Despite our world’s current, “gloomy” circumstances of seemingly countless, closed doors—which can be perceived from different perspectives—I choose to fully trust in Life’s natural process, while keeping an aware eye out for opening doors that gift us with golden opportunities.
And this includes the letting go of humanity’s outdated habit of going overboard when it comes to…
GOING GOING GOING, DOING DOING DOING, and often neglecting the simple Being OF Multidimensional, whole self/Self.
Day by day, to the best of my ability, I’d like to just Be fully present, breathe, live, explore, experience, relax, enjoy, create, share, learn, grow, expand (consciousness), unconditionally love (self/interconnected Life), and be authentic—to include embracing all neutral emotions, and honoring true feelings, needs, wants, desires, preferences, etc., without drowning or becoming lost within them due to unhealthy attachments, etc.; and that’s more than enough for now.
I also choose to continue trusting that there’s an increasing number of souls (and other interconnected life forms) on, within, and around Mother Earth (to include Herself), who are going through RAPID CHANGES.
To individually and collectively experience major transformations on various energetic levels—physical, mental, emotional, material, financial, and/or spiritual— that’s meant to ultimately and highly benefit All of interconnected Life (All That Is) within this world and way beyond.
When we do our best to maintain an overall, consistent, high vibrational frequency/energy state (despite occasional drops)—with high vibrations of trust/faith. gratitude, appreciation, unconditional love (of self/Life, to include having healthy boundaries), inner-peace, freedom, creativity, humor, joy, prosperity consciousness, profound wisdom, expanding consciousness, etc.—-I trust that we can more comfortably, and even effortlessly, ride the ginormous, TSUNAMI WAVE of Life.
However, when we habitually (key word) contract our vibrational frequency due to low vibrating, dense, fear-based energies—such as worries, excessive negative judgments (towards others/self), resentment, jealousy, the blame-game, using others, lying, gaslighting, extreme anger, indirect passive-aggressiveness, misused aggressiveness, abuse (psychological—mental and emotional—physical, and/or sexual), scamming, rage, condemnation, etc.—-then we will more than likely experience much struggle, pain, and suffering from a combination of connected energy levels (physical, mental, emotional, financial and/or spiritual). –
I’ve often felt grateful for the experience of Divine synchronicity, that connects our inner world with our outer world.
I’ve been experiencing it on a daily basis since 2011 (that began with the 11:11 phenomenon); and there are many others who have started experiencing this Divine gift as well, during various time-frames.
And these series of synchronicity can include (but is not limited to): number synchronicity, dream messages, vision, insights, intuition/inner-wisdom, ideas, Mother Nature in various forms showing up (as animal spirit guides) etc..
Despite how many times we have such seemingly miraculous and magical experiences, these signs, symbols, patterns, and messages that show up can still seem like coincidences at times.
Doubts can set in during these phases of life, that can seem challenging, daunting, and even hopeless at times.
However, when I expand my perspective—further open mind and heart to integrated Mind/Heart—I’ reminded that I can definitely learn and grow from what I’m willing to:
- notice (truly SEE with clarity)
- recognize (whatever aspect also exists within self)
- acknowledge (what is undeniable when we’re honest with ourselves)
- embrace (unconditionally accepting and even hugging what IS)
- integrate (all neutral, shadow aspects into whole self)
- heal (wounded inner-child and wounded aspects from this and other earthly and/or E. T. lifetimes)
- and transform (to full-potential, multidimensional, whole self (physical selves)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within, aka integrated Mind/Heart, merged Yang/Yin, Sun/Moon, Light/Love, God/Goddess)
So I’m reminded that there are no coincidences, just Divine intervention from our core essence—highest power (Divine Power), unconditional love (Divine Love), and profound wisdom (Divine Wisdom) from within.
This recent, particular series of synchronicity helped bring together more earthly and otherworldly puzzle pieces.
On April 1, 2020, I received an email from a newsletter for the first time, that I don’t recall subscribing to, though I do recall very briefly checking out the website in the past.
