The following are subtitles to this post:
- My Pet Cat and Animal Spirit Guide Named Shadow
- The Rebirth of Shadow Aspect of Self (Happiness)
My Pet Cat and Animal Spirit Guide Named Shadow
Today—11/1 (Nov. 1st) or 111—is our pet cat Shadow’s second year birthday that I assigned to her.
The sacred number code 111 (aka angel number/truth code/activation code, etc.) is very meaningful to me. Though it can have other meanings as well, it’s been reminding me often of my Beloved I AM Presence within (Soul + Spirit)—aka the Twin Flame/Twin Soul of I (God/Light/Christ Consciousness/Mind/Divine Masculine energies/Sun/Yang) + AM (Goddess/Love & Wisdom/Buddha Consciousness/Heart/Divine Feminine energies/Moon/Yin) merged with the ultimate Presence =>Holy Spirit/Source/Prime Creator/Creator of ALL Creation (All That Is)/Sacred Code 6666 (like the crop circle)/Divine Mother GODDESS in order to create Trinity/Divine HUman.
When we took Shadow to her first vet visit the first week of November, the older lady vet told us that they estimated her age to be around a year old.
The beginning of November of 2016, our elderly neighbor from apt 1212—sacred number code that represents Spiraling Frequency/Star of David Frequency/MerKaBa/Goddess + God, Realization, etc.—had asked if we could take Shadow in the night before Halloween, and keep her inside until the day after Halloween.
Shadow was then a semi-feral stray cat in our apartment complex (our previous one) who also became our unofficial outdoor cat; and the elderly lady feared that kids may harm Shadow since she’s a black cat.
My husband and I ended up adopting Shadow, something we had planned to do soon anyway, and I was glad that our neighbor helped speed up the process since it was getting cold.
We ended up befriending our elderly neighbor (whom I wrote about within this blog), and it turned out that she had a lot of anxiety (probably mirroring my own at the time).
After publishing this post, I’m going to share pics and videos of Shadow, to include her interacting with our former pet dog/black and white Siberian Husky named Kami (shortly before he passed away) in the work-in-progress post, “Stories of a Black Stray Cat Named Shadow.“
Shadow—as well as the cat spirit guide aspect of her—often reminds me to unconditionally love all aspects of self (the ultimate enlightenment), to simply Be authentic self/Self at every moment, to enjoy Life, and to not be apologetic about it.
My love for her grows deeper the longer we’re in each other’s lives, though at times it’s apparent that we get on each other’s nerves (e.g., her waking us up at times by messing with the window shades or excessively digging in her litter box). I trust that we are helping one another to experience profound, unconditional love.
I just wish I could give her more freedom. At our previous apartment—her initial home as a semi-feral/stray cat—we allowed her to be an indoor/only daytime outdoor cat since we understood that she was used to her freedom.
She had her so-called AO (are of operations)/territory, so most stray cats kept their distance. In addition, there were a lot of mature trees that she could effortlessly climb up if any other pet tried to bother her.
There was a Garfield looking, fat, orange and white, un-neutered male stray cat in our neighborhood who came around sporadically.
We used to provide him, and other stray and feral cats with food and water—even after we adopted Shadow—but one of our neighbor friends shared with me that she could smell the urine of un-neutered male cats marking their territory.
Note: Image on right found next to link => Google Play (thank you)
In addition, when he came by our patio one day, and Shadow and I were inside the patio, they both started taking turns meowing while swaying their heads from side to side.
It was such a precious sight that I thought they could be friends. Shadow even stepped outside the patio rail after they finished meowing, and they started heading towards our outer hallway together.
Note: Image on left found next to link => Pinterest (thank you)
Since she was spayed—she had the TNR mark when she was a stray cat (top left ear clipped off)—I figured he wouldn’t try and have sex with her.
However, within a minute or so, I heard an upset meow, so I rushed outside. One of my neighbors pointed from inside her car that they both headed to our common area backyard, so I ran over there.
I then noticed that she was way above a mature tree—around the same level as the third floor of our apartment building—and Garfield was struggling to get his fat ass up the tree trunk (he made it up to a feet or so); so I knew then that she was good to go.
Note: Image on right found next to link => YouTube (thank you)
However, I chased him away with a spray bottle of water, and he took off as fast as he could.
