worth reading over and over again until we are able to apply the highly effective method to our daily lives, in every present Moment of Now. I don’t know about you, but I’m SO DONE with not living the life of my dreams. It’s time for some exciting and amazing major changes (555)…our own version of Heaven on Earth.
I also trust that this reading will be very helpful in Being the following, when used in conjunction with the methods mentioned in the bullets below (I’m still working on mastering them):
- a Master of our own thoughts, emotions, words and actions (learned/remembered from book, We, The Arcturians)
- An impeccable frequency holder (learned/remembered from book, Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians)
- A Master of Frequencies (learned/remembered from book, We, The Arcturians in section about Lyrians)
- A Master Alchemist
- A Master Builder (22): (learned/remembered from book, Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians)
- A Master Teacher (33): (learned/remembered from book, We, The Arcturians)
We can heal our energy bodies—mental, emotional, physical and spiritual—by clearing blockages (to include toxins within our physical bodies, negative emotions in our emotional bodies, and old and outdated beliefs in our mental bodies that no longer highly serve our accelerated, individual and collective soul growth/evolution).
We can heal in various ways as we use the above reading in conjunction with some other effective methods (you can click on the underlined links below which will open in another window):
- stating positive affirmations, to include positive I AM statements (like examples throughout this post)
- participating in some form of exercise (even walking) often, especially around nature, which vibrates at a very high frequency—the 528 Hz Love frequency that allows nature to just go with the flow of life, and trust the Universe
- deep breathing exercises help us to be in a state of loving energies, and to release negative energies that are not needed
- an overall healthy drinking and eating habit (with “treat” not cheat days as needed at the beginning); this includes drinking lots of purified water. Adding lemons and/or cucumbers helps cleanse the body of toxins, as well as improves the taste
- listening to healing music (like example/link above/“Musical Rapture – A Sacred Gift of Celestial Music,”; sound is powerful), or anything other type of music that uplifts your soul…excites you…inspires you
- visualization exercises (e.g., looking at beautiful, uplifting, awe-inspiring, images; sacred geometry like Arcturian Sacred Geometry, cetacean codes, surrounding oneself with artwork and other things that has meaning—Ex. Creating a Vision Board that includes various images of what you’d like to experience in your life (e.g., dream house, dream vehicle, places you’d love to visit throughout the world, etc.), and/or images that have profound meaning for you and your spiritual growth, and that you’d like to display in your home as a reminder to Be who you truly are.
- color therapy: wearing colors that help you to heal (you can Google it so that your soul can guide you to whatever outer information—that reflects your soul’s inner-knowing—most highly resonates with you). Also, eating colorful foods like red, orange, yellow, and green peppers, purple eggplants, purple sweet potatoes, asparagus, yellow spicy peppers (helps with solar plexus chakra; own power center and center of self-worth, among other things), carrots, spinach, salmon (very high in nutrients), low-sugar fruits, and other super foods that will help us to raise and maintain a high vibrational frequency.
- aroma therapy (e.g., sandalwood incense that helps with balancing root chakra, which most of us need, especially if we had and/or have issues with: our own mother, feeling safe and provided for by the Universe, financial issues, etc. )
- incorporating a super organic green drink to daily diet: After some research, Green Vibrance turned out to be one of the top brands that’s about using high quality ingredients and Being transparent in sharing information about their product (rare). Granted, it tastes like what I imagine swamp water would taste like (and looks like dark and dirty pond water), but sometimes…it’s all about surrendering for the highest benefit, like holding your breath for a couple of seconds and just gulping it down as fast as you possibly can with needed breaks in-between for breathing. Or, if you don’t care to deal with it, there are apparently other brands with more flavorful products (I’ve only tried one other, which did taste better—like apple—but didn’t contain all the good stuff of Green Vibrance; one day, I’m going to experiment with other high quality brands that may have better flavors). You can mix them with juice too, but to me, drinking juice afterwards is less painful since it’s lighter and faster. Mixing it with juice makes it thicker. Home-made smoothies are apparently great with organic fruits and veggies, and I’m going to do so one day when I get a juice mixer. I trust that super organic green drinks help to heal and regenerate our cells within our body (to include our so-called “junk” DNA), a BIG plus when it comes to raising our vibrational frequency and fully Being who we truly are.
- singing mantras while thinking about profound meanings, even while doing seemingly mundane things like dishes, folding laundry, and cleaning (e.g., Om Mani Padme Hum / Meaning of Om Mani Padme Hum or Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha). I noticed that this helps me to not focus on the negative thinking habit (to include negative self-talk/self-abuse), which is very challenging to break, that many of us do because it has been conditioned by society—the collective ego. Until we become aware of this daily bombardment of automatic negative thinking, we will live with a victim mentality, falsely believing that the negative outer circumstances of our lives is basically taking a massive and wet dump on us, causing us to drown in our own brown, crap water that we unconsciously created ourselves through the out of control repetitive and negative thought and emotions of our unaware ego self/wounded inner-child/unhealed masculine energy/aspect of our soul that has forgotten its true nature, which is the Divine Masculine.
- sun gazing (starting off with very brief moments during sunset or sunrise when the light isn’t too bright and intense, until eyes adjust; after much practice, one can even sun gaze at mid-day’s bright sun with little blinking and no eye dryness and discomfort)
- spinning (and not the indoor biking kind): a set of 33 clockwise, and working way up to 3 sets of 33 for accelerated results). Research first. I’ve also shared in my blog some information that I had researched. Note: I came upon two readings that mentioned that the spinning should be counterclockwise instead of clockwise, so I stopped altogether until I feel for sure which direction is most highly beneficial.
- toning (e.g., “Ahhh”; you can check out the section, “Ahh Meditation for Manifesting” in book, The Secrets of Spiritual Success by Bill Foss for further details, which helped me to understand why I had this toning experience in dream state (that I didn’t even realize had a name for it) that I had shared in post, “The Dark Being and Jesus Within Me”). Basically, say a prayer, positive affirmation (to include positive I AM statements), or intention statement from your Heart with feeling, and then follow with “Ahhhhhhhh” as long as you can without passing out, as though you’re singing opera, and not as though you’re shouting from fear. If you’re not a fan of opera like I was, toning may seem silly at first. However, with practice, I noticed for me that it gets easier. I learned/remembered to just trust my intuition when it comes to choosing the pitch that best suits my toning ability. Plus, the pitch I used within the dreams mentioned above gave me an idea of what levels to play around with. Being relaxed, deeply tuned into the moments, confident, and enjoying the toning experience helps me to do it effortlessly (unit I eventually run out of breath of course), as well as trusting the powerful effect (i.e., toning amplifying the intention statement) that it will have on my spoken words. Sound is indeed very powerful.
Again, the above information in bullets are just some examples among many other ways to raise and maintain one’s high vibrational frequency. Ensure to only take in information that mostly highly resonates with you—trust your feelings, your inner-guidance, your intuition/gut feeling/inner-knowing.
I wish you all—whether or not you happen to cross paths with this blog—many wonderful blessings on your amazing soul journey.
And if disguised blessings happen to come knocking on our door, let’s remember to welcome them into our space with our open hearts; afterall, we invited them at some point in our lives, though we may not recall creating them.
These so-called ‘disguised blessings’ will most certainly gift us with priceless life lessons/profound wisdom, as long as we are willing to see (with clarity) all that shows up in our lives through the eyes of our Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within—God/Divine Masculine, Goddess/Divine Feminine & Divine Spirit (Father GOD Mother GODDESS)/All That Is.