I was going to leave the last message below as an update to my YouTube video, “A Seal & Orange UFO Dream Leading to Invaluable Wealth“; but the description section didn’t allow me to save it, though up to 5000 characters are allowed.
So it worked out since I added much more details in this post that I wasn’t expecting.
Image [on right above] by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
As I’m continuing to LET GO of everything that no longer uplifts my life (habitually), I feel more FEARLESS, LIBERATED and EMPOWERED like never before, to the point where I strongly sense that I’m very close to the state of confidently saying, “I have nothing to lose.”
Image [on left above]by ParallelVision from Pixabay
For over a decade, I’ve gradually given away a lot of material things the felt HEAVY.
However COMMA I’ve never thrown away so much stuff in a temporary home that I couldn’t even imagined letting go of, especially many family photos, high school and Army graduation and other photos, Army awards, many clothes, house decorations that I’m no longer interested in (to include phoenix bird rising wall art, female Buddha statues, Native American artwork, etc.).
The final and greatest challenges will be to say farewell to my current husband, two pet cats, my adult children, and the rest of my extended Earth families from around this world, whom I haven’t resonated with for a long time, to include my mother in Korea, who apparently had a stroke and finally quit drinking (according to one of my older Korean cousins, whom I had a last, very brief conversation with via a typed message).ย ย
As I mentioned within the YouTube video (mentioned above), Life becomes effortless when we go with the FLOW of CHANGE (rather than resist and suffer).
And since I’ve published this, I realized more than ever before, that I LOVE simply Being, doing, eating, drinking, etc. whatever the hell I FEEL like.
I’ve already communicated to all aspects and extensions of full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (ultimately Spirit within) that I’m ready to FULLY let go of the old, and embrace the NEW (whatever that may be: starting a complete new life, reinventing self, and even welcoming death).
And to be further honest with you, though I respect the interesting ride I’ve had so far, and I wish humanity the best, I won’t miss this world when it’s time to go (except the beauty of Mother Earth/Nature and the presence of innocent and pure hearted children).
Around eight years ago or so, I read a section in a book by a doctor who was channeling the Arcturians (who I resonated with, along with the Pleiadians channeled by Barbara Marciniak).
When the Arcturians stated that when they show up one day, I will be able to effortlessly leave this world (to include my loved ones), I couldn’t believe those seemingly cold-hearted, and even refused to believe it.
But here I am now…ready, should this version of physical reality were to be true, and manifested in Divine perfect timing and order.
In addition, to my great surprise, I haven’t ate rice and noodles (especially Korean ramen I was pretty much addicted to–for over two months.
And I grew up eating these foods, continued to for over four decades, LOVED them as a Japorean-American, and couldn’t imagine my life without them.
But strangely, I haven’t even missed them—among a rapidly growing list of the material stuff of Life—and even shifted from a 20/4 intermittent fasting to a 23/1 today (because I’m losing interest in more and more foods, which seems unbelievable since I’ve loved all kinds of foods from around the world). This could just be phase.
A while ago, when I noticed a Sadhguru video title—that showed up in my YouTube homepage—I wondered how the heck he’s able to only eat one meal a day; now I get it.
In addition, he shared a story in another video of a well-known, Indian spiritual man that was heartbreaking at the time.
In a nutshell, his wife told him one day that she was so ashamed of him for being so noticeably obsessed with food in public, often excitedly asking her what she was cooking.
And he replied to her something to the effect of, “When I’m no longer interested in food, know that I’ll have 3 days left.” And when this came true, the wife cried so deeply.
However, I no longer perceive this story as sad, but a blessing for anyone who’s willing to gracefully embrace it.
Sometimes (lately), I don’t even recognize my old self anymore.
Recent Dreams That Influenced Current State of Being
I recently had two vivid dreams.
In one dream, I was observing my black, female cat named Shadow, who was lying down on the red dirt outside, grounding herself.
I also noticed right next to her, what appeared to be the shape of a large, cattle-like animal that was mostly covered with dirt.
I then heard sounds from a distant—like a stampede of strong hooves pounding into the Earth’s ground, shaking its foundation.
And as soon as I saw two, large bulls charging towards our direction, I immediately grabbed my cat and took off running into a small building, where I noticed a spider web to my right side.
While holding her, I climbed up [I think a pole]. And when I thought the coast was clear, I slowly headed down.
