I shared this comment for => Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay: Thank you Gordon for sharing this colorful, vibrant, and BOLD artwork that instantly grabbed my attention, since it reminded me of The Rainbow Bridge symbolism within us (and outside of us) that connects the material and spiritual worlds as merged ONE. I used if for post: [this one]
If you’ve been drawn to this reading, there’s a high probability that you’re a very curious CAT Being, and/or you have intuitively sensed that you’re going through a very unusual, unexplainable, perhaps bizarre, and even CRAzy, but yet, a super mysterious and intriguing path.
Perhaps you FEEL that you may be a so-called Lightworker, Darkworker, Starseed from whatever star system(s), Indigo Adult, Blue Ray, Worker of ONEness, and the earthly labels go on.
Now we can complicate things by overanalyzing the details—comparing: who has the bigger star system, or who’s more gifted, intelligent, attractive, psychic, spiritually evolved, mature, or other ways of being “better than another”—OR we can lighten the HEAVY LOAD, and make our individual and Collective lives an easier…smoother…more enJOYable ride.
The more AWAKE Souls (regardless of what names) come together, the more of a beneficial IMPACT we can make for all of us currently residing on, in, and around planet Earth.
Regardless of what earthly labels we most resonate with, I trust that what matters most is to ask ourselves one or more of these super important, very effective, and highly beneficial questions that can help self/others/interconnected Life within this world and beyond, like:
- “Do I prefer to be habitually miserable, or do I prefer to enJOY more of Life?”
- “Do I prefer complicated or simplified?”
- “Do I prefer to carry a HEAVY [energetic] LOAD on my back, or a much lighter load, or even nothing at all?”
- “Do I prefer to FEEL disempowered (due to being stuck in victim mentality state), or do I prefer to FEEL Empowered (due to reigniting my inner power that I intend to use wisely, rather than misuse or abuse it)?”
- “Do I want to be a prisoner within my own mind, or do I prefer to Be Free (true freedom from within, and then without)?”
- “Do I choose to habitually live in a state of fear or in a state of love (or a healthy combo package of both, but leaning more toward the latter)?”
- “Do I prefer living a poor lifestyle, or do I prefer living an abundant, rich, or even wealthy lifestyle (where I can wisely use neutral tools like money, to highly benefit self/interconnected Life, rather than misuse or abuse it)?”
- “Do I prefer only looking out for self, do I prefer mostly looking out for others, OR do I prefer a healthy and harmonious combination of both?”
- “Do I prefer to only be follower, do I prefer to be a True Leader, or perhaps a harmonious combo of both (since we can be both student and teacher to one another)?”
- “Through my beingness/Beingness, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, feelings, words, behavior, and actions, am I further separating (via separation consciousness) or uniting (via Unity Consciousness) self/others/interconnected Life within this world and way beyond?”
- And you can think of other questions that may be helpful, and even share within the comment section if you’d like, and/or start your own forum of helpful discussions
On a daily basis, I like to start my mornings by following my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/insights/ideas/gut feeling/fiery creative passion/breadcrumbs of excitement/inner-wisdom (from personal experiences within this and other earthly and otherworldly lifetimes) while exploring the unknown.
It’s still a growing habit that I intend to further strengthen, that I’ve gradually developed for a little over a decade (with many falls along the way)—but intend to Master it in Divine perfect timing and order—and I’ve observed and noticed patterns that stemmed from this way of Being (in alignment with Sacred Self within) and flowing with the Cosmic River of Life.
And that is, various forms of positive synchronicity will show themselves—proof of alignment with Soul/Spirit within via outer world mirroring inner world—and offer assistance with whatever phase(s) of our journey:
- 11:11 Phenomenon, other number sequences within number synchronicity (like double #s 11-99, triple #s 111-999, quadruple #s 2222-9999, palindrome #s like 1221, and then mixed #s); and these numbers showing up on various types of clocks, signs, symbols, license plates, building, billboards, certain movies, certain TV shows, etc.
- Ascension symptoms (then accelerated ascension symptoms)
- Various psychic abilities/ESP: within inner and outer worlds, though abilities like psychokinesis, levitation, flight, remote viewing, bi-location, animal telepathy, dodging bullets, scanning eyes, etc. may manifest in dream state first, before later showing up in physical reality
- earthly and otherworldly dream state messages (to include parallel realties and alternate realities, and even cartoon world)
- Message(s) from: Animal Spirit Guides, Animal Totems, Power Animals (showing up in outer physical reality and/or inner dream world)
- Message(s) from: Galactic and Universal Soul Families
- Message(s) from: Books, blog posts, website articles, magazines, certain TV shows, certain movies, people (to include so-called strangers), conversations, online interactions, artwork, song lyrics, non-humans, Light Beings (within dream state and/or in physical reality), UFO’s. USO’s, etc.
