I had initially created this poem for three, very special people who are in my life, as well as my husband’s.
A collage-like artwork was added to their version, and then mailed out; however, with this post, I’ll be able to add more symbolic and literal images toward the end that will better express the last section of the poem, as well as some personal quotes that I created from my Heart.
As usual, I intuitively knew that others could benefit from the poem’s message as well, since we’re all interconnected forms of Life throughout this magnificent Universe. Only minor changes were made to the poem so that it can apply to every soul.
Before typing away, I asked my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within to co-create with me this gift, and after it’s completion, I was deeply moved, because I realized again that it was a message for me as well.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => www.dailymail.co.uk (thank you). The remaining photo credits for the rest of images used in this post are shown at the end of all images.
Before you were born, there was much excitement in the air,
in the hearts of those who love you, and who couldn’t wait to share
with the rest of the world the precious gift they would receive
from the heavenly realms that helped to achieve
yet another amazing birth of a child of pure soul
just his/her loving presence would make others whole
For a soul of the most high can manifest much glory of Spirit
the possibilities of his/her contribution can no doubt be without limit
So always remember how special you are
The gifts that you are were sent from afar
As you journey through Life and learn much wisdom
You will then realize that you’re never a victim
For when you fully trust with all of your Heart
the Divine Love and Divine Power within you that never departs
You will realize that Life always works for you and not against you,
to help you help expand your inner and outer world view
Seeing with clarity through the ancient eyes of Christ within
we then notice that everything ends up as a win-win
situation for all interconnected souls involved
Then the illusions that we are separate become easily dissolved.
For if God is an entity who is all of the below,
then we must pause for a moment and be like, ‘Whoa!!!”
Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, and ALL-Loving
is what a Prime Creator IS, unless S/He’s bluffing
Because to favor certain parts of the whole over others
is like blessing all sisters, but not brothers and mothers
It’s like labeling the brain more righteous than the heart
not realizing they work best together, and not torn apart
So with this thought in mind, may you ponder the deep feeling
which is always your soul’s way of transparently revealing
the essence that you are deep within your magnificent Being
that has the power to impact humanity’s well-being
But before you try and change the world, remember first and foremost,
to Unconditionally Accept/Love ALL aspects of you to the utmost
That way, you can fully do the same for others, and not just almost.
Continue to shine and share the Light and Love that is authentic you
And you will one day open your eyes and see the world renewed,
You will then experience your Heaven on Earth, which will merely be
reflecting back to you (like a mirror) the Heaven within you from birth.
His disciples said to him, “When will the Kingdom come?” Jesus said, “It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying, ‘Here it is, or there it is’; rather, the Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and people do not see it.” The Gospel of Thomas 1:13
The following are some symbolic and literal images of what I sense as Heaven on Earth:
Titles & Quote I gave to 3 images above: 1) “I Love You So Much.” 2) “I Want the Best for You.” 3) “My Precious, Tiny Hands.” 4) “I’m gonna kiss those little feet!”
Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 5) “I’m gonna take your binky!” 6) “I’m gonna nibble that ear!” 7) Mama to cub: “I can just look at you all day.”
Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 8) “Let me kiss that boo boo.”
9) Mama to cub: “You can become anything you set your mind on, like Being the fastest one.”
10) Mama to cub: “Remember, part of your essence is Courage and Inner-Strength.“
Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 1) Mama cub: “Thank you Divine Spirit within me for my beloved baby bears.”
2) Mama to cubs: “Whenever you knuckleheads are done bickering, we’ll go do something fun.”
3) Mama to cubs: “I love you both immensely with all of my heart.”
Titles & Quote I gave to 3 images above: 4) “Crossing Paths in Divine Perfect Timing and Order.”
5) “Following Path of Excitement and Passion and Being in Alignment with Soul.”
6) Brown Mama Bear: “Hello there little ones! Don’t be scared, I won’t bite.”
Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 7) Cub: “The three of us are afraid to trust and like you because we don’t know you.” Brown Mama Bear: “I understand. Perhaps in due time little one.”
8) “There will come a time little ones when we will all realize that we are all interconnected souls of The One—Divine Spirit/All That Is—participating in amazing Life.”
9) Brown cub: “Hey soul brother, we may have different color fur and come from different places, but there’s something about you that just feels good. Wanna play?” Black cub: “Sure! Sounds like fun! Who cares how different we look.”
Titles or Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 45) “I’m Here for You.”
46) “Let’s go for a nature walk. It’s going to uplift our vibrational frequency higher!”
47) “Ok everyone, it’s time for the family reunion pic! Strike a pose!”
Title I gave to 3 images above: 48-50: “Thank You So Much Human Friends.”
Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 51) “This is Heaven on Earth.”
52) “Remember, at sunset, we hop the fence and go on our adventure.”
53) “I’m so happy I found You! Mama’s got you.”
Title & Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 54)”You’re My BFF.”
55) “Don’t judge me. So I’m not a squirrel…just unconditionally accept me as I am.”
56) “A little to the left. Ohhh yeah, right there!” Whew! Thanks buddy.”
Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 57) “No worries my love. Life is always for us, and not against us, for the highest benefit of all interconnected Life forms throughout this Universe.”
58) Deer to Man: “Thank you for not hunting me for entertainment.”
59) “Honey, I love you just as much with some white hair. You sure you want them plucked?”
Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 60) “Little one, I have no doubt your parents didn’t want to leave you. But don’t you worry, I’m gonna take good care of you.”
61) “OMG! It’s a miracle! Thank you Mother Nature for Divine synchronicities!”
62) “Thank you for gentle kindness.”
Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 63) “I sense you with my heart Divine Spirit within.”
64) “I see you Divine Spirit within.”
65) “I trust you Divine Spirit within.”
Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 66) “Whoa!! Bring that mirror closer. Who’s that’s gorgeous one?”
67) Kid: “Mom, kids at school said I look like an experiment gone terribly wrong.” Mom: “Don’t mind them sweetheart; sometimes, society can be hurtful with their ignorance and judgmental ways about Divine creation. It’s a just a fear of the unknown, and not knowing how to face and embrace it. We, and others like us, are doing them a service by reflecting back to them, like a mirror, what they could learn for their own soul growth. Always remember, those who matter love you unconditionally.”
68) “I’m a unique Divine creation. I love myself unconditionally.”
Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 69) “Hey foxy girl…I’m crazy about you.”
70) “Gerard! Come check this out! Hurry! It’s captivating.”
71) Stallion: “Prances with Grace, you tell me to jump, and I’ll ask how high!” & Mare: “Oh Galloping with the Wind, you so silly!”
Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 72) “I feel you Divine Spirit within.”
73) “It’s healthy to honor your feelings; freely express them. I got your back.”
74) “I surrender to your Cosmic Love.”
Quotes & Title I gave to 3 images above: 75) Telepathic expression: “Uh, babe…can I prove my love to you some other way. You got really hot breath. You ate the garlic flavored, deer jerky without me, didn’t you?”
76) Mama to cub: “You are my cute bundle of Joy!”
77) “We Are Team Trinity.”
Quotes & Title I gave to 3 images above: 78) “Come here you. Look out there. There’s always a calm after the storm, as well as a rainbow.”
79) “Missed You So Much!”
80) “I have a sweet surprise for you when we get home.”
Quotes & Title I gave to 3 images above: 81) “What?! What was That?! Awe, I Love You Too Sweetheart…Always.”
82) “I Can Do This All Night with You.”
83) Husband to Wife: “I love making you laugh.”
Title & Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 84) “A Peaceful Walk at Sunset.”
85) “Come back here lady! I’m not done kissing you!”
86) Wife to Husband: “Thank you for Being fully present with me.”
Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 87) “Say ahhh. This tangerine is so sweet!”
88) “I love being in your presence like the first day we met.”
89) “Let’s enjoy our date day my love.“
Quotes & Title I gave to 3 images above: 90) Girl: “Are you sure I’m not heavy?” Guy: “Positive. I love giving you a piggy back ride.”
91) Yin & Yang: “Deeply in Love with You.”
92-93) “Let’s not concern ourselves with other’s opinions, and whether or not others accept and approve of us. What matters is that we always validate ourselves. I love you, and that’s all that matters.”
Quotes & Title I gave to 3 images above: 94) “I can’t tell who my best friend in the whole world is…it’s a secret.”
95) “Thank you for sharing friend. That’s yummy!”
96) “Pure Joy!!!”
Quotes & Title I gave to 3 images above: 97) “Ok! OK!! I surrender!!! You’re the Ultimate Tickle Master!”
98) Pet PITA (Pain in the @$$) Goat to Compassionate Woman: “I truly didn’t mean to eat all of your tax receipts, check book, dream journal, lottery ticket, and uh…what else? Anyhoo, thank you so much for your unconditional forgiveness, and not taking me to the petting zoo where the Children of the Corn are at.”
99) “Don’t you worry kids, you’re safe with us. Just stay in the middle. No one messes with this family!”
Quotes & Title I gave to 3 images above: 100) “I told you kid! I refuse to be thrown in a big-ass pot of boiling water! Now you gonna set me free, or am I gonna have to take your stubby, little nose with me?”
101) “Remember, we’re striving for excellence to the best of our ability in every Moment of Now, not obsessive perfectionism!” Let’s do this!
102) “Ohhh yeah. This is what I’m talkin’ about. Nothing like a nice, steaming hot spring bath baby. Hey Tacosan, stop rubbing my arm like a weirdo, and go check on my appointment for the citrus-cucumber facial massage and seaweed wrap.”
Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 103) “I love you son, but since you can’t seem to put down this damn phone with the non-stop video games, social media, yapping with the girls, and all the other crap, this phone is now mine. Yeah you heard me. Now how the heck do I turn off this crazyass thing?”
104) “Do I look like a happy camper right now? And no, it’s not that time again! Somebody borrowed my make up and didn’t bother to return it! And yes, I only wear make-up to enhance my naturally beautiful features thank you.” Ms. Red-Lipped Batfish
105) “Oh you did not just pour that bright red haterade on me and call me a half-breed! Girrrl, don’t be jealous ’cause I stand out! You can shine just as brightly soul sister, if you would just open your eyes to your own true, inner and outer beauty that you yourself define.” Mz. Okapi
Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 106) “And you thought you’ve seen everything, didn’t you? Surprise! I know, you want to squeeze me tight and adopt me. Back off buddy! I’m nobody’s property! I’m a free-spirit!” The Venezuelan Poodle Moth.
107) “Oooh shiny object! Yeah yeah, the parties over people! For the 10th time, the praying mantis and the pink shrimp are not my long lost cousins! It’s not always about outer labels folks! Wake up!!!” The Mantis Shrimp.
108) “Man, this must be Heaven on Earth. I get to just enjoy this green and peaceful environment in this present Moment of Now? Thank you Divine Spirit!!! This is living and not just surviving! I sure don’t miss the super busy lifestyle of back-to-back, long hours of work, noise, strict schedules, distractions, and mostly saving up for some future that may never come.” The Panda Ant
Quotes I gave to 2 images: 109) Deformed Baby Dolphin: “Uhhh, Mrs. Whale and family, are you sure it’s okay that I join you all?” Mrs. Whale: “Of course dear! I’m sorry you lost your family, but we’re your family now; and it doesn’t matter that you’re not exactly like us. Unconditional love is all that is needed in any family.”