But as I reached the bottom—while still hanging onto the pole like a strip club dancer—one of the bulls rammed his head through the wall (with MAJOR ATTITUDE), and we ended up face to face.
Though I don’t recall seeing it, I could’ve sworn his big-ass nostrils were passionately flaring, and he had smoke coming out of his ears (like in the cartoons).
And the BOLDLY fierce, yet strangely gentle, look in his strong eye contact seemed to convey, “Look here LOVE…you’re about to get a MIGHTY BULL’S ass whoopin’, if you don’t pull yoh head out of your ass, BE your full-potential self, and live an amazing life.”
I don’t recall what happened after that.
But upon waking up,ย I recalled the dream I had recorded in post, โDream of a Talking Pet Cat in a Deep Well.โ
In a nutshell, in this dream, my cat Shadow—or another black cat that looked like her (ultimately symbolic of the female energy within)—told me that she wasn’t ready to climb up the ladder with me.
However, in this recent dream, she didn’t squirm and resist. So perhaps the bulls (symbolic of the male energy within)–that came in twos to multiply its immense strength—gave us a little motivation to MOVE forward.
The following are some of the symbolic interpretations of the key words: black cat, bull, spider web, whales, fish and teeth that I resonate with:
By https://www.spiritanimal.info/:
A black cat in your dreams may be telling you to pay attention to your intuition. As far back as the ancient Egyptians and possibly farther, cats have been believed to be able to travel between dimensions. Is there a message from another dimension here for you?
By https://whatismyspiritanimal.com/:
Do you have enough playtime? Need a bit of magic in your life? Black Cat, as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal, can help! Black Cat teaches you how to recognize the magic in your life and to be more joyful […]
During the witch hunts, Black Cats sometimes suffered the same dire fate as their witch companions.
The Cat was either a demon or even another Witch who had shapeshifted to avoid capture. Felines could go where humans could not. Pope Gregory IX said that Cats were a link to the devil.
This proclamation leads to the burning execution of over 900 Cats in France [this is deeply sad, but it seems—from a very brief notice of certain headline articles—that the current, hopefully wise pope, Pope Francis, has been putting forth effort to make positive changes, to include putting back a Goddess statue into some church temple, as well as recognizing ancient Ur of Iraq. For his soul’s sake, and like others, may he be sincere]. […]
For Witches and Pagans, the appearance of the Black Cat Spirit suggests you focus more on your personal power and how you use it. Black Cats know magic, and this Spirit Animal is more than happy to assist your studies in that realm.
Image [on left above] by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
Another reason for Black Catโs appearance may have to do with your sense of self. Do you feel shunned like the Black Cat, or left in the dark all the time?
Black Cat Spirit understands these emotions and comes to aid your healing process. You are worthy of love and dignity. Do not let any social stigmas take that away from you.
By https://thesecretofthetarot.com/bull-spirit-animal/:
What does a bull represent spiritually?
The bull takes a revered position amongst many cultures. … Do not be afraid to wear your bull symbol proudly.
You see, this symbol stands for such stellar qualities as security, abundance, determination, and peacefulness. Other bull symbols represent sustenance, stability, strength, and virility.
Image [on right above] by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
From https://www.auntyflo.com/dream-dictionary/bull :
Dreaming about a bull could mean that, you have set for yourself a certain goal which you believe you are going to accomplish.
This dream means that you have strong will power and you are confident that you are going to realize it. On the other hand, it could be an indication of power which you have felt before in the past.
By http://semiramis-speaks.com/the-origins-and-evolution-of-the-bull-cult-in-the-ancient-mediterranean/:
For the early Sumerians the bull symbolized divinity and power. Their chief gods Enlil and Enki [mentioned in YouTube video/link above] would be honored as the โGreat Bullโ in song and ritual, and bulls would occasionally be represented on stamp seals with the gods.
By https://www.worldbirds.org/ :
Bull astrology is linked to the agriculture calendar, signifying spring, a season of rebirth. Seen as a symbol of wealth and abundance […]
The entire Celtic world saw the bull as a representation of solar energy. The bull’s symbolic meaning is tied to fertility, wealth, status, ancestry, and kinship.
By http://www.pure-spirit.com/:
What does a spider web mean spiritually? [Personally, it often reminds of interconnected Life within this world and beyond]
Spider allows one to contact one’s deepest wisdom and nurtures a sense of connection and integration at all levels.
