Note: This post is a continuation of “A Multidimensional Perspective of an Infamous, Yet, Soul-Igniting President,” but can be read on its own
It’s even challenging to unconditionally accept a human, animal, or thing that’s considered unlikable and unlovable, so how on Earth are we supposed to give him/her/it a BIG bear hug that stems from unconditional embrace/love?
I LOVE these photos of Kevin Richardson and his deep love for his various animal family members.
I especially respect and admire the photos of Kevin and his hyenas because the first time I ever saw such a pic (left), it changed the way I perceive hyenas—creatures that are often portrayed as “up to no good” scavengers, unlikable, unlovable, and even evil, like in the movie Lion King (that I enjoyed).
These photos also remind me of the power of Unconditional Love, that applies to All of Life/All That Is throughout this world and beyond.
Note: Images above found next to links => 1) , 2) Pinterest 3) Wikipedia 4) YouTube (<= that’s some full-blown TRUST right there!)
Trust birthed from Unconditional Love.
While reading the article, “Anthony Bourdain took responsibility for toxic masculinity and called out his friends“—about Anthony’s courage, integrity, and contribution to the #MeToo movement (which I plan on checking out)—I noticed a photo on the right-hand column that made me pause for a moment.
As I was observing Donald’s facial expression (pic on left), that appeared pouty, there was a part of me that felt sad. I just wanted to give him a BIG bear hug, the way I would for a little boy who was deeply hurt inside.
Note: The image I noticed in that above mentioned article wouldn’t allow me to save it (due to being Getty images?), so I found a similar one next to => The Guardian
In one of the hilarious videos I shared as an update to the post/link on top (don’t recall which video), there was a moment where my emotions quickly shifted from joyful to sad.
While Donald was shaking the hand of the current, Japanese Prime Minister—for an extended amount of time—he (Donald) seemed to desperately want a deep connection that his soul’s been yearning for for so long (though he may not have thought those very words in his logical mind).
He, like so many of us throughout the ages, have been searching for this profound, connection/communion/Unconditional Love…OUT THERE.
It’s because we forgot that it’s always been within us, is within us at this very moment, and will forever BE us because it is our core essence…if we would just pay close attention.
I have no doubt that this rare, True Love must start from within if we desire to experience the most powerful, natural force within this world and beyond.
As I recalled some of the seemingly crazyass moments that our world has witnessed of Donald Trump thus far, I was able to see the bigger picture.
- Why does Donald often go off on extreme rants—whether it’s with interactions with people or via Twitter? Perhaps he wasn’t encouraged to express his negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions during childhood; hence, because they were so deeply repressed and suppressed, it all resurfaced later in his older, adult life like once built-up, boiling lava exploding out of a volcano in all directions.
- As a story shared within the post, “A Farewell List to Ultimate Freedom,” I went through a phase where I was very annoyed with my male cat Leo being very hyper and overly vocal throughout the day. Further insights and story of how we met Leo in future post, “Our Cats Shadow and Leo: Master Teachers of Unconditional Love.”
- When I was reminded about Carl Jung’s famous quote (on right), I later realized that I, too, am very vocal (i.e., this blog, reviews, comments I leave for other blogs and websites, etc.). Not only were negative expressions discouraged by my parents during childhood—though they expressed plenty of it verbally and non-verbally—but during my adulthood, I was often (and continue to be) an active listener during my interactions with others.
- Therefore, my blog space is like my free playground where I get to express all of colorful my inner truths—the contrast/duality/polarity of the so-called good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark, etc.! ^_^
- Why does Donald often say seemingly obnoxious, insensitive and crazyass things? Perhaps it’s a way to get attention since he didn’t get much during childhood. In one of the videos I watched of him and Melania being interviewed, he stated something to the effect that Melania is a good mother who does most of the parenting for their only child, and he (Donald) provides the finances. I wondered if that was his father’s attitude towards him growing up—like he barely gave him the time of day. If that’s true, a child would do anything to get attention from his/her loved one, even if it’s negative attention.
- Why did (and possibly still does) Donald often say things that were demeaning to women (and others who are not Caucasian male)? Perhaps that’s how his father treated his mother and/or perceived women (and others who were also different) in general as inferior—the way many men did back in those days (and continue to this present day, but not as obviously).
- Why does Donald often have the need to be overly aggressive, to include coming off intimidating and dominating conversations (where others can barely get a sound in, let alone a full word)? Perhaps that’s his main, go-to method when it comes to feeling powerful, because he has forgotten that his soul’s powerful presence (of Divine Love, Divine Wisdom, and Divine Power) doesn’t necessarily require aggression (meant to only be used—not misused or abused—as an effective tool for the right time, right place, and with someone who just can’t seem to comprehend the communication styles of gentle kindness and assertiveness).
I’m realizing more and more the power of shifting my perspective. When I’m in the 3D/linear/limited/physical mind perspective, my mind and heart is not as open.
I’m like the miniature human self frantically running around the dark valley trying to figure out with my logical mind (only) the route of life; and if I choose to ignore my inner guidance, and stubbornly insist on my way or the highway, then I end up lost.
However, when I pause for a moment, take some deep breaths, and closely listen to the silent and calm inner voice, and tune into my expanded, Multidimensional perspective (of open and integrated Mind/Heart), I start experiencing Divine synchronicity, where I end up following breadcrumbs of joy to my heart’s desires.