110) “The word in the ocean is that us sperm whales were represented in some Hollywood movie as aggressive. We are lovers not fighters…unless of course, we’re maintaining healthy boundaries.”
Title I gave to 2 images above: 111) “Family and Freedom“
Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 112) “Divine Spirit within me, I choose to trust you. I will rise above the darkness, emerge into the Light, and realize that I AM Divine Inner and Outer Beauty, Unconditional Love and Wisdom.”
113) Seal: “Dude, I’ll race you to the shore! Bet you can’t catch up with me!” Turtle: “Nah, I’d much rather take my sweet time and enjoy the beautiful, surrounding scenery.”
114) Little Fish: “Teacher, are we there yet?! Are we there yet?!” Turtle: Be Patience little ones by just trusting the process of Life and going with the flow of the water. Intuitively know from deep within you that EVERYTHING happens in Divine perfect timing and order to best serve all of interconnected Life throughout this Universe according to the Divine Plan.”
Quotes I gave to 2 images above: 115) Firefly to Mother Nature/Gaia: “Thank you Darkness and Moonlight, for without you…I would never be able to shine so brightly and just Be in the glorious spotlight.”
116) Kid Elephant: “When I grow up, I wanna be just like you.” Parent Elephant: “I wish for you to become the grandest version of the greatest vision you ever had about yourself.” Note: Previous underlined phrase from one of Neale Donald Walsch’s books.
Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 117) Divine Trinity within: “We got you, and we’ll always be here to assist you. Never lose faith.”
118) “Bless you soul brother, as you transform to another energy form. May you continue to explore and enjoy Life on your soul journey as loving Spirit, and gain much invaluable wisdom for All That Is. It was truly an honor to know you. You will be missed.”
Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 119) “Hey guys, let’s soak up all this goodness—fresh and abundant air, soul-igniting cosmic rays, beautiful sunset, and cool water enveloping our bodies. This is paradise on Earth. Thank you Divine Spirit.”
120) “Let’s have some fun and dance to the beat of our own drum!”
121) Shiny Microphone to You: “C’mon now, you know you wanna sing your favorite song. Who cares if you can’t sing how society wants you to…just practice by yourself first and go from there. I’ll help amplify your voice.”
Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 122) Campfire to You: “Come my children…gather around me; I will provide you with warmth, share heart-felt stories with you, mesmerize you, and ignite ancient memories within you. Oh, and don’t forget the shish kabobs!”
123) “Ahhh, so heavenly fluffy, soft and comfortable. I feel so relaxed. Thank you Divine Spirit within me.”
124) “Ooh! That’s so refreshing! More please! This must feel like showering under a waterfall.”
Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 125) “Divine Spirit within me, thank you so much for making my heart’s dreams come true.”
126) “Divine Spirit within me, I’m following your guidance as you communicate to me through my intuition, dreams, inner and outer symbols, signs, subtle and obvious messages, and Divine synchronicities. I’m listening.”
127) Inner Child to You: “Let me be free and have fun, and I’ll show you what we’re capable of co-creating together.”
Title & Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 128) “Sheer Laughter & Excitement”
129) “Wait for me!” I wanna jump in too!”
130) “Let’s just pause for a moment and enjoy tranquility.”
Quotes I gave to 3 images above: 131) Stepping Stones to You: “Come on! Follow us and we’ll show you that you can never fail. Divine Spirit within us doesn’t make mistakes.”
132) Black Panther Spirit Guide within You: “I AM Fearless because I always trust Divine Spirit within me that I’m always in the right place at the right time doing the right thing for the highest benefit of all interconnected Life.”
133) Mouse: “Hey man, thanks so much for the ride. Here’s a few flies I’ve collected to give you.” Toad: “Awe, that was so thoughtful of you buddy.”