- That’s all I can think of at this moment, though I’ve shared many of experiences within this blog
However COMMA there also exists negative synchronicity—that seems to repeatedly SHOUT at us with NEON BLINKING and BLINDING LIGHTS that we’re NOT in alignment with our Sacred Self (our @$$e$ are basically LOST within the HEAVY SAUCE OF fear-based energy)—where it can FEEL like having walked into The Twilight Zone that can contain an OVERWHELM of unbelievable, major pain in the @$$, extremely negative, CRAzy@$$ (and not in a FUN way), hell on earth-like experiences (this is just an extreme example, but it doesn’t have to get to this state; we can simply choose to BOUNCE BACK by expanding our perspective, changing our thoughts to positive ones, which will then positively affect our emotions).
This state can show up in dreams as well; it’s not always bright sunshine, colorful rainbows and beautiful butterflies. But re-member, we connect with our inner power when we expand perspective to a Multidimensional one, and SEE (with CLARITY) the BIGGER picture; hence, what was once maybe scary as hell, gets transmuted into a higher, exalted, and much lighter version of that seemingly INTENSE energy. A recent post includes example stories that I’ll share later.
I’m pretty sure I learned the hard way—more than half of my adult life, but you don’t have to—that habitually ignoring our inner, love-based nudges, that may start off very subtle, we may end up taking a much more challenging path to the same destination of Life.
But why tirelessly climb many high, snowy, cold-@$$ mountains, and swim upstream within many raging rivers, when a healthy and balanced amount of challenges is suffice (i.e., a more effortless way, where we can enJOY much of our life’s journey as well, while time seems to fly by?)
In order to strengthen this innate ability that we all have available to us, we need to practice noticing, recognizing, acknowledging, and honoring this inner compass that points us to the more beneficial path; otherwise, it can seem as though we can no longer connect with it.
I was recently drawn to videos that channel messages from the highly evolved Beings of Sirius—to whatever degree/how clear the channel was at the time—which reminded me of a message from the Pleiadians about various star systems within our Galactic and Universal Soul Families contacting us at different junctures of our transformational journey, which I highly resonate with (FELT light/true to my Heart).
And sure enough, ever since I read that message—just one within an abundance of uplifting and empowering information (Light), knowledge, and profound wisdom shared—I had many amazing, earthly and otherworldly experiences that blew away my logical mind, to include receiving assistance from otherworldly, Soul Family members in addition to the Pleiadians (Arcturians, Andromedans, Sassani/like Bashar channeled via Darryl Anka, Sirians, Lyrians, etc.).
The following is a comment I shared for the video, “Huge Timeline Split & Revelations are coming! Important Message from SIRIUS“:
Thank you for sharing some helpful information within this video. Granted, I’m reminded that there are Lightworkers, Darkworkers, and The Workers of ONEness, the latter of which unites rather than separates, unconditionally embraces, transmutes, and integrates into the full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (physical selves: to include humans)/Self (Source: Soul & Spirit within) ALL NEUTRAL aspects. Light & Dark are simply 2 sides to the SAME Cosmic Coin—just like Fire & Water, Sun & Moon, Yang & Yin, God & Goddess, and Higher Mind & Higher Heart.
The duality of light VS dark, is still part of separation consciousness (“me” vs “you” and “us” vs “them), whereas the polarity of MERGED Light & Dark are part of Unity Consciousness (that INcludes, NOT EXcludes separation consciousness).
It’s just as the lowest vibration of the color red (like the lowest vibration of fear energy) through the highest vibration of the color violet (like the highest vibration of pure compassion), and everything in-between, are all NEUTRAL parts/aspects of the entire spectrums of Light and Unconditional Love Frequencies.
Together, merged Light & Love is the Star of David/Spiraling Consciousness (that creates Galaxies +), MerKaBa, Lightbody, and I AM Presence/I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence.
We cannot fully, truly and effectively bring The Light into the so-called darkness, if we’ve barely scratched the surface of what “darkness”/unknown even IS.
For instance, one can read many volumes of romance books, watch hundreds of romcoms, and even hear from others’ personal experiences of what love is; however COMMA until one has actually experienced falling in love, and being in love, one will never truly KNOW (via experiential knowledge/wisdom) the intensity of what it FEELS like.
