I shared this gratitude comment for => Image by marionhuang from Pixabay:
Thank you Marion for sharing this colorful, gorgeous and elegant jellyfish photo within a perfect background that provides great CONTRAST (a Divine gift within physical worlds of duality/polarity).
The color BLACK, along with the vast OCEAN, both remind me of THE “DARK” UNKNOWN/Cosmic Womb & Heart of the Divine Mother Goddess of unlimited possibilities and seemingly countless probabilities, that created Her other half of the Cosmic Coin: Light/God/Higher Mind represented by the color WHITE, that contains a rainbow spectrum of interconnected beautiful aspects.
The jellyfish spirit guide/animal totem/power animal can help us to simply TRUST The Unknown/uncertainty of Life, while gracefully FLOWING with the Cosmic River, allowing us to effortlessly TUNE into amazing and invaluable Life experiences, to include golden opportunities to take discerning action on (via Heart leading Mind, aka integrated and merged Heart/Mind). I used it for post: [this one]
I shared the following comment for the mind-blowing and soul-igniting video, “LEO – MANIFESTING Your Biggest DREAM! LUCK is on Your Side! February 21st – 27th Tarot Reading“:
Thank you so much Zane for sharing this very helpful video message that’s increbily SPOT ON. WOW. Regarding water, I had a vivid dream the day before yesterday of looking down and seeing a huge, black jellyfish swimming near the surface of clear blue and calm water, along with some unknown, elusive Beings.
I checked out various symbolic dream interpretations, and also looked up various animal spirit guide messages for the jellyfish; and the color black reminds me of The Unknown/The Cosmic Womb/The Divine Feminine Goddess Love Frequency/Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities and seemingly countless probabilities.
I plan on traveling soon that includes fulfilling a wish that I fully trust had been answered from the Divine Mother Goddess Sekhmet/Hathor (among many other earthly names, but ultimately The Nameless; aka Holy Spirit); and “The Star” card message further confirmed this.
I thanked Her ahead of time, a couple of months ago or so, for giving me an obvious answer to whether or not it would be highly beneficial for self/Self/interconnectedLife to go on this trip that also involved a first visit to a sacred temple dedicated to Her, and a creative project.
Regarding “The Eight of Swords,” I have been experiencing more than usual mental chatter lately, that made me feel like I was trapped within two situations; but my dream message, as well as this great reminder helped me to snap out of victim mentality and to further reclaim my inner power (Heart power).
I also did my best during meditation to simply observe neutral thoughts and emotions, which would then lead to silence and stillness within darkness.
Image by Elyar Ceferov from Pixabay
Yes, the “Wheel of Fortune” does feel like it matches “The Star” card indeed, and it would be beneficial to take advantage of this window of opportunity; and I am for sure, since I’ve already bought plane tickets and made hotel reservations, and have been rehearsing for open-mic comedy that I’ve been sporadically doing as a hobby, whenever I felt like it since 2017; however, lost interest for a while.
The split in the road card is spot on too, since I’ve been wondering one path, another path, or even both. And I’ve noticed a pattern within a decade, that whenever I wonder (don’t need to ask), I often receive an answer in some form within various series of Divine synchronicity (to include number synchronicity, dream messages, flash images, insights, ideas, etc.).
Regarding “The Magician” card, I completely resonate with what you shared about this as well. I can procrastinate at times, and not take action of certain downloads of ideas due to non-beneficial doubts and unresolved fears, which I’ve further identified this morning.
I agree that I need to meet the Universe halfway when it comes to the trio of cards that communicates the potential of something amazing coming true.
WOW, you talked about CLARITY, and yesterday, I chose the card, “PLEIADES EXPANDING: CLARITY” from The Cosmic Consciousness Ascension Deck by Jamye Price, that I’ve been using for almost two years, and they’ve all been amazingly matching personal experiences, which I’ve journaled, and even shared with her a few times since feedback helps.
The QUEEN cards instantly reminded me of the Ultimate Queen, which to me is the Divine Mother Goddess/Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Cosmic Heart/Her Other Half = Soul/Light/God Frequency/Alpha & Omega.
Definitely agree at the end about trusting The Unknown and tuning into a profound meaning beyond the typical meaning.
I’ve experienced about a handful of tarot readings within a decade (in person and online), but was never blown away by them; but I’m very grateful for this one that I highly resonated with throughout the entire video (i.e., being able to obtain helpful information from all that was shared, while most was spot on).
Whenever I watch, read, and listen to anything, or even interact with others, I always like to following my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/inner-wisdom/insights/gut feeling/other psychic senses FIRST AND FOREMOST, and only take onboard what FEELS light/true to my Heart, and disregard the rest.
I’m subscribing to your channel since I respect, admire, and appreciate the way you communicate and how you interpret the tarot card messages, to include integrating familiar words and profound wisdom.
