I shared non-consecutive parts of the following message for the video, “GOS [Gigs on Ships] Launch Video 2” :
I think it would’ve been better to watch (this) Video 2 before leaving an overly excited, unconventional, and LONG comment for your Video 1.
You both talked about making a good first impression, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I did NOT๐ , though I simply felt excited to share as usual.
I wonder if I scared you off with thoughts like, “This woman’s CRAzy!!!” since you seem like very proper, and only right and good type of Christian folks (though you may throw dishes at home due to habitually suppressed anger, and other society frowned-upon “negative” emotions ๐; just playing).
I also wonder if you guys are MIA from one of the cruises, or you just lost interest in this creative hobby, since it appears you discontinued creating YouTube videos for a year or so.
If it’s due to a lack of views, subscribers, and comments, I wouldn’t allow those reasons to negatively affect you, demotivate you, or even extinguish your Heart’s passionate FIRE.
I’ve been creating and sharing an unconventional blog for over a decade that seems practically invisible within this world, and I rarely receive positive comments; however COMMA I’ve simply chosen to continue following my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/inner-wisdom/insights/ideas/and other love-based energies, to the best of my ability, and just share whatever I intuitively and strongly FEEL like (since our true feelings are the Language of the Soul).
Plus, the seemingly small number of comments I did receive deeply thanked me for helping them. So though our logical mind is about QUANTITY, our Heart is about QUALITY.
For instance, there are people in this world who created YouTube videos of just eating A LOT of food (called mukbang)—often unhealthy and NOT exactly being a positive influence on humanity and beyond (since emotional eating is one of the HUGE, human additions)—but yet, they have up to 5 million subscribers or more and 10 million plus views (just one example).
So that helps to put things into perspective.
Another example is that Jesus had 12 followers, but Hitler had millions. Granted, that’s NOT to say that those who have many followers are necessarily wrong, bad, or even evil; but MORE isn’t necessarily better.
Anyhoo, I will answer your questions that you suggested to leave a comment.
What is the biggest asset that I can bring to a cruise audience?
My Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (physical self)/SELF (Divine Self within: Spirit/Higher Heart/Goddess & Soul/Higher Mind/God). I fully trust that it’s not just about another open-mic comedy act, but an invaluable, soul-igniting, heartfelt, and memorable, Mega Combo Package EXPERIENCE.
For a while now, I’ve imagined, visualized, and FELT performing, not only open-mic comedy, but also a consolidation of other talents, skills, and abilities.
Example 1 (always part of open-mic comedy): Being able to uplift others with the Divine, high vibrational frequency gift of JOYful HUMOR .
I’ve noticed a pattern from childhood through adulthood that I very much enjOY making others smile and laugh, regardless of what type of relationships (immediate and extended family members, friends, classmates, neighbors, coworkers, peers, employers, customers, strangers, acquaintances, etc.)
Example 2: Effortlessly building rapport and interacting with strangers—a forte throughout 3 decades of adulthood, where many have immediately or quickly shared their personal stories, life challenges, deepest secrets, dreams, etc., and have even wept, cry, or hysterically bawled, which I’ve grown to intuitively know as deep healing via my very powerful, unconditionally loving, and profoundly wise, I AM Presence from within, I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence.
Example 3: Teaching profound wisdom gained from a wide-range of colorful life experiences, something I’ve naturally done since early adulthood, within the Army—in various leadership positions, to include as a Squad Leader, Platoon Sergeant, Instructor, and Operations Manager—and as a remembering and further growing Mystic doing very deep inner and outer spiritual work (after I left the Army life in 2011)
Example 4: Dancing has been my greatest and most effortless talent since childhood (that I LOVE doing), to the point where I’ve experience large crowds of people at big clubs create a circle around me while cheering. I also love to help others feel comfortable dancing in their own unique, confident, and FUN way.