It seemed to have arrived in Divine perfect timing and order, since I’ve been considering what a psychic named, Jennifer, had shared with me in August of 2019 (at Victor Oddo’s Sedona retreat).
As mentioned in one of the posts that was published after this past summer, Jennifer confidently told me that I’m a healer and teacher, who has overcome a lot of traumas, right after I picked three cards from her deck.
I deeply sensed her words to be true; and I later realized that she showed up as what’s known to be a Golden Shadow aspect—aka a positive shadow aspect, as opposed to the usual negative ones.
Though I’ve intuitively known that I was meant to be a wounded healer and spiritual teacher for years (before I met her), I wasn’t confident about it.
Therefore, Spirit gifted me Jennifer’s very strong presence.
Like a lion’s roar, after being liberated from a small cage, she mirrored to me what that unshakable and powerful CONFIDENCE looks like when it comes to OWNING who one truly is.
Side Note: This post shares dream state and personal experiences with earthly and otherworldly lions, to include being in front of a lion while it was roaring intensely => “The Dream of a Talking Lion & Interconnected Stories“
At one point, Jennifer suggested that I look into taking certain spiritual courses while in Sedona, to include becoming certified in energy work and psychic abilities.
I intuitively knew I would one day, not just because a psychic said so, but because it felt light/right.
And sure enough, as recorded in the recent, Sedona post series, I had my very first Reiki experience that was absolutely amazing for several reasons (that I already shared).
And on 4/1/20, soon after checking out the email (mentioned above), I decided to invest in whole self, and take an extended, online course that would activate and/or enhance my intuitive and psychic abilities.
And what better time than now, when the entire world has been forced to SLOW DOWN and go inward to better know self.
The creator of this online course suggested journaling on a daily basis, and I’m so grateful for this gift.
I noticed that as I record my thoughts, feelings, old and outdated fear-based beliefs (to be replaced with new and beneficial ones), behaviors, habits, judgments (toward self/others), insights, inner-wisdom, dream state messages, visions, flash images, passionate dreams, synchronicity, and ideas, I FEEL more liberated and empowered.
One of the beliefs that I identified and typed in my journal was that I didn’t believe that my psychic abilities were that powerful in this physical reality.
I felt that these unbelievable abilities were only powerful in dream state at times (i.e., dreams of flight, levitation, telekinesis, bi-location, animal telepathy, zooming into people’s eyes, etc., that I’ve already recorded within the blog a while back).
However, after typing away examples of psychic abilities that I have experienced in this physical reality at times, I realized that there were many examples, to include some of the following that I’ve already shared before (or are new):
- premonition: while driving down a highway, receiving a thought that my husband and I were going to hit a deer (which I shared with him). Later that evening, I had a strong, gut feeling that made me feel sick, so I decided to move to the back seat of the car. We hit a deer that night that totaled our car.
- psychometry: while opening a letter from a family friend who had cancer, I felt an intense energy within my hands that didn’t feel pleasant.
- acute hearing: on three different occasions, the most recent experience recorded in this year’s Sedona post series
- hearing various tones and beeps (to include musical ones) in left, right, or both ears
- Astral travel during mediation: often times, as soon as I relax within a minute or so, and close my eyes.
- Seeing very brief, flash images of otherworldly beings and various wormholes while relaxing and closing my eyes (even waking up a few times from having traveled through a blue wormhole)
- In the middle of yesterday morning, some sound woke me up, and I instantly started astral traveling; however, this time (for the first time), instead of seeing rays of white light passing by me within pitch black space, I saw bright green rays of light (like light emerald green). I wondered why, but then chose to trust that I’ll find out when I’m meant to know.
- intuitively knowing less than a second or so before an alarm goes off (happened recently twice)
- being able to smell chemicals within certain foods that I didn’t notice before
- seeing transparent movement of energy on the bathroom floor while sitting on the toilet
- seeing sparkles of white light in my left peripheral vision (restarted recently)
- mind reading: happened only twice that I recall
- with my husband back in 2006: It was on our honeymoon in Aruba. where I heard his voice in my head say in a crystal clear way, “She has it all going on,” about an attractive woman who walked by; of course, he denied this while appearing guilty, but I confidently knew what I heard (though I let it slide).
