I shared the following comment for the creator of image on right: Thank you Lars for sharing this gorgeous image that I was intuitively and instantly drawn to, because it reminded of Freedom, Grace, and the 8 Point Star, symbolic of Ancient Lemuria where the Divine Feminine Goddess essence/Unconditional True Love (for self/interconnected Life) was honored and generously shared with one another (Living Wisdom).
I also learned this morning, from the Spirit Animals website that “Seagull symbolism means that there is always opportunity in everything, including the most unlikely places,” which is a perfect theme for this phase of my life, since I’ve been discovering invaluable, radiant gems of profound wisdom in the seemingly “dark”/”negative” inner and outer spaces of my life. I used this for my post: [this one]
Image by Lars_Nissen from Pixabay [Origin. Lars means “god of lightning and thunder”. Lars is derived from the Roman name Laurentius, which means “from Laurentum” or “crowned with laurel“. Wikipedia / “A laurel wreath is used as a symbol of victory, success and achievement and dates back to Greek mythology” symbolsage.com.]
Hello Soul Family,
Welcome home amazing ones.
If you’re here, I trust that you’re ready to deeply heal from an old and outdated, childhood wound of abandonment, that’s been lingering, triggering, haunting, and negatively affecting various areas of your life throughout your adulthood as well; and you’re so tired of this vicious cycle, and nothing else has worked so far.
And if you don’t recall ever experiencing any form of abandonment to whatever degree, it’s probable that this deep wound is from another earthly and/or otherworldly lifetime(s), since our Soul is Multidimensional, having seemingly countless Life experiences in the so-called past, present, and future, simultaneously in the moment of NOW.
Ever since I had this recent series of related experiences—that I strongly trust was the final phase of healing my childhood abandonment wound (that repeated in adulthood)—I felt like a very heavy load has been lifted off my back.
And what further amazes me, is that I had a dream on 9/5/2021—that I already shared somewhere within this blog (though the post title escapes me)—of giving a bizarre form of birth to a baby girl, who then instantly grew to almost my size.
And as I was carrying her around on my back on a rainy night, I almost fell back a few times because she felt so heavy; however, I was determined not to fall back, because I love her/Her, and I didn’t want to harm her .
I recorded most of this dream (that I was able to recall) in a journal back in September; and to be transparently honest, certain details that I didn’t mention here could be perceived as “disturbing” to the limited, human perspective.
However, I simply chose to embrace it, since my Subconscious did its best to communicate to me (via dream state), using images and feelings—the language of the Subconscious—that could best represent the message.
Looking back, I trust that my inner-child had still been carrying within her the heavy burden of all my childhood and adulthood heart wounds that stemmed from the initial abandonment theme (a Divine gift/blessing in disguise).
But once I was able to courageously face these deep fears, acknowledge them, embrace them, as well as expand my perspective to SEE (with CLARITY) the bigger picture, I was able to deeply heal them, transmute (raise) any related, fear-based energies, and integrate them into WHOLE self/Self.
To make Life even lighter, I’ve been FEELING effortlessly happy as soon as I wake up—which hasn’t happened for a while, and I usually need to put some effort to get to this state—and even throughout the day, which tickles me, and I’m very grateful for this Divine gift.
I FEEL more liberated, empowered, inspired, and excited about Life, and I intend to savor this JOY ride journey while also unconditionally embracing whatever natural “feeling down” low-vibration moments as well.
I choose to often remind myself that these wide-range of multifaceted, colorful and invaluable experiences are all part of the beautiful rainbow spectrum of existence, and Life gifts us with either obvious blessings, or blessings in disguise.
The following is an excerpt from the previous, related post, “11:11, Embracing Dark Storms, Positive Transformations & Rapid Manifestations” that I’ll be using as an invitation for this post (if you’d like to dive deeper, the details are in the previous post right above; just click on the title to open the link in another window):
I realized that these Life experiences have been showing up in order to trigger me (i.e., remind me of a deep, emotional wound that’s been buried/repressed since I was an infant); and that is the wound of abandonment.
My biological father abruptly left my mother and I when I was 6 months old; I found out in my mid-thirties probable reasons why, after my husband found my bio dad while I was deployed in Iraq, so I surprise visited him and his 3rd wife during Veteran’s Day weekend.
In a nutshell, both him and my mother often butted heads like rams; they simply weren’t compatible. From an expanded perspective, I trust that they were meant to go separate paths for everyone’s highest benefit.
My mother and I never heard from him again, and I then experienced “abandonment” by my mother, who had to leave me with my Korean grandmother for three years while she visited every now and then, so that that she could work and live far away in order to support us (which I have no doubt wasn’t easy for her as well).
When I was in my late thirties, my mother revealed a story that she had never shared before. She did her best to incorporate some humor, but I could tell that she felt some discomfort.
She shared a memory of visiting me after a few months of being away, when I was around two years old.
As soon as I heard her, I rushed out and started bawling. While smiling, she said that I was crying so hard and shaking that no sound was coming out of my mouth at times.
At that moment, I felt so sad for my inner child, and somewhat resented my mother for thinking it was so funny; but I later realized that she—like others I’ve known,, and it just occurred to me that I can be like this too—was just masking her heartache (that she wasn’t able to fully heal) with humor.
I used to think that living with an apathetic grandmother—due to her hardship, various traumas, and many heart wounds—was unfortunate; but now I feel grateful that my grandmother was willing to raise me, alongside my two, sister-like, older cousins (because their mother/my aunt was making a living as well since their father had another family).
My American adoptive father also suddenly left with my three year old step-sister—his real daughter from his young mistress at the time (whom my mother raised since she was a newborn)—on Thanksgiving Day.
And for the first time ever, I was witness to my mother’s depression, where she mostly was in bed for about a week (completely unlike super motivated and diligent her).
He called three days later informing my mother that they weren’t coming back.
So it’s completely understandable why I the abandonment wound would be so deeply ingrained, and without a shadow of a doubt has made a huge impact on my life, and negatively effected [correction: affected] many areas of it.
I fully trust that they key is NOT to continue suppressing this deep, inner wound, that some spiritual teachings suggest.
Now I highly respect and admire a lot of Abraham Hicks’ teachings, but one thing I haven’t resonated with is Abraham’s teaching of basically not facing such “lower” vibrational emotions (aka negative emotions) that resurface, but basically burying, suppressing, denying, avoiding, minimizing, and ignoring them while thinking happy thoughts.
And I have no doubt this is the reason why so many Abraham Hicks’ fans continue to have issues years to decades later, though many seem to be very logically intelligent (just not emotionally).
What I’m about to share is probably TMI, but what the hell!
Right after typing the insight of healing the core wound of abandonment, I went #2 (a HUGE log that was…ok, that’s probably enough details); and I intuitively and instantly knew that this correlated with further dropping density from all energy bodies—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual—releasing (via relieving) old, heavy, lower energies from the past.ย ย
In addition to these wonderful transformations from within—and then manifested and mirrored by outer world—I also experienced something strange, yet, exciting […]
When I was about to share this post on Instagram, I noticed another one of Gregg Braden’s empowering posters—3rd one within a week—which I love; but since I wasn’t able to save the poster or copy the comment I shared with him, I just saved them as screenshots below (click on them to see a larger version); I also noticed angel # 777 that I often see, and reminds me of following our Divine inner guidance/heart/Intuition, Being living wisdom (WALKING the talk), as well as mysticism (unconditionally embracing All of Life as IS) and other uplifting interpretations:
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