I recently decided to discontinue oversharing what may be too much for others/self, to include via our EMF fb group (Peter Sage’s Elite Mentorship Forum program); but rather, balance my focus, energy and time towards what I prefer to do, and love to do.
And boy, was I in for a completely unexpected, soul-igniting and deeply heartfelt surprise, as I collected more earthly and otherworldly puzzle pieces that allowed me to SEE with CLARITY the BIGGER, amazing picture.
This morning, I noticed a new image pop into my awareness as I opened my laptop to focus on new EMF course material, as well as further review and study.
It was a baby barn owl with itsย head tilted to its right side in such an adorable manner, and seemingly looking right at me with its huge, soulful eyes that seemed to convey a gentle invitation that it wanted to play.
Image by Petr Elvis from Pixabay
As I’ve shared before within this blog, whenever Mother Nature in its many forms visit me—whether in dream state or physical reality—I often do my best to take some moments to Be Fully Present with its powerful presence (that contains the Spirit within ALL Life), FEEL its pure essence, and thank them for showing up, sharing (and merging) their invaluable gifts with me, and further expanding my individual and Collective Consciousness.
Image by danny moore from Pixabay
So as usual, I chose to follow my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/inner-wisdom/insights/feelings first and foremost, paused doing my course, and shifted my focus towards what I FELT was more important to do at the moment.
I explored various interpretations of the Owl Spirit Guide/Power Animal/Animal Totem (especially the Barn Owl, since that’s the image I saw), and only took onboard whatever information and wisdom FELT light/true to my Heart, and disregarded the rest.
Image by Kevinsphotos from Pixabay
And I’m so grateful as usual, because trusting and following the breadcrumbs of joy (gifted by Heart/Spirit) lead me to some profound insights, heartfelt experiences, and the further brief sharing of what I excitedly and passionately created.
Image by Lubos Houska from Pixabay
I felt strongly inspired to create a poster, and as soon as I started, I continued to notice various signs of Divine synchronicity—to include number synchronicity like angel numbers/activation codes/truth codes/etc.—that revealed, as usual, Being in alignment with Spirit within (outer world mirroring inner world).
Image by Friedhelm Brandenburg from Pixabay
I shared slightly different versions of the following comment with the creators of the owl images within this post :
Thank you for sharing this image, part of this particular series of synchronicity that started with noticing an owl image earlier this morning, that reminded me to check out various interpretations of the Owl Spirit Guide/Power Animal Totem (only taking in what FEELS light/true to my Heart). I used this image for this post [or a poster within this post, like the one below]: [this one]
You can click on the image below so that you can view a larger version. I shared this poster within my personal fb and Instagram, EMF14 peer group fb, with my EMF buddy/friend via WhatsApp, and 2 USM friends via email (from Peter Sage’s “USM: Ultimate Self Mastery” course that I had started with).
Image by Nico Becker from Pixabay
In addition, out of all the interpretations of the Owl Spirit Guide that I explored, I most highly resonated with one main paragraph from the website, Wild Speak,—Stacey L.L. Couch is a Spiritual Director, Certified Archetypal Consultant (CAC), Certified Shamanic Practitioner (CSP), etc (long list).— because it matched my recent, personal experiences, which I’ll share as well, under the subtitle of this post, “Related Personal Experiences” further below.
I shared the following comment for the creator of the very helpful reading, “Spirit Animals: BARN OWL“:
Hi Stacey, thank you so much for sharing a very helpful reading.
Regarding your quote “I work extensively with a barn owl in my soul retrieval work. His ability to hear and see in the dark helps me search through the unconscious and find what has been missing.
Thus, for you, the barn owl too can help with seeking out parts of yourself that you have long neglected or forgotten. The barn owl can also help you work through fears to find the โmouseโ or gift that is waiting in the darkness“:
My answer: I recently realized, after interacting with some challenging “others,” that the gift waiting for me within the so-called darkness (unknown)—via Shadow Work/Mirror Work (the expanded perspective within the ancient, Heart-centered teachings of The 7 Essene Mirrors)—was one of my individual and Collective heart wounds, our inner-child’s unhealed, traumatic experience of The Silent Treatment during childhood and throughout adulthood.
