Note: This is the last expression for the following post series:ย 1) โMessages from Lone Black Wolf and Pack of Coyotesโ 2) โThe Wealth of Profound Wisdom Withinโ 3) โI AM Mostly Dark, Negative Energyโ and 4) “Actual LIVING of Profound Spiritual Concepts is TRUE WISDOM“; but can be read on its own
Since the end of this past summer, I often experienced a reality that felt like desperate attempts to find safe land while swimming in a dark ocean of unpredictable waves and potentially harmful creatures.
There were days that felt completely hopeless, and then there were moments that provided the gifts of encouragement, upliftment, empowerment, and inspiration (especially Divine synchronicity: to include number synchronicity, earthly and otherworldly dream messages, the appearance of animal spirit guides, etc.).
Day by day, as I did my best to Be authentic, to do my best, and to simply share much unconditional love with self and interconnected Life, I began to notice various forms of miracles appearing in my gradually improving reality.
Despite the so-called flaws of self and “others”, I’ve recently started feeling this deep love for an increasing number of interconnected Life (people, other beings, animals, plants, crystals, objects, spirit world, etc.), much more than usual, which I have no doubt is ultimate True Love (Cosmic Unconditional Love).
Strangely, I’m even falling in love with those who haven’t treated me in the kindest of ways (i.e., certain: coworkers, former relationships, acquaintances, etc.), while maintaining healthy boundaries (which is part of self-respect/self-love).
And I trust this stems from deep understanding, empathy, compassion, unconditional forgiveness , and unconditional acceptance/embrace of what is (for self/others).
Since the topic came up, I shared with two coworkers who seemed to be receptive to the information (Light/opposite of dark/ignorance), that when we give love to others in various ways—-our full presence, sincere attention, acknowledgment, encouragement, genuine compliment (vs insincere flattery), food, desserts, gifts, etc.—it’s unconditional when we don’t expect anything in return, though we can feel deeply grateful when it is reciprocated.
Because when we only say and do “nice” things for others because we expect them to: be kind in return, be loyal, not treat us with disrespect, not gossip about us, not be passive-aggressive, etc., then our love is conditional rather than unconditional.
When I expand my perspective, I clearly see that those who said unkind things to me, were simply triggering me (from a soul level) so that I can realize the mirroring of my own lack of kindness to self (especially judgment), due to the conditioning since childhood that I’m unworthy, unlovable,ย and imperfect (according to this world’s views).
However, being able to recognize these outdated false beliefs, has helped me to replace them with empowering and beneficial beliefs.
For example, recently, one of our spiritual company’s Angel Guides very briefly introduced me (a Retreat Coordinator) to her client, which is part of the usual process.
But this time, what she said and how she said it, was completely different from the norm (which is uplifting).
The Angel Guides usually mention that the Retreat Coordinators are the ones who make the magic happen (since there’s a lot of multitasking that takes place to bring about a custom-designed retreat, to include great customer service that builds rapport).
This particular Angel Guide said in a dismissive tone, and with a bored facial expression, “This is Barbara, she just makes calls.”
From a limited, narrow-minded, human perspective, I initially felt less than, and wondered why she would say something like that, which made it obvious that she didn’t appreciate Retreat Coordinators (or just me).
If it wasn’t for the Retreat Coordinators, who actually put forth a lot of integrated mind/heart to desiring to help customers, Angel Guides wouldn’t have appointments, unless they did the work themselves (especially with a lot of skeptical people out there in our world, with strong personalities, who challenge you with all kinds of questions and comments, to include religion vs the broader spirituality).
However, I’m grateful that I was able to tune into the unlimited, broader, multidimensional perspective soon.
I had a flashback of when I said to customers recently (over the phone)—not once, but at least twice—“I’m just a Retreat Coordinator,” when they mistakened me for the owner, Angel Guide, or one of the Master Healers (Master Practitioners).
So I can’t get all butthurt about someone else saying that I’m JUST this or that, if I say this to myself.
So what a great reminder to be cognizant of what I say about myself (within inner and outer world), and what a perfect trigger that birthed an invaluable gift (profound wisdom)!
In addition, at one of the Christmas parties that one of the Angel Guides/Master Practitioners (he’s both) threw for everyone at the company (and we have almost 60 Master Practitioners), I had the opportunity to experience the contrast of what I had experienced in the story above.
When one of the female Master Practitioners asked me what I do, I replied that I just make calls (this was before the realization mentioned above).
And she said, in such a gentle, loving manner, and with soul-touching eye contact, “So you connect with others and help them to….” I forgot the rest of what she had said, because I was entranced by her amazingย I AM Presence—I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence.
I was also reminded that night that contrast/duality/polarity truly helps us to deeply appreciate its opposite.ย
Speaking of the gift of contrast, this past Christmas Day, I received various forms of abundance, to include two, extra special gifts.
To my great surprise, my adult daughter was willing to communicate with me, which hasn’t happened for a while. Though it was very brief, it was worth every second because I felt this loving warmth spread throughout my entire being.
And during a drive from Phoenix to Sedona, my semi-feral, stray, black, cat turned pet (named Shadow) of a little over two years, laid down on my lap for the very first time, while gently resting her angelic face on my wrist.ย
She’s never been a lap cat to my husband and I, though she can be very loving and lovable in other ways.
While my husband works from his laptop in the mornings, she often lays inbetween him and the keyboard while resting her face on his forearm (and sometimes grooming him with her sandpaper-like tongue); and he’ll say things like, “Thank you baby girl, but I’m good now.”
My other male cat, Leo, has been a super lovey dovey lap cat since he was a kitten, and he acts more like a puppy than a cat—often showing his belly to be rubbed, and walking around with a toy in his mouth.
I felt so grateful for these, and other uplifting gifts from the Universe within, and cherished the precious moments while remembering not to be attached in a non-beneficial way, with expectations of what should be in the future.
As I shared with a few of my coworkers recently, giving self and another freedom is also Unconditional Love.
In addition, I felt so excited to give to others various, small gifts that I selected for them, after remembering their sharing of what they like or love.
And it made me so happy to see some of their joyful expressions upon receiving the gifts.
I trust that my ability to generously give to interconnected others stems from filling (and overflowing) my own cup of being generous to self—pampering and treating self more and more when it comes to my needs, wants, and desires to experience my preferences, favorites and the new stuff of life (to include things I’ve yearned for during childhood).
I’ve even noticed that the themes of my conversations with others is also expanding our minds and hearts, which is wonderful as well.
I’m tuning into more opportunities to: embrace and integrate various aspects of self/others into whole self, connect with others in profound ways, receive more and more uplifting abundance, and experience more unconditional love for self/others; and I trust that I’m continuing to learn what it means to truly Be happy.ย
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