December 13-14, 2015
Yesterday, on 12/12/15, my husband and I listened to Kari Samuels’ “The Soul of Wealth: Clear Your Money Karma” audio class (part I and II) that I had ordered a little over a month ago, and shared in the post, “I AM Abundant, Prosperous and Wealthy Old Soul.”
The reminders within the audio class are very helpful in identifying some old and outdated subconscious beliefs that our conscious mind may not be aware of; and once we’re aware of that which was unknown before, I trust that we can release the old, and make highly effective, beneficial change in our lives, since our beliefs are very powerful.
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Though I’ve already listened to the audio class once before, I chose to listen to, and participate in, it again since it was my husband’s first time; plus, the power of sound from two or more is greater than one.
It was a pleasant surprise that he actually resonated with the messages and the moments experienced, since he’s usually not that into such matters.
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Before doing the exercises with the presence of our guides within, I set up our area with Gonesh incense—that “inspires, relaxes and promotes grounding with its ancient exotic perfume from the wood category”—and all of our crystals.
We had charged our crystals with the energies of Max, the crystal skull, while visiting and spending 30 minutes of quality time with him on 12/11/15 (Friday).
That was the first experience I had of any of the crystal skulls, so I was very grateful to have such an opportunity.
I became more intrigued with the whole crystal skull existence ever since I had a dream about a skull (referred to as a decoder) that I shared in the post, “Destiny
from Earthly and Cosmic Perspectives” under the sub-title, “Dream of Being Pleiadian Twin Flame and Human Skull.”
I chose to trust in the authenticity of Max—as well as the gifts that he shares with humanity and beyond—not only because general society has proved that he’s real, but because of what I chose to experience through him, a soul reminder/triggering of much more Light already within my DNA; hence, he’s real to me.
I asked Max—whom I trust is another extension of my highest self within— if he could assist me with what most highly benefits my accelerated, individual and collective soul growth and evolution with
whatever Light/knowledge/information/data/wisdom that’s stored within him/me—outer world mirroring inner world—from our ancient, otherworldly ancestors.
Both my husband and I took turns gently touching, exploring (like a free-spirited child) and meditating with Max—just sensing its energies to the best of our abilities—and at one point, even focused on being fully present with the energies of Max together.
I also placed my forehead against Max’s forehead, and silently made an
intention to share with him loving energies from my heart, which was the best gift that I could offer him in return.
Both yesterday morning and this morning, upon waking up, I felt intense, inner body vibrations—which has been occurring more often than before.
I also heard louder than usual tones that seemed to be more rapid in frequency—to include ones that were melodic, which I trust to be empowering music of the spheres/frequencies of creation that soothes my soul.
Other ascension symptoms included fatigue and feeling cold during certain moments, to the point where I chose to use an electric blanket to give me warmth. I’ve learned that these (and others) are signs of dropping more density, and raising one’s vibrational frequency.
I wondered if these seemingly enhanced experiences had to do with my brief moment with Max; and then I reminded self that what matters most is what I choose to believe, and how I choose to define all of my multi-faceted, life experiences.
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Since we had a long road trip this past Friday, my husband and I just relaxed and enjoyed our Saturday at home with good food, good entertainment, and last but not least...good lovey dovey company, even sharing popcorn with our dog Kami after dinner, which he enjoys as well.
Yesterday evening, after noticing a blinking message that was left on the home phone’s answer machine, I ended up deleting it because it was a “hang up” message.
Note: Image on left above found next to link => (thank you)
However, while getting ready to delete the records of the incoming messages (usually telemarketers or wrong numbers), I noticed that one of them included the three number sequences that I often see—9:11 (time of incoming call), 12/12 (date), and 111 (digits within very long distance phone number), all of which reminded me of the following that represents what exists in all of us—Monad/I AM Presence/Christ within/Twin Flame within——but I had never seen all together:
- 9:11, 911, or 9/11—I trust that 9/11 is Jesus’s actual birthday, and not the commercialized December 25th. I saw an astrology and astronomy video a while back that I highly resonate with—and I more than likely included the video in the category of my blog, “Videos That Resonate with Me”—and this was during the time when I was seeking for a remembrance of this sacred number code. I’ve been seeing
9:11 most frequently throughout the years, and it also reminds me of
endings and conclusions—according to one interpretation from the website, ANGEL NUMBERS – Joanne Sacred Scribes, that I often use as a guidance tool (only taking in what highly resonates with me). This sacred number code also reminds me of lessons learned from a phase
of life. - 12:12, 1212, or 12/12—Christ Consciousness/MerKaBa/Spiraling Consciousness/Star of David Frequency, and a sacred number code that I often see. I also saw this
number yesterday afternoon when I noticed that it was December 12th. - 1:11 or 111—Moon (Divine Feminine/Yin) + Sun (Divine Masculine/Yang), Balance and Harmony, and the main numerology number of my name Barbara, that I often see, and that also reminds me of Hathor (what appears to be 111 is on one of her main temples in Egypt). I also saw 1:11 yesterday afternoon on the oven clock.
