Early this morning, I was about to start my day doing something that I wasn’t exactly looking forward to, but thought (with my logical mind) that I needed to do.
I had already paid for the overall helpful, but not so exciting online course, that a part of me wanted to finish, since I only had one main lesson, and a few short lessons left.
Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay
It’s by Mindvalley, and each starting video lesson for the week is between 40 minutes to almost an hour and a half long.
But the truth is, these lessons felt like several hours at times, just draining the living spirit out of me; hence, I will no longer be taking any more of these online classes, no matter how persuasive the CEO is in the introductions to these classes.
Image by Mariana Anatoneag from Pixabay
This is the exact opposite to doing something that you absolutely LOVE—e.g., a project you’re passionate about, a heart racing date, a highly anticipated vacation, etc.—and time seemingly FLY by effortlessly.
Image by Mariana Anatoneag from Pixabay
I’ve taken two, different courses from Mindvalley so far, and neither one has come close to blowing me away, though they do provide some helpful information.
Granted, in the future, I’ll probably order certain books written by the professionals of Mindvalley, to include Marissa Peer, as well as the CEO.
Anyhoo, this current course that I’m taking ironically teaches you (in one of the lessons) to do what you hate first, which I resonate with to a certain degree (i.e., do things that NEED to be done first, like: housework, exercise, and/or parts of your goals and projects, etc. that may not be the most pleasant process).
However, the keyword is NEED, and I didn’t feel the NEED to finish this online course in a hurry, or alongside this class (who already completed it a few days ago or so, since you have the option to do so at your own pace).
I was then reminded from within a soul-igniting, heartfelt teaching by Bashar (channeled via Darryl Anka) that I came upon a while back titled, “Follow your excitement! Finding your Purpose in Life” (details at bottom of this post).
Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay
But I forgot about it, and first kicked myself in the ass for not remembering to incorporate this wonderful wisdom into my life; but then embraced that perhaps I just wasn’t ready to integrate it yet.
However, I still highly resonate with this teaching that I feel excited about; hence, I intend on reminding myself often to transform the repeating thoughts into a solid and beneficial belief:
So I asked self, “What would be exciting to do right now?” And the first thought that popped up was to watch a YouTube video, which I had taken a break from in the mornings due to learning from my current, online course, and also creating my next YouTube video titled, “A Seal & Orange UFO Dream Leading to Invaluable Wealth.” I will add the link once it’s complete [DONE], and you can just click on the title right above to open it in another window.
I usually enjoy watching a rainbow spectrum of creativity that shows up on YouTube, especially those that are encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, and consciousness expanding.
My go to videos often include teachings by: Abraham-Hicks, Bashar, Teal Swan, Sadhguru, Gregg Braden, Victor Oddo, Jayme Price, Lee Harris, and new ones that capture my attention.
I’m reminded from within that every soul has a gift to give, whether it’s an obvious blessing, or blessing in disguise.
However, as I’ve mentioned before within this blog (and is worth repeating), regardless of what outer soul teacher I’m learning from in this world and beyond, I always follow my inner guidance/intuition/discernment FIRST AND FOREMOST; hence, ONLY taking onboard what FEELS light/true/right for self, and discarding the rest.
Lately, I’ve also incorporated very helpful videos from doctors like Dr. Eric Berg DC about:
- great health
- a better understanding of the intricate details of our amazing human body, and what it needs to reach its optimal function
- and the many proven benefits of theย very smart, clean, keto diet—not the dirty keto or wannbe keto diet—that isn’t just related to weight loss.
My husband and I are already a growing proof of the various benefits of a clean keto diet done wisely (while incorporating plenty of low-carb veggies, omega-3 fats, low-carb and low-sugar fruits like berries, nuts, etc., in addition to the proteins and beneficial fats), and I’ll share the details in the next post titled, “Witnessing the Various Benefits of Caring for Our Priceless Physical Body.”
I also resonate with doctors who are leading the way of merging science and spirituality, like Dr. Bruce Lipton (the only doctor I watched on YouTube a while back, and will again whenever I feel drawn to do so).