Regarding your quote “When he [the barn owl] looks at us with his black eyes he appears to see straight through us. Is there a person or circumstance you need to distance yourself from? Have you seen the dark side of the situation and find a need to think analytically about it without getting your emotions involved?“:
My answer: I initially thought I needed to distance myself from these “negative” fear-based energies, the way I did in the past, basically suppressing them; however, I’ve learned the hard way (though it doesn’t have to be if we follow our Hearts), that running away from our fears doesn’t make them go away, but rather, like suppressed “negative” emotions—that are not acknowledged, embraced, processed, and deeply healed in healthy ways—if we continue to play the avoidance game, will only exasperate matters, and these neutral energies will simply show up again in different others, since, ultimately, they (parts of the Whole) only desire to be reunited with The One.
So for this particular Cosmic Rodeo, I chose to fully face my fears, dive even deeper into the dark/unknown, and unconditionally embrace, integrate, transmute—via the merged Light & Unconditional Love Frequency within (that’s available to all of us with open mind and heart, integrated Mind/Heart)—and transform these fear-based aspects into full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self (as The One). And so far, I experienced more authentic, soul-igniting, and deeply heartfelt connections with these invaluable relationships/Soul family members.
Image by cocoparisienne from Pixabay
Related Personal Experiences
The following are experiences related to this post from yesterday and today (comments that I shared, as well as personal stories and a reply comment from one of my EMF14 peer group/Soul Family members):
11/26/2021 (Fri)
Shared for both personal and EMF14 fb (emailed my EMF buddy too):
Peter recently shared, via the USM live call, that very intelligent people have been paid A LOT of money to ensure that social media, to include Facebook, can be extremely addictive.
Therefore, we may say only 15 minutes a day, but it can easily lead up to [ex. half a day] if we’re NOT aware; and that’s how these systems were designed, [which isn’t an ancient Japorean secret anymore].
Peter also basically mentioned the importance of NOT allowing social media, to include Facebook, to take control over us; but rather, use such tools on our own terms (the way he does, very briefly).
I really appreciate this great reminder that inspired me to do so as well; so this will be my last post for a while so that I can focus mostly on the EMF course, my buddy _____, the live calls, very brief daily fb checks for others’ postings, and occasional replies to Soul family members.
There are extensive studies that show how so many people become depressed due to social media, to include Facebook, because it can easily make one FEEL as if they’re NOT: enough, acknowledged, accepted, approved of, liked, and/or NOT truly loved by family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, hundreds of other “friends” on the huge fb list, etc.
I also have no doubt that one of the major factors that come into play within this individual and Collective issue is the well-known “Silent Treatment” that many of us have either experienced from another (or others), and/or we’ve treated others this way, more than likely from being unaware of how damaging it can be (especially if done habitually).
The following is an INTRO excerpt from the most unconditionally loving and highly effective SOLUTION (click on link to read the rest), from personal experience, to the well-known “Silent Treatment” [<= click on link to further read] from the reading => : https://www.innerbonding.com/show-article/2305/the-silent-treatment.html :
“Research indicates that children would rather be yelled at than ignored.
When prisoners are being punished, they are put in isolation, because being isolated is one of the harshest punishments there is – other than physical abuse.
The silent treatment is a form of punishment, a way to attempt to control children and partners into doing what you want them to do. It is a withdrawal of approval, and can cause much fear in people who are vulnerable to this.
You are giving people the silent treatment when you shut down to them, closing your heart and refusing to interact with them or acknowledge their presence.
You act as if they are invisible, not responding to them at all or giving them a very minimal and withheld response.
Your hope in treating them this way is that they will get the message that they have displeased you.
