First and foremost, I’m very grateful towards the truly authentic, profoundly wise, and unconditionally loving spiritual teachers within this world who have generously shared much Light and Love with humanity and beyond; and I will forever treasure them in my heart.
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For the rest, I say thank you for teaching me who not to be and what not to do.
One too many conflicting teachings which creates confusion rather than clarity……
One too many red flags within verbal and nonverbal expressions—truths mixed with lies which prevents the building of trust…
One too many claims of purging the ego, getting rid of the ego, or even destroying the ego, when they have the biggest of egos (i.e., acting as if they have no ego)….
One too many over-rated “spiritual” celebrities who go around preaching fear-based teachings, like:
- “Kill the ego!”
- “It’s not about you; just GIVE GIVE GIVE to others” (the way the church teaches; however, unconditional love goes both ways, to self and interconnected others)
- “Don’t express your authentic emotions in public in order to appear as a feeling-less, enlightened Master.” (I have no doubt that true Masters fully embrace the whole rainbow spectrum of invaluable emotions and feelings, though they don’t misuse or abuse them)
- “Those who commit suicide are selfish”
- See most recent update at bottom of related post, “Insights About Suicide, Earthly Labels, Fierce Competition, a Left-Brain Centered World and Major Changes“
- “The Me-Too Movement is only about victim mentality”
- See related post, “Outer Angels and Demons Reflecting All the Inner Ones” (further insights from rape and other Army-related stories)
- “Being your true self is about betraying those who are physically different from you, though they raised and loved you unconditionally” (i.e., Tony Robbin’s BULL$h!+ lion story).
- See related post, “A Comment and Different Ending to Tony Robbins’ Lion Story“
One too many spiritual teachers exaggerating their spiritual gifts, to include psychic abilities (a Divine gift to us all meant to be used wisely)…
One too many false or half-@$$ “psychics” taking advantage of others’ vulnerabilities by telling them half-truths or straight up lies about their past, present, and/or future (there are many probabilities to one’s past/present/future depending on one’s state of vibrational frequency/FEELING state)…
One too many claims of helping to deeply heal others, but yet, continuing to subtly instill more fear in them in order to keep them very dependent on them (e.g. persuading followers that they have some worldwide mental and/or emotional diseases that only they can cure).
One too many BULL$h!+ of being a channeler of a certain type of group or groups (E.T. Beings, Angelic Beings, Ascended Masters, etc.) in order to persuade their own filtered thoughts, beliefs, and feelings (though I have no doubt that there are those who are genuine, like Bashar channeled through Daryyl Anka)…
One too many ways of instilling fear in obvious or subtle ways, just like religions, and especially the church (e.g., “You have free will and you’ll do just fine so as long as you follow your soul’s inner guidance; but if you don’t cooperate with your Higher Self/Soul/Spirit/God/Goddess/Source, etc., you will be lost, you will struggle, you will suffer, you will continue to be poor, you will experience negative synchronicities, etc.
One too many rich teachers of spirituality and/or business success–who claim their sole intention is to help people, and/or expand humanity’s consciousness—are radiating more fear-based, manipulative, desperate feeling, very aggressive, salesmen-like vibes, doing their best to convince very vulnerable people to buy back to back to back courses and events that cost hundreds to thousands of dollars.
One too many facades within the business sector of Spirituality—Example: Some (but not all) business people within Sedona deceiving others with services related to the “mecca of spirituality” that are much shinier on the outside than on the inside.
An unconditionally loving and wise old man from Sedona shared with me that there’s not much left of the old school Sedona because it’s now more of corporate Sedona, which resonated with me due to my personal experiences. See section under, “Posts About Sedona,” within the About category page of this blog
Some rich spiritual teachers claim that they desire to help heal humanity, and expand their consciousness; but yet, they charge between hundreds to thousands of dollars for their classes, online courses, workshops, events, and retreats that many within humanity can’t afford.
Granted, charging more for big events and retreats are understandable since it takes a lot of resources and the paying of employees to make them happen.
And for those who can barely afford these services via credit cards, rather than helping these people to release their poverty consciousness, and tune into Prosperity Consciousness, these so-called spiritual teachers put these people into further debt by taking advantage of their vulnerabilities with empty promises.
I don’t know how many times I’d gain faith in this world, only to lose it again. After almost two decades of exploring the various aspects of the broad spirituality world, I’m now ready to let it go.
I don’t even think my own expressions within this blog—or via many comments (for other blogs, websites, videos, etc.), reviews, and other stuff I’ve shared in the past via social media (which I’ve discontinued after years of sharing)—is helping to contribute to the expansion of our collective consciousness.
So this is where I set myself free with no further cares, concerns, or worries. I’m going to simply trust that all is well in our lives as is at every moment. Take care All That Is.
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