Images above found next to links (thank you)=> (Monad/I AM Presence/Christ-Within/Twin Flame Within/12:12/Spiraling Frequency), (golden spiral), (MerKaBa/Integrated Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine), and (“As above [V]…so below”/Divine Feminine merged with Divine Masculine)
In addition, the LOA (Law of Attraction) oracle card that I had chosen yesterday (through sensing with my hand) is titled, “Instincts” that includes an image, and on the other side of the card, the message reads, “I act on my instincts and notice the signs and symbols in my life.”
After completing the written portion of this post, as usual (but not always), I searched for images that I felt would best enhance my verbal expressions.
Note: Image on right found next to link => (thank you)
For the last paragraph above, regarding the LOA oracle card, I typed into Google search, “Divine oracle,” and was drawn to the image on left above, and was then further attracted to the name of the website link next to it,
I clicked on the link and checked out the reading, “January Archetypal Activations of the Divine Feminine: Divine Fool Child by 13 Moon Oracle Priestess Sarah Uma,” and I was grateful for this uplifting, heavenly message of great news.
Note: Image on right found next to link => (thank you)
Though the reading is dated January, 1, 2013, and can be perceived as “outdated,” it doesn’t matter to me since I trust that everything within the past, present, and future simultaneously exists in the present Moment of Now—the realm of the Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within—where space and time are not limitations.
I came upon this information/Light—like everything else in Life—in Divine perfect timing and order for the highest benefit of my accelerated, individual and collective soul growth and evolution.
Note: Image on left found next to link => (thank you)
The following beautiful images, are to me, some examples of what perfectly expresses “Deeply Appreciating and Enjoying the Present Moment of Now,” and they were found next to the links right below them—thank you all—along with a title or description that I gave them (in magenta font) =>
1) “As Beautiful As A Flower Scent” painting by Darlene Keeffe (Inhaling Scent of the Heavens), 2) (Savoring Sweet Strawberry), 3) (Feeling Cool Breeze),
4) (Seeing with Clarity Through Rainbow Lens), 5) (Seeing “As Above…So Below”), 6) (All Seeing Cosmic Eye/Let Us Be Neutral Observer)
7) (Enjoying Healing Tones/Music of the Spheres/Frequencies of Creation), 8) (Music of the Spheres), 9) (Sounds of Creation)
10) (Petal Soft Touch), 11) (The Importance of Gentle Touch with Humans, Especially Babies), 12) (The Power of Deep Breathing)
13) (Let Us Honor Our Feelings/Language of the Soul and Sense the Love Frequency Within and All Around), 14) (Let Us Embrace Inner Body Vibrations and Changes), 15) (Let Us Unconditionally Accept/Love ALL Aspects of Self)
16) (Let Us Receive The Light and Love), 17) (Let Us Embrace Inner Child), 18) (Let Us Embrace Shadow Self and So-Called Others/All That Is)
19) (Let Us Dive Deep into Moon and Water Healing Energies), 20) (Let Us Remember Dolphin Spirit Guide Within and Angelic Love Energies), 21) (Let Us Transform Our Fearful Beliefs into Heavenly Ones)
22) (Let Us Express Much Gratitude), 23) (Let Us Go with the Flow of Life), 24) (Let Us Be Inner Peace within the Storm)
25) (Let Us Be Joy! ^_^), 26) (Let Us Be Transformation), 27) (Let Us Raise our Vibration with Mother Nature)
28) (Let Us Be Pure Compassion to Self and “Others”), 29) (Let Us Heal Self which Heals World) 30) (Let Us Be Free Spirit)
31) (Let Us Be Divine Wisdom, Trusting that All Interconnected Existence—of both Dark and Light/Fear and Love—is Divine Perfect Creation, has a Divine Purpose, and Is Exactly Where It Needs to Be at Every Moment of Now, Most Highly Benefiting the Greater Whole), 32) (Let Us Be Creative Genius)
33) (Let Us Be True Self/Beloved I AM Presence/Christ Within/Twin Flame Within/Monad Within/Prime Creator/Infinite Creator/All That Is/Source)
A great reminder video to just Be who we truly are at every moment (“I AM That I AM”) => Bashar – You Are, You Are, You Are
Bobbie says
Hello Pierre,
Thank you for your interest in using a picture within my blog. If the picture is from another source (as mentioned in the “Note:” sections), then you will need to contact whoever is associated with the link.
However, if the picture is one of mine, I just have some questions like:
– Who are you?
– What picture in particular are you referring to?
– What is this book about (though I’m somewhat familar with the theme of “music of the spheres”)?
– What exactly is my picture representing within this book?
You can reply to my blog email address
Have a great day! 🙂
Pierre Squara says
I would like to use one of your picture, for illustration in and edited book
(music of spheres)
Is it possible