Earthly and E.T. beings of lower consciousness (not Highly Evolved Beings) have been playing the Cosmic Blame Game for way too long; granted, many Life lessons have been learned, and wisdom have been gained; but it’s time to reunite the so-called opposites, it’s TIME to end the ongoing conflicts, battles and wars from within (first and foremost).
And that doesn’t happen by running away from our deepest fears, avoiding the so-called darkness like the plague; but rather, facing them with much inner-strength, courage, trust in self/Self/a supportive Universe, BOLD confidence, determination, persistence, and resilience.
EVERYTHING—even the “negative”/”dark” contrasts within polarity/duality that we’ve all been conditioned to believe are “unacceptable” “unapprovable” “unlikable” and “unlovable” by fear-based societies—has a Divine Purpose that’s ultimately meant to highly benefit the interconnected WHOLE/THE ONE.
Without darkness, there would be no Light, without cold, we would not know what hot is, since CONTRASTS are a Divine gift (blessings in disguise), that give us the opportunity to COMPARE. Many of you have heard that the seemingly countless bright stars within the pitch dark night sky would not SHINE so BRIGHT without the background that provides contrast.
The same goes for Unconditional/True Love, which is meant for the self as well, and not just the society-conditioned, individual and Collective belief of mainly GIVING GIVING GIVING to others, while often neglecting the self/Self; hence, why there’s been billions of humans running around throughout history—like chickens with their heads cut off/the BLIND leading the BLIND—trying to fix, manipulate, control, “help”, heal, save/rescue others, when THEY’RE the ones who need the most help, deep healing, and transformation.
We cannot fully, truly, and UNconditionally give to others from an empty or barely-filled, inner cup/heart (it will only be conditional giving for ulterior reasons, to fill a huge VOID within).
However, whenever we reunite, reconnect, and realign with our sacred Heart space within, we can then refill this inner cup/heart, and this true love will effortlessly overflow to interconnected Life within this world and way beyond.
Granted, Unconditional self-love includes developing and maintaining healthy boundaries, as well as having self-awareness, self-understanding, self-compassion, self-forgiveness, self-encouragement, self-empowerment, self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence, etc.
Whatever we judge in others, we judge in ourselves, and vice versa, because from an expanded, Multidimensional perspective—where we can SEE (with CLARITY) the BIGGER earthly and otherworldly picture—there is NO “other”; it’s just me/you/we/us/ONE Cosmic Heart/Spirit within All That Is.
As you’ve probably heard before, there exists light within the darkest of spaces (and I’ve experienced this enough times), and there is even darkness (unawareness) within light spaces (i.e., the times when our society-conditioned and deeply ingrained, individual and Collective Egos think and believe that we’re ONLY right, good, and even pure hearted, and NEVER wrong, bad, and heaven forbid evil, which is a MEGA LOAD of doo doo at its finest).
Or what about the commonly used statement, “Oh, I could NEVER be (or do) ______ (e.g., an @$$hole, a b!+ch, a stripper, an addict, a thief, etc., especially the so-called worst of all aspects)”?
Perhaps, but there can so many factors that contribute to WHY someone is being who they are, saying what they say, doing what they do, behaving how they behave, etc.; and until we’ve walked MANY (not one or a few) miles in another’s shoes, we will not KNOW what it’s truly like to be them.
Light that looks down upon darkness is just as LOST as darkness that looks down upon Light. The goal is harmonious teamwork.
There are many even within the very broad Spirituality Community (various groups) that still teach to get rid of, or even kill, the individual and Collective Ego, which ironically is judgment nonetheless, as well as the Ego’s Blame Game, murder, and part of separation consciousness. I invite you to PONDER that for moment, to sense whether or not this resonate with you (FEELS light/true to your Heart).
Any time we make an enemy out of a natural part of our existence (like our ego/Ego/lower mind)—just like one of our eyes, ears, arms, legs, lungs, etc., you get the point—we remain the ultimate enemy to ourselves, and the inner conflicts, battles, and wars will be never-ending; and we will then continue to wonder why out outer world keeps mirroring to us much chaos (stemming from chaotic, inner world).
Even the energy of fear has great value to a certain degree, though it’s not beneficial to allow fear energy to take over the whole ship (WHOLE self/Self) in an inexperienced and out of control manner, causing us to become LOST within its tight grip.
