I shared this message with the creator of this artwork: Thank you Glauco for sharing this creative and symbolic image that reminded me of: the unstoppable, merged Divine Love (pink/Divine Feminine/Moon/Goddess), Divine Wisdom (yellow/or gold/All Is Well) & Divine Power (blue/Divine Masculine/Higher Mind/God/Light), Divine Mother Goddess (Holy Spirit/white dove), Divine Child/Human (violet from integrated pink/heart + blue/mind), and the collapse of the fear-based old world (that no longer benefits the unified, love-based WHOLE/THE ONE), to include the splitting death of the outdated, one-sided, limiting, logical ego, lower mind in order to REBIRTH it into its higher, exalted state of Higher Mind. Granted, you may have had a different vision, but it’s completely fine, we each have our own, unique perceptions and perspectives, and they’re all valid. ^_^ I used it for post: [this one]
Image by Glauco Gianoglio from Pixabay
Upon waking up this morning, I recalled a couple of dreams that stood out vividly, which I strongly sensed was an invitation to explore if I FELT like it. So I decided to retrieve these precious gems of profound wisdom.
In one dream, I saw someone whom I don’t recall ever seeing before in dream state, though I’ve seen practically every immediate and extended family member who has passed away since I was born, and even before I was born.
Even though my Korean grandfather had passed before I was born, I one day dreamt of floating above him and observing him while he was walking around in a back in the day village.
Granted, before I was born, my youngest, Korean uncle had also passed away from carbon monoxide poisoning, having inhaled it while spending the night at his friend’s house; and I had never seen him in dream state as well (only saw one photo).ย
And the one I dreamt of, thought I only had a brief recollection of since childhood, was my oldest Korean aunt’s former husband.
I think he was an alcoholic since his face was often bright red the few times I did briefly see him, and he seemed very unhappy, and even angry at times.
I initially wondered why I had suddenly tuned into this mostly unknown family member, who passed away from cancer (if I recall correctly), like other, non-blood related male family members—that I’ve shared a blog post series about, including, “The Strange Increase of Death and Disease Showing Up: Five Uncles (Part 3 of 13).“
But then I received an insight from within, something that’s been happening often whenever I wonder about something (but don’t necessarily have to ask Spirit within).
So me taking a group shower (symbolic of cleansing on all levels) with an odd mix of unrelated relationships (symbolic of other aspects within WHOLE self/Self) from my past—this seemingly “negative” uncle, along with another old high school friend and her family who turned habitually manipulative and controlling (and other “negative” traits)—was symbolic of embracing, deeply healing, integrating, and transmuting more “negative” aspects into WHOLE self/Self.
I just noticed 12:12 on my laptop clock right after typing the above, which often reminds me of the energies of I AM: I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/Spiraling Consciousness/Star of David Frequency/MerKaBa/Integrated Mind & Heart/Balance & Harmony Within/and similar energies.ย
During our mystical journey—mystical as in direct experience with the Divine, and not through a 3rd party like a priest, pastor, guru, psychic, etc., though there’s nothing “wrong” with those experiences—we will more than likely experience various ways of integration of THE WHOLE/THE ONE.
And this may be at an individual Soul level, Earth ancestors level, Group Soul level, or even Galactic, Universal, Multiversal, and/or Omniversal levels, depending on what type of growth and evolution suits us best on our journeys (that are at our own pace).ย
Recently, I experienced INTENSE upset, anger, and then rage, after briefly tuning into (out of concern) an energetic channel—a habitually draining relationship that I had let go of the beginning of this month.
I’ve heard of transference of energies, but that was the second time in my entire life that I recall ever FEELING it so INTENSELY.
The first time—as I’ve already shared the details of the story within this blog—is when I held an envelope in my hand that contained a typed letter from an old family friend who acquired cancer and other following dis-eases from what I concluded stems from being overly left-brain centered/too logical, as shared in the post series mentioned above from the ongoing patterns showing up.
