Intro: I shared this message with the creator of this image on right => Thank you Stefan for sharing this creative artwork that instantly FELT matching with my post.
Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay
The powerful, full moon’s presence on top of the vanishing sun, reminded me of tonight’s powerful Full Moon, as well as the energy essence within the image of Goddess Kali standing on top of Her dead husband Shiva (symbolically revealing the GREATEST POWER of ALL interconnected Life as Creator & Destroyer, even more than Her other half/God, whom She also created).
[Added on 9/11/2022: Related UPDATE for the above paragraph within upcoming post, “Dream of Goddess SEKHmet & Connection to God Thoth at First Ayahuasca Ceremony”]
The moon, ocean, and the older female seems to represent the more ancient, experienced, and powerful Divine Mother Goddess—of many earthly names, but ultimately The Nameless—who created the original God, Her other half of the Cosmic Coin (represented by the sun and the younger and less mature male). I used it for post: [this one]
I shared the following message for video, “Get Ready for Major Shift! FULL MOON September 2022 | Urgent Message from SIRIUS,” that mentions old shadows coming out to be released, and to allow them to show themselves (I was reminded of a recent dream, plus, people whom I’ve decided to LET GO, since their presence in my life has felt habitually UNCOMFORTABLE, UNPLEASANT, HEAVY, and/or DRAINING):
Thank you Guardian of Orion for sharing this helpful message that reminds me to do my best to remain NEUTRAL as the old energies continue to show up to be released, and to wish them well with gratitude🙏 and unconditional love💗💓💕.
I’ve already started the process of letting go🦎🍂 of various types of unhealthy relationships that have habitually revealed red flags🚩, and that don’t FEEL comfortable🥱, DON’T feel light/true to my Heart, and often feel HEAVY🦖 and DRAINING🦟.
Granted, I’ve also been doing my best to balance releasing the old, outdated, and non-beneficial energies that no longer serve us with shadow work—embracing and integrating unknown/”dark”/shadow aspects, whether “negative” or “positive” (the latter as Golden Shadow aspects)—so that I no longer have the need to participate in our individual and Collective BLAME GAME, projecting onto so-called others society-conditioned, “unacceptable” accepts due to denial and not wanting to take responsibility for ALL NEUTRAL aspects of Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE🌗 self🌕/Self🌑.
This includes our habitual blaming of the individual and Collective Ego—the way this world’s religions have been BLAMING aspects like the Devil/Lucifer/Bringer of Light (i.e., the scapegoat/the black sheep) for all of humanity’s negativity and so-called flaws—when the ego merely does its best to help us to survive, and even thrive, in a physical world that can be immensely challenging at times.
It’s not the ego’s fault that it’s been deeply ingrained by this world’s mostly fear-based, male energy dominant society to develop many false beliefs.
So rather than “kill the ego” or “destroy the ego”—as some “spiritual” teachers like to preach, which is ironically and hypocritically extreme judgment, hatred, a form of energetic murder, that stems from fear energy—why not connect with our Hearts, and allow the more ancient, evolved, mature, and profoundly wise Goddess essence to IGNITE a Soul memory for the less experienced, less spiritually evolved, less mature, and less wise ego?
That way, this masculine energy can become it’s higher version of self, the exalted version of the more experienced, more evolved, more mature, and more wise Divine Masculine Energy/Soul/God essence.
May tonight’s very POWERFUL Full Moon energies help us to slowly, gradually, quickly and even rapidly re-member and become more WHOLE 🌚+🌕= 🌓⚖☯✡💖in Divine perfect timing and order.
And may it help us to gracefully EMBRACE🤗🫂 diversity within Unity, while allowing us to FLOW🌊 with the Cosmic🌌 River🏞 of Life🌳 to experience much needed CHANGES🍂🌱and MAJOR TRANSFORMATIONS🐍🐛🦋 on ALL energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual (and even financial, as INNER world Prosperity leading to OUTER world Prosperity, to include money💰💰 to be used in highly beneficial ways for self/others/interconnected🕸 Life within this world🌎🌏🌍, rather than be misused or abused).
Anyhoo, I recently had a bizarre😳and vivid dream that this video reminded me of today; and thanks to you, I was inspired to reflect upon it🤔, and I’m so grateful I did, since I was able to gain deeper insights😯.
In a nutshell, a right, male arm💪 (without a body 😅) reached under a door🚪 towards my feet🦶🦶.
But rather than being fearful😨 and hesitant, I immediately grabbed the arm, opened the door, and threw it down the narrow, dimly lit hallway towards the left side. I then noticed a large group of children of various ages—in front of me and to my right side—smiling😀and laughing😄 their asses off.