Have a great weekend, and continue Being an invaluable gift to your Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self/humanity/interconnected Life within this world and beyond! ^_^ Mulantis: Reuniting All
Related Post Within This Blog
The following is a related excerpt from the post, “A Miserable Fear-based Life OR an Empowering & Amazing Love-based Life?” :
While checking out images within Pixabay to use for this post, I was drawn to the one on right, since the flowing jellyfish in the sky, and the vast ocean right below, both reminded me of the Cosmic River of Life.
And the Jellyfish colors of half pink and blue reminded me of the Cosmic Dance (the ebb and flow) of the merged Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine within a physical form.
In addition, the guy riding a bike reminded me of the times I freely rode a bike in dream state, and I learned that it’s symbolic of happiness.
Image by alpha b13 from Pixabay
The following is an excerpt from the reading, “Jellyfish Meaning, Medicine & Magic” by tanyacasteel.com (click on keyword jellyfish below to further read):
Jellyfish symbolizes energetic flow, entanglement, and Reiki. Jellyfish donโt need to force anything. Water currents take them exactly where they need to be. They live a life of complete trust and surrender.
Image by Nika Akin from Pixabay
I shared the following comment for the very helpful YouTube video, “LEO – TAKING A RISK! This is EXCITING! The Next Three Months (Jan – Mar 2022) Tarot Reading“:
Thank you Zane for sharing your gifts, especially your willingness to follow your intuitive, inner guidance/Heart. You’re SPOT ON for “accidently” saying daredevil—though you haven’t during your tarot card readings all these years—part of this particular series of Divine synchronicity! ^_^
I AM taking a RISK, putting myself out there, and bouncing back when it comes to performing open-mic comedy, that I haven’t done in a while due to doubts and fears that had not been resolved during those times (though now are).
For this creative project, I intend to continue incoporating much humor with Light (to include profound wisdom) and Unconditional Love (for self/others/interconnected Life wtihin this world and beyond). I’m actually performing tonight in Las Vegas.
Also, I was blown away when I saw what appeared to be “111” on top of the Empress card; because I had been publically sharing for a while that whenever I SEE 111, often at the end of a phase in my life, it not only reminds me of the Divine Mother Goddess Hathor/Sekhmet—Goddess of many names, but ultimtely The Nameless/Holy Spirit/Cosmic Heart/Quantum Field—who’s had my back (like a true friend) since I was born, but it has also been reminding me of endings and NEW beginnings! ^_^
You are deeply appreciated, continue SHINING BRIGHT!! ^_^ Mulantis Reuniting All
I shared the following comment for the very helpful YouTube video, “๐ฐ LEO – PROFITING from a PASSION! TOTAL ABUNDANCE! March Career and Money Tarot Reading“:
Zane, I’m SO grateful that you share these very helpful readings that FEEL authentic, honest, and include profound wisdom.
I highly resonate with incorporating wisdom learned from one’s Life experieneces, along with passion, talents, and creativity, and Being receptive to golden opportunities that SHOW UP from the supportive Universe.
I also agree that it’s definitiely beneficial to LET GO of unnecessary boredom and apathy (been there and done that during certain times).
You’ve mentioned this at least a few times—very effective repetition and helpful reminders—but it’s true that we basically have the choice to Be whatever state of consciousness and aspect (to include happiness) during the present moments of NOW.
So it’s no longer about the old and outdated way of thinking and believing, to include “I will be happy IF _______” or “I will be happy WHEN _______,” but rather, I’m happy NOW for the various forms (and non-forms) of abundance that I already have, and will continue to tune into in Divine perfect timing and order.
It’s also highly beneficial to Be Prosperity Consciousness—Be Wealth within FIRST AND FOREMOST—during the present moments of NOW, and this Wealth includes, but is not limited to: all the wisdom and profound wisdom from our Soul & Spirit’s many earthly and otherworldly Life experiences, Multidimensional abilities, skills, talents, gifts, values, beneficial beliefs, Light Frequency (uplifting knoweldge/info/data) and Unconditional Love Frequency (for self/others/humanity/interconnected Life within this world and beyond).
Last night, I don’t think I did too hot during an open-mic comedy performance at Wiseguys Comedy Club in Las Vegas—due to the emcee suddenly announcing for everyone to hurry up because of an unexpected guest arrival (which threw me off a bit due to thinking about where to cut more time within the set)—but unlike before (where I judged myself for falling short), I chose to feel grateful for the invaluable, learning experience (especially the Divine gifts of CONTRASTS), and continue with a hobby that I’ve enjoyed creating sets for, as well as publically sharing with others.
So I looked up other areas near where I live within AZ to continue fine-tuning my set and performing.
Thank you for Being an inspiration and sharing these intriguing, encouraging, uplifting, and empowering readings! ^_^
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