Areas I intend on improving on:
Not giving up a Heart-inspired and led BIG Dream(s)
Developing a solid, unshakable CONVICTION that I can SUCCEED at whatever I put my integrated Heart/Mind towards accomplishing (since I’ve done it in other areas of my life before)
Fully trusting in the creative process that’s exciting and FUN
Practicing transparent honesty with self, being gracefully gentle with self, learning from so-called “mistakes” and “failures”—ultimately every stepping stone of Soul Success—and improving on key areas
NOT allowing negative experiences from the outer world (to include a mostly non-supportive audience) to deter me from one of my life paths of what I truly enJOY
Practicing non-attachment to even positive Life experiences (i.e., not getting overly excited about anything to the point of not Being Discerning, and/or then becoming disappointed or discouraged if something “negative” happens; and remembering that the ups and downs are simply the ebb and flow of NEUTRAL Life)
Creating balanced and harmonious open-mic comedy sets that bridge physical and spiritual worlds (ultimately ONE and the SAME) that incorporates [DELETED BULLETS # 1 – 9 SINCE DETAILS MADE COMMENT TOO LONG]:
1) much beneficial, uplifting and FUN humor (but not needing to make people feel bad about their flaws and other earthly backgrounds, fear-based labels, false and fear beliefs, etc.)
2) A plethora of Life experiences that many within humanity can relate to and learn from and THRIVE (from love), rather than merely survive (from fear)
3) Expanded Perspectives (to SEE with CLARITY the BIGGER picture of interconnected Life within this world and beyond)
4) Profound Wisdom (in simple and understandable ways)
5) Unconditional/True Love (for the self/others/Life/Universe), to include developing and maintain healthy boundaries
6) Deep healing on any combination of energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual, and even financial, learning to Be Prosperity Consciousness (Abundance/Riches/Wealth within FIRST AND FOREMOST) rather than poverty consciousness (poor people’s mentality)
7) How to Be:
– Victory Mentality rather than victim mentality
– Empowered rather than disempowered
– Love rather than fear
– Free rather than a prisoner within one’s closed or narrow mind, and closed or wounded heart
8) Creating a pretty tight, timed set (of 45 minutes for cruise ships) and plenty of multi-faceted material
9) Being able to spontaneously PLAY with the audience at certain moments within the set, without allowing those brief times to interfere with the set
Last but not least…enJOYing the JOURNEY, even if the human crickets check out, and my only fans are from within and/or otherworldly (i.e., Angels/Archangels/Higher Beings of the Spiritual Realm, to include Ascended Masters/Animal Spirit Guides/Elemental Realm/Mother Earth/Father Sun/Galactic & Universal Soul Families/Universe/Multiverse/Omniverse/Divine Mother Goddess/Holy Spirit/Great Spirit/Prime Creator/Creator of ALL Creation: Crop Circle 6666/One of Many Names: Ultimately The Nameless/The Cosmic Heart & Womb/Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities/Alpha & Omega/etc.).
My perfect audience demographic is any group of Souls who happens to SHOW UP in Divine perfect timing and order, since I’m developing the trust (that will turn into a CONVICTION) that regardless of how they may appear and seem on the outer surface, deep down, we are all energetically and spiritually interconnected Souls of the ONE.
And they are all MIRRORING to me many ultimately NEUTRAL aspects of the WHOLE that I can continue to embrace and integrate into WHOLE self/Self, like TRILLIONS of cells within a physical body.
I have learned from a female comedian’s book to be open to performing in front of many different types of people, rather than trying to remain within a certain niche (comfort zone/safe bubble), since that builds the confidence to be comfortable around various [earthly] backgrounds, to include cultures from around the world.
Like many other comedians, I’ve also learned from my personal experiences so far, that just because one set doesn’t seem to work with a certain group of audience members, doesn’t mean it can’t work for others.
For example, for my recent, new set, I had mostly silence with one audience, but, yet, in another state, I had enthusiastic and loud cheers, and even JOYful and passionate screaming (totally unexpected, but definitely a delightful surprise). So you never know unless you EXPERIENCE.
I would like to further experience clean comedy—since it has the potential to reach and UPLIFT a much larger audience, to include older kids and even younger children.
Plus, I’ve made my own children smile and laugh (when they were younger; now they’re adults), as well as many children smile and laugh while working at a preschool and daycare center, which made me very happy,
I understand that clean comedy is known to be much more challenging, but it’s worth the efforts. Granted, I would also like to be able to freely and fully express for adult comedy as well, since I don’t like to be placed in any earthly boxes.
For years, I haven’t resonated with comedy bits (or even sets) that goes overboard when it comes to talking about certain adult themes, though everyone has their own unique creativity, and have the right to express freely as well.