I continued to do a brief online search for dream meanings and interpretations for the keywords of this dream—to FEEL what resonates with me, and to only take onboard what FEELS light/true to my Heart, and discard the rest—and to integrate them with my own intuition💖 and inner-wisdom🐢🦉🐳
To avoid sharing a LONG-@$$ comment—something I’m currently working on so that I don’t go overboard😁—I will share the rest in a blog post.
Anyhoo, have a wonderful weekend enJOYing🥰 many PRESENT🌳 and pleasant🌹moments of NOW, and continue SHINING BRIGHT!🌅🐸
(virtual hug emoji) Ahaya Mulantis 🐮🐯
[Continuing below, but wasn’t included in the comment above]
Dream Interpretation
I trust that the right, male arm reaching out to my feet, is symbolic of the masculine energy within wanting to assist (symbolized by arm) me in moving forward (symbolized by feet).
I opened the door (of opportunity) to a hallway—a transition point within the dark/unknown/potential/Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities & Probabilities/Cosmic Womb of the Divine Mother Goddess/The Wave/etc.)—and threw the arm to the left (symbolic of fulfillment of my dream to integrate/merge/reunite the masculine and feminine energies within, where my ego can follow Spirit/mind can follow Heart/and the exalted higher version of God can be an Earth Adviser for Goddess within).
By connecting with and being in alignment my inner guidance/Higher Self (I AM Presence)—Divine Feminine essence/Heart/Spirit/Goddess/and other love-based energies merged with the Divine Masculine essence/Higher Mind/Soul/God/and other Light-based energies—I have the potential to experience many beneficial opportunities, and much happiness, inner world and then outer prosperity, and great news (symbolized by the smiling and laughing children).
UPDATE added same day:
The following is an excerpt from the reading, “September’s Full Moon Wants You To Dream Big,” related to tonight’s Full Moon, as well as one of themes within my dream (mentioned above) regarding…
MOVING FORWARD (i.e., BOLDLY facing our fears and THROWING them away)…
OPENING the DOORS of opportunity…
Tuning into The UNKNOWN/DARK “hallway”/space of unlimited possibilities and probabilities (within the Quantum Field)…
Intending to MERGE masculine energies with feminine energies/mind & heart/Soul & Spirit/etc…
And having an abundance of uplifting and invaluable Life experiences:
“As a mutable water sign, Pisces is a sign all about ideals, and not necessarily about actuality. It’s an energy that promotes envisioning what could be, regardless of what the current circumstances may look like. As the moon prepares to fill up with the sun’s productivity-oriented rays on Sept. 10, your dreams will be illuminated, prompting you to tap into your imagination, regardless of whether or not it makes sense.Since Jupiter — the planet of wisdom, growth, and expansion — rules this full moon and is currently retrograde in Aries, it may be somewhat challenging to move forward with any major plans (especially since Mercury’s stationing retrograde the day before), but this full moon is less about taking action and more about giving your mind the space to think outside the box. Consider what’s possible when you don’t limit yourself […]”
Online Dream Interpretations of Key Words
Right Arm :
What does a right arm signify in a dream?
Okay, the biblical meaning of the right arm according to many ancient texts and meanings indicates that it is a association of the masculine side of life.
Even though the arm appeared in a dream it can signify a male in your life. This could be your son, father, or a male friend alternatively your boss! It can suggest that you need to place more care and attention in the relationship that you have with them. :
The right arm signifies your outgoing nature and associates with masculine energy. -Left arm signifies your supportive or nurturing nature and …
Door :
An open door signifies entering a new stage in your life with new opportunities. You are a person that is receptive and willing to accept new ideas and change. A closed or locked door suggests something or someone is blocking you and your progress, or perhaps a project or phase in your life has ended.
Hallway :
The different rooms will represent different aspects and the hall is the transitional space that joins them. When we dream of being in a hallway, we are opening to opportunities, exploring potential and the idea of making a change. :
Hallways often symbolize the unconscious passageways through which people travel to either life or death. They also represent a new level of consciousness or a new experience, as well as a journey into the unknown. (See also Corridor). :
To dream of a hallway represents a transition, change in the way you think, or change in the circumstances of your life as you progress to the next stage.
Throw :
If in a dream you throw something, it foretells the fulfillment of your dreams. It is necessary to recall what the object you throw was, for the better interpretation.
Children :
If you see a group of children in your dream, it has a completely different interpretation than seeing only one child in your dream.
A group of children indicates happiness, playfulness, cheerfulness, celebration, love, temptations, self-discovery, curiosity and even contentment. :
A dream about children is often a sign of new opportunities on the horizon. In addition, such dreams indicate growth and development. Having dreams about children is usually a positive sign of moving forward in life, creating new relationships, and discovering new opportunities at work. :
Smiling child in dream signifies a solid foundation of fortune. You are taking the higher road in some situation. :
Dream of a child laughing
When you see a child who laughs, this signifies prosperity and good news arrival in your life. Nothing is more enjoyable than hearing the laughter of a child to ward off sadness.
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