They have done something wrong in your eyes and deserve to be punished, deserve to have your “love” taken away.
Of course, what you are taking away is not love at all, since love is unconditional.
What you are taking away is your approval, and for children and approval-dependent adults, it is a powerful form of control […]”
11/27/2021 (Sat)
Reply comment from an EMF member (regarding above post):
Silent treatment is so damaging. My heart broke a few years ago when my nephew told me โAunt ______ย you do not want Mommy mad at you because then she will not talk to for daysโ ๐๐๐ Will miss your insights, but glad you are taking control of your use of social media.
My reply comment to the above reply:
True, the silent treatment can be especially traumatizing for children (though even adults). Iโm so grateful you shared your story, because it reminded me of a story a loving friend [my EMF buddy] shared recently, of how a child who has experienced habitual silent treatment can develop a false belief that their existence doesnโt matter; hence, causing the child to FEEL that s/he is not worthy of love.
However, I just received a reminder from within that this is only 1 side of the coin, which can easily cause us to judge others (thinking that weโre better humans, and the common expression of, โI could NEVER do something like that.โ
However, when we expand our perspective (further open our mind and heart)โto SEE with CLARITY the bigger pictureโwe can be receptive to another perspective.
Perhaps the person doing the silent treatment isnโt fully aware of their behavior, due to NOT knowing how to process their inner conflicts stemming from their own unhealed childhood heart wounds and traumas. This is NOT to say such unloving ways are okay, but rather, doing our best to find a win win situation that helps everyone involved.
Perhaps it might be a good idea to share a helpful reading about the silent treatment with a family member, that was brought up in another situation; hence, not triggering guilt or shame in another.
________, I trust that youโll be able to help your own sister in an invitational, loving way (rather than a fixing way), which will in turn help your nephew as well (and they both deserve it).
By the way, in this post, I intended on cutting down my time on fb, not discontinue sharing insights when beneficial to do so. Enjoy your day! ๐
Last Insight
I further realized that this individual and Collective wound stemming from The Silent Treatment from others, also applies to whenever we silence our own:
inner guidance/Heart/intuition/inner-wisdom/insights/inner truths/emotions (inner compass revealing our authentic states at any given moment)/gut feelings/true feelings (language of our Soul from merged mind and heart, aka integrated Mind/Heart)/body’s signals (communication)/needs (mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual)/wants/Heart-centered desires/creative passion/excitement (a sign that something highly resonates with our Soul within, FEELS light/true to our Heart, which can lead to many open doors of golden opportunities when we choose to follow the breadcrumbs of JOY)/and like energies.
Last Updates
After publishing this post, adding the post link to my category page, “Earthly and Otherworldly Puzzle Pieces,“ I felt like rereading some of the intro content within this page and the “About” page; and sure enough, I felt a deep love and appreciation for this blog and WHOLE self/Self, more than ever before (which I fully trust is a great sign of increasing Unconditional Love for self/others/Life).
Right after this moment, I noticed the time on my laptop, 4:33 pm, so I read the reminder message (that I’ve often done within a decade)—from website, ANGEL NUMBERS ~ Joanne Sacred Scribes (a spiritual tool that I often use while following my inner guidance first and foremost, and recently gave another donation to)—to include the following paragraph that perfectly matched the first category title page of this blog above ^_^ (click on 433 below to open link in another page to read full message):
Angel Number 433 may also suggest that a timely opportunity or situation brings many pieces of the puzzle together for you. You have learned many invaluable lessons and have been patient and determined in your efforts, and now is the time to reap your rewards.
Later created another poster below. Again, you can click on the image below so that you can view a larger version. I shared this poster via other platforms mentioned above as well (also, you’re welcome to download it and share).
Image by Kevinsphotos from Pixabay
Continuing UPDATE post, “Burrowing Owl / Watcher of the Dark, Hopi Figurines & American Indian Connections“
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