I have no doubt that the accelerated, higher frequency Cosmic energies of this Age is communicating to us gracefully, subtly, kindly, slowly, gradually, quickly, rapidly, and/or INTENSELY, “Are you ready to hop on Spirit’s Flowing River of Life of Many Possibilities, or do you prefer to sink with that HEAVY-ASS LOAD that you’ve been carrying for too long, that’s not even yours?”
Anyhoo, after going through a day of reacting—and kicking myself in the ass multiple times—I then chose to stop the blame game, the victim mentality, and do some inner work taught by Spirit within, other Soul Teachers, as well as Peter Sage, which was very helpful.
So I’m developing a stronger trust that working on inner world—to include integration of WHOLE self/Self via Shadow Work/Mirror Work mentioned below—is the ultimate solution, especially Unconditionally embracing ALL neutral aspects of self/others/interconnected Life.
In another dream I saw multiple bobby pins that I picked up, compared, and even tried to remember which ones were mine.ย
According to one particular dream interpretation that caught my EYE, by dreamencyclopedia.net—that resonates with me, FEELS light/true to my Heart— states in the intro, “to see a bobby pin in your dream suggests that you are evaluating a new idea, outlook or way …[of Being perhaps? Yes, I choose to go with that. I clicked on the link, but it went to some other page, so I didn’t feel like wasting my time with that since I can finish that sentence]
Recently, a Soul Teacher whom I highly respect and admire shared something that didn’t fully resonate with me, since despite this person’s many expanded perspectives, this is ironically a limited one—basically stating confidently (and almost arrogantly) that a certain Life’s happening is close to impossible.
And whenever I hear something like that, there’s this INTENSE energy within me—for physical world purposes, let’s label itย a fiery-passionate, rebel-like, free-spirited energy— and I think thoughts like, “Nah, I don’t care to exist in that limiting box. So no thank you.”
After all, our spiritual/metaphysical world (aka The Quantum Field of unlimited possibilities) shows us, especially via Divine synchronicity—that can appear like seemingly magical and miraculous patterns of coincidence-like happenings—and The Double Slit Experiments (of Quantum Physics) that our realities are waves of information (aka Light/God Frequency) within the, once again, Quantum Field of unlimited possibilities (aka Love/Goddess Frequency).
So it makes sense why a rapidly increasing number of people within humanity have been:
- further opening our minds and hearts
- becoming more and more AWARE/CONSCIOUS (of inner and outer worlds)
- expanding our individual and Collective Consciousness
- especially after experiencing the 11:11 Phenonmenon (aka Wake Up Call of the Soul & Spirit within)
- re-membering more of our full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves, to include human and/or E.T.)/Self (Source: Soul & Spirit within/merged version of Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine Energies).
And this phase is usually followed by re-membering many earthly and otherworldly dreams—to include parallel realities and alternate realties within our world, Galaxy, Universe, Multiverse, and perhaps even Omniverse—depending on what level of state of Consciousness/vibrational frequency we are radiating from, and tuned into from a state of integrated Mind/Heart (Higher Mind following Heart) or merged Heart/Mind (Heart leading Higher Mind).
We may also simultaneously experience various forms and non-forms of Divine Synchronicity (revealing our inner and outer world connections), to include number synchronicity, to include noticing (daily) number sequences: 11-99, 111-999, 1111-9999, palindrome numbers—like 12:21 (like yesterday’s Winter Solstice, first day of winter, and where it’s highly beneficial to further release what no longer benefits us, and to welcome the NEW)—and even mixed number messages (aka other angel numbers/activation codes/truth codes/etc.)
At another phase, or again, even simultaneously, we may even become strongly drawn to profound inner, mystical work such as Shamanism, Inner-Child Work, Shadow Work, and Mirror Work (an expanded perspective of Shadow Work that’s gracefully taught by Gregg Braden).ย
So with all these Galactic and Universal puzzle pieces coming together, I realized this morning, more than ever before, that we truly can create NEW inner and outer world realities that we would love to experience, rather than continue to be STUCK within the societal, mostly fear-based, non-beneficial, and limiting conditionings of our outdated past.
We are in an integrated Heart/Mind state—Unity Consciousness to include Prosperity Consciousness (abundance/riches/wealth within)/Expanded Vibrational Frequency (NOT just “high” vibrations that are exclusive, but INclusive of ALL)/FEELING state—when we habitually FEEL and RADIATE out the vibrations of Unconditional Love (for self/others/interconnected Life within this world and beyond), profound wisdom, inner peace, inner freedom, gratitude (even for the seeming small, mundane, and trivial things), deep appreciation (for self/Life), trust/faith (in self/Self/Life), flow (by following Heart/Cosmic River of Life), experiencing every stepping stone of Soul success, JOY (especially humor), creativity, authenticity: embracing neutral emotions (inner compass revealing our authentic states at any given moment) and feelings (Language of the Soul via the merged Heart and Mind) without judgment, and like energies.
And from this True Self state, we ARE in alignment with the spiritual/metaphysical/quantum worlds of unlimited possibilities; hence, many more doors of opportunities open up (that once seemed illogical, improbable and impossible), and are available for us to fully, freely, and FUNly (I think I made that word) explore, experience, enJOY, learn from, grow from, share, contribute, and evolve on all energetic levels (individually and Collectively)—mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
So let’s not ever allow ANYONE to convince us that something is not likely (especially an AMAZING Life).
Recently, I’ve been noticing and recording (since we can forget) in my “Magic Moments” list (suggested by Peter Sage), to keep track of all the seemingly magical and miraculous happenings showing up in my Life, as various forms and non-forms of unexpected and uplifting abundance.
And I trust that as I continue to dedicate myself to highly beneficial, inner world transformations—while Being and doing my best to also contribute to my current, physical reality—my outer world will eventually, and even quickly mirror to me these wonderful changes.
Like I’ve shared plenty of times within this blog, I love learning from many earthly and otherworldly Soul Teachers; however COMMA I always prefer to follow my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/inner-wisdom/insights/ideas/gut feeling/true feelings/and similar energies FIRST AND FOREMOST; hence, taking onboard whatever FEELS light/true to my Heart, and disregarding the rest.
I shared the following comment for the highly creative and interesting video, “Red Pill or Blue Pill? The Science & Philosophy of the Matrix“:
THANK YOU SO MUCH Dr. Bruce for Being a Creative Genius of Expanding Consciousness—to include the WAKE UP CALL 11:11/activation code/initiation for the individual & The Collective–and generously sharing this unconditionally loving, profoundly wise, immensely powerful, and eloquent message of merged Divine Love, Divine Wisdom 777 & Divine Power, especially about the importance of self-love. Because we cannot truly, fully, and unconditionally give to others from an empty or barely-filled cup; however, whenever we fill or refill our inner cup/Heart, it effortlessly overflows to interconnected Life within this world and way beyond.
Humanity has been conditioned for too long—especially by limiting religions and other rigid, mostly left-brain centered, fear-based belief systems—to only GIVE GIVE GIVE to others, while neglecting the self; hence, why there have been so many people running around (especially religious people)—like chickens with their heads cut off, or blind mice leading other blind mice-desperately trying to change, fix, heal, manipulate, and control others.
But like you mentioned, each and every one of us are the ones most needing of major transformations within 555, to reconnect and integrate our Soul (Divine Masculine Light Frequency) and Spirit (Divine Feminine Love Frequency) within—on all energetic levels: mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually—the way Carl Jung have taught about regarding profound Shadow Work, and that your friend, Gregg Braden (another Master Teacher & Master Healer like yourself) gracefully teaches about the expanded perspective of Shadow Work/Mirror Work via The 7 Essene Mirrors (ancient Ascended Masters 333 like Jesus 555 and Mary M./Female Christ/666, Twin Flames 8 were Essenes/like Nazarenes/222).
This doesn’t mean that we stop loving others, and only love ourselves, but re-membering that Unconditional Love 444 is a Cosmic Dance (ebb and flow) meant to be abundantly shared with self/others/interconnected Life within this world and beyond. Like the Arcturians have taught, we are ONE Cosmic Heart/Goddess (that includes the Higher Mind/God).
I deeply appreciate you (and like others) for Being the Trailblazers, True Leaders, and Living Wisdom, leading by example and revealing to us all ways to LET GO of what no longer benefits us & NEW way of Life 111, a NEW way of Being via integrated Heart/Mind 1212 and a NEW way of sharing Divine gifts with one another 888 within the unlimited/0/Zero, amazing possibilities of The Quantum Field—aka Cosmic Heart & Womb/The Great Void/The Unknown/The Most Ancient One/The Forgotten One/The Return/Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Very Holy Spirit 999/Monad/The Divine Mother Goddess 13/I AM: I (God) AM (Goddess)/Alpha & Omega/Many Names/The Nameless/Infinity.
Arigato: Master Teachers, Master Healers, Master of Frequencies, Master Alchemist & Master Builders
The following are Master Teachers, Master Healers, Masters of Frequencies, Masters Alchemists, and/or Master Builders that I’ve crossed paths with online, via books, and/or in person, and that I deeply appreciate for their precious existence, and their own, unique ways of contributing to the expansion of our individual and Collective Consciousness:
- Jesus/God/& Holy Spirit/Goddess: I AM Presence: I (God) AM (Goddess Presence) within
- Neale Donald Walsch (I appreciated his books)
- I trust that he is a Master, though he apparently still doesn’t fully embrace his Master within, or his ego is STILL trying too hard to appear humble in front of society since that’s what “righteous” and “good” people do. According to a podcast interview he did in Feb 2021 (that I only listened to for the first 5 min)—with the owner of a “spiritual” company that I worked at for a brief time while living in Sedona—he disavowed Being a Master, though he chose to be on this podcast, “Meeting The Masters”; and we cannot Be NOW, THAT which we reject or don’t acknowledge from within.
- A True Master doesn’t chase perfection, a True Master/Highly Evolved Soul/Spirit within–from many earthly and otherworldly lifetimes of gaining profound wisdom/experiential knowledge—just IS (even from birth). Therefore, even an innocent child on a chosen, narrow path can be honored as The Holy One.
- Animal Spirit Guides/Animal Totems/Power Animals
- Earth Ancestors
- Galactic & Universal Soul Families
- Arcturians
- Pleiadians
- Sirians
- Andromedans
- Bashar (channeled vis Darryl Anka)
- Annunaki
- Lyrians
- Orions
- etc.
- Angelic Realm
- Ascended Masters
- Abraham-Hicks (channeled via Ester Hicks)
- Joanne W. (website ANGEL NUMBERS ~ Joanne Sacred Scribes)
- Teal Swan
- Victor Oddo
- Gregg Braden
- Bruce Lipton
- Sohanna aka Laurel Lyons from Sedona (Reiki Healer working with Arcturian energies: amazing first Reiki experience)
- Sadhguru
- Jamye Price
- Lee Harris
- Artie Wu
- Anahata from Sedona (Shamangelic Healing: mind-blowing first breathwork experience)
- Master Healer Tison from Mt. Shasta (Ron’s wife below)
- Peter Sage
- A recent related post. “An Invitation to Experience the Ultimate Version of Unconditional True Love“
- that’s all I recall at the moment, but I have no doubt there are more, and even more awakening to their full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self
First Master Alchemist I’ve knowingly crossed paths with this autumn
Arigato Dr. Swaha Ron Holman from Mt. Shasta
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