These topics include, but are not limited to:
being too raunchy (it gets old quick; plus I’ve learned that sex is meant to be a mindful, sacred act that includes Unconditional Love for the self/others), joking about back to back to back abortions (though it’s understandable with certain situations that absolutely call for it), [DELETED OTHER EXAMPLES, THOUGH I WILL INCLUDE THEM IN A POST],
serious judgments towards self/others, excessive self-criticism, poverty consciousness talk, victim mentality talk, fear-instilling talk, spreading of lies, adding fuel to the fire of racism, minimizing important topics (like self-care), gaslighting, making light of child sex offenders (practically encouraging them), joking about sex trafficking (not contributing to being a solution to the problem), making light of buying guns (though there have been many school shootings), excessive talk about shallow topics, etc.
Years ago, though I enjoyed comedy specials via TV or live events, I wished there were more comedians (especially females) who didn’t go overboard with certain themes mentioned above (though most of the extreme ones were by males).
But then I was reminded from within to Be The Change, rather than sit around and wait for others to hopefully come around and change.
That’s when I started open-mic comedy as a hobby (though I initially started with open-mic poetry, since that was much easier ).
that it doesn’t matter whether anyone else reads this or not, or even judges it as an abnormal, LONG comment—or NOT wise because it’s NOT what’s typically expressed among mainstream—because I typed this out to highly benefit WHOLE self/Self FIRST AND FOREMOST.
I used to think thoughts like, “If it benefits others as well, then that’s great, but if it doesn’t, that’s okay too”; however COMMA from an expanded, Multidimensional perspective, I now trust that…
what benefits one aspect of Life (to include a Soul, individual consciousness) benefits ALL (to include all Souls, the Collective Consciousness), since even the most valid and precise science (Quantum Physics, to include Entanglement) has proven that EVERYTHING is energetically connected, and what happens to one particle, AUTOMATICALLY and INSTANTLY affects an energetically connected particle REGARDLESS of the distance (even from across the Universe) due to time and space (that creates distance) that are not factors that matter in the quantum/spiritual/metaphysical world, though they do from a linear, physical world.
And from an even greater perspective, by reaching this state of higher Consciousness, I trust that I have already succeeded within INNER world—to include Being Prosperity/Riches/Wealth within, deeply appreciating WHOLE self/Self’s multidimensional and invaluable existence and gifts.
So it’s just a matter of time for the OUTER world to catch up with metaphysical (beyond physical) world, and its physical manifestations in Divine perfect timing and order (even if it’s not this particular Earth reality and/or lifetime).
Related Post for GOS Video 1
“Breadcrumbs of JOY That Lead to Exciting Opportunities for Soulโs Life Path“
Next Video Message
I shared the following comment for “GOS Video 3“:
Y’all cracked me up at the end of this video. Bobbie, you mentioned in another video that you needed to improve on incorporating other talent into your show (such as comedy), but you might be underrating your ability to be witty; you both bounced well off of one another, which was natural and funny.
You implied twice that you both look older now, but from my point of view, you guys actually looked more attractive when you made this video, than your younger years, plus you both looked healthier (your faces were glowing, so whatever moisturizer you’re using, keep at it!).
ANYhoo, once again, thank you so much for the helpful info for all three videos so far, to include within this one—the great point of “jack of all traits and master of none” and the “duck” saying for marketing. I also appreciate the tour of your room as well, which looks very nice.
You mentioned in your website that the competition to perform on cruise ships is basically fierce, and it made me further realize that it must be pretty much the same as, on land, one of the things that I don’t really resonate with due to the low vibes.
I’ve been working on letting go of various aspects of unnecessary fear–especially the non-beneficial energies of unhealthy version of competition and desperation—so I’m not interested in applying for positions in such anxious ways.
Plus, as much as I’d love to experience performing open-mic comedy on a cruise ship (something NEW)—while also enJOYing the vacation time in-between—it’s no hurry, because I choose to continue trusting in Divine perfect timing and order (for our highest benefit).
I’ve learned that our logical minds can often get in the way of tuning into amazing opportunities—with concerns, worries, overthinking, overcalculating, NOT thinking outside the box, only seeing from point A to point B (linear perspective), etc.—so I will continue to trust in Being and doing my best (taking needed actions), but also allowing the supportive Universe to reveal to me the smooth sailing, seemingly effortless path of many opportunities (when we connect our minds with our Hearts/Spirit/The Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities, as integrated Heart/Mind).
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