Last night, I experienced my fifth open-mic comedy performance, which was like a combo package of so-called positive and negative mirror reflections that uplifted me as well as triggered some deep, fear-based energies within me (types of fears shared in post, “Taking Quick Action for a Golden Opportunity to Overcome Some Worldwide Fears” and some details mentioned in a comment I shared for a video further below).
It was odd that I felt the least confident for this performance, though this was the fifth time, and I plan on sharing the various details in an upcoming post, “A Combo Package of Mirror Reflections from a Multidimensional, Open Mic Comedy Experience” (which includes a comment I shared for both Flaglaffs’ Facebook page and as a Google review for Southside Tavern, both located in Flagstaff, AZ [deleted Facebook account for final time on 11/12/2018]).
Note: Image on right found next to link => Quora
Nonetheless, I’m going to learn from my so-called minor mistakes—I forgot a small paragraph section and a few words—and improve the skit for November 8th (the next open-mic comedy night at Southside Tavern).
I also intend to participate in the upcoming Halloween special—“The Lab: Comedy Open Mic” this Tuesday evening (30th), hosted by Jestercomedy and Altitudes Bar and Grill—where you can dress up and perform for two five minutes sets (thinking about doing other skits since the one I did last night was for the allowed 10 minute straight time-frame).
Note: Image on left above found next to link => /This poster reminded me of the above mentioned post, “Taking Quick Action for a Golden Opportunity to Overcome Some Worldwide Fears”
The following is a comment I shared for the very helpful video, “5 More Things To Know About The FULL Moon (October 24th, 2018)“:
Victor, thank you again for your very helpful videos. I had a rough night yesterday, so your spot on messages uplifted me. Lately, I’ve felt like I was all over the place with various forms of creativity—blogging, artwork, visions board, posters, and open mic comedy—and at times, I felt somewhat frustrated because it seemed like I wasn’t able to fully focus on one project. But thanks to your #2 message (#2 if I recall correctly), I felt a relief from that judgment towards self.
Thank you for the great reminder about having fun and allowing it be easy. The Pleiadians taught about the seemingly effortless way, which is the opposite of the old, outdated, patriarchal way of working one’s @$$ off while suffering from within (not enjoying) and struggling to make ends meet.
I, too, like to remind self whenever needed, to NOT get lost in being an energizer bunny on crack, which is how many people in our instant gratification world live their robotic lives just DOING DOING DOING. ETC. on autopilot, not truly Being and living in the present moment of now.
Despite releasing a lot of built up/repressed/suppressed fear-based energies last night—experiencing deep, uncontrollable cries like childhood times—I heard musical tones in my right ear while in bed and getting ready to sleep.
I also heard the moth in our bedroom (whom I brought into our home several days ago because it was under our door and I wondered if it was injured and/or cold). I thought it had passed away since I didn’t see it for almost two days, but I heard it flap its wings at a rapid speed while flying around, which cheered me up and reminded me of the moth spirit guide’s main message, which is to seek the light within so-called darkness (as well as Be the Light and Be Free like flight).
I used to hear various kinds of tones often—mostly in my right ear, sometimes in the left, and once in a blue moon simultaneously in both—but then they faded out about a year or so ago.
Sometimes, I felt as though I was doing something wrong—an old childhood habit of self-blame that I made an intention statement to release a few times so far.
I wondered if I wasn’t in alignment with Higher Self within—aka Source/Soul/Spirit/God/Goddess, etc.—or that perhaps my Galactic and/or Universal families weren’t assisting me anymore with that type of vibrational frequency upgrade; but I chose to let go of such fearful thoughts and beliefs.
In the book, “We The Arcturians,” it mentions something to the effect to a starseed’s rare psychic ability to hear what normally can’t be heard; I read this page shortly after I had an unbelievable experience (which I’ve shared as a detailed story a while back).
In a nutshell, I was at my annual VA, general check-up appointment several years ago, and I suddenly heard my doctor’s voice very loud and clear as though she was talking to me into my right ear—though she was about 10 feet or so away from me—followed by an extended beep sound in my left ear. When I did further research, I learned about the third ear (like the third eye, but for the ear).
Anyway, since then, whenever I had heard tones (many times before), or experienced amplified hearing (only three times that I recall), I wondered if the Arcturians were assisting me.
Granted, the Pleiadians—from the books by Barbara Marciniak—did mention that there would be assistance from various members of the Family of Light during different junctures of our life journey (until assistance is no longer needed).
I realize that our logical minds can make things very complicated by separating so many things into neat, little, earthly, boxes (in order to better understand), and at any point, when we feel overwhelmed, we have the choice to make it REALLY simple by uniting the seemingly countless aspects and extensions into The Whole/The One/The Source (within).
However, it does seem fun most of the time to play around with the plethora of Divine existences—e.g., Galactic and Universal Families aka Family of Light/Dark (ultimately two sides of the same coin, like humanity and beyond), Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Animal Spirit Guides, Elemental Realm, Crystal Beings, Other Higher Beings of the Spiritual Realms, gods, goddesses, I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence, Higher Self, GOD, and ultimately Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Very Holy Spirit/Monad/Divine Mother GODDESS/Alpha and Omega.
Victor, I have no doubt that your precious existence and loving service to self and interconnected Life is deeply appreciated from many within this world and beyond. Have an exciting and relaxing weekend! ^_^ Mulantis
Related Posts
- 10/8/2018: “Stories of Sharing Unconventional Poems, a Song and Multidimensional Comedy Skits at Open Mic Places“
- 10/24/2018 (Day of Full Moon): Post, “Clearing Clutter, Powerful Full Moon Influence, Inspirations from Inner and Outer Worlds, and Invaluable New Experiences“
- 10/25/2018 (Day after Full Moon): Next post, “Taking Quick Action for a Golden Opportunity to Overcome Some Worldwide Fears” (which includes part 2 of the full moon video shared in this post, and comment turned into post)
- 10/25/2018: Post, “A Call for Multidimensional Female Comedians“
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