I had a strong feeling that he got her to warm up to him in front of me, and when they were alone, he tried to get fresh with his horny self.
If there were dirty old men-like cats in cat world, he would be it with his 70’s porn-star-like whiskers, droopy glazed eyes, and up to no good lookin’ facial expression.
Note: Image on left found next to link => (thank you)
Another time, he came into out patio, and Shadow (who was inside) started backing up and then throwing her body against the glass patio door a few times while making these very loud, screeching meows that I had never heard before.
It was apparent that she no longer liked him, though she was very friendly with our former neighborhood pets (small and large dogs and other cats).
Note: Photo on right is Shadow and one of our neighbor’s dog I used to watch named Happy during outdoor play time (he truly radiated much peaceful, gentle, happy, and loving energies, and Shadow was very comfortable around him and other nearby neighborhood pets).
I felt pain in my heart—as I sometimes feel the physical pain of others (usually people) as an ultra-sensitive empath—and I asked her, “Shadow, did he hurt you?” I then closed the shades and distracted her.
At a much deeper level, it seemed as though she was mirroring back to me an old, wounded aspect of self that had been willing to be open and vulnerable with certain male beings throughout my life, but they mistakened my kindness for weakness, and took advantage of me, or even abused me (i.e., so-called friends who just wanted sex, sexual harassment, rape in the military, and domestic violence).
I discontinued putting food and water out for him since it was only causing Shadow heartache. I chose to trust that he’ll be fine, just like the rest of life that doesn’t need my rescuing, though occasional helping is healthy.
I trust that the act of letting him go was analogous to releasing an old and outdated energy that didn’t respect the boundaries of others.
So although my husband and I would love to give Shadow more freedom, we agreed that our new/temporary home in Flagstaff has a lot of huge ravens, and sometimes big dogs that are briefly let loose by their owners.
So for her own protection, we only take her out on a leash, whether it’s in our surrounding living area, or the nearby preserve. I was also informed by another manager that there are coyotes in the general area as well.
To somewhat make up for it, we made the inside of our apartment as cat friendly and fun as possible, even incorporating steps on the wall for her to climb, creating hiding places for her to have some peace time, and allowing her to jump onto and walk on counters and the island counter (unless we’re eating).
In Divine perfect timing and order, I trust that both her and I—and other loved ones—will have our complete freedom to fully Be all that we are, and to simply do as we desire.
The Rebirth of Shadow Aspect of Self
I felt so drugged up tired today, that I slept in until 10:30 a.m.. I wondered if I felt drained—as an ultra-sensitive empath—because I had hugged some people yesterday.
However, I realized that this fear-based thought has crossed my mind before a few times, while working at my job, and that hasn’t stopped me from sharing much Light and Love with interconnected others.
One of the people I hugged was one my managers whom I butted heads with (ultimately souls igniting one another)—story shared in previous post, “Reuniting with Ancient Roots and Building the Courage to Be Full-Potential Self”.
Yesterday, I asked her if we could have a heart-to-heart talk, and I was glad we did. Even though she continued to make it sound as though it was all me who took it all wrong (in a nicer way), and nothing she did, it didn’t matter anymore.
What mattered was that I honored my own inner-truths, to include what I know for sure I had experienced, and I no longer need anyone to validate my inner-knowing.
In addition, I found out some sad news. My manager shared that she was diagnosed with cancer about a week ago, and she couldn’t believe that it was happening.
At that very moment, I was reminded from within the series of posts that I had created, but discontinued after no longer wanting to focus on more and more dis-eases and deaths showing up in my reality. One of the 13 posts is titled, “The Strange Increase of Death and Disease Showing Up: Adoptive Dad (Part 4 of 13).”
What’s strange is that ever since we moved to our Flagstaff apartment complex, we’ve been hearing and/or seeing ambulances show up nearby several times per week, and at least three times right across the street from us.
Anyway, I asked my manager to let me know if there was anything else I could help with to take off her plate, and she asked to simply pray for her.
What’s interesting is that she had no idea that I had already prayed for her, even when she wasn’t treating me with respect and kindness.
Before she went home for the day, I gave her a big hug, and silently sent her healing energies from my heart.
In addition, an elderly lady came by later that day who had cancer for a while. She asked about healing crystals, and I asked her where her tumor was located.