So when I opened my YouTube homepage this morning, one video immediately caught my attention; so I checked it out.
The following is a comment that I shared for the YouTube video, “The Magic of Creation and Surrender” (<= you can click on this title link to access video):
Thank you to the person who asked a very helpful question, and thank you Lee for providing your usual, helpful wisdom.
At one point during this video, I received an insight to how to resolve the conflict between the two teachings: “We are creators of our lives” and “We need to let go and let God”, which may not be THE answer, but one of the ways that can help us all.
And yes Lee, I agree with you that they don’t need to be separate (i.e., separation consciousness), but rather, Divine Dichotomy (Unity Consciousness).
I’m reminded of the quote by NDW: “A dichotomy is a situation in which two apparently contradictory experiences, evidences, or truths seem to be existing harmoniously at the same time in the same space.”
Anyhoo, I haven’t mastered being a creator of my life yet, but I have noticed over the years that whenever I get REALLY excited about having a certain experience—being in a new relationship with someone, or desiring to have something in my life—I briefly visualize it, simply FEEL excited about it, and then let it go, and pretty much forget about it.
Next thing you know…hours, days, weeks, months, or even years later, they manifest in my life, and I become delightfully surprised, and express my deepest gratitude.
However COMMA I also noticed that when I tightly hold onto something that I would like to manifest in my life with desperation, it doesn’t show up; and I trust that this stems from being in the state of lack (poverty consciousness), rather than the Prosperity Consciousness mentioned above where I was just going with flow, and not concerned (let alone worried) about the outcome.
Bashar’s teaching, “Follow your excitement! Finding your Purpose in Life”:
Act on it! Excitement is caused by a resonance with your Higher Self. Excitement is a “sign” that the activity you are contemplating is aligned with your Higher Self, and this alignment is what causes the excitement.
This naturally leads you to what you are “meant” to be doing – what your Soul “hopes” your will free-will chooses to do. This is your “Purpose”. So this is the simple yet effortlessly-effective way to find your life’s “Purpose”.
Mechanically, “excitement” is a high state of resonant-excitation that occurs when the Thinking+Intentions of the physical dimension self are sharply aligned with the Thinking+Intentions of its own Higher Self.
So excitement serves as a “compass” – to let you know when you’re “on course” – when you are doing or contemplating doing exactly what your Higher Self would just love to have you be doing.
When you follow your excitement, and do what excites you, this means that:
1. This activity is “you” (truly aligned with your Soul).
2. Because it is “you”, this activity is effortless for you. [My examples: Ex. Dancing, effortlessly interacting with others (to include strangers), leadership, finding solutions, blogging, creating art, creating open-mic comedy sets (and sometimes performing them as well; I intend to also remember another helpful teaching by Bashar: when we take negative judgment out of anxiety or fear, we’re left with EXCITEMENT), bouncing back/resilience, excelling at whatever I’m interested in, astral travel, sharing unconditional kindness, being deeply understanding, compassionate and empathetic, etc.]
3. Because it is “you”, the universe will support you (including financial support) to continue doing this, in progressively more expanding ways.
Following your excitement is following the “signs” your Higher Self is giving – to lead you in the most DIRECT way possible to what it “hopes” your free-will will choose to do, which is the same as your life’s Purpose. The catch is this:
Even if following your excitement means doing something seemingly trivial and unprofound, even then, just do it!
Because proceeding towards doing this seemingly mundane thing, might lead you to meet someone, or discover something, that is just “perfect” for furthering your Life’s purpose.
IMPORTANT consideration:
“Follow your Excitement – with INTEGRITY”. Bashar defines “integrity” to mean, NOT any particular moral standard, but instead: Realizing that everything is a whole (integer), and you are one with the whole. And therefore, (Golden Rule), you treat everyone and everything with the same respect and consideration and care that you would want them to treat you.
“Follow your Excitement – with INTEGRITY”.
If you have something to give, in the reality you are creating, there are people ready to receive it. If someone has a song to sing, there is an audience in that reality to hear it.
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