This built-in inner guidance system is like a hawk with keen eyesight, who’s able to gracefully fly over the dark valley and whisper, “If you insist on turning right, you will encounter many, unnecessary obstacles, to include:
- dark clouds
- many climbs uphill
- a huge tornado of gnats, a raid of locusts, and an invading army of fire ants
- deep, heavy, and muddy ground
- fierce, bully-like wind
- a raging river
- unforgiving hail
- steep, frigid mountains
- and the potent odor of decay and death next to a flock of vultures patiently waiting for you to be their next meal
Note: Images above found next to link s => 1) and 2) iStock
However COMMA if you turn left, the path will be a smooth and enjoyable journey overflowing with various forms of positive abundance. This includes, but is not limited to:
- a clear blue sky and sparkling sunshine
- a cool breeze that gently envelopes your entire body
- breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes
- gorgeous multi-colored trees with swaying branches that seem to wave “hello!” to you
- a harmonious, beautiful orchestra of various birds and cicadas
- delightful scents of many colorful flowers, weeds, and cacti
- and elusive and seemingly magical butterflies, dragonflies, and bees dancing around reminding you of…
- major transformation on all levels of your being—physical, mental, emotional, financial (poverty consciousness to Prosperity Consciousness) and spiritual
- non-linear, multidimensional movement (forward, backward, sideways where past, present and future are all happening simultaneously in the moment of NOW)
- and royalty (your Divine essence).”
Note: Images above found next to link s => 1) 2) 2) Stanford University , 3) Gfycat
I’m reminded from within that without the so-called contrast/duality/polarity of the “bad” or “evil” guys in our physical world, to mirror back to us what doesn’t feel good/doesn’t resonate with our inner being, we wouldn’t have the opportunity to experience its so-called opposite aspect of “good” or “angelic.”
It’s also beneficial to re-member that all interconnected aspects within the whole Light/Love spectrum—ranging from good to bad, light to dark, red to violet, and fear to compassion, etc.—exists (within varying degrees) within all of us (whether we’d like to admit it or not).
Note: Image on left above found next to link =>, and I added a quote from author noted in poster via
The past few days, I’ve been drawn to topics that I haven’t been interested in for a while, like the Trumps and readings and videos related to them. Note: See updates within post/link mentioned on top
It was too easy to judge myself as to why I would lower my vibrational frequency by focusing on such “nonspiritual”
matters (as some spiritual teachers may say); however, I trust in my Multidimensional self (physical self)/Self (Soul/Spirit within)—aka Higher Self/I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/ultimately Source/Very Holy Spirit/Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Divine Mother GODDESS—that I’m meant to Be and do wherever I’m at.
In addition, I’m realizing more and more that our physical world and spiritual world are, indeed, one and the same. The mystical rainbow bridge (or the mystic/modern shaman, or simply Being) connects the two, and the presence of my cats reminds me of this main message from the cat spirit guide from within.
I was also reminded from within to have neutral, pure compassion for people like our President Donald Trump, and not the usual human compassion that feels the need to go into changing mode, manipulating mode, controlling mode, or rescue mode.
I’m grateful that there are so-called beings like him, who mirror to us all our collective shadow (both positive and negative)—and his case, to the extreme negative, with some gems of positive qualities.
When I wondered why my bio dad—whom I met in my mid-thirties after being separated when I was a baby—was the most extreme, so-called narcissist I had ever crossed paths with, it occurred to me that it had to be that way; perhaps his soul made an agreement with mine, prior to being manifested into this planet, so that we can learn from one another in the most profound way.
I’ve met plenty of people throughout my life with various degrees of selfishness; however, none of them influenced me strong enough for me to let go of whatever no longer benefited my Multidimensional self/Self—which includes releasing the strong need to be in rescue mode, and continue taking are of others (only) while neglecting my well-being.
It’s loving to help others at times, but we can only truly benefit others when we’re in the state of flowing with Unconditional Love energy from within. As other spiritual teachers have shared before, we can’t give what we don’t believe we already have.
The energy of the extreme narcissist—and other ones close to it, like my bio mother, my former friend’s father, my former neighbor, my husband’s former client—has gifted me with a HUGE blessing in disguise.
This enemy-like aspect has pushed me to the breaking point, where it became easier and easier over time to: set and maintain healthy boundaries, respect self, encourage self, uplift self, build my self-confidence, raise my self-esteem, know my own worthiness, empower self, trust self, and inspire self—all parts of unconditionally loving self, the True Love that starts from within (which helps us to fully and truly love others).
So thank you to all aspects of Multidimensional self/Self—and interconnected Life within the world and beyond—that initially seem so unlikable and unlovable.
It is my intention to unconditionally accept, embrace, and even deeply love you from the depths of my heart, and to fully integrate us as One in Divine perfect timing and order.
Like I’ve mentioned before within this blog, I’ve reached a point in my life where I embrace various soul teachers throughout out world (regardless of their earthly categories and labels), only take in what feel like gems of wisdom to me, and deeply appreciate their gifts.
I’m still grateful for the various teachings from certain spiritual teachers from the past—whom I’ve let go of due to no longer resonating with their general messages—like Neale Donald Walsch, Joel Osteen, Eckhart Tolle, brief time exploring Bentino Massaro, angel numbers messages by Joanne Sacred Scribes, and others.
Even with the profound, spiritual teachings I highly respect and admire—like the Arcturian book by Dr Norma J Milanovich +, Pleiadian books from Barbara Marciniak, Bashar videos channeled via Daryl Anka, Teal Swan YouTube videos and one workshop, lonerwolf website and e-books, Abraham Hicks’ YouTube videos—I noticed that I don’t resonate with all of each teacher’s teachings.
I’ve chosen to always follow my inner guidance first and foremost, and see how the teachings feel. After all, everyone has their own filters (to include myself), so the pure messages from Source (Soul/Spirit within) can get diluted to whatever degree.
The following are some heartfelt posters related to this post, and were found next to links => 1) Pinterest 2) source labeled in poster 3) Pinterest 4) Pinterest:
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