Intro: I did a quick search for “foundation of youth” images within Pixabay, for this blog page, and was drawn to the above, the first time I saw a squirrel drink water, which is so adorable.
I also checked out some online interpretations of the Squirrel Spirit Guide/Animal Totem/Power Animal that felt light to my Heart, and below are just some examples (the 4th poster’s mention of the TRICKSTERย instantly reminded me of one of God Thoth’s or Goddess Inanna’s aspects):
Shared the following message for video, “The Spiritual Meaning of Why You Look Younger Than Your Age..! JACOB GRINBERG“:
Thank you for sharing a helpful message. You’ve often mentioned the viewers to share throughout this video, and I usually do, but will follow my own inner guidance/intuition and keep it briefer than usual, since I don’t feel like typing too much.
Perhaps this can be helpful for this theme:
Throughout the past few decades of my adult life, I’ve been increasingly told by family members, then former high school friends and/or classmates, joint military coworkers, civilian coworkers, neighbors, acquaintances, customers, and even many strangers how young I look for my age.
When my family members started sharing this feedback, I didn’t think much of it (just thought they were trying to make me feel good about myself).
But as more and more people started saying similar phrases decade after decade, especially,
“She looks the same” (the most common one, which I initially didn’t take as a compliment)
“This is unbelievable, why does she still have a baby face?”
“Why isn’t she aging,?”
and “Who ARE you?” I started paying close attention.
Many have informed me that I look at least 2-3 decades younger than my age (like my bio parents have been told, so genetics can be a factor as well); and some have even said that I look like a tween or teenager.
Plus, I’ve been around 4’9″ since junior high school, so that can be a factor as well. So as I explored Self/self, I noticed a PATTERN throughout the years.
As soon as I step out of the shower, I appear the most youthful, even looking as if I’m in junior high school again.
I strongly sensed this was due to WATER being very HEALING and REJUVENATING.
On the flip side, I’ve also noticed that when I’m feeling the most down, I look older, and sometimes even much older than my age.
So I trust that I appear different as my VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY FLUCTUATES.
Granted, if I recall correctly, you stated that appearing young only stems from positive, high vibrational frequencies;
but most of my life has included many earthly traumas and extreme challenges,
and I more than likely radiated much more negative energies via society-conditioned, fear-based thoughts, beliefs, emotions, behaviors, habits, etc.
(even during this phase of my life, another Dark Night of the Soul).
Plus, this past 13+ years of deep, inner work, has included many otherworldly challenges as well, recalled from numerous past/present/future lives of parallel or alternate realities/worlds/Universes/Multiverse/Omniverse,
that I realized recently stemmed from Being an ancient Spirit/Monad/Over-Soul recalling many Soul memories.
I completed a book last month that provided many additional, outer world confirmations of what I’ve experienced throughout my life,
to include a vivid dream I had over a decade ago about some tween boy—from what appeared to be from back in the day—approaching me and shouting, “MONAD!!”
Upon waking up, I wondered what Spirit was communicating to me, and later did some searches, though I wasn’t able to find information the deeply moved me.
Then I forgot about it, and moved on; and sure enough, I tuned into what I needed to know last month or so, in Divine perfect timing and order.
But despite these many “negative” earthly and otherworldly experiences, I’ve BOUNCED BACK MANY TIMES, and have also experienced Being the Light, Unconditional Love (for Self/self/others/Life),
deep compassion, empathy, inner peace, Full Presence (see last sentence of this comment below)
child-like curiosity, JOY, humor, creativity, profound wisdom, gratitude, deep appreciation, freedom, etc.
I realized that Being Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Self/self includes embracing our “imperfectly” perfect human self that comes with the rainbow spectrum of ALL aspects within
physical worlds’ “OPPOSITES/CONTRASTS/DUALITY/POLARITY (especially our AUTHENTIC emotions/inner compass, letting us know EXACTLY how we TRULY feel at any given moment).
So it’s NOT about allowing negative thoughts, beliefs, and emotions to take over the whole ship (WHOLE Self/self) in out of control ways (which happens when we SUPRESS THEM),
but embracing them, expressing them in transparently honest and healthy ways, integrating them (by seeing the beneficial and/or exalted versions of these “unacceptable” aspects,
since EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE has a Divine Purpose), and transforming what no longer serves Self/self/others/Mother Earth & Nature/rest of interconnected Life of many worlds.