- When I recently told him that I was taking an online course to activate and/or enhance my intuitive and psychic abilities, he didn’t seem too happy about it, and understandably so, if he had something to hide; but it didn’t matter since I’m excited about this new experience, and nothing will get in my way.
- while having a phone conversation with my oldest half-sister from my biol father’s first marriage around 2013—whom I started getting to know as an adult at the time—I heard her voice clearly say, “Poor Bobbie.” When I asked her why she said that, she told me that she didn’t, though she sounded a bit uncomfortable.
- with my husband back in 2006: It was on our honeymoon in Aruba. where I heard his voice in my head say in a crystal clear way, “She has it all going on,” about an attractive woman who walked by; of course, he denied this while appearing guilty, but I confidently knew what I heard (though I let it slide).
- strongly sensing BULL$h!+ when it shows up, better than ever
- other examples within this blog
By the way, Jennifer was the first psychic I had ever experienced in person.
At one point, when I told her that I was wondering if one of my passions was part of my path, she immediately and confidently told me that it was, since it involved the spreading of wisdom and humor.
I did open-mic comedy as a hobby for a while in several, different, places within two states (Texas and Arizona), hoping to one day make a spiritual career as multidimensional comedian who integrates humor with personal experiences and profound wisdom.
Jennifer suggested that once I’ve developed more spiritual skills in Sedona, she sees me moving to Las Vegas in a couple of years, since there are more opportunities there than other locations to perform open mic comedy.
Though I somewhat liked where she was going with the great idea, I never had an interest in residing in Las Vegas for any length of time, though I don’t mind visiting again (did once).
Granted, during a conversation with Victor Oddo’s wife, Pattie—while at their Sedona retreat—she shared that she didn’t like the thought of living in Las Vegas either; but once it happened, she started loving it (and Victor shared several times in his YouTube videos, that he did as well).
I trust that there are many possibilities and probabilities; hence, a psychic can SEE whatever probability that matches whatever state (vibrational frequency) one is in at the time.
Side Note: I learned the above paragraph from one of Teal’s You Tube videos that I often highly respect, admire, and/or enjoy, though I don’t resonate with everything that she expresses or teaches.
As mentioned in this year’s Sedona post series, I was offered a free, land session at Angel Valley, Sedona, with a Master Practitioner (who is also an Angel Guide).
I didn’t mention this part within that particular post, but when we talked about my passion to do open-mic comedy during her session (because she asked), she, too, shared an expanded perspective (the way Psychic Jennifer did).
The Master Practitioner said, that when we follow our creative passions—that’s inspired by Spirit from within—we can share our knowledge/wisdom/abilities/skills/talents/gifts and its related high frequencies with whoever’s present.
I love that she shared this precious information/Light with me.
In return, I gifted her a card, that included my gratitude message; it was created by Teal, who was inspired by Arcturian frequencies (and the Practitioner resonated with starseeds).
I also gave her a postcard that I had created using various art mediums/media (on right), and two tiny, peridot crystals for Prosperity Consciousness.
I thought it was unfortunate that I haven’t felt passionate about doing open-mic comedy for a while, as though I had given up on one of my fiery passions.
I was considering performing at the usual place in Sedona on 2/22 of this year—due to this recurring number sequence often reminding me of Beloved Self within—but I didn’t feel like it, so I stayed home.
However, I just received an insight while sitting on the toilet—that I’m meant to focus on open-mic comedy at a later time.
This makes perfect sense since gatherings throughout the world aren’t allowed these days anyway (for obvious reasons).
Like the psychic, Jennifer, had mentioned, it would benefit me to focus on expanding my spiritual knowledge and abilities first.