Title I gave to 2 images above (134-135): “Majestic, Mysterious & Magical”
The 3 images above are A-C (credits toward bottom of post)
The 3 images above are D (Korean Spicy Tofu), E & F (credits toward bottom of post)
The 3 images above are G-I (credits toward bottom of post)
The 3 images above are J) Blackened Tilapia, K) Japanese Soba Noodles L) Korean Bibimbop (credits toward bottom of post)
The 3 images above are M) Mushroom, Spinach, Mozzarella and Tomato Omelette, N) Vietnamese Pho with Bean Sprouts, Cilantro, Basil +…, O) Vietnamese Veggie and Shrimp Spring Rolls (credits toward bottom of post)
The 3 images above are P) Note: Checkout benefits of Shitake Mushrooms Q) Thai Shredded Chicken and Lemongrass Soup | Tom Yum Gai and R) Japanese Vegan Udon with Enoki Mushrooms +…
To Be Continued…
Added March 17, 2015
The following is a section from my post, “Qualities of Higher Self & Plan on How to Be More Connected Within,” which includes the most helpful teaching I’ve ever experienced about the topic of abundance—a video of Abraham’s teaching worth watching over and over gain until we make it ours:
This multi-colored section of post inserted on March 17, 2015 (the day after I published this post, and LUCKY St. Patrick’s Day! ^_^): I’m so grateful for coming upon this VERY helpful video, “Abraham: What is the vibration of abundance?” today (my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow…the calm after the storm in my current reality) , which made me cry tears of joy. I’ve watched other helpful videos before, but this one is the only one that has moved me so deeply, and inspired and empowered me to say, “YES, I can do this. I can just Be Prosperity Consciousness at this very moment and all other present Moments of Now, and co-create with my higher self (Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within me) ALL of my heart’s desires/dreams by always FEELING (being and staying in the vibration of abundance) Abundant (e.g., completely free, at ease, empowered, happy, excited, peaceful, loving, generous, etc.), which will effortlessly take care of even my current financial issues in Divine perfect timing and order. Last night, I had my first dream of a large hawk flying towards me to assist me; and even while dreaming and initially being afraid of it—since I saw its face practically right in front of me at one point— I reminded myself to just trust that it was helping me to get rid of the insects that had just flown into my hair (after the insects were chasing me) by pecking at various spots on my head that I could strangely feel (insects in my hair symbolic of anxieties in my head/state of mind). I trust that the hawk is symbolic of my higher self, like all other powerful animal spirit guides that I”m been dreaming about in the past, which are all extensions of one aspect (animal spirit guides) of my multidimensional higher self. When I feel like it, I will create a post about the details. Thank you so much my higher self/Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within me.
Thank you all aspects and extensions of Divinity within me—Beloved I (God: Divine Masculine) AM (Goddess: Divine Feminine) Presence/Divine Spirit/Multidimensional Self/Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters/Family of Light/Animals Spirit Guides/Father GOD and Mother GODDESS/Prime Creator/All That Is/Infinite Creator, for all that you lovingly do, and all that you amazingly are.
<3<3<3<3<3<3 <3<3<3 <3<3<3 <3
The above first, nine images were found next to the links below (Thank you all). The following are in numerical order starting with the second imaged used from the top of this post:
- already noted above
- www.pinterest.com (left above: heart fireworks)
- cosmicdolphins.wordpress.com (right above)
- pixshark.com (left above)
- www.philosophicalanthropology.net (right above)
- YouTube /”Crop Circles – Goddess of all Creation – [Measurements like =>] Stonehenge” (left above)
- Pinterest / This crop circle appears to represent ALL of Life (All That Is) throughout this universe and beyond (to include gods and goddesses)—symbolized by sperm swimming out from the center of the circle—birthed from Prime Creator/Divine Source/Holy Spirit/Ancient Mother Goddess (symbolized by circle).
- www.astronomymark.com (right above)
- ascendedrelationships.com (left above)
- timrwalls.wordpress.com (right above: searched Spirit contemplating)
- www.ule-w-ritgen.de (left above)
I gave titles to the 2nd set of 10 images above, which were found next to the links below (Thank you all):
- www.sandeepmvp.com (“I Love You So Much.”)
