Intro: I shared this message for the creator of this image =>ย Thank you Henryk for sharing this powerful and beautiful image that intuitively and instantly reminded me of The Destroyer aspect of the most ancient, unconditionally loving, and profoundly wise, Divine Mother Goddess SEKHmet-Hathor (or The Creator aspect of Divine Mother Goddess Hathor-Sekhmet, One of Many Names, but ultimately The Nameless).
The moon and its surrounding shape in-between the two church towers, reminded me of their symbol, a headdress of cow horns embracing a sun disk, like the mother cow moon energy embracing solar energy within.
And the lightning bolt reminded me of God’s Divine Masculine strength within THE GREATEST POWER of the Goddess—DESTROYING, in Divine perfect timing and order, whatever no longer serves: the greater growth of interconnected Life within this world and beyond, and the highest benefit of our individual and Collective Consciousness.
And this includes limiting, manipulating, controlling, and mostly fear–instilling religions and other rigid belief systems—that don’t acknowledge, honor and support the Goddess essence of the Divine (other half of THE ONE Cosmic Coin); hence, denying and gradually destroying itself—corrupt leaders (and their organizations, companies, and corporations), habitually damaging humans, etc.). I used it for post: [this one]
Image by Henryk Niestrรณj from Pixabay
^^^end of Intro^^^
This is a continuation post from the previous one, “Miraculous Healing Music Helped Intense Lower Back Pain Go Away in 5 Minutes“—that includes the healing music video, “Destroy Unconscious Blockages And Negativity | Repair DNA, Whole Body Regeneration“—but it can be read on its own.
By the way, I used to avoid like the plague video titles that included the word, “DESTROY” in them (like the one above). Lol
It used to TRIGGER me because I didn’t like the idea of destroying anything in Life.
This also explains why it used to bother me so much when certain spiritual teachers would preach things like, “Kill the ego!” which didn’t seem to stem from Unconditional Love.
Plus, I felt that our individual and Collective Ego has only been doing its best (from its lower state of fear-based consciousness) to help us to survive, and even THRIVE, in physical worlds.
And due to certain dreams I had in the past—to include two, end of world premonitions (see bottom of this post), and one seemingly related to Being what Goddess Sekhmet had done from pure RAGE (annihilating constantly disappointing and hopeless humanity)—I had a fear of my own immense and seemingly unstoppable powers (as highest version of self); hence, I had a fear of the idea of destroying anything.
[You can click on the raven poster on top left to see a larger version] However, I trust that further embracing and integrating the DARK/UNKNOWN—yesterday’s post,ย “Raven Spirit & Integrating the Powerful DARK/UNKNOWN Side of WHOLE Selfโ—has helped me to Be more Balance and Harmony when it comes to this topic.
So rather than swing the pendulum to extreme opposite sides—DESTROYING without a second thought, OR absolutely NOT destroying ever—I realize that there’s a time and a place to do so (or not) in a wise manner.ย
So I’ve come to a point where I can deeply understand why whatever aspects of Life that are habitually non-beneficial to the individual and Collective Consciousness (to include the corrupt), must be brought to an END.
And DEATH is merely a transformation of energy state—like dense, solid ice that transforms into liquid water, that can then transform to steam (or whatever energy aspect, to include a Soul, released back to Spirit/Source).
So I further and fully welcome Goddess Sekhmet/Kali/Pele—The Destroyer part of the WHOLE Mother Goddess/The Creator of ALL Creation/One of Many Names, but ultimately The Nameless.
Because in order to birth the NEW, the outdated—like CANCER of the individual and Collective body—must go.
And that’s where The Return of the Anunnaki can come into play as well (another probability within unlimited possibilities depending on what direction this particular world’s Collective Consciousness decides to go).
The following excerpt is from one of the posts mentioned above, “Second Vivid Dream of Many Meteors Falling: Premonition OR Other Messages?” that includes an expanded perspective of BOTH premonition dreams (other dream post, โDream of Little Angel Alerting Outside of Window,โ included):
So even though both similar dreams of many meteors falling from the sky, can be perceived as a premonition, I realized that it can also be interpretated as the integration of extreme opposite energies.
As I’ve shared in at least one update in the past, the first dream reminded me of the polar opposite energies of heaven (angel) and hell (many meteors falling, and more than likely the end of this world).
And in this second similar dream, the JOYFUL and FUN amusement park and THE END of JOY in Life seems to be the opposite energies that are merging.
So what can we learn from this experience? Perhaps to enJOY Life more while we can, during many PRESENT and pleasant moments of NOW—since we never know when something like this could happen in the future.
This doesn’t mean to that we need to fear the future, but rather, find more ways to deeply appreciate all that we currently are and have in our lives, and all the uplifting blessings (and blessings in disguise) we can tune into in the bright future.
However, I also added the following update to the previous post, “Solutions for Korean Children & Adults, Addictive Foods & Drinks, Diseases & Death“:
I strongly sense that if humanity continues to only focus on the physical world (without waking up to the Divine within), to include various addictions—i.e., unhealthy and addictive food, drinks, alcohol, nicotine, technology, social media, video games, self-sabotage, drugs (legal and illegal), sex (without unconditional love), fear-based lifestyle, negative environments, abusive relationships, etc.—then we should not be shocked if we repeat the downfalls of human history.ย
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