When she stated that it was around her sacral chakra and solar plexus chakra area, and that it was also related to her bowels, I suggested the Carnelian crystal since it helps heals all three of the lower chakras (the foundation that needs to be strong).
However, I informed her that it was important that the crystal resonated with her/that she was drawn to it; and she was.
I also used one of our crystal books that helps with identifying symptoms that can be healed, just in case there were other crystals that could help her. While I was helping another customer, she chose several others. I respected and admired that she was doing everything in her power to heal herself, to include using holistic methods and eating healthier.
About 40 minutes prior to closing, two, young, Japanese guys came into the store. They initially appeared very serious, so I introduced them to some healing instruments, to include the powerful sound of crystal bowls, singing bowls, tibetan bowls, the tongue drum, and tuning forks.
They asked if they could video tape my demonstrations, soI reminded them that I’m not a professional (still learning), and that it’s fine as long as they don’t post it on YouTube; they agreed.
Whenever I do introduce customers to the healing instrument area—whenever it’s not busy in the store—even unhappy appearing people leave smiling and laughing, which warms my heart.
The two young guys who were like little Asian brothers that I never had, but always wanted. This intuitive yearning may be related to my Korean mother having confessed to me a while back that I would’ve had a younger Asian brother (from my biological Japanese father) had she not decided to have an abortion.
I used to have a judgment about that—like many within humanity would—but I deeply understand that she went through a very difficult pregnancy with me, due to me being a breach baby that caused her extreme pain for 30+ hours.
She said that the pain was so unbearable at certain points that she begged the doctors to kill her. I can only imagine the horror of such an experience, especially since there were no epiderul used at that time.
The doctors—I forgot to ask my mother why there were more than one—had initially pronounced me dead, since I was “the color of wood” according to my mother and them, and not breathing despite the spanking; however, I suppose I was meant to live this life doing whatever it is that I do or simply Be.
Anyway, the two, young, Japanese guys turned out to be very lovable, loving, and very fun to be around with their great sense of humor.
Go (his Japanese name) is short and skinny, and his close friend Yuuki (pronounced yoo-kee), is tall and pleasantly plump (ok, fat). Their joyful energies reminded me of a comedian pair who complimented one another.
Go, Yuuki, and I ended up sharing much knowledge and uplifting and empowering info (Light) and Love (to include wisdom).
They also asked about some good places to eat within Sedona, and whether or not I believed that extraterrestrials exist. I told them that I do due to my personal experiences, though I have yet to witness a UFO in this physical, waking reality (though I have in dream state).
I even introduced to them the book, After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact (by Richard M. Dolan and Bryce Zabel), though I haven’t finished it yet (I will whenever I feel like it).
Another unusual appearing customer entered the store in the middle of our conversation, approached us, and confirmed what I had just shared with them about the existence of E.T.’s, and that more and more governments are coming forth to reveal this truth.
The strange man even added that he had been in UFO’s as he was getting ready to leave. At that moment, my logical mind had the choice to trust what he said, or brush it off as mere nonsense; I chose to trust what is.
Right before Go and Yuuki left, they asked if we could take a picture together, and though I normally don’t take pics with strangers, I was happy to do so, and they even gave me double hugs before leaving.
Our very brief, yet deep connections felt as though they were my real brothers, and I trust that it’s due to them being my soul brothers of my Soul Family/Soul Group/Monad.
Whenever I experience such moment, however brief or seemingly fleeting, I realize that this is what’s called happiness.
Sometimes, when my vibrational frequency is low, I forget this truth, and I start desperately chasing happiness, wondering why it often escapes me like an elusive butterfly that doesn’t wish to be in my presence, though I would be so gentle to it, admire it, and love it with all my heart.
Perhaps, like the free butterfly, happiness doesn’t want anyone to cling onto it, but rather, flow with it within the Cosmic River of Life.
This morning, I felt like watching Teal videos, and I’m very grateful that I did.
I saw the following video, which I have no doubt is highly beneficial to watch again and again until it becomes ours:
Want to Be Happy? Give Up on Happiness! – Teal Swan
Below is the comment I left for the above video:
Thank you so much Teal for this very informative, encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, helpful ,and overall open-minded/open-hearted video.
Continue Being an invaluable gift to self/Self, interconnected humanity, Mother Earth, merging worlds, and beyond. ^_^
<3<3<3 Barbara
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