- pixshark.com
- businessischildsplay.com
- gillybabies.co.uk
- flickrhivemind.net
- www.beautiful-animals.com
- www.fanpop.com
- www.pinterest.com
- www.pinterest.com (Mama to cub: “You can become anything you set your mind on, like the fastest one.”)
- www.vetstreet.com (Mama to cub: “Remember, part of your essence is Courage and Inner-Strength.”)
I gave titles to the 3rd set of nine images above, which were found next to the links below (Thank you all):
- www.usatoday.com (Mama cub: “Thank you Divine Spirit within me for my beloved baby bears.”)
- www.ecorazzi.com
- www.usatoday.com
- www.skepticfriends.org
- www.sederquist.com
- www.dailymail.co.uk
- paulburwell.photoshelter.com
- dangerous-animals-pets.blogspot.com
- animals.desktopnexus.com
Images #11 – above were found next to the links below (Thank you all). The following are in numerical order starting with the 11th imaged used from the middle of this post, and then going from left to right:
- 11) facesofjesus.wordpress.com (“Earth/face of Jesus”) (right above)
- 12) www.reddit.com
- 13) vi.sualize.us
- 14) greatinspire.com
- 15) www.fungur.com
- 16) www.youtube.com (turquoise ice)
- 17) www.theguardian.com
- 18) theboldcorsicanflame.wordpress.com
- 19) thebeerbarrel.net (trees with curved trunks)
- 20) www.lifestyle9.com
- 21) muchpics.com (underwater statues)
- 22-26) 4photos.net
- 27) shutupandtakemethere.com (Bora Bora)
- 28-29) thevacationguide.com (Antelope Canyon)
- 30-31) 0height.com
- 32) www.ecology.com (Mother Nature/Gaia)
- 33) www.greatbluemarble.com (Animals on Earth)
- 34) en.wikipedia.org
- 35) www.pinterest.com
- 36) smilepanic.com (polar bear)
- 37) www.pbs.org
- 38) www.dailymail.co.uk
- 39) petapixel.com (elephant)
- 40) www.viraltower.com (sloth bear)
- 41) aliminnonchik.blogspot.com
- 42) humboldtsentinel.com
- 43) allfunnyiffo.blogspot.com
- 44) www.dailymail.co.uk
- I gave titles to the following soul-touching images:
- 45) ctrlove.blogspot.com (“I’m Here for You.”)
- 46) animals-safaris.blogspot.com
- 47) stuffhappens.us
- 48-50) weirdworldwonders.com and blazepress.com (last two images) (“Thank You So Much Human Friends.”)
- 51) soulhealingforanimals.blogspot.com (“This is Heaven on Earth.”)
- 52) www.training-horses-naturally.com
- 53) www.express.co.uk
- 54) photolabels.co
- 55) animals.ekstrax.com
- 56) www.gettyimages.com
- 57) www.gettyimages.ae
- 58) www.youtube.com
- 59) www.huffingtonpost.com
- 60) www.deluxebattery.com
- 61-62) www.laughspark.com
- 63) www.thethirdray.com (“I sense you with my heart Divine Spirit within.”)
- 64) www.onegreenplanet.org (“I see you Divine Spirit within.”)
- 65) www.blackcatreaders.com (“I trust you Divine Spirit within.”)
- 66) dadecityswildthings.com
- 67) rebloggy.com
- 68) permacultureprinciples.com (“I’m a unique Divine creation. I love myself unconditionally.”)
- 69) bioweb.uwlax.edu
- 70) www.surpriseride.com
- 71) www.kruger-2-kalahari.com
- 72) www.newvision-psychic.com (“I feel you Divine Spirit within.”)