Her web symbolizes the tying together of loose ideas into a tidy package. The spider person has two speeds: motionless and lightning strike. The spider person can have a stinging bite when angered.
Image [on left above] by rottonara from Pixabay
The other dream I recorded in my dream journal doc, “Dream of Whales, Feeling Afraid, Seeing Joyful Swimmers & a Big Fish Getting Tooth Pulled Out,” and the following are some symbolic interpretations that I resonate with (along with two posts where I had recorded other dreams of whale).
By http://www.pure-spirit.com/:
When the majestic whale comes into your life, be ready for the great things that will surely follow.
The whale spirit animal is a symbol of growth and progress.
It encourages you to reach for the next social, emotional, and financial levels.โ
Image [on right above] by DarkmoonArt_de from Pixabay
The whale spirit guide tells you not to spend too much time dreaming. It calls your attention to the need to take action.
This spirit totem encourages you to take action for today. What you do today determines how your future will turn out.
By https://thesecretofthetarot.com/whale-spirit-animal/:
The whale spirit animal is a great communicator. It is able to link up with other whales over hundreds of miles in the ocean.
This tells you that you need to communicate clearly from the bottom of your heart.
By otteronarock.com:
In Native teachings, whales are metaphorically described as swimming libraries. It is believed that within the vast intellect of whale is held the Akashic records, …
By www.whalefacts.org:
The appearance of a whale in a dream can signify that everything is or will be o.k. and is often related to spiritual matters of the mind and heart. … Whales tend to appear during times of relevance when you are currently facing an issue in your life. At times whales may also represent power, leadership, and strength.
By http://www.dreambible.com:
To dream of a whale represents issues in your life that are so powerful or influential that everything else is insignificant. Enormous accomplishments that can’t be outdone.
Positively, a whale reflects a positive situation that is so powerful that all your worries or frustrations become null. Some area of your life where you are too big to lose.
Image [on left above] by Kristendawn from Pixabay
By www.ryanhart.org:
Fish are mentioned many times throughout the Bible and are very symbolic of good fortune. When you dream about fish they can represent abundance, wealth, fertility, and forgiveness. On the fifth day of creation, God filled the ocean with sea life, including whales and fish.
Image [on right above] by Peter Lomas from Pixabay
By checkmydream.com:
Pulling out teeth is considered a positive sign that the dreamer will be freed from some problem that was troubling him recently.
Other Recorded Dreams of Whales
Added on 3/13/2021 (New Moon ^_^)
Soon after sharing this post, I tuned into a golden opportunity that I felt excited about—a sure sign that it’s in alignment with your Soul/part of your Life Purpose—especially after meeting some wonderful souls whom I highly resonate with, and haven’t met anyone like them for a long time.
I used to believe that I needed to discover what my spiritual career is—due to reading many angel number messages encouraging me to do so—but I realized that, ultimately, there is no separation between the spiritual and material worlds; hence, I can simply Be, live and do no matter where I am (I AM).
They (to include Abraham-Hicks) say that we often experience CONTRAST in interconnected Life that helps us to learn what we DON’T prefer, in order to realize and tune into more of what we DO prefer.
And that sounds pretty light/true/right. So though I’ve worked multiple jobs within Sedona, I never lasted at any of them; because deep down, none of them felt truly exciting.
However, due to a very different and impressive CEO of local fashion stores, willing to take his chance on someone who has no experience as a Fashion Stylist—but has much to offer in skills, abilities, talents, character, values, etc.—I can start a new career that will be FUN and continually changing and evolving, where I can be a good balance of logical (part of masculine energies) and creative (part of feminine energies) in various ways.
Also, right before getting hired, I finished creating a 5 min, open-mic comedy set (as a hobby)—that I received ideas from while doing dishes in a meditative state—which I intend to perform in PUBlic (in Sedona, Flagstaff, and Phoenix area at Stir Crazy Comedy Club) in Divine perfect timing and order (definitely within this year, and I LOVE it!!).
Depending how I feel, I intend to create my own marketing YouTube video via my Mulantis channel (since it’s me, myself and I for now) to advertise my upcoming performance—though I’m not a well-known open-mic comedian—JUST IN CASE there are any souls out there who might be interested.ย
I wish you all many present moments of peace and happiness. Take great care <3<3<3. Until next time…
[I decided to turn this update into its own post titled, “Planting Cosmic Seeds for Spiritual & Material Career During Powerful New Moon” (click on title/link to open in another window).]
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