Plus, like many within humanity, I, too, have experimented with various facial care products (best brand so far has been Peach & Lily eye cream, firming moisturizer, and facial cleanser), methods (like LED mask),
and even certain frowned upon procedures (basically a “mommy makeover”) as I became older, that probably wasn’t needed, but I felt deeply grateful for the experiences (experiential knowledge/wisdom),
since I had several related, otherworldly experiences during these times, that helped to further EXPAND my individual and Collective Consciousness (to include experiencing my Consciousness being in my heart
center, NOT in the brain area as often believed, and also witnessing a 5’3″ or so Light Being for the first time in this particular physical reality, though I’ve dreamt of peacefully traveling with a group over aย decade ago).
I realized that ultimately, it’s our CORE VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY, that can naturally fluctuate, but like the Arcturians have channeled in the book, We, The Arcturians, we will always bounce back to our CORE essence.
They are one of various star systems whom I trust are part of Universal/Multiverse/Omniverse, Star Soul Families.
I’ve been drinking A LOT of water—which the Pleaidians have shared this would happen (within books I read a decade ago or so, channeled by Barbara Marciniak)—especially the past 13 years, though I didn’t drink much water during my younger years.
I have noticed that living an overall healthy lifestyle helps me to look younger as I get much older (though teens – 30’s I probably ate mostly unhealthy),
to include incorporating healthy foods (like fresh fruits and vegetables) while having treat days where I eat whatever I feel like, exercising and/or dancing (which I’ve taken a break from for a while),
taking beneficial supplements like organic turmeric (that can otherwise stain), priobiotic + probiotic + super greens powder morning drink (though took a break due to traveling since it needs to be refrigerated),
ensuring that I TRULY enjoy whatever I eat, and NOT just because it’s healthy (otherwise, it negatively affects my vibrational frequency),
and feeling comfortable in my own skin, to include wearing whatever I FEEL like wearing or NOT (clothes, shoes, makeup, jewelry, wigs, hats, etc.);ย
and last but not least, Unconditionally Loving WHOLE Self/self (which can be very challenging at times due to the remnants of outdated, individual and collective beliefs).
By the way, BEING MERGED HEART/MIND (SPIRIT/SOUL), FULL PRESENCE IS A MEDITATIVE STATE, and NOT only sitting in this world’s formal positions;
most of my astral travel experiences, flash visions of otherworldly Beings/beings, SEEING AN EYE looking at me inside squares within squares wormhole, seeing a dancing golden spiral of light enter my left eye, etc. were while laying down in bed, where I was the most comfortable.
I used to believe that I only started experiencing Divine Synchronicity since 2001, and mostly for the past 13+ years;
but the more I reflected on certain past experiences, I increasingly realized that it went further back to early twenties, and then late teens, and even early childhood.
Granted, I’ve experienced daily synchronicity in various forms—vivid dreams, number synchronicity, Animal Spirit Guides, other signs from Universe—from a MUCH MORE AWARE STATE within the past 13
years, upon experiencing the 11:11 phenomenon, that led to an EXPLOSION of other spiritual experiences (more than 2001 phase), soon after leaving Army life.
Divine Synchronicity has become SECOND NATURE,
just as I’m increasingly SEEING (with CLARITY) more and more aspects and extensions of interconnected Life as (ULTIMATELY NEUTRAL) parts of WHOLE—WHOLEy SPIRIT/MOTHER GODDESS/OMNIVERSE & SOUL/GOD/Universe/Multiverse within BOTH inner and outer worlds—though it’s extremely difficult at
times when I come upon CORRUPTION of this world; then I very briefly feel like I hate this often hopeless world, and just want it to end (or at least for my life to end naturally and peacefully while sleeping).
Yes, I have noticed another PATTERN, that soon after I temporarily or permanently leave an unhealthy or even very toxic relationship,
it’s as if I suddenly look younger, even within photos. Granted, certain family members has been the most challenging to fully let go of, especially my deeply wounded, still alcoholic mother who was extremely
abusive for most of my life, until I FULLY stood up to her as I AM PRESENCE, to which she backed down unlike ever before, and said she wanted to change for the better (though I’ve not holding my breath).
She’s elderly now, in her mid-80’s, and had healthy issues, so I didn’t feel it was necessary to completely cut her from my life, especially being her only child (though I did disconnect from her for 6 years in the
past, because she wouldn’t discontinue her verbal and psychological abuse, even via long distance phone calls, though I had asked her to stop).
When I looked at my photos during these unhealthy relationship phases, I looked older most of the time, and unhappy.
My most youthful and happy photos were when I was far away from my mother, as well as single, even before, in-between, and after my first and second marriages (both of which I had a divorce from, the second one this year, though it was harmonious because I chose it to end that way, and we’re on good terms as family-like friends).