And now is that perfect time since 1) I’m not working anymore since my last job (shared in this year’s Sedona post series), and 2) we’re all on lockdown, which somewhat reminds me of the fun lock-in events they used to have at youth centers when I was in elementary school.
Prior to my first psychic experience—sometime between 2015 and 2016—I was offered a free, 30 minute, phone conversation with an angel psychic from San Antonio Wholistic Festival.
And he was spot on about half the things he shared, though he did seem like he was fishing for information the other times.
For instance, he said that he saw a flash image of an envelope from someone who lives vicariously through others.
To my delightful surprise, he nailed it, since I was exchanging letters (via mail) with an elderly family friend at the time (who had cancer); and he often wrote about what he had read (from books) about others’ experiences.
The psychic also mentioned that he felt my presence in a past life, where I was surrounded by huge, white pillars, and a pink and purple sky.
I told him that I didn’t know what he was referring to, though it would be wonderful I knew.
Granted, sometime later, after following my inner guidance, I came upon an image of his description online—that I shared within the blog somewhere—that was labeled Lemuria (which I also shared posts about).
This deeply ignited something within me, because I had various, vivid dreams of toning in locations like a cave and ancient Egypt (that I shared within this blog).
I also had a dream of being on a set of very wide, stone stairs that led up to what appeared to be a metal-like temple (dream recorded in a post about an elephant, which I later wondered was ancient Atlantis). I’ve also seen a flash image of the name Thoth on a white truck, and had dreams of God Thoth (also recorded).
I’ve shared these dreams—to include swimming with dolphins, seeing dolphins, orcas and a whales, wolves, etc.—in this blog, and many within this blog’s category sections, Earthly and Otherworldly Puzzle Pieces and AM I: I AM.
Speaking of keeping records in a journal, this morning I reflected on a vivid dream I had, and wrote about some insights.
I first made a list of everything that irritates me about my husband, and whatever I judge, not respect, not like, or can’t stand out him; it’s a LONG@$$ list.
We’ve been married for over 13 years, and we’ve known each other for 15, and I trust that NOW is perfect timing to continue shadow work with the one and only, face-to-face human relationship in my life that I interact with on a daily basis.
Once I completed the list—while having flared nostrils, tight lips, and smoke coming out of my ears—I was then reminded from within that whatever we judge about others, stems from judging the same aspects that exists within ourselves (to varying degrees).
And this world’s society has done an effective job, throughout human history, of conditioning us to believe that these aspects are: unacceptable, unrespectable, unlikable, and even unlovable.
So I went back to each bullet, recalled an example(s) of how I was this “unpleasant” aspect sometime throughout my life, and right next to each aspect that irritated me about my husband, I typed in a different color font, “I, too, can be _______ at times when I ________; and I embrace this aspect of whole self.”
This doesn’t mean that I condone the negative ways of my husband, myself, and the rest of humanity, but it does create an expanded awareness of what ways of the human being are NOT working, and what ways are highly beneficial for self/interconnected Life within this world and way beyond.
I learned a lot about embracing and integrating our neutral shadow aspects—both negative and positive (though often negative)—into whole self, in order to unconditionally love self/others, from Teal Swan and Vicki Howie.
But with all outer spiritual teachers, I’ve learned to only take in love-based teachings, and authentic ways of Being—that FEELS right/light/true to my inner being, while discarding the rest—since I’ve developed a habit to always follow my inner guidance first and foremost.
After further embracing and integrating “negative” shadow aspects in this morning’s journal, I noticed 9:11 on the kitchen oven clock.
This particular number sequence (911) often reminds me of a phase of endings and conclusions—the closing of old doors and the opening of new ones.
I read the reminder message again, from the website that I often use, ANGEL NUMBER ~ Joanne Sacred Scribes—a guidance tool, only taking with me whatever information FEELS light.
The quote on the bottom of the message also caught my attention, and instantly reminded me of the recent, previous post, “Will Online Chinese Companies Get Away with Price Gouging and Scamming During the COVID-19 Pandemic?”
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Socrates
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