- 73) www.mnn.com (“It’s healthy to honor your feelings; freely express them. I got your back.”)
- 74) www.pinterest.com (“I surrender to your Cosmic Love.”)
- 75) s403.photobucket.com
- 76) piperbasenji.blogspot.com
- 77) becuo.com (“We Are Team Trinity.”)
- 78) favim.com
- 79) imgfave.com
- 80) www.thetrentonline.com
- 81) www.pinterest.com
- 82) rebloggy.com
- 83) izismile.com
- 84) www.pinterest.com
- 85-86) www.huffingtonpost.com (“Come back here lady! I’m not done kissing you!” and Wife to Husband: “Thank you for Being fully present with me.”)
- 87) pleasedontbreakup.churchofinternet.com
- 88) blogof.francescomugnai.com (“I love being in your presence like the first day we met.”)
- 89) www.pinterest.com
- 90) manifestingmydestiny.com
- 91) allyoucanlove.com (Yin & Yang: “Deeply in Love with You.”)
- 92-93) my.gayandlesbiannation.com (“Let’s not concern ourselves with other’s opinions, and whether or not others accept and approve of us. What matters is that we always validate ourselves. I love you, and that’s all that matters.”)
- 94) www.flickr.com
- 95) theabundantartist.com
- 96) www.videoinspiration.net
- 97) funny-pictures.picphotos.net
- 98) blog.farmusa.org (Pet Goat to Woman: “I truly didn’t mean to eat all of your tax receipts, check book, diary, dream journal, and uh…what else? Anyhoo, thank you so much for your unconditional forgiveness, and not taking me to the petting zoo where the Children of the Corn are at.”)
- 99) www.microbiologymaven.com
- 100) nicepetsblog.com
- 101) designyoutrust.com (“Remember, we’re striving for excellence to the best of our ability, not perfectionism!” Let’s do this!”)
- 102) www.dailymail.co.uk
- 103) www.freesangha.com
- 109) news.nationalgeographic.com
- 110) www.pbs.org
- 111) pixshark.com and swimmingfree.wordpress.com (“Family and Freedom”)
- 112) www.yogaseminars.net
- 113) www.mappingmegan.com
- 114) photography-2012.blogspot.com
- 115) ngm.nationalgeographic.com (Firefly)
- 116) www.kirstenkline.com
- 117) charterforcompassion.org
- 118) news.nationalgeographic.com
- 119) inhabitat.com (dolphins basking)
- 120) pixshark.com
- 121) mashable.com
- 122) everwalker.wordpress.com
- 123) www.fantom-xp.com
- 124) tpzoo.wordpress.com
- 125) www.decohubs.com
- 126) forum.lottoced.com
- 127) www.studiosproutsantacruz.com
- 128) www.playbuzz.com
- 129) www.abc.net.au
- 130) www.fs.usda.gov
- 131) www.detectingdesign.com
- 132) hdw.eweb4.com (black panther)
- 133) www.darwinsparadox.com
- 134) sbnew.com
- 135) freshtraveldestinations.com
- A) jimscherer.com (Refreshing water with lemon or lime, cucumber, and/or mint)
- B) passthesushi.com
- C) www.wholefoodsmarket.com
- D) mamaloli.com (Korean style tofu dish)
- E) www.flickr.com
- F) www.ehow.com
- G) www.pinterest.com
- H) balancedhealthylife.com
- I) www.samesame.com.au
- J) www.tastebook.com (Blackened Tilapia)
- K) cookieandkate.com (Japanese Soba Noodles)
- L) www.maangchi.com (Korean Bibimbop)
- M) steamykitchen.com
- N) saigonnoodleslafayette.com
- O) littlemissparsley.com
- P) steamykitchen.com (Stir Fry Greens Beans & Shitake Mushrooms)
- Q) www.rachelcooksthai.com
- R) www.seriouseats.com (Japanese Vegan Udon)
To Be Continued…
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