A healthy degree of fear (to include caution) prevents us from curiously climbing over a high fence to see what the huge tigers (in an animal sanctuary) are up to, jumping off a cliff without any flight experience, flight gear and/or magical wings, or publicly sharing our checking account information with everyone and their mamas and grandmamas. [
[Side Note: UPDATE added 11/22/21 for the paragraph right above => CORRECTION: Wow, while reading chapter 3 within the intriguing book (so far, part of an assignment within Peter’s EMT program, that includes EMF), The Inside Track: An Inspirational Guide To Conquering Adversity by Peter Sage, I learned that INTELLIGENCE (rather than FEAR) is what reminds us NOT to do potentially danger things, like crossing the street without looking. And this reminded me of how little children are. For instance, a toddler—who hasn’t been society-conditioned to fear many things, and who hasn’t learned yet of the dangers of crossing a super busy street—may excitedly run across one (no fear and no learned intelligence about traffic). However, older humans who have learned more about how to be safe in a physical world, can use their intelligence to NOT do potentially dangerous things; so it’s not their fear that helps them. Amazing. I’m going to add this update to this video comment. For whatever reason—that I choose to trust was meant to be—I wasn’t able to update this video comment; however, the creator shared a gratitude message. Another UPDATE: Right after sharing the above insight, I received another one while on the toilet. Fear CAN play a beneficial role to (again) a certain degree. For instance, for someone who has suicidal thoughts (something I’ve experienced before)—but yet, has an extreme fear of heights (that’s me too)—can intelligently realize with their logical minds that there’s a very high probability (practically a guarantee) that jumping off a super high cliff WILL cause instant death; however COMMA, the intense FEAR of doing the act itself can prevent this person (like me) from taking such drastic actions. I realized I can just add another update comment to this video, which I did, and shared today’s (11/22) update]
To simplify, our society-conditioned, deeply ingrained, individual and Collective Ego does the best it knows how–at its lower state of consciousness/forgetfulness—to help our human aspect of WHOLE self/Self to survive in a physical world and keep us safe, like a loving, protective and loyal dog that hasn’t had all the training, and learned all the tricks, and will probably bite the @$$ of a suspicious stranger, should it sense that you might be harmed.
If a student within a classroom doesn’t seem to be understanding difficult concepts while learning, does a wise teacher announce to the class that s/he intends to get rid of him, or put a cap in this student’s dumb@$$, who’s part of the WHOLE class? Of course not.
But can the teacher effectively lead by example, SHOW the student what Light & Love IS, and further teach and guide the student, until the student blooms his or her full-potential self/Self? Of course.
So it’s about giving the student (ego/Ego) a chance to follow the teacher’s (Spirit’s) Heart-centered guidance—aka Spirit (the healed, awakened, mature and wise version of the female energy, The Divine Feminine energy/Higher Heart/Unconditional Love Frequency/Yin/Moon/Goddess essence) embracing, deeply healing, and integrating the ego/Ego into its higher, exalted state (the healed, awakened, mature and wise version of the male energy, The Divine Masculine energy/Higher Mind/Light Frequency/Yang/Sun/God essence).
Like the Ancient Ascended Masters of this world (to include Jesus, Mary, Buddha, Mahammad, etc.) have basically taught, we can be in this world, but not be lost within it. We can SEE, with crystal clarity, the fear-based ILLUSIONS.
We can Be the Light that radiates, deeply understands, encourages, shares genuine compliments, uplifts, guides, shows (via actions that speaks volumes), teaches, and like energies, as well as Be the Love that generously shares embrace, compassion, empathy, warmth, BEAR HUGS, kisses, freedom, creativity, empowerment, inspiration, and like energies.
And together, these merged and immensely POWERFUL Cosmic Forces within us and around us will be UNSTOPPABLE, expanding our individual and Collective Consciousness in amazing ways that’s never been accomplished before, for ALL to Be a Witness of the Probabilities and Possibilities as worlds within our Galaxy, Universe, and beyond continue to reunite, like a Cosmic Soul Family Gathering.
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Related Post from Another Blog
The following is the key summary within this helpful reading, “Darkworkers, Lightworkers, and Levels of Consciousness” that relates to this post (I find it beneficial to explore various perspectives that can serve as earthly and otherworldly puzzle pieces to the Cosmic Puzzle):
Ultimately these two paths lead to the same place. The lower the level of consciousness, the more distinct they seem. As you go up in levels, the dividing line becomes blurrier, and the actions of lightworkers and darkworkers become increasingly similar. This is because ultimately service to self and service to others become the same thing once you reach